The POSITIVE 'symptoms' of Quitting - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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The POSITIVE 'symptoms' of Quitting

nsd_user663_52080 profile image
39 Replies

It seems to me that all the symptoms of Quitting are negative so I thought it might be a good idea for everyone to put down their Positive 'symptoms' of quitting by the day so that they give hope to quitters in the future instead of only the negative aspects of quitting so Ill kick off with- Day 6.Breathing easier and mouth tasting and feeling fresh. Day7.Look about 5years younger and my skin has lost its sallow/drained colour. Day9 Circulation better in hands. Anybody else had good symptoms?

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nsd_user663_52080 profile image
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39 Replies
nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Great idea Soosan!

I am on day 11 as i type and i have loads of good symptoms.

I feel freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - thats the biggest and best - no more slavery!

I can breathe the worlds air in deeper without wheezing

I smell nice - thats apparently a biggy for my family too

I too have warmer hands a feet - cosy

I feel proud and stupidly happy - my family are loving my new outlook and happy side. Just shows how miserable cigs were making me - internal turmoil etc

Apparently, my skin looks much better (wife tells me this!)

I dont feel like a mug/leper anymore

I have £80 more than i would have had

im going to live for 17 hours more

i havent smoked 208 cigs since quitting

Basically, i love this no smoking lark .........

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

What a great idea thank you Soosan for posting it :)

I have to say that the positives just keep getting more positive the further along the quit you go till you get to a stage where you have a life that smoking isnt even a part off

When i smell smokers now i just think what a horrilbe smell i found from a very early stage when i quit that the smell of a smoker used to just make me feel sick now it just smells horrilbe

being around smokers dont bother me in the slightest infact i dont stay around them for too long as i dont want that smell on me :eek:as it does linger on everything

i just love the freedom of not being a smoker

and having the power over my life again

its a great feeling

one that when i look back at my earlier posts i just feel so lucky that i found this place and the wonderful people that have been there to advise support and encourage me

so really one of the biggest positives is this forum and the people that are on here

keep posting keeping a positive mindset and keep saying

i will not smoke today

counting of the days then weeks then months is a continuing positive achievement

reaching the penthouse of 12 months was just an amazing positive proud day

oh and having all that extra cash is a big positive :p im able to treat not just myself but my two adorable grandsons

giving hugs to them and the people i love without smelling is also a such a lovely positive

i dont need to use my inhaler anymore as i dont get the horrible tight chest feelings and infections like i did

Freedom is a great positive too no more taking ciggy breaks no more having to stop something to have a ciggy or trying to find a place to smoke and then having to try and mask the smell by perfume and gum which now i realise dont really hide that smell as its like a permanent cloud hanging over smokers no more stained teeth fingers and lips as i used to roll my own

these are just afew of the positives of quitting smoking


nsd_user663_52080 profile image

WOW! What amazing posts! What a lift! The Energy,and the Buzz feelings emanating from the page are enough to shake anyone and kick them up the arse.Phew-who would carry on smoking after reading those? Absolutely Brilliant! X (so joyful they made my eyes water)

nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Ok I had a queeny outburst yesterday on here ranting and ranting over my hard core addiction but of course I have not forgot the good things that have happened since I stopped 39 days ago actually that seems long let me count ..... oh god 35 eeek anyways

Stains removed from teeth ( mine used to stain terrible ) 95% done

1050 cigs mimimum not smoked, iused to get mine duty free al lthe time so thats saved me in total £108.75.

My chest is no longer tight, breathing is going back to normal

Much improved circulation in hands and defo the feet, no longer have cold feet.

dull ache under my left shoulder blade completely gone ( i swear this was fags even though doc and pyhsio daid it wasnt... funny how i was at physio for 2 months after my car accident and the strong drugs i was on never removed it but when i stopepd smoking within 2 weeks gone ?? explain that one doctors..

