Last daily update -The promise i made. - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Last daily update -The promise i made.

nsd_user663_51617 profile image
26 Replies

Hi there, hard for me to compute but yes, there it is, i have not smoked a cig for 1 calendar month. Its almost impossible to fathom when i look back to a month ago at what i was, how i felt, how unhappy i was (internally) and how unhealthy i was.

I remember sitting in my garden having a cig and looking at my reflection in the glass and feeling so low that i nearly cried. What was i doing to myself? Why couldnt i stop smoking? What was happening with my mind that i was controlled by an inanimate object? Surely the human spirit was stronger than that? Is there something wrong with me? Im letting the kids down - i dont want them to ever smoke so why i am doing it? what do they think of me? I bet i embarrass their friends when they come over because i stink? - the turmoil was almost unbearable for me.

Then .. boom - i'd had enough. it was time to get serious and man up. That day i put that cig out and promised myself one thing - that i would never ever stop trying to quit and that i would always try wholeheartedly. I didnt tell anyone about my promise but bejeepers i knew i meant it. I also knew that it was going to be hard at times and that it would effect me in a lot of unknown ways. I literally had to expect the unexpected.

Those that have been around a while will remember how i struggled in those early days, failing every friday and tripping over. Some great encouragement from people on here and my promise, meant that i tried again, and again and again.

Then on my daughters birthday on the 9th September i put out my last cig. I knew it would be my last one too. Seeing her smiling face on her 13th birthday i knew my time had come.

I read Allen Carrs book and i have not looked back since. And that my friends is what i did, i never looked back. I never pined for a cig, i never missed the moments i would have had a cig. I said good riddance to them. I enjoyed every craving because i was killing the person i no longer wanted to be.

Since that frst day on the 10th Sept i have been stupidly (and i now realise irritattingly) happy and positive. Its not me being super-cheesy or over confident, its pure unadulterated joy and pride. I am literally bursting every day with self pride and happiness. I have shed a few tears of joy and im a 42 year old fella!

I enjoy everything more than i did - i laugh more, i hug more, i work more, i do more..... and most importantly, i am content.

So, i wont post every day as i have done this month as i would like to spend my time on this forum encouraging others in their wobbly first days just like some of you did for me.

i dont know any of you and you dont know me and owe me nothing, but i think you have changed my life and for that my little beauties i shall be forever grateful.


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nsd_user663_51617 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_51711 profile image

What a really lovely post, Magic. No one is happier than I am to see you so positive and so enjoying your quit.I was one of those who had faith as you were beating yourself up at a failed attempt in your early days, and I had faith because you just wanted it so badly. I just knew you could do it, and that you would do it. It's fabulous :D xx

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Yes Becky - you are one of my heroes. :)

nsd_user663_52779 profile image

Hey magic, thats a very inspiring post for someone on Day4. i want to be where you are now :) ive got the (rather annoying) elation thing going on right now, i feel a real high ,almost brand new feeling and its making me happy. i never realised quitting smoking could be so rewarding in the short term.

Keep it going mate.....Im following behind you remember ;-)

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

hey fazzer, how are you.... so glad you are happy and enjoying your quit. It is a special thing you are doing and something you should be extremely proud of.

What a gift to give yourself and those who love you eh?

you are not behind me, you are right beside me as i am you.


Unah profile image

What a wonderful post Magic. Another one that deserves to be bumped often for. Any new quitters.

nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Magic, what can I say between my rants and your positive inspiration the complete opposite to mine, we make a great team with the others in terms of between us we covered all the facts of stopping good and bad lol.

You have done immensely well, so so proud and it’s so good to hear the positives.

I like you feel similar relief from the quitting but have struggled in certain areas but our goals were the same and we both got there.

Well done mate, you keep writing, keep posting, we all need it.

D x

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Thanks derek, you have been a great ally in this for me mate. thanks.


nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Blimey Magic what a lovely post so pleased for you and it's great that you are making your daughter proud and sending her the message that smoking is a habit to be avoided!!:)

Una-g, i am also hoping the message i am giving them is that it is so bad that i had to give up. if it wasn't id still smoke. They get that.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Then .. boom - i'd had enough.

Oh I love posts like this :) That's what it takes.... being fed up with it, fed up so much that you can't help but want to turn things around..... and once you make that decision, you see your future and it looks so much better.... so much so that you can't help but move towards it. Awesome, magic, really, really awesome!

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

whoop whoop whoop

boinga boing!



nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Lovely post magic,

So happy for you that you have achieved ur first month. Massive stepping stone. And, you should be proud of your self. ;) I remember when you first came on here, it took you a while but you did it. Just goes to show if you keep trying then it does work..

Well done again x

nsd_user663_29392 profile image

Well done magic, it's refreshing reading your posts, I don't think I have read a negative one, its nice to see a positive quit journey for a change,

I'm quit 4 months now and am doing ok, and your posts most certainly give the majority of people using this forum a massive lift !!!!!

Keep it up mate and all the best !!


nsd_user663_36288 profile image

Hi Magic - just wanted to add my own 'great post' comment. I think for most, if not all, successful quitters there is always - at some stage - that 'what the hell am I doing' feeling which propels them into action. And you've described it really well.

I've said before that once I'd decided to quit, my mantra (thanks to Helsbelles) was "Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble which cases us to stumble. Cross all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have climbed the mountain". It sounds like you are positively skipping up that mountain, singing as you go, and loving the view!

You'll be a great inspiration to others on here -



indiantiger1981 profile image

Lovely post mate ... truly inspiring added up my quit fuel again which was low while approaching two months only 4days behind !

thanks and regards


nsd_user663_51671 profile image

Lovely to hear your sentiments about your family. Well done Magic and hope the Missus is getting on equally well.

All the best

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done!

Well done Magic! you are 1 calendar month, and the rest of your life a non smoker!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Congrats Magic, 1 month DONE, have enjoyed being on this journey with you. Your enthusiasm and positivity seems to be catching. You did good for the girls in your life.

Fi x

nsd_user663_49281 profile image

well done !! please dont stop posting, i have been reading through your posts over the last few days and i must say they have been very helpful to me and im sure to others also! im now nearly over day5 and cant wait until i am a month down the line also. be proud of yourself !!:)

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

wow -what lovely people you all are. I wish you all lived in my neighbourhood. it would be a nicer place to live (not that its that bad now of course but you know what i mean!)


nsd_user663_18145 profile image




Keep up the good work and you will soon be reaching your next target :)

onwards and upwards is def the way to go

Carol x

nsd_user663_52595 profile image

Well done magic! Such a fantastic heart felt post. You should feel so Darn proud of yourself. Please keep posting, you are an inspiration. Thanks for taking the time to post. It really helps.

Congrats, Magic, you've probably inspired far more people than you will ever know.

Hope you'll continue to post and continue to inspire others. Loved your posts!

Perhaps you'll enjoy one of my favorite quotes about magic, which seems to sum up what you've done with regard to smoking:

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.

W. Clement Stone

Best of luck on the road ahead...

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

DGee, thank you so much. That quote is so good and yes I think you are right, it really does ring true.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Loved loved loved your posts!

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free



I remember that first time when you joined and you went back to day one... and I could just tell the way you immediately picked yourself up that you were never going to be defeated.

You're an inspiration

nsd_user663_52537 profile image

I know Im not here yet - I have a little way to go... but what an inspirational post... keep going Magic... we are following the trail of positive good vibes you leave LOL well done

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