New here- day 3: Hello all. I'm on day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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New here- day 3

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free
30 Replies

Hello all.

I'm on day 3 of my first serious effort to quit in 6 years (age 46 and smoked since I was about 14!)

I have felt very tired all day with quite a few severe craving episodes. I'm trying not to use will power as such, more that I remind myself the cravings are due to addiction and that they will soon pass and that smoking will just make things worse.

Anyway, hoping tomorrow is ok as it will be my first full day at work as a non smoker.. and I feel a bit hazy headed so a bit worried that I will feel the need to light up at some point to help me concentrate at work.

How do other people feel on day 3? How do others cope /have coped with the light headed lack of concentration (feel like I'm on another planet!)

Lauren :)

Written by
Lulu_65 profile image
2 Years Smoke Free
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30 Replies
Dippy_Egg profile image

Lauren. Well done. I assume you are doing this cold turkey judging by the 'on another planet' comment :) Boy do i remember that feeling. Good news passes quickly. I reckon for certain you'll be absolutely fine at work tomorrow. I coped by just letting the cravings, whooziness, whatever symptom it threw at me just wash over me. Just accept the no pain no gain thing....dont fight it......nice deep slow breathing helped me too. And smile inside. Smile at the wonderful thing you are achieving here. Well done Lauren. Keep it up. I promise it gets easier. :)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Well done Lauren,

As Dippy said the hazy feeling doesn't last long so just go with it. The first 3 days are always the hardest when the physical effects of quitting are at there worst. 3 days is not so long in the scheme of things ;)

Wishing you luck at work tomorrow, just remember how bad you want this. I found the worst thing about not smoking at work was the fact I got a numb bum from not getting up to go for a ciggie :eek:

Stay strong :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_47330 profile image

Hi Lauren, well done on your quit so far you are doing really well! Well day 3 remember it well and def the other planet feeling so mainly what Dippy Egg said and try not to think about it too much, I used to find getting away from my desk and getting a tea or glass of water usually helped me, just doing something else, it doesn't work for everyone you will find your own thing to help get you through your cravings, It gets easier though!

Good luck tomorrow, let us know how it goes! :)

T x

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

Hi Dippy Egg

Thanks for your lovely encouraging reply.

You're absolutely right, I'm doing this cold turkey. I have tried NRT in the past but I always felt sick by it, as if I'd smoked too much (that was patches) and the gum and lozenges just taste disgusting.

I notice from lots of posts I've been reading through that the hardest days are the first 3? I hope that's the case :)

I actually went out last night and had a couple of drinks. I was fine with not smoking but surprised by how quickly I downed a whole glass of wine!

Really glad I found this forum as it looks like there's loads of intersting information and experience of other people to share and learn from.


Dippy_Egg profile image

You're welcome Lauren. I'm glad you found us.

Well done on the cold turkey. Its mental. Honestly're head will start to clear tomorrow. The hard part is over. Now its just a case of deciding firmly and happily in you mind never to smoke again. . . .and you wont :) I know there are those for whom that will sound over-simplified and easy. But i promise you for me it is true and so I see no reason why it cant be for you.

Dippy_Egg profile image

Gaynor.....that'll be one calendar month neatly tucked away in your bag then :)

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

Thank you everyone for all your replies.

I'm so looking forward to the challenge tomorrow to prove to myself that I can do it.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying reading all the older posts to see how everyone else coped and there are some cracking tips.


nsd_user663_49196 profile image

Newbie - Day 3


I found the forum yesterday but didn't really get chance to post anything.

This is day 3 for me, and I'm finding it really hard:(

I'm 49 now and been smoking since I was 11, so it just seems strange not to light up all the time.

