Positive Symtoms of Quitting: I thought it... - No Smoking Day

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Positive Symtoms of Quitting

nsd_user663_4906 profile image
50 Replies

I thought it would be nice if we shared our positive symptoms of quitting. Keep us all positive and give us new quitters some light at the end of the tunnel.

Will be great to here your stories



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nsd_user663_4906 profile image
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50 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Where to start, there are so many - I am a different person.

I'm at 10 months....

I am less stressed, far less stressed than before I quit.

I no longer have to pause to catch my breath after running 50m.

I can play with my son without having to bend double to get some air.

My skin is no longer almost transparent and grey looking.

My teeth are actually white!

I can taste food.

I can smell things, and don't smell myself.

I no longer have to plan EVERYTHING around smoking.

The biggest change in me is my fitness....

At 5 months I decided to take up an old hobby again and used the money saved to buy a nice bike - and at the same time signed myself up to a 100 mile sponsored bike ride 3 months later. A massive challenge because I hadn't ridden at all in 4 years.

My first 5 mile training ride in April almost killed me!

But, I stuck at it androde almost every day, slowly extended the distances and increased the speed.

After 2 months I was able to complete 50 mile training rides averaging 17mph and on the 7th June I successfully completed the 100 miles at an average of 15mph, raising over £1000 for the British Heart Foundation in the process.

Basically I have never felt better! I really enjoy cycling and still do 30-50 miles at least twice a week.... Feels so good to active again!

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Well done stuart...........can't wait to get to your stage :)

I'm only on day 13 so not as much as stuart but I have noticed

1. I'm much less breathless when I walk the dog (I used to struggle)

2. Also I'm dealing with stress much better

Carol x

nsd_user663_4887 profile image

This is an excellent idea - great for beginners like me - motivational - all we hear is the struggle so lovely to hear about the rewards - Peta

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Oh Dear there are so many benefits to quitting

So the positives

My health has improved so much

I no longer get out of breath when walking or dancing

I am much more even tempered rhan I was

I look better and feel better

I no longer feel stressed every day a big bonus

I have more time to do the things I want to do and the extra money to do them with

When going out I no longer have to think about where,when and if I can have a fag

I no longer have to make sure I don't run out of fags

I can really taste food now

I can smell properly oh joy

I no longer smell like a stale ashtray arghhhhhhh

I feel so well now and everything I do is so much better and easier

And that's just a few of the benefits to be found


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4906 profile image

its just great!

Well done all of you espcially stuart! wow!

As you know I am only on day 3 but already the improvements are noticable. If they are this good now I cant wait until next week, month, year!

Already I am not out of breath walking up hill

My allergies dont seem as bad

My back isnt so stiff in the morning trying to get out of bed (?!?)

More even tempered

less stressed

Today I noticed my skin colour.....it had colour!

Confidence is back

Dont feel like im in a smoke prison

I forgotton how nice orange juice was...yummy!

Im not having to keep cleaning myself to get rid of the smell

I have more time

I feel organised!

I have a huge smile on my face.....its only day 3!!

nsd_user663_4910 profile image

Hi Goodie

I see day three is going well... I went to reply to your message but the option doesn't seem to be availible any more (?). Goodness knows what's going on there, it just confuses my addled brain all the more.

Although my prepearation is still in progress and I'm not yet there at the same point as you, I must admit I've been thinking that the most exciting thing I'm looking forward to in the quitting process is saying goodbye to all the secrecy and no more lying; becoming a person I can be proud of and not someone who hides out in the back yard in a cloud of guilt!

Keep up your progress, I'm rooting for you!

Gillie :)

nsd_user663_4906 profile image

Hi Gillie

Bless you! Thank you so much. I honestly think it really helps being on here talking about it and especially with you as you are also a secret smoker and know where Im coming from.

Have you read the Easy Way book by Allen Carr, i recommend it for the prep stage, it really gets you in the right frame of mind.

Its good to hear you are so excited about getting there.....cant wait until you start your quit so we can share the experiences.

