Entering week 3........: Managed 14 days off... - No Smoking Day

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Entering week 3........

nsd_user663_27261 profile image
14 Replies

Managed 14 days off the weed and heading towards week 3.

I found the second week harder if I'm honest but I've not felt great throughout and wonder if/when I start feeling better whether the (strong)urge to smoke will return.

Haven't slept well for the full 2 weeks

Wheezing through the night

Developed hayfever (never had it before)

Light headed for first week, seems to have rescinded

I (niaively ?) expected to feel rough for the first week and for it to ease thereafter, I honestly thought that if I made 2 weeks that I'd be over the worst of it and able to look forward when the reality has been the reverse, has anyone else struggled with their health since their quit ?

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nsd_user663_27261 profile image
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14 Replies
bbbreezy profile image

Hello Horse,

Some blessed people manage to suffer for first week or three and life turns beautiful. I am pleased for those people, but let's face it, I hate them am so bloody jealous.

I have been plagued with reasonably minor health problems thru quit and still going thru them; am off to the clinic AGAIN in next few hours. I used to go to the clinic ONCE, like clockwork, mid winter each year with pneumonia or bronchitis. Each damn year the doc used to ask if I was stll smoking. Not so this year, I quit in mid Jan! I was not going to be sick this winter; no doctor was ever going to give me that look again. Well hot damn, haven't I been to the hospital or clinic THREE times so far AND I DON'T SMOKE. do I sound a wee bit bitter??????

All bitching aside, despite the minor health problems, I know it is all for the best and it will all work out.

Thank you Horse, I feel better now


nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Thanks bbbreezy - hope your health issues get resolved quickly.

I think much of our mindset come down to expectation, I've had everyone from the kids to the milkman telling me smoking is no good for your health so when I quit I expect to be healthier !

It won't challenge my resolve, I know why I'm stopping and I intend to see it through, in fact when I start feeling better is the time I'm more likely to consider smoking so maybe the longer I feel like #$%& the better off I am.................if that makes any sense...

Karri - I am worried about the Bombay Mix, they've litterally taken the place of smokes, I now adopt a 'better buy a second bag just in case' approach !


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Hi Horse

Really well done on the quit, brilliant stuff. But - or rather BUT (:D) how long did you smoke for? A few years I'm guessing, and you've given up for a few weeks. Give your poor old bod a chance to heal! I know it's frustrating, but you will be healthier (and wealthier) soon. Promise!

BBBreezy. So sorry you're not well, but oh you did make me laugh! Brilliantly written! I do hope the quack sorts you out.

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

That 'whyquit' website is a bit scary eh ?

Too much 'shock and awe' for me - I don't need to read heartwrenching stories about kids who lost their parent(s) or see pictures of dying people clutching photos of when they were healthy.

I appreciate the advice and I'm sure seeing/reading the content may work on some people, my situation is different in that I have given up (can I use that description yet ? ? ?) and have no intention of smoking again but I did expect some improved health at this stage - divingdale is perhaps right though, 15 days isn't a long time when you've been poisoning your body for (the majority of) 25 years, I just didn't expect to feel worse after 2 weeks of not smoking compared to how I felt when I was smoking !

Patience is a virtue I guess......

nsd_user663_27121 profile image

Hi Horse - i'm at the same stage as you and i have to admit i don't really feel any different. I have some nasty side effects, but i can't say i feel any 'better' healthwise than before. I guess i can take deeper breaths but that's about it! I am very tired today as i woke up yet again in the middle of the night and could not get back off to sleep.

all that aside, like you i am determined that this is it, i have quit and will just have to put up with any side effects that come my way because they will be worth it in the long run. Already i am looking forward to a bubble bath, glass of red and an early night ....mmmm

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Hi MrsCP

The lack of sleep does irritate me, I'm sure I've not slept more than 4 hours without interruption since my quit and some nights barely 4 horus in total.

As you say, the side effects are only a bit of short term pain in order to benefit from the long term gain.

Bottle of red eh ? sounds great, enjoy !

nsd_user663_27595 profile image

Hi guys, I was listening to some older customers in my bar last night discussing illness after you give up smoking.

One of them said you feel worse for a while becuase your system is clearing all the cr*p out, another man said he had been told that smoking kills bacteria, so you are therefore more likely to pick up colds etc while your body recovers. I dont know if there is any truth in this, or just the usual ramblings of my intoxicated punters! :o

nsd_user663_27261 profile image


I think in recent times there's been enough negative press to disuade people from smoking, no smoker can be ignorant to the health risks it's just that we choose to ignore them whilst we're smoking.

No single picture convinced me to give up, I've always been aware of the risks without acknowleding their existence, though I have to say that seeing them now does give me added reason to stay quit, it's the emotional stories that I can't take....

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hay Horse! :D

Great job on reaching week three!


nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Hi Horse and fellow quitters

I have logged in tonight as I do nowadays every so often, and read your posts and replies.

It took me right back to Nov/Dec 09 when after 6-8 weeks I wanted to feel great, but did not.

It does take a bit of time if you have ben smoking for some years, a 20 year habit cannot be forgotten in a few weeks, and I know patience at this time is not what you want to hear.

BUT, every day there is a difference inside you, you may not recognise this but believe me its true. I was a smoker for over 40 years and found it really hard to quit as my fellow quitters in the "Octos" will tell you, but I owe so much to this website for keeping me going through thick and thin.

All I can say to you is you will feel better, a lot better inside and out. I am still struggling with my weight, but my cancers in remission, my breath tests are that of a non smoker. I dont wheeze anymore when I get a cold, I didnt have bronchitis last winter for the first winter in 25, so I think thats just a few reasons why its more than worth it.

Keep going you will see and feel the benefits very soon.


nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Thanks for your responses guys, really appreciate it.

Deerizla - I've only been on here a few weeks and don't believe we've exchanged comments, but I'm sorry to hear of your illness and hope that you are beating it.

Karri - yep me too, watched my Dad die of cancer 2 years ago, had my wife, daughter and Mum screaming at me to give up yet still found a way of smoking for 2 years despite having seen how the disease eat away at him.

By way of an update, I bit the bullet and went to see the Doc for only the second time in 8 years, he prescribed me a pretty orange preventative inhaler which I take twice a day, Since Monday I've had a handful of puffs compared to needing upwards of 10 a day before so this new spray works and I feel much better now.

Just wish I could get a decent nights sleep.

Good luck all - and Karri please update us on your quit, you're unbelievably efficient at wishing everyone else well but I haven't seen you providing too many updates and I'm sure the entire forum would like to get behind you.

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

'I've had a handful of puffs compared to needing upwards of 10 a day before'

Sorry wasn't very clear here, this is refering to the blue ventolin inhaler than I take when wheezy.

Goodnight all....

nsd_user663_27839 profile image

Hi Horse,

When I quit cold turkey before (made it 90 days and started again like an idiot), I had exactly what you are describing. Many call it smokers flu, but what I experienced was much worse than any flu I have had. I remember constant snot dripping from my nose...and it was so toxic that it actually damaged my skin, making the skin all around my nose peel off and turn red. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't breath. I was miserable. This all actually helped me to stay quit as long as I did, as I didn't want to suffer for nothing. I was better after 10 days, but I think it will vary for everyone. Now that you are not smoking, your body is getting rid of all the accumulated toxins from over the years. It will eventually all be cleaned out.

Good luck and hope you are feeling better soon!

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Thanks Chound.

Last few days have been a little better though sleep patterns are still shattered - I've not heard the term 'smokers flu' before but it makes sense, and it's comforting to know that others have experienced similar and got through it quite quickly

Good luck

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