day 12 and struggling: Hi all This is my 12th... - No Smoking Day

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day 12 and struggling

nsd_user663_53830 profile image
12 Replies

Hi all

This is my 12th day of being smoke free in 30 years. Ive been on Champix now for 20 days and its been ok. Had to cut back down to 1 tablet a day as I was too spaced out on 2. Now today Im really really struggling. I cant think of anything else than ciggies. My husband has quit with me and he seems to be doing better. We have been encouraging eachother, but even thats not helping today. I think the problem is that as silly as it sounds, I really miss having a cigarette!! Im fed up with chewing gum, I cant stop snacking, which is making me put on weight. I thought maybe if I came on here and let off some steam it might help.

I really dont want to go back on the fags. I feel physically better already than I have in years, just having a really hard day :(

Sorry for venting


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nsd_user663_53830 profile image
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12 Replies
nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Hang in there.

Just hang in there Pauliet - we've all had those days and they're horrible. One thing though they do pass and things improve.

When I had those days at the start I would drink a lot of water, take deep breaths and try to exercise. Walking did, and still does, help to take my mind off things.

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hi Paulie

Sorry to hear you are having a bad day today.

I have had some bad times in the recentently, check out my Help thread if you have time.

It can be hard at times and yes it is very theraputic to come on here and post, I do believe it works.

Have you tried exercise to get through your craves?

I have exercised quite a lot lately and it really has helped me I'm sure. It has stopped my mind thinking of smoking every second of the day (which gets seriously annoying doesn't it? :mad:) and also really helped me keep my weight down.

A brisk walk in the wind taking deep breaths and exhaling through pursed lips works really well, may sound daft but it does work.

I too miss smoking, although I am missing it less as time goes on. I really do think as corny as it sounds, time is a great healer.

Stay strong and stay positive

I am sure you will get through today and it will make you stronger :)

Take care



Edit - my word Nonico and I posted at practically the same time with the same methods! :) so there must be something in it! Try it Paulie

AngryBear profile image

Hey Pauliet, 12 days is immense, you're slogging through the worst of it. You will come through it and it's worth it. As Nonico says, exercise is a great distraction, just keep busy and try not to think about it all the time (easier said than done I know!)

As for snacking, rice cakes, pink & whites and diet pop were, and still are my staples, although too many crisps still sneak through..

Keep posting, you're doing brilliantly :)

nsd_user663_48218 profile image

I would always say to picture the possibilities before making any decision. But do not underestimate how bad it can feel giving in to the crave. You need to do what is best for you but try as much as you can before giving in. Even if it means going to bed for an hour. Anything that will help you.

But do whatever you need to do.

nsd_user663_53212 profile image

Paulie stick in there hun, it's hard but you stick with it now and tomorrow will be easier:D

If it helps go get some NRT that works really well as that's what I used when I had to come abruptly of champix, but like everyone on here told me nicotine via NRT is better than smoking, believe me it bloody helped in the 1st few weeks

Stick with it you have come to far to fail now.. good luck you can do it

nsd_user663_53830 profile image

Thanks everyone. Its good to 'talk' to others that know how it feels. Its a very strange feeling. I dont actually crave having a ciggie. I am just sooooo restless and I crave SOMETHING!! Does that make sense? I need to keep doing something. Its much easier when Im at home as I do get up and go for a walk or find something to do, but at work its a different story. I just reach for the snacks. Ive gone from smoking 20 a day to drinking 20 cups of tea a day as making it passes a few minutes. Its pathetic I know but ive never felt like this before. I know it will get better and I wont smoke again I just don t understand why days 1-9 of not smoking were absolutely fine but the last few days are getting worse each day instead of better. My hubby is not feeling like this although he was a heavier smoker than me. I know its because I can only take 1 Champix per day but taking 2 really made me feel bad. I dont want to take NRT patches as I havent had any nicotine for 12 days now and dont want to start again.

Ive been 'secretly' reading these posts since day 1 and they have helped me, but today I really needed some extra support and you guys were there so thankyou

Paulie x

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Pauliet, the way you are feeling may have something to do with reducing the champix dose. I'm on champix, and when i've reduced the dose it takes a day or so before I notice. I then feel stronger cravings than before. After a few more days it settles down.