Lots of love



nsd_user663_4906 profile image

Hiding in the cloud of smoke


Just had to tell you...one of my hiding places was behind the shed so neither neighbour could see me.........or under the play house..if the neighbours came out into the gardens I would be trapped!! Or I would sneak away snake like!! What must I have looked like? LOL! They must have thought I was bonkers.............all that for a little stick of poison eh?

Any chance you can bring your quit forward?



nsd_user663_4910 profile image

Email back up and running

Haha, Goodie, your hiding spaces are ingenious! If I could paint a picture I think it would be fantastic. Funnily enough, I have often sat at the end of the yard, sort of like you would if you were warming your hands round a camp fire but without the camp fire (or, more horrifically, like you would caught short in a field as a child and had to relieve yourself -eeeeurgh).

I was toying with the idea of bringing the quit date forward but work is going to be exceedingly stressful this weekend and I'm dreading it. Trying to combat the two together would be terrible! Hubbs has got the early part of the week off to walk the path with me and I'm really doing some serious prep. I have the Alan Carr dvd and will be fitting in the umpteenth viewing pre monday. Not long to go!

I will be travelling the route with you shortly and am looking forward to benefitting from your experience lol. Expect to hear from me regularly....

nsd_user663_4906 profile image


oh yes, that squat positition! regular one when nipping out in the car and stopping off at a layby to get out for one!

Thats lovely your hubby is taking some time off to support you....only a few days to go eh? I bet you are excited, anxious all at the same time.

Good luck this weekend with your stressful job!



nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Money is the main reason I quit.

Breathing or overall health was and is secondary to me....

I do not feel better not smoking but I dont smoke now so why bother to start back.....

nsd_user663_5012 profile image

well I am on day 6 and am an asthma sufferer, well since day 1 of quitting I haven't needed my ventolin inhaler at all!!!!! I was using it at least 4 times a day!!

So nice to be able to breathe!:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I'm at day 20 at time of writing this, my experiences have been varied so far, ups and downs but as the positive farrr out weigh the few negative spots, i think i can definitely speak of them..

One of the most noticeable positives for me so far has been the return of my sense of smell, and indeed.. taste.. the smell thing was brought home majorly one day when i noticed that the bakey i walk past every day smelled soooo much more nicer than i'd noticed for ages.. it was wonderful, and since that day i've paused a moment while passing and its been so nice to get a sense of that smell that i liked before but now its even better. I love the smell of the fresh breads baking, just more so now. That happened some time in my 2nd week for me, and the taste thing seemed to go hand in hand with it, i'm tasting subtle changes now in the foods i've always enjoyed in that i can now taste individual spices and flavours again, which is great!!

Don't know whether this is part of quitting or what, but in work i was crossing an aisle to get to another department just as folk were passing by.. there seemed like an invisible trail of smoke behind them which seemed quite pungent and foul smelling to me and it made me think 'urrgh!'.. that was a first, that happened this week on tuesday (week 3).. thats a positive sign!!

Another thing is when you can still smell your clothes smelling fresh in the afternoon at work instead of them smelling of smoke.. you notice that quite early.. but more so once your smell improves.

I'm breathing MUCH easier this week in week 3, can take a deep breath with no wheezing or anything, and for longer too. I love that. Can't wait to take a trip into the countryside and take a deep breath of the fresh air (preferably not on muck spreading day) and know then how far i've come :)

On the whole i'm feeling very positive with this quit, yes i've had a few 'moments', and one really bad night , but nothing i was not able to handle, and i'm REALLY glad i've come this far now.

So anyone struggling or feeling it a little right now, just know that even if you can't quite see it right now, it DOES get better, and sometimes very suddenly better. Stick with it, and share your positives here too when you get them perhaps? while the experience is still a fresh memory :)

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

was gonna start a similar thread as i just had one of those moments of "this is what i love about this" but you have already started it - nice one!

im loving having empty pockets.

i know that sounds crazy but I used to smoke rolling tobacco and be a unconsious lighter thief so would frequently have the following in my pockets

1. rolling tobacco

2. several packets of rizzla

3. filters, often fallen out of the box

4. between 1 and 4 lighters

5. backup pack of 10 or another packet of rolling tobacco

6. keys

7. mobile phone

8. wallet

9. bits of card and stuff that id collect to use i ran out of filters

10. old cigarette boxes or packets of tobacco (dont like to litter but quite happy to throw my cigarette buts on the floor - figure that one?)