Smell nice, i no longer have a mouth like a sess pit on a morning

Flat smelling much nicer now only one person smokes hanging out the window ( poor sod )

My mind is more alert, more awake, however the chammies im on is making me have a memory like a sive but overall its functioning better,

no more headaches during the day

carbon monoxicde a massive 0 from 47 ( double that of a heavy smoker )

no more false readings of carbon monoxicde tests showing 99 plus with alaram going off causing me and nurse debbie to practically screem "im dying" and dive for the oxygen tank!

I seem to be much calmer and more alert when people talking ( minus my bad days when I just want to stab someone, anyone but, thats only 2 days and a matter of hours each day so still positive )

No more having to go outside at restaurants and come back in worrying about the smell for my fellow non smokers.

My car is smelling so good and no longer as if some child has projectile vommited all over mixed in with spilt milk... the best thing ever is removing the can of air freshner in there in case someione asked for a lift.

and tomororw have to take ther mother in law to the nut hospital to see her mother ( sad I know ) so now i dont have to get up that bit earlier and get car cleaned to avoid feeling embarrased.

my work has improved so much, i feel motivated again and not going outside as much.

First time ever not thinking of a fag for over 8 hours, leaving work with getting lots done by not going outside was a real nice feeling.

my skin looks much better than it did, i have always had a good complextion and I look young anyways considering i smoked heavy for 20 years, sunbed addiction for 10 years, and one bottle of chardonnay away from being an alcoholic...its either that or the fact i work with some very ugly old looking people who happen to be same age ( eee i love working here as people get shocked when i say im older hahahaha) amazing... im such a b1tch.

i was just smelling myself ( good job cleaner out he must think im weird ) i smell good and not stale smoke.

and one thing i want to report but im not being perverted in any way, so woman turn away now if you easily big difference i have noticed is my aa humm erections are much, much firmer now more blood is going in this area, i did read smoking has an effect on men in this area and lots wont admit it. I guess i was one of the unlucky ones without even realising, i always thought it was normalish but considering i smoked 23 years since i was 11 and on 20 day from 14 thats 19 years hard core im not surprised the blood flow was not getting there so fast or not staying there :-( i would like to point out "no complaints" from any partners )thank you very much gentlemen before you start lol ) so i know for this alone I will NEVER go back on them :D:D

I cant think of anything else

good post soosan

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Breath better. Don't felt like my heart is beating out of my chest or my lungs burning after walking fast

Big horrible stain as gone from me front tooth, no yellow teeth or horrid breath

Bin told my skin looks great. Even tho I'm still breaking out in spots

Fingers don't stink or yellow stains

I can smell better even start to smell weather changing(if u no wot I mean)

My taste is improving.

I'm running over 2 miles every other day

Don't feel like I'm being rude excusing my self if I'm out for meals with mon smokers. Then going back to the table reeking of fags

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

What a brilliant idea soosan i love reading what everyone thought well on day 6 but i can taste and smell better i know my house smells better and i thought my skin looked clearer :)

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

Fab idea

I like this idea :)

Here are mine after 6 and a half weeks.

1. Can take a really full deep breath without it hurting or becoming difficult.

2. All the staining is nearly gone from my teeth

3. I don't have to go outside in the pouring rain to have a smoke

4. The whites of my eyes look really bright and white now

5. I can do 10 x as much at the gym without breaking a sweat compared to what I used to be able to do

6. I can cuddle up to my fiance without being embarrassd that my hair/skin/clothes/breath stink of cigarettes

7. Don't have to feel guilty about my kids any more... I have an autistic son and used to feel guilty that smoking would take me away from him earlier than if I didn't smoke. I won't be here for ever but hopefully I've stopped in time to prevent smoking (and therefore ME) being the cause of an untimely exit!

8. I have more money

9. My house is clean and tidy all the time (I think I may have replaced smoking with housework!).

10. I get so much more done at work now as I don't have to nip out every couple of hours for a smoke

11. I feel like all the other healthy things we can do for ourselves are now WORTH doing. As a smoker I felt that living a healthy lifestyle while still smoking would be totally futile.

