DAY 8 I am so unsure: Well my goal was to... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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DAY 8 I am so unsure

nsd_user663_26598 profile image
26 Replies

Well my goal was to get really fit at 40 ... and part of it is quitting smoking after 26 years ...

So here we go I am at day 8 now ... I did the cold stop with Alan Carrs Book ... and it was really easy as it was promised ... But on day 5 it got a bit difficult ... Ok I went thru this ... bought a Pack ... and was so proud of myself that I did NOT open it ... I actually laughed hysterically at myself that I did buy it and never opened it .. but now the last 24 hours ... it is a real drag .. honestly ... I could just get a pack and smoke them all ... :eek:

It is a real struggle to resist at the moment ... I know I can ... but somehow I am not sure I really want ... maybe this cold turkey does not work and I need some Champix ore something like this ...

Ah I am frustrated really ... :mad::(:(:

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nsd_user663_26598 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi, I hope you haven't had one of those cigarettes. Don't do it!! If you've already done it, okay but get rid of the rest and get back to being a quitter. I'm almost 50 and have smoked for over 30 years so we started at the same time. Have spent most of our lives as smokers rather than non smokers. Guess the problems with your teeth haven't started yet have they? I always thought I would have my teeth to a ripe old age. After all mom has strong teeth and I have only had 2 cavities all my life so why shouldn't I, right? Well wrong. I now have problems and am loosing bone therefor my teeth have no support. You don't want to get to that point do you? I haven't even turned 50 yet!! And yes, that is from the smoking!

If you feel you'd rather do it with Champix, do it! Call your gp or better yet see if there is a stop smoking clinic near you. I went there and go every week and it is great support as well.

You've made the first big step. You've realized it's no good for you, don't give up before you give up. Read other peoples posts here when you're struggling and write your own as well. It's better to rant on here than light up. Go for the champix, go for a walk, do anything but light one up, you will be so proud of yourself:)

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Ok ok ok

Ok Guys ... thanks for the messages ... well I am in Bangkok and getting Champix is more difficult than I thought but you can buy Zyban over the counter in every Boots Pharmacy ... don't ask ... Thai logic ... :D Anyway I bought this Zyban and instead of lighting up the nasty Ciggi ... I popped a Zyban ... sounds crazy .. not really I am worried that I will fail if I don't stop the urges really soon .. I know a lot of people think that Zyban has bad side effects but so has Champix ... and we should not talk about the side effects actual SMOKING has on you ... I will survive this nasty day 8 ... I am determined ... I actually opened the pack I bought a couple of days ago and just smelled the open pack ... that almost made me sick ... Nope nope nope I am not going to light these bastards up ....

thanks for the encouraging messages ... I needed it ... ;)

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

You have already done the hardest bit, believe in yourself, you've come this far you don't need drugs to help you, just try and stay positive x

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

You have already done the hardest bit, believe in yourself, you've come this far you don't need drugs to help you, just try and stay positive x

Well Zyban is just my Backup plan ... I will not fall off the wagon again ... :o

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Are you sure that is an ok thing to do :eek: Zyban is only available on prescription here for a very good reason ie it may not be suitable for you. There is no nicotine in Zyban so it's not like NRT in that it will help the cravings. I don't want to sound like a wet blanket when you are sounding so positive but do be careful :)

Karri , well my sister is a neurologist back in the States so I spoke to her before bought them ... well Thai laws are a bit different on certain drugs ... as you just read with Champix and Zyban are considered differently ...

Well actually NRT's are not really the best choice for cravings ... they feed your nicotine addiction ... thats why Medication such as Zyban and Champix work because they work on the brain to stop the particular part that sends this craving signals in first place .... I am not talking here about a physical withdraw ... I have passed this point ... it is a mental craving ... coming from the brain ... ;) Anyway long story short ... I know what I am doing ... Zyban has a bad reputation ... but honestly ... I know many people that quit with it and they say it was not that bad ... well we have to be serious here ... does cancer in any shape or form as alternative sound better compared to a few weeks nausea maybe ...???:eek:

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

I know people who have given up on Zyban and wasn't insinuating you would be wanting to jump in front of a train at some point :D

It's the fact that Zyban take a week to actually work so you aren't going to reap the benefits yet. As they are doing nothing for you mentally or physically perhaps you would have been better giving yourself a couple of days.