11. a montage of bits of tobacco, pocket fluff and other grunge at the bottom of my pockets

now i have only

1. keys

2. wallet

3. phone


life and pockets now simple, clean, and space for my hands!:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

4. between 1 and 4 lighters

of which 3 would have one of two faults: either flint has gone, or no fuel, but you keep in the hope that if the working one fails that 20 minutes of perseverence may result in a single lucky light which promptly gets blown out in a wind that just happened to raise at the same point you got it to light. Arrghl now wasn't that always frustrating :)

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

1. rolling tobacco

2. several packets of rizzla

3. filters, often fallen out of the box

4. between 1 and 4 lighters

5. backup pack of 10 or another packet of rolling tobacco

6. keys

7. mobile phone

8. wallet

9. bits of card and stuff that id collect to use i ran out of filters

10. old cigarette boxes or packets of tobacco (dont like to litter but quite happy to throw my cigarette buts on the floor - figure that one?)

11. a montage of bits of tobacco, pocket fluff and other grunge at the bottom of my pockets

now i have only

1. keys

2. wallet

3. phone


life and pockets now simple, clean, and space for my hands!:D

woah thats alot, i used to have

1) pack of 20

2) spare pack of 20 if i thought i was going to run out

3) 2 lighters

4) phone

5) keys

6) cash

now its

1) phone

2) keys

3) cash

and...well...erm...thats it:D

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

woah thats alot, i used to have

1) pack of 20

2) spare pack of 20 if i thought i was going to run out

3) 2 lighters

4) phone

5) keys

6) cash

now its

1) phone

2) keys

3) cash

and...well...erm...thats it:D

dont it feel good though - used to feel like i needed a bloody handbag to carry it sometimes.

ok in winter but summer was a pain in the ass

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Lol BMan, when I used to go out, I always had to recite the following in my head or aloud to make sure I was ready to go out:

Fags, Lighter, Wallet, Keys, Phone.

Also, I found Fags used to bulk up my pockets too much, especially when I was carrying two packs around for a night out!!!

Positive effects? Hmm, this will be difficult.

1. More energy

2. Better Sleeping

3. Springing out of bed rather than crawling out my pit

4. Wide awake and more mentally alert all day

5. Bank statement

6. I don't stink like an ashtray

Lastly, I was talking to a guy the other day, he is 65, and in good health. He told me he gave up smoking 25 years ago, and often wonders how his health would be now at 65 if he hadnt given up. I think we all know the answer to that one!

nsd_user663_5386 profile image


I am on day 21 and I was smoking 40 plus cigarettes a day there is many changes in me

the bad coughing attacks I had have almost gone

food tastes so much more better My sister laughed at me on sunday while I was helping prepare veg for dinner I ate a raw carrot and it tasted so yummy

My home is smoke free and each time I clean up an ornament from nicotine I am smiling

I have changed all my bedding and its now nicotine free

my clothes smell fresher

I can take huge deep breaths in

I am not coughing up loads of flem

and I am a lot better off financially


nsd_user663_5386 profile image

thank you so much I appreciate your kind words


nsd_user663_2190 profile image

I hear what you're all saying about the pockets/handbag issue. When I walk the dog I now have one thing with me.. a key. It re-enforces to me the sense of freedom I have without being bogged down by the nasty weed.


- I no longer almost throw up in the morning gagging on the flem from smoking.

- I don't have to worry about my breath when I'm talking to someone and don't put my hand up over my mouth cos I'm nervous to talk to them.

- My mood is a lot more stable. I am not nearly as irritable and I can be calm in stressfull situations.

- I can smell and taste in a way I haven't been able to since I was a child.

- I am no longer out of breath walking the dog.

- I have taken up running and dog walking which I couldn't do before.

- I care about myself more and can now hold my head up because I am free from addiction :)

Well done everyone on their quit, it's the greatest thing we can accomplish!