12. The freedom from having to plan everything around where/when I could smoke is just amazing.

13. The feeling of having control rather than BEING controlled

14. My skin looks so good I no longer have to wear makeup if I don't want to. I am lucky enough to have good skin and look younger than my years, but I used to have to wear makeup as I was often very pale with dark undereye circles... I now have a glow to my skin and no under eye circles.

I'm sure I could add more to this list ... and the brilliant thing is that I know as time goes by that I continue to feel even better than I do now.

For those who are just contemplating stopping or in the very early first days of quitting, or those who are just struggling... remember every pang, crave, moment of discomfort etc that you endure is worth it and far far outweighed by all the above.

Lauren x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image


Definitely breathing better,House smells better, I smell better, taste,sense of smell, improved, self esteem has increased (used to feel like a second class citizen)

My kids are delighted, my son has told me how proud he is and that means so much to me.More money for shoes!:)

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

So many positives ....

[*]More energy

[*]Better lung function. (Can cycle up hills)

[*]Money in my purse!

[*]Freedom - no longer stressing about where or when I can smoke

[*]Watching telly with my boys without nipping out for a fag.

[*]My skin looks so much better.

nsd_user663_52331 profile image

more positives

Good on you Soosan, great idea

I'm only into day 4 so early days yet. As well as many of the other positives posted the biggest thing I have found in this short time is how strong I feel. Each craving I conquer makes me even stronger. The ****ogy I can liken it to is a story I used to read to my kids many years ago, The Good Little, Bad Little Girl, the good little girl grows taller and taller, the bad little girl grows smaller and smaller. With every craving I conquer the addiction grows smaller and smaller. Stay focused everyone.

nsd_user663_51671 profile image

My wife likes a snog again!;)

Oh and there's some health improvement stuff happening as well.

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Ha ha york! Nice one!

nsd_user663_52080 profile image

(Day 20 for me now)My breathing has got a lot easier even more and my energy levels have shot up.I also feel physically stronger than I have for ages.My chest is also just beginning to start to clear-no cough-just a bit of loose stuff now and then.Great! I hope everyone else is continuing to notice improvements too x

nsd_user663_51671 profile image

I noticed another one today - no acid reflux. I always thought it was too much coffee, being in the business it's easily accessible.

So no more sicky burps and burining gullet.

nsd_user663_52595 profile image

positive symptons of quitting....

I am on day 7 of cold turkey quitting so early days although its my 5th attempt. I have not experienced any improvement in sense of taste or smell, breathing is not any easier, i;m not coughing up any gunk nothing!! The biggest positives are that I am:

1) no longer lying to my kids (as they think I'm a none smoker anyway).

2)Not putting others in a position to lie for me when i sneak out for a quick puff

3) Gained so much time by not wasting time washing the smell of nicotine off my hands,brushing my teeth frequently, covering the smell with mints and perfume to hide the fact I used to smoke

4) saved £42 already.

MMM. Hopefully got the smell and taste thing to come as well!!!

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

This is a GREAT thred!! I love it

For me, the biggest or most positive symptom of quitting was I stopped coughing!

I mean from the git one! I woke up, didn't have a cigarette and didn't start coughing my fool head off.

Over 10 months later and I am still not smoking or coughing. Not bad for some one who has just been diagnosed with Emphysema.I do cough some. But before I quit I wouldn't/couldn't talk to anyone. I was coughing so hard all the time that I found it easier to just not talk.

I also have to say that my interest in food has changed and increased. I enjoy food now, before it got in the way of smoking. I enjoy not smelling of smoke. I LOVE a clean car again.

I also love the people on this forum. You are all wonderful people and it is great the way we all just jump in to help a stranger, someone we will never meet. We all share a common stop smoking, and that brings us together....ppat

nsd_user663_52537 profile image

Freshly cut grass smells even better..