But it's YOUR quit so whatever works for you is all that matters. I'm not even on one yet so who am I to comment really :)

LOL ... I PROMISE haven't even thought about the Train .... LOL

Yeah they are just back up plan ... and they normally set in within 4 days ... but ... you know ... I know myself and when i fall off the wagon .. done it many times and this time I am prepared ... so I will listen to my Sister this time .. that keeps telling me to go on drug as support ... :rolleyes:

So you are not on a QUIT yet ... Go when you are ready .... I AM SO READY !!!:p

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Best wishes with it all and good to see you so positive and happy about it. Looks like this quit is going to be "the one" :)

Have a great trip in Thailand too - lucky *&^% :D

Yeah Karri ,

this has to be it ... I lost already 26 lbs with an extreme Workout regime ... and now smoking has to go ... no question asked June 26 my 40th is coming ... and project FITWITH40 has to be completed ...

I am even more lucky ... I live here ... well now I am actually moving to Krabi ... to the beautiful beaches of Thailand ... Yes I know i am the lucky *&%!^D ..... lol :cool::p

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

What a good reason to decide to quit and here you are at 40 (?) and you are going to feel so much better for quitting I promise there is nothing better that you can do for your health and if you stop now I would say and so do most docs that you can reverse all the damage you have done up to now, but light up one more fag and away you will go again, you CAN NOT have even one puff NOPE is my moto NOT ONE PUFF EVER so you make it yours as well, it isnt easy to quit and no one will tell you it is but it is so worthwhile, I am well past 40 and have only been quit 16 months but I know I feel healthier for it and so will you so dont light those nasty cigs and if you cant leave them lying around give them to a smoker and let them stink and kill thereselves LOL take care and welcome to the forum.

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

DAY 8 is History ... Day 9 bring it on

Wow I made it thru day 8 ... I am proud of myself actually ... it is always this 7th or 8th day .... thats where I cracked so many times before .... I don't know ... but I saw recently a graph where it shows like day 3 is a cravings peak and then day 7-8 another one ... and then it goes down ( I mean the cravings ) ... lets see :p I am optimistic ... So DAY 9 and counting .... yippy :D

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Wow - you lost 26 pounds :eek: Thats more or less what I want to lose but I'm finding it hard as I'm a real chocolate eating, junk food gorging, alcohol swilling fag hag And then I wonder why I'm single

You live there? Well now I officially hate you

Hey Karri,

nothing wrong in being a FAG HAG ... lol at least you getting a lot of fun time I am sure ... :p Ah the junkfood though got me worried ... he he I was a junk food lover ... :rolleyes: now finished well not correct today I had a double Big Mac ... but maybe once a month will do ... the rest of the time I am really eating loads of Salads and the key to it all is WATER ... it really is ... I am now up to 6 l a day ... Yep 6 l and it is easier than you think ... but because of all the water intake your body first releases a lot of stored water ... and nice side effect is less hunger ... lol

It is really amazing how much more energy I have since i drink that amount of water ,... ok then of course i did the Power 90 Exercise program and slowly starting to do now P90X the next step up ...

You will be amazed how quick i was shedding pounds ... all in the motivation ... and believe me I was a couch potato for 80 % of my life ... well until I was 20 I did high end competition Ballroom dancing ... then I split with my dancing partner she went to another club ( always these women that leave us high and dry ... :p) ... then the Latin Team I was in and did win quite a few Championships with, separated as well ... so life got in the way ... and so came the pounds ... NO ROCKET Science really ... then the Cigarette took over ... 2 packs a day ... for almost 25 years ... so no exercise , wrong food and bad choices ... we just don't take care of our body really ... So I am actually on a mission to be fitter with 40 than I was with 20 ... how was that ... 40 is the new 20

Now Karri I read a few of your posts.... have you tried the Allan Carr route already ... with the book or even the DVD ... or directly going to the clinic ...

