21 days..........: Hi all Made it to day 2... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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21 days..........

nsd_user663_27261 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all

Made it to day 21 and that means I'm entering week 4, strangely there is no 'week 4' on this forum so by default I find myself in 'month 1' lol which has actually given me a lift.

Difficult to explain how I feel, some days are ridiculously easy and others are painfully tough, what I've learnt is that the tough days are usually bought on by boredom and that I need to keep the mind active.

I feel loads better than I did a week ago, still struggling with interrupted sleep but I was never a great sleeper and became used to battling weary eyes at work years ago, wheezing is much better now.

Closest I think I came to caving in was last Sat night - had a few beers, been around smokers all evening and couldn't get the idea of smoking out of my mind, I demolished an extremely unhealthy amount of food (and very unhealthy food at that) but managed to avoid smoking, but even going through ones bodyweight in pizza and cashew nuts has to be healthier than smoking, right ? ? ? (not a question - I know the answer !)

A little concerned that my strongest craving should come after 3 weeks when I've been brainwashed into believing this gets easier with time, but no surprise that the weakest moments I've had have been during/after drinking. I am absolutely determined not to ever smoke another cigarette but if there are quitters out there who are wavering, my advice would be do not drink as this will only challenge your resolve further.

Glad to see so many posting today, good luck to those who have fallen off but looking to get straight back on, and also well done to those who are staying strong.

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nsd_user663_27261 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_27121 profile image

Hi Horse - I did find this weekend tricky but i think that is because, like you have felt, we think it should be easier by now. I wasn't as elated to get to week 3 last night as i was to get to week 1 and 2, but then reading Karen's post at day 50 made me feel much, much better!

I have also found some days a complete doddle - barely think about it - then I can spend what seems the entire day thinking of the smell and the feeling of smoking. It doesn't pass within a couple of minutes - it stays with me all day.

I have had a total of 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches today and am looking forward to my choccie bar which is winking at me from my bag. I also know it is not exactly healthy, but I don't really care right now.

I was going to post earlier, but didn't know where to put it!

Still having amazing dreams, still have digestive problems, but i am still completely smoke free! I do enjoy a couple of glasses of wine but i find i am ok once i have had one drink - it's that first taste that makes me want to smoke. Beyond that, i seem to be ok. Can't give THAT up as well!! :D

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Guys

Horse Well done mate, 3 weeks. Your probably find now that your experiencing the dreaded '3s' as they call it, i know been there done that but look at you entering your first month, well done :)

Mrs CP & Horse

We dont have a week 4 which when i started last year i thought was a bit odd but hey like you have said its nicer to get into the first month.

To both of you and all newbies good luck, it can be done i should know as i never thought i could give up my first cig of the day but tomorrow i celebrate 7 months so you see it can be. :)

lol to you all

nsd_user663_27537 profile image

well done Horse!!!

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Great job Horse!!!

Keep it up.


nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Well done Horse! You are doing fantistically!

I found the novelty started to wear off after week two and I came to a bit of a brick wall, I suggest maybe introducing somthing new into your life eg. go out walking, read more, as you say just keep your mind active. It does get easier with time but you do still have to keep your guard up. Thankfully having a drink doesn't make me want to smoke at all however stress is a big trigger for me or even achievment so I still have to watch out for these.

Well done again!!

Jill xx

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Thanks guys.

Keeping the mind occupied is definitely necessary.

Someone wrote a very good post a week or two back about mental recollections and visiting a place as a non smoker when previously you would have been smoking.

Still a battle for me - I'm away this coming weekend and heading to a holiday cottage in the West Country we stayed in a couple of years ago, I keep thinking of taking my dog for a walk on the beach in the evening or sitting outside the cottage looking over the beach/sea, both have the ability to relax me like nothing else but of course previously I would have done both with a rollie in my hand.

I have no intention of smoking but it's a mental trick that the first time I sit on that patio or walk the dog on the beach that cigarettes will be vivid in my mind......

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Hey Karri - glad you're OK.

Sorry to hear you've fallen off, but day 11 is a decent effort, hope you get straight back on and know what to avoid next time, you know it's worth it.

Yep last weekend, took the family down to Dorset via Longleat, the monkeys had a great time trying to eat the windscreen wipers then had a lovely evening/night in Lulworth Cove, really nice part of the country.

Ignore that FT report, buy Nandos shares ! ! !

How's the new date going ?

nsd_user663_28983 profile image

21 days

at the 21 day mark today... gone surprisingly quick which has been pleasant :)

Feeling very confident that the quit is for good. However, was supposed to go out on the drink tonight with friends (some of whom smoke) but couldn't bring myself to go as i was worried that i'd slip up and have a cheeky ciggy or two (luckily i have a maths exam on monday so used that as an excuse as to not go out).

I'm worried about going out in general and stupidly lighting up whilst tipsy. I really do not crave cigarettes at all in the day time, i don't have any cravings what so ever which is great... but the association with drink is worrying me.... does anyone have any tips as to how they overcome this beer-cigarette association? :confused:

Quit Date: Friday 13th May 2011 ;) - it felt right (unlucky for some, but not for others -ME - that was my reasoning :)

Quit Method: cold turkey

Smoked: 10 a day for 5 years (guesstimation)

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