End of day 3 :) new here: Hey everyone :) I... - No Smoking Day

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End of day 3 :) new here

nsd_user663_25451 profile image
9 Replies

Hey everyone :)

I'm 19 and my names Tara. I've been smoking for around 6 years. Have had 2 serious attempts of quitting before, both CT for 2 months and 4 months.

This time around I used Champix, quit on day 5 (Last ciggy was 11pm on Thursday) and the dose doubled yesterday. I found on day 6 & 7 of using champix (when I had quit) that the number of cravings reduced, but when i got them they lasted for hours. That isn't time distortion either, I remember looking at the clock at 4pm, and still feeling the craving at 6.30pm last night!

I know of previous attempts that cravings are frequent, but dont last that long. So I have opted to stop taking Champix. I thought i would struggle as its day 3 of my quit, and i have not had any champix today. Had a few minor episodes, but i am still going strong :)

Have read the illustrated version of the easyway, also done alot of research. Have found a site which convinces people that smoking does not kill them or cause cancer.. i remember when i would go to them lengths too, only id convince myself!

So yep thats me :) no nicotine for 70 hours now!! started with champix but now CT! wish me luck xxxx

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nsd_user663_25451 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Hi Tara,

Like you i am at the end of day 3 only im using the patches. I initially started with champix but after a couple of days on them i felt ill so stopped.

Iv found it surprisingly good with the patches, had quite a few cravings but they pass quickly and i just pop a wrigleys chewing gum in Lol! but it works. Iv read lots and lots including posts on here and i have found this to be a godsend and kept me focused.

Well done to you for doing CT.

Today iv had the day from hell with stresses at home but i didnt once seriously think of smoking which for me is amazing.

Anyway good luck and keep reading and posting, the people on this forum are fantastic. Keep being strong you CAN DO IT. xxxx As we are at the same point we can keep spurring eachother along lol!!


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done :D

I think cravings from my experience are very short lived but at other times I have experienced a longing for one which has lasted quite a long time. I usually find distraction works best, go to bed, go out for a walk, anything to forget. They do get further inbetween though.

nsd_user663_25451 profile image

after writing my initial post i received a phonecall to say my boyfriend had been in an accident on his moped. Stupidly i turned to a fag, so ive failed. :(

Going to take champix again tomorrow, not going to smoke tomorrow and hopefully i haven't done to much damage to my quit.

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Oh dear, sorry to hear about your boyfriend, hope he's ok.

Hey dont worry about your litlle blip, you havent failed. Just pick yourself up and get back on track tomorrow.

You've done really well and can continue to do well. Honestly, iv also had a bad day where my marriage is in crisis and all i wanted was a cigg but i just thought to myself "no iv worked hard iv got to get used to not having a cig to help get me over stressfull times" Instead i chewed on wrigleys like a madwoman, infact my jaw is aching like hell lol!!!

Come on girl you can do it!!!!

Iv also been reading a paul mckenna book and i think that has helped me understand why i want a cig at certain times and its just an association that has built up over time, so really its not that a cigarette made me feel better its the habit i had formed and conditioned. I dont know if that makes sense.

If it helps whenever you feel you need one, come on here and we'll help you xx Good luck tomorrow

nsd_user663_25398 profile image

Hi Tara

Please don't think you've failed - as Jo says, think of it as a blip! ;)

I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend - I do hope he's ok.

I'm also on Champix, but didn't feel ready to stop smoking until day 13 - I think it has a cumulative effect as far as the cravings go.

Good luck for today - you can do it!


nsd_user663_25451 profile image

Hey everyone, just an up date.

I ended up smoking a total of 9 ciggarettes between Sunday night and Tuesday night. which is good for me anyway!

Gave up again Wednesday, now on Saturday and day 4 and not had one and no desire to do so! :)

and oh is okay, broke his leg!! x

nsd_user663_25398 profile image

Well done Tara for keeping at it. You sound really positive - keep it going! :)

Hope your boyfriend makes a speedy recovery!

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

after writing my initial post i received a phonecall to say my boyfriend had been in an accident on his moped. Stupidly i turned to a fag, so ive failed. :(

Going to take champix again tomorrow, not going to smoke tomorrow and hopefully i haven't done to much damage to my quit.

Hope your boyfriend is okay!! Keep going Tara on your quit. I too have the long cravings, so I do understand. Hours is right. Just stay mad and say no I will not let the cigs get to me, I will control myself not them. Keep going., you don't want to end up at 50 still smoking and hating yourself for it.

This is my first attempt at quitting, I've thought about it and never had the guts. I too am on Champix and although I thought after taking my last cig 3 days ago I can do it without, I don't want to risk it. I will keep going for the full course.

Good luck, keep it up and as you've seen, there are great people here that are so encouraging and helpful. If you feel like you're going to have one just come here and start typing about it and have a good rant :)

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

I hope it is still going ok Tara :)

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