I'm on the champix to help with cravings but find I am thinking about smoking all the time. I keep thinking just a couple of puffs will stop the cravings and make me feel better; then I remember why I'm doing this and I will not feel better in the long run:confused:

nsd_user663_45894 profile image

The light headiness thing ya feeling hun is the fact now u aint smoking, you are acctually recieving more oxygen too your brain ! and ya bodys like woahhh wots this, .. so ya feel a little dizzy and light , dont wurry its perfectly normal , and welcome n good luck :) x

nsd_user663_49196 profile image

Hi Lauren

How was your 1st day at work as a new non-smoker?

I too am in the same position as you and it did feel a bit strange not to smoke at break and lunch time, but I did manage it and hope you did too:o

nsd_user663_48073 profile image


I found the forum yesterday but didn't really get chance to post anything.

This is day 3 for me, and I'm finding it really hard:(

I'm 49 now and been smoking since I was 11, so it just seems strange not to light up all the time.

I'm on the champix to help with cravings but find I am thinking about smoking all the time. I keep thinking just a couple of puffs will stop the cravings and make me feel better; then I remember why I'm doing this and I will not feel better in the long run:confused:

This Forum is a great place to get advice and support. I would also suggest you join the social group Champix Crew. It offers information and advice that is more relevant to your (and my) cessation method. I am a day away from 3 weeks quit now and I'll be honest, the first three days were hell mostly due to the drug's side effects, it got easier after that but I still have my off days (when I hit this forum most of the day). I think that you will find that the "cravings" that you are getting are usually associated with your regular routine, at least that's my experience. I would be in a situation where I would have had a smoke and found myself wanting one. I have started to avoid those that I can, those I can't, I just remind myself that I have a new routine.:D

Keep at it everyone. You have made it past the hardest parts, namely deciding to quit and the first 3 days.:cool:

nsd_user663_49196 profile image

Just found the Champix Crew but not sure how to join!

I don't think the champix side effects for me are as bad as some people!

I've got headache, but then I always do, so nothing new there.

Also feel a little sick after each tablet but that wears off after a few minutes.

No vivid dreams.

The only thing that is annoying is everything tastes a bit odd, and has done since I started the champix, but hopefully that will stop once I'm off the champix.

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

Hi Lauren

How was your 1st day at work as a new non-smoker?

I too am in the same position as you and it did feel a bit strange not to smoke at break and lunch time, but I did manage it and hope you did too:o

Hi Cakecorner

I found it ok... I just tried to concentrate on one thing at a time and not multi task (there was a moment where I almost felt like I'd forgot my name). I was zoning in and out of conversations as if I wasn't really there.

It feels like it's starting to clear now and I feel much more 'with it' tonight than I've done since day one.

Lauren :)

nsd_user663_49196 profile image

I felt a bit like I was zoning in and out on day 1 and 2 but have felt a bit better today:o

The worst time was about 20 minutes ago, just after eating dinner, thats when I really wanted a smoke:( but had some tic tacs and came on the forum instead:D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Gaynor.....that'll be one calendar month neatly tucked away in your bag then :)

Indeed it is Dippy :D

1 month, 1 day 14hours & 13 minutes lol. Haven't got this far for a long time!!

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_49415 profile image

Third day for me as well. Feels a bit wierd, not so much a physical craving as a 'why are n't I smoking, its what I do?' feeling. I'm 52, had my first cigarette when I was 11 and have smoked every day of my life since I was 16. Doing it cold turkey.

Doing this for my Dad who died in April. He never smoked and was desperately disapointed when I started. He banged on to me for years to give up and told me how bad my cough sounded. So far whenever I've felt a real urge for a smoke, I've thought of him and thats worked.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Welcome Esso and well done on getting to day 3. Feeling wierd is good, certainly better than craving! I am very sorry to hear about your dad but hope that his memory will keep you on the straight and narrow.

I am just a little younger than you but have smoked for about the same amount of time. It's a long time to be doing something we shouldn't then stop but is completely doable. I Have no doubt you and I will get to the penthouse and drink to your dad and mine.


nsd_user663_49415 profile image

Welcome Esso and well done on getting to day 3. Feeling wierd is good, certainly better than craving! I am very sorry to hear about your dad but hope that his memory will keep you on the straight and narrow.