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

I Love this thread :D

only one word springs to mind tonight


Used to have bad anxiety attacks that I didn't attribute to smoking but have not had one since I quit so I guess smoking caused them.

Read all the other posts and have had the same results as a lot of people here.

But I think the freedom from the drug is the best. I'm no longer the drugs bitch and I like that a lot.

nsd_user663_5138 profile image

Really enjoyed reading this thread . . .

Thanks guys for making this an enjoyable thread.

I have yet to quit but am working myself up to it.

It's nice to read some great success stories here.


nsd_user663_5629 profile image

Thank you everybody for this thread. it's really uplifting. Been on and off the cigs since the beginning of the year and on day of my last (hopefully) quit.

* I love not having to make sure I have tobacco on me and worry that I might run out.

* I hated having bits of tobacco in all my pockets and my bags.

* My hair don't smell bad anymore

I know it will get better and better.

Really looking forward to not have yellow fingers anymore! How long does that take?

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Thank you everybody for this thread. it's really uplifting. Been on and off the cigs since the beginning of the year and on day of my last (hopefully) quit.

* I love not having to make sure I have tobacco on me and worry that I might run out.

* I hated having bits of tobacco in all my pockets and my bags.

* My hair don't smell bad anymore

I know it will get better and better.

Really looking forward to not have yellow fingers anymore! How long does that take?

Not too long at all. I used to smoke rollies too and got horrible little nicotene patches on all my fingers. Used to try and scrub them off but as soon as you'd removed them they reappeared. Fek, the hassles of being a smoker. So much easier not being ;)

Welcome to the forum and I hope that this place will really make a difference for you. Read up on information and post, rant, laugh. :)

Cyprien profile image

Not worrying about burning the house down...


Great thread, Yes, I totally agree with all the health, financial and social reasons here, but also....

I often used to leave the house, lock up, walk to the train station, get on the train.....and then think 'Did I put that last cigarette out?' I'd then have to spend the whole day wondering if the cigarette had been smouldering away and I'd come back home to a charred ruin.

On more than one occasion, I've actually gone home to check.


Cyprien profile image

...and why is it, if you were wearing jeans and a jumper, cigarettes would never go never them.

But the moment you wore a new silk blouse or some other delicate fabric, you could guarantee a bit of hot ash or the end of a cigarette would touch it and burn a hole in it. The number of decent outfits I've ruined like that.


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

No longer.

Its great that i no longer have to stand outside in all kind of weathers, trying my best to light a cigarette with a lighter that always seemed to go out as soon as the lightest breeze was present.. No longer do you curse the rain.. for making those wet patches on that cigarette that then forces you to do the craziest things just to keep that thing dry and un-ruined.

No longer standing outside in the cold and with each opening of the door, no longer also letting all the nice heat from the house outside... so this also helps keep the house warm... and us :)

No longer do i feel like crap when i wake up in the mornings... no longer tasting that horrible taste which only seemed to go away after the first smoke of the day...

No longer do i need to organise any activities around smoking.. or fitting a smoke in between every thing i ever did.. constantly looking for safe places where you are 'allowed' to smoke..

No longer are you made to feel inferior by the no-smoking population... you no longer feel you need to be apologetic for having to go and feed your addiction.

No longer do you need to spend a fortune every day for something that doesn't really do that much for you, except perhaps kill you slowly.

No longer are you showing a bad example to your kids, constantly trying to hide yourself from them.

No longer does every hour of every day make you erratic, and make you feel like the only way you can feel normal is with a cigarette in your hand.

No longer does every meal of the day and the lovely taste of the food become ruined by this crazy desire too follow it with 'a smoke'

No longer are we frowned on by our work colleagues for stealing all this time to go and have a smoke.. they don't talk in corners about us any more.

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

I enjoyed that!! Really good and ever so true!. These are the things that we don't realise when we are smokers.

Gosh can smokers be stupid (sorry, i may become one again) but it's plain stupid.

Good work to all and chat soon :)


Atomicguy profile image

I put this in my 2 month area. But to me its a positive so thought I'd put it here as well.