You know what I did not believe that a "silly book" could help me quit ... but holy was I wrong ... I still don't know what happened in reading the book ... but I did quit ... just like this ... no willpower ... not trick ... just like this ...

You should give it a try ... Have a great day


nsd_user663_26598 profile image

What a good reason to decide to quit and here you are at 40 (?) and you are going to feel so much better for quitting I promise there is nothing better that you can do for your health and if you stop now I would say and so do most docs that you can reverse all the damage you have done up to now, but light up one more fag and away you will go again, you CAN NOT have even one puff NOPE is my moto NOT ONE PUFF EVER so you make it yours as well, it isnt easy to quit and no one will tell you it is but it is so worthwhile, I am well past 40 and have only been quit 16 months but I know I feel healthier for it and so will you so dont light those nasty cigs and if you cant leave them lying around give them to a smoker and let them stink and kill thereselves LOL take care and welcome to the forum.

Hey there ... thanks for the encouraging words ...

yeah you are right .. never another puff this stuff has controlled me and my life long enough ...

I have decided to live not to kill myself .... :D

WOW 16 month already ... Congrats ... really impressed ....

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Mmmmm double big mac :D I was reading today that water was a really good way to get healthy and lose weight. I think sometimes I tell myself I am hungry when in fact I am thirsty. I also read that if you have a glass of water before your meal you won't eat as much. Blimey, 6 litres a day, you must have the bladder of a camel :eek: I sometimes amaze myself with fluids as when I used to work I would have a cup of tea in the morning and not drink until lunchtime, then I would drink again when I got home. A bottle of coke can last me all day!

I have read Allan Carr Chris and to be honest it didn't work for me. I found myself nodding in agreement most of the way through the book because I could relate to a lot of it but it didn't make me give up. He has worked for a lot of people (you are proof of that) but sadly he didn't do it for me - unlike Jonny Depp ;)

Big CONGRATULATIONS on getting through another day. Looks like you're going to be celebrating your 40th as a fit and healthy new you. That couch potato has well and truly been left behind :D

Yeah water is amazing ,,, but honestly ... one cup of tea something at lunch and then in the evening a soda .. can't be enough .... try to drink water ... well the Camel Bladder ... the first week was hard I kept running to the toilet ... but now its funny i don't anymore ... i must have now this Camel bladder you referred to ...

Ah damn that A Carr did not work for you ...

Well well another day ... and my counter said I did NOT smoke 174 Cigarettes in these 9 days as ( well i had cut down from 2 packs to one a day before the quit ) ...

174 Cigarettes can you imagine them all in an Ashtray ... disgusting ... lol ... some picture are vivid ... yikks

nsd_user663_13466 profile image


You have got through the worst bit. I stopped cold turkey and in the beginning it was so hard but you are through the worst. The first 3 weeks are the hardest. Just keep going and you will feel the benefits really soon. I'm nearly at 4 months and it feels great. good luck!!

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Excellent Day 9

Yeah went out with a friend of mine ... we had a nice Starbucks Frappuchino ... actually I had 2 one Caramel and then a Soy Green Tea Cream Frappuchino ... ( this one you need to try ... really cool ) and then had some Salad and Falafel at our favorite Lebanese Restaurant in Bangkok ...

No urges of smoking ... I am actually enjoying it ... not to get up and go out and have a Fag ... wow a different life ... really ...


Hope you are having a great Day 9 :)

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Well Karri try the Soy Green Tea Cream Frappuccino ... its really nice and no coffee...

Ah Moroccan Cous Cous ... thats the Hit ... Cous Cous Royale ... :rolleyes:

Yeah I know Karri time runs quick and I am sure the one month is gonna come very soon ... hehe

So when I am going to see a QUIT DAY in your signature ... hehe ... Just teasing you ... :p

Don't drink coffee at all as it makes feel unwell. But, I do eat coffee cake, coffee sweets etc. Love the flavour but not the drink

Love falafel but my favourite is Moroccan but only the starters and side dishes

Very happy for you it is going so well. Before you know it you will be at the month mark :)

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Ok have the Double Choc Frappuccino ... I am sure now we are talking .... :D

Ahhh whom are you telling ... used to be Pro Chef for many years ... what you think why I have to loose weight ... :D Just I love Cous Cous Royale and you reminded me ...