I am just a little younger than you but have smoked for about the same amount of time. It's a long time to be doing something we shouldn't then stop but is completely doable. I Have no doubt you and I will get to the penthouse and drink to your dad and mine.


Thanks for your good wishes. Having a cheeky Cuba Libre and watching the football right now. Smoking? Not even thinking about it.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Good to hear smoking is far from your thoughts. Keep it up!

I have had a cup of coffee and being made to watch the football lol.


nsd_user663_49415 profile image

Good to hear smoking is far from your thoughts. Keep it up!

I have had a cup of coffee and being made to watch the football lol.


Mind you England going behind is not helping matters !!!

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

better now, Esso? :)

nsd_user663_49415 profile image

better now, Esso? :)

Oh yes! Especially for an Arsenal fan!

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

I know we are winning (still time left to eff it up!) but it's poor game between two poor teams. If England do get to the 1/4s, doesn't matter who we play, we'll get stuffed!

nsd_user663_49415 profile image

I know we are winning (still time left to eff it up!) but it's poor game between two poor teams. If England do get to the 1/4s, doesn't matter who we play, we'll get stuffed!

Have to agree, not a great side. But I do think Roy Hodgson is building a much better team spirit than there's been for many years. And that can take you quite a long way.

Back on topic - day 3 nearly completed, actually looking forward to day 4. Coughing reduced and I'm definitely breathing better.

nsd_user663_48073 profile image

Congrats you guys. If you're not using nicotine replacement, you are. Ow nicotine free.

Being from Scotland, I would love to see England advance. I sometimes joke about the "Anybody but England" crew, but I would support England before many of the others (Ireland being the exception, but that won't be happening now).

Good luck England!!!:D

nsd_user663_49196 profile image

Do you have to talk football on here:rolleyes:

lefoy123 profile image

Like yourself I really suffered in the early days of my quit.I tried all sorts to make me feel better all to no avail. Like youself I was feeling tired all the time yet when going to bed being unable to sleep. The amount of energy I used getting in and out of bed should have made me sleep like baby however that wasn't the case far from it. My doctor would only let me have 2/3 weeks of sleepers. Eventually I came good with the exception of chronic catarrh apart from that I'm now sleeeping reasonably well.

Seems everybody has different symptoms when quitting, as no 2 quits seem the same.

Sorrow I could not suggest a one size fits all remedy to these reactions we suffer when quitting.

To finish hang on in here it will get better.

Regards and Best Wishes


Unah profile image

Must admit I'm thinking of leaving this forum Kind of gets a bit boring when people complain if anyone goes off topic. We can't live, eat & breathe 'no smoking'

If we can't be spontaneous when answering messages then there isn't any point in being here. I was following a conversation which involved football. I couldn't care less about football but the people involved were enjoying it until someone from this group put a damper on it. If you are having a bad day 'cakecorner' don't interfere with other people's pleasure. We all have enough problems. If you don't want to read about football or anything else then ignore it and let those (going through the same problems) enjoy the chain of messages.

That said I am a happy non smoker

nsd_user663_46317 profile image


I think you are completely missing the point about this forum.

We are all here to support each other to achieve the same aim TO QUIT SMOKING.

Please feel free to leave if you find us "boring". Not all of us on here live, eat & breath on this forum, we come on this forum when we please, for moral boosts about non smoking, not people complaining.

So proud of my son because he wrote that bit xxx

Unah profile image

It's a bad day when people aren't allowed to talk about anything but smoking. Stopping smoking is hard enough and if getting caught up in a conversation about something else keeps your mind off it, even for just a little while, then that is a good thing. Yes I do know there is a place for off topic items but when one conversation leads to another you are not going to say "hang on, we can't talk about that here"

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