The benefits of non smoking and going on a long haul flight (or indeed any flight):

1. I didn't hang around outside the airport for that last drag of a ciggie.

2. I didn't annoy my friend by going "Oh before we go through can I just pop outside for a quick ciggie (friend is unforgiving non smoker - and a "pop outside" is a 10 minute hike!!)

3. We had enough time for brekkie and a drink - without me having a major ciggie craving.

4. Had a nice stroll through duty free - not looking at ciggies.

5. I enjoyed the flight and laughed at the cr*p films.

6. I wasn't badgering the attendants to bring me booze all the time coz "I'm a smoker and can't cope"

7. I didn't fidget so much (but I am a born fidgetter as me mum and friends can testify)

8. I didn't nearly kill all the people in front of me who were taking an eternity to get their overhead luggage and get off the plane.

9. I didn't nearly pick up any old bag just so I could get out of the airport sooner to have a ciggie.

10. I didn't say to my friend "can I jsut have a ciggie before we get a cab" therefore delaying us getting to hotel.

11. I didn't sit in a stinky area with dodgy types puffing away.

I DID, however, have a great flight being smoke free.

Cyprien profile image

Oh the joy of not sitting outside Stansted airport at 6 am in sub-zero temperatures with an expresso coffee and trying to cram in as many 'last' cigarettes as possible before going through security.


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Oh the joy of not sitting outside Stansted airport at 6 am in sub-zero temperatures with an expresso coffee and trying to cram in as many 'last' cigarettes as possible before going through security.


This is so true!!! One of my favorites! Together with going trough security when I am in a 45 min transfer, just so I can have a couple of drags... stressing all the time because I am afraid of missing my next flight...:eek:

nsd_user663_6020 profile image

flying high on fresh air - yeah baby !!!

Now thats excellent!!!

I used to have this problem, couldn't find the smoking lounge fast enuf.

I gave up this time just being real pissed off that i had to interupt yet again my work at home to go into town to buy cigarettes, when i really couldn't be bothered and was so angry that these "THINGS" were dictating my actions.

I'd been gearing up mentally for a while and it all just clicked.

nsd_user663_6095 profile image

The best thing so far is I no longer smell like an ashtray! And it's great not being banished to the garden to smoke in the wind and rain.

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Cyperien - I was probably standing near you at Stanstead at 6am, doing the same thing....... then was the 2 hour flight, out the other end, and then a two hour drive - with three non-smokers. I used to feel so guilty having a smoke before getting in the car with them. And I'd then have a mint or three so I didn't stink for their benefit.

What else is great - looking out the window right now seeing the rain pour down and knowing I'm not going out there:)

nsd_user663_6020 profile image

I remember going out to clubs and smoking and dancing all night long only to find th next morning that stale cigarette stink all over my clothes, even in my underwear.

So sick and tired of that infernal stench on everything.

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Great Things about not smoking

I'm only on day 4 but have already noticed many of the lovely things in this thread. The two that I have enjoyed the most so far...

1. Waking up after a night's sleep feeling refreshed. I had been referred to a neurologist about my sleep patterns (v heavy sleeper) and now find out it was just the fags!

2. Had my car valeted to get rid of the mountain of empty fag packets, bits of ash (inside & out) and the vile smell. I rejoice each time I get into my car now.

Looking forward to lots more nice stuff

nsd_user663_6020 profile image

orange oil

Im using natural orange oil to get the smell outa the house. It works like magic & smells super.

Also using a dry body brush first thing in the morning. It feels great and as yr skin is the largest organ in yr body and releases toxins it's a great help in getting your system cleansed.

Lots of fresh juicing of vegies and fruits. (not in the same drink).

REplacing the bad habits with health boosting new ones.

nsd_user663_7571 profile image

1. I never knew why they put a slice of lemon in drinks till I actually tasted it!

2. I can confirm I do dislike my husbands new aftershave lotion

3. Roast Beef smells great

4. Can wait till summer and smelling fresh cut grass

5. The Milk isle in the supermarket smells horrible!

6. Anchovies are too salty!

Just some observations!

nsd_user663_6695 profile image

Oh it's fantastic! Apart from the odd "aaargh" moment, and it is only the odd one, and they disappear as quickly as they come.......

1) I don't stink!