Just a comment about NRT. Nicotine is not smoking! I know this is obvious, but for some reason it is easy to think:

"I don't want NRT because it is the same thing as smoking".

It isn't! I strongly advise you to have some NRT handy. You don't have to use it. However, if you get to the point where you are about to cave, it is far far better to use some NRT rather than have a smoke.

AngryBear profile image

I just don t understand why days 1-9 of not smoking were absolutely fine but the last few days are getting worse each day instead of better. My hubby is not feeling like this although he was a heavier smoker than me.

I know nothing about Champix, I haven't had to use it, but I can tell you that my worst spell was possibly week 4. Weeks 1 & 2 were bad in terms of temper but in terms of being unsettled week 4 was worse. This after a simple week 3! Odd how it goes, day 30 it all went away and so far hasn't come back....:confused:

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Hi and well done for getting to day 12..

Don't give in. And never be sorry for missing the cigs. We all do sometimes even after a few months of a quit..

I'm not going sugar coat it and say u be fine in a few days.. As giving up is ruff and makes u feel like going mad.. And it's worse when somebody who quitting with you seems to be doing it with ease..

But this is your quit. Don't compare ur self with anyone else as we are all different..

But you can do it.. Take it one day at a time. Say to ur self today I'm not going to smoke. If I want to smoke tomora I can as nothing is stopping u. Go for a walk.. Eating a of food think about the weight later..

U can do it x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I know nothing about Champix, I haven't had to use it, but I can tell you that my worst spell was possibly week 4. Weeks 1 & 2 were bad in terms of temper but in terms of being unsettled week 4 was worse. This after a simple week 3! Odd how it goes, day 30 it all went away and so far hasn't come back....:confused:

I was the same I had a brill 4 weeks of quitting even went on holiday and felt brill. Then I came back and that's when it all started.. The dreaded symtoms

U still got all them happy chemicals in ur system for a while but ur not topping them up.. So that's when ur body says hang on ere I'm missing something.. And starts screaming at u to top it back up.. Well that's my theory on it :D

nsd_user663_54064 profile image

Hi all

This is my 12th day of being smoke free in 30 years. Ive been on Champix now for 20 days and its been ok. Had to cut back down to 1 tablet a day as I was too spaced out on 2. Now today Im really really struggling. I cant think of anything else than ciggies. My husband has quit with me and he seems to be doing better. We have been encouraging eachother, but even thats not helping today. I think the problem is that as silly as it sounds, I really miss having a cigarette!! Im fed up with chewing gum, I cant stop snacking, which is making me put on weight. I thought maybe if I came on here and let off some steam it might help.

I really dont want to go back on the fags. I feel physically better already than I have in years, just having a really hard day :(

Sorry for venting


Hi Paulie,

I gave up for 2 years using champix in 2008 and thought it was great. I'm doing it again at the moment (I'm on day 11 and day 12 is my last day of smoking). I remember back in '08 that the only thing that made me struggle was the force of habit - e.g. automatic cig having a meal, automatic cig before bed, automatic cig with a drink in the pub. It doesnt take long before your mind starts to adjust to life without them. Just keep going and talk to you husband about your feelings. I spoke to my wife at the time (non-smoker) and she helped me through it.

When I went to the pub with friends it was hard at first but eventually I took pride in the fact that I didnt need to go outside every hour, instead I stayed inside in the warmth. I loved the morning after feeling when I hadnt touched a cig the night before :) The hangover wasnt as bad as when I smoked. I loved the fact that I didn't smell of smoke anymore. My work rate and standard of work was better. Energy levels were great. I had more money.

sadly I started again when my wife left me (Dec '10) and wish I hadn't. I saved about £4,000 while I wasnt smoking. It was soon spent when I started again.

Good luck with the quitting.

nsd_user663_54041 profile image

You said "I really miss cigarrettes" but do you really mean that? Whenever I think that I know what I really mean is "NICOTINE is making me THINK I miss cigarrettes." The difference is I can tell the difference between a real want/need or a nicotine manipulated thought or rationalization. Recognize and purge these false thoughts and it will make it easier. In the end YOU will have the power not the chemical...or at least it has worked that way for me.

13 days quit cold turkey

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