I dont cough anymore

I can actually smell the furniture polish and plug-in's now

Had to drop from mature to medium chedder ...its tastes too strong now lol(and its cheaper lol)

Had my 1st good nights sleep for 6 days

My son telling me I smell nice :D

Teeth whiter

My sons PE trainers now stink more.... OK maybe not such a positive :rolleyes:..but at least he cant argue when they need to go in the washing machine lol

nsd_user663_53762 profile image

Hi, thanks for this post, it really helps me to focus on the positive side of quitting! :cool:

nsd_user663_33140 profile image

and one thing i want to report but im not being perverted in any way, so woman turn away now if you easily big difference i have noticed is my aa humm erections are much, much firmer now more blood is going in this area

Printed..laminated..taken home for my other half :)

Me and the other half are quitting together and for some reason being very grumpy with each other "scratches head and looks puzzled"...reading this has given me the courage to keep going and hang on in there and be more accepting of his mood swings!!! Oh dear..I better get my own grumps under control or else I may not reap the benefits :eek: - dashes to bathroom to practice smiling and eyelash fluttering!!

On a serious note though I think its good for you to be open and post that, its true and worthy to share as a positive - thumbs up :)

nsd_user663_53212 profile image

reading this thread is great

I relate to all the positives mentioned and love every single one, love walking my dogs playing with kids, jogging as no longer get breathless :D and they think I've got COPD:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_53953 profile image

It's all positive - stopping smoking has been an entirely positive experience. Even the times I've felt a bit weird or ill from the nicotine withdrawal at first, it was all positive.

Even the odd times I struggle, I don't cave in and that's another craving gone, the next one won't be as strong - again, it's a positive!

This is what we have to constantly keep reminding ourselves, it is all positive - there are no advantages to being a smoker and we are now discovering the countless advantages of being non smokers and I for one absolutely love it.

Free at last!

nsd_user663_53649 profile image

I love this thread, and I think I can see the stains leave my teeth now, which is great, must nip into the chemist and get tooth whitner, ( I used to dry it when smoking how daft was that?)

I love that I don't smell of smoke, I walked past a lady in a shop today and she was so well dressed but holy hell the smell of cigerettes, did I really smell like that? .

I love that I have more cash at the end of the week too, . I am looking forward to my skin improving.

nsd_user663_52080 profile image

Well its day 100 down the line and boy! does the air here in Wales smell and feel fantastic like liquid nectar as it pours into my lungs.I can stride about on the hills now without getting breathless and tired.My lungs started clearing out in earnest about a month ago-nothing nasty just clear stuff.Ive smelt smokers too and shudder to think that I must of smelt like that too! One of the drawbacks of not smoking is smelling dirty/unwashed people but its a small price to pay for all the other benefits : ) Keep it up everyone!

nsd_user663_53753 profile image

I can sing... well not quite in tune, but I think it's getting better (Although the dog still runs for cover behind the sofa). My lungs really do feel stronger and I've only been quit a month. :)

Oooh I forgot to tell you all about my back... I noticed my back is starting to slope sideways since I stopped.

Went to the docs and he said its typical for a quitter and its called - extramoneyinyapocket, or fatwallet for short. :cool:

Hope you are all doing well and staying strong.

Love May x :D

nsd_user663_2607 profile image

Hi All,

Firstly well done for getting this far, and paying homage to the positive side of quitting is a good call! I'm 7 days into my umpteenth quit, and if I can survive the Christmas crowds in Manchester this morning in the pissing rain, I can survive quitting smoking!

I think for me, what stands out as a really positive symptom, is when I'm walking down the road I notice a lot more things, things are more vivid, colours, sounds, I can take full lungs of air, and I walk more bristly with more swagger and confidence. I've also been looking at old pictures and can't believe how grey I look in photos, now I have a lot more colour in my cheeks.

One weird thing thats been annoying me though, is really itchy skin, has anyone had this?


nsd_user663_57104 profile image

The hairs inside my nose used to look thick and black (what a disgusting look for a woman!!). Noticed very soon after quitting that they had become fine and white.

nsd_user663_58541 profile image

Just 1 only one

I can understand, how the non-smokers think about me when they are seeing I am having cigarette's and emitting its smoke to the air..

what a bad scene..

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Has anyone noticed any improvement in their hair, since quitting? Mine is just so frizzy and I wondered if it might improve?