2) I've had two colds and neither have "gone to my chest".

3) I love my food again!

4) I can smell my own perfume hours after I've applied it!

5) I don't have to run to the bathroom before I kiss my (non-smoking) boyfriend!

6) It's true what they say - you can always find the fiver for your fags, but you can't seem to put it away.... but I can buy stuff from eBay much easier!

7) Did I mention food?

8) I'm sure I mentioned kissing my boyfriend.... ;-)

9) I don't have to freeze outside when on a night out now...

10) I can play bingo for a laugh in the half time intervals...

11) I can sing much better

12) I can dance much longer....

13) Sorry, it's the "kissing my boyfriend" part again!!!

14) My kids don't shake their heads in despair...

15) I've made my Dad proud of me again at the age of 36!

16) I'm no fat knacker but I've got fantastic DDs which are always a bonus and they'd go first if I took up the weed again...!!!

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!! :-D

To all those reading - keep it up - it changes your life is both massive and subtle ways!! Congratulations all!!

Deeves xxxx

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I guess many wouldn't agree with me, this is simply my view and not meant to start a debate.

My view is all the symptoms of quitting are positive, I'm not longer sucking nasty things in to my body.

....I'm eating junk instead...that's a whole new challenge.

nsd_user663_8492 profile image

I love the extra 10 mins I get in bed in the mornings as opposed to standing outside killing myself when its 7am, -4 degrees, a gale force wind is pelting hail and sleet into my face, my neck and back hurts through muscle tension as Im so cold and my hands and feet are numb!!

All for a cigarette??? I really used to do that??? and "enjoy" it??? :confused:

No I'll have the 10mins in my nice warm bed thanks :D

nsd_user663_8572 profile image

Well I am on day 3 now...

My sense of smell seems to be returning....and also, I can actually taste a cup of tea...lol...instead of it just being something hot going down my throat

Hopefully other things will start getting better soon...

smoked for 36 yrs

25 to 30 a day

stop date 17 02 10

lozengers...will power...and this forum.

nsd_user663_3741 profile image

Here is what I have noticed so far.............

1..I can take deep breaths.

2..I don't spend the first few minutes of my days coughing my lungs up.

3..I smell better.

4..My car no longer smells of a mixture of stale cigarette smoke and oust!

5..I love the way my toothbrush now squeaks when I am cleaning my teeth.

6..I no longer have to stand outside battling the elements to satisfy my craving.

7..I sleep better...and so does my hubby as I no longer snore!

8..I am not paying to damage my health.

9..I can cuddle my boys without having to rush off to wash my hands first!

10..My "smoking hoodie" now hangs in my wardrobe instead of in the broom cupboard (it has been washed lol)

11..I have more energy.

12..I have more spare cash at the end of the month.

nsd_user663_8518 profile image

1. Deep breaths

2. I can smell things more (not always positive :)

3. I can sleep in an extra 10 minutes

4. Don't have to worry if I have cigs or not

5. Don't have to stand outside in the cold and rain unless I want to

6. I smell better

That's all for now :)

nsd_user663_7503 profile image

Lots and lots!!

1) Sleeping loads better and wake up feeling more refreshed

2) My chronic sinus problems are not as bad which has made such a difference to how I feel daily

3) sense of smell much, much better - not always a good thing lol

4) flat smells much nicer

5) am able to run quite a bit of the ten minute walk to the station if I am running late in the morning and don't feel like throwing up

6) can take lovely big deep breaths

7) feeling more confident in non smoking company

Its brill!

nsd_user663_9590 profile image

Im about 16 hours in and already I'm seeing the first effects of quitting.

I can breathe easier already

House is smoke free

I have more time to do anything I want

Saved £3!!!!

nsd_user663_8148 profile image

Good for you John, keep positive.


nsd_user663_9590 profile image

Thank you

I feel its alot easier to quit while using this forum.

I just know that if I am in the house and I get a really bad craving I can just log on here and read all the bad stuff to keep me motivated and stick to my plan!

Good times.

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Well done

Well done John and glad you could join us.:)

This site and the guys on here are a great support, especially at the start or on bad days.

Keep strong

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