Also, has anyone noticed any improvement in skin conditions such as eczema?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Has anyone noticed any improvement in their hair, since quitting? Mine is just so frizzy and I wondered if it might improve?

It might get better 'cos you don't have to wash it every day to get the smoke smell out? Was always paranoid about being an ashtray girl :eek:

TBH mine was untameable when I smoked and it's still untameable - thank goodness for straighteners!!

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Yes to both those and more besides Val :D

it is amazing what benefits you will notice the further along you get

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi Val, mine did hair improved but it took a while. My skin -within a month I could see a difference due to circulation. ( Hair tip- put on thick conditioner then wrap in cling film for 20 mins-just hope the door bell doesn't ring :eek: )

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Val, mine did hair improved but it took a while. My skin -within a month I could see a difference due to circulation.

Fab isn't it?

Was getting dark circls under my eyes, was looking pale and was getting little wrinkles round my eyes - at 28 too :eek: :eek:

But they went within a couple of weeks of stopping the fags :D

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, everyone.xxxxx

What about those horrible wrinkles around the they go too?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks, everyone.xxxxx

What about those horrible wrinkles around the they go too?

They should :)

Smoking makes your skin less elastic and quitting lets it regenerate

nsd_user663_59979 profile image

Love this thread!

Im only into day 4 and everything for me is more positive than negative (im not sure if worst is yet to come but so many factors are positive)

1. First thing I noticed was my smell - I can smell everything..I could even smell someones recently dyed their hair in the office who sits far away from me! They were all amazed haha

2. I don't feel as tired, I am sleeping well, dont feel like I have no oxygen, much more alert

3. I smell good, and smokers smell bad, even looking at smokers right now makes me feel embarrassed I was that person

4. My car is smelling good and aired out

5. I am getting things done, not lazing around having coffee's and smokes

6. I am drinking less coffee instead having herbal teas and feeling very healthy (it's brought on a health kick)

7. Saving money

8. Can be more social, less embarrassed and paranoid about my smell - all those times I thought perfume got rid of smoke smell - well them mixed together is awful

9. I feel cleaner inside and out

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Love this thread!

Im only into day 4 and everything for me is more positive than negative (im not sure if worst is yet to come but so many factors are positive)

1. First thing I noticed was my smell - I can smell everything..I could even smell someones recently dyed their hair in the office who sits far away from me! They were all amazed haha

2. I don't feel as tired, I am sleeping well, dont feel like I have no oxygen, much more alert

3. I smell good, and smokers smell bad, even looking at smokers right now makes me feel embarrassed I was that person

4. My car is smelling good and aired out

5. I am getting things done, not lazing around having coffee's and smokes

6. I am drinking less coffee instead having herbal teas and feeling very healthy (it's brought on a health kick)

7. Saving money

8. Can be more social, less embarrassed and paranoid about my smell - all those times I thought perfume got rid of smoke smell - well them mixed together is awful

9. I feel cleaner inside and out

Amazing, isn't it. I quite enjoy the extra kick from caffeine but that's just me :o - I still can't get over the sense of smell and regenerated taste buds, Mmmmm fooooooooood:p

nsd_user663_59979 profile image

Yeah, I love coffee, but always associated it with smoking so now I am not smoking I haven't noticed I have significantly reduced the intake! lol finding tea is helping me stay calm :P

What a great thread - now into week 7 on champix and just over 2 weeks smoke and puff free. Still early days and quite a struggle with those evil butterflies (anxiety) but not giving in to them, tbh, not interested in smoking just relieving those butterflies - so that's got to be a positive.

No cough :)

Still feeling tired but much brighter in the mornings - getting there :)

Breathing is much better - deep breathing is lovely and relaxing.

Not worried about leaving the house without ciggies/ecig.

Buying more plants for the garden :)

Putting on weight BUT with an increase in energy levels and lung capacity - hope to start cycling :)

Early days I know but determined to fight this demon and get my life back :)

AnnMarie74 profile image

Yes great thread. You will get life back celestine. I am 70 days smoke free according to my app and today it hit me that I'm really free. I have lost nothing and gained so much. X x NOPE

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