Pfff Common Knowledge .... show me the rule book ... :rolleyes:

LOL - theres more to Moroccan than cous cous I might pass on the soy green tea *shudders* ;)

And Chris I'm surprised at you - it's common knowledge that a lady never reveals her quit date

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Oh my ... what have I gotten myself in to ...

Of course you make up the rules as you go along ... :D We man all know that but I am shocked you are the first woman to admit ... :eek:

nsd_user663_26598 profile image

Puh ...:D:cool:

LOL - you're safe, you're 6,000 miles away :D

nsd_user663_27854 profile image

Hi All

Hello, I am new to it and I apologise if I'm writing in the wrong bit.

Well done to all who quit or are doing it now.

I am on day 7 on Champix and nothing is happening? For the last few days cigarettes tasted a bit strange. Today I have been smoking all day and they taste ok. Is this normal? I'll add I have no side affects at all (dreaming a bit more than usual - that's all).

I have read many people have gone off by day 7? I'm worried it's not going to work for me :(


nsd_user663_27690 profile image

best of Luck

Hi Fitwith40,

I have just quit using Champix, but agree with others, doesn't matter how you do it, just that you do. I am living in Kefalonia until September and then planning a trip around Thailand. If you haven't smoked by then i'll drop by and buy you a beer or two :-)


nsd_user663_27537 profile image

I have read many people have gone off by day 7? I'm worried it's not going to work for me :(

Hi littleangel - don't worry about not going off them yet - everyone is different... the funny taste increases the longer you take it (in my experience) and cigs start to taste more unpleasant (??!!)- having said that you do still need to have willpower not to respond to the urges when they come.

I found going from 1mg per day to 2mg per day was the tipping point for me but it takes some people a little longer for the higher dose to kick in.

Keep with it - if you can tolerate the drug I am sure it will work for you in it's own time...

nsd_user663_27854 profile image

Stanley - Thank you for your response. This is day 8 and you were right. Something is happening. I don't need to smoke as much. It's after 5pm and I have had only 5 cigarettes. Normally I would have had about 10 by now. Hope it's gonna work! Take care!

nsd_user663_27537 profile image

That's great littleangel - I'm so pleased for you ...keep us posted :)

nsd_user663_27854 profile image

Hi again, I don't think I'm doing to well. Got a bit stressed out last night and smoked quite a few again. The same this morning. Was planning to quit tomorrow, on day 10. But I'm scared. Soo scared. :(

nsd_user663_27537 profile image

Hey littleangel - don't beat yourself up - you will get there...

I was supposed (inexperienced nurse said) to give up on day 7 or 8 of Champix but I was scared about the finality of it and about the side effects getting worse on the higher dose so I stayed on 1/2 mg twice a day for a few days longer...

I still tried to stop on day 7 - i.e. started the day thinking I would not smoke - but then had a couple of puffs in the evening when it got too much. Same happened on day 8 and 9 and I eventually had a smoke free day on day 10.

The important things for me seemed to be

(a) not to relish or mark out a 'last' cig in any way - just made me need another 10 mins later and feel like I had stepped off a precipice

(b) not to say 'this is day 1' but rather 'I don't think I will smoke today - this could be it' so as not to beat myself up if I caved in the evening (this also helped to address the smoking at work and I gained confidence from knowing that I could go all day without one) and

(c) to not be OCD about cleaning away ashtrays and hiding lighters -for some people this is really helpful and they find it much harder if they don't but for me I needed it to be relaxed - almost not a big deal(!) - so that I could always feel I was making the choice and that nothing had really changed... and if I had one it was not 'naughty' or 'forbidden'!

I still have some fear about what will happen when I have had a few vinos and the demon takes over (this coming weekend) and the thought of it being forever feels odd (and boring sometimes - 'seriously, I've done it now, do I have to keep trying??') but I have promised myself I can smoke again when I am 80 if I really want to - 41 now so less than 38 years to go!

Take care, be kind to yourself and keep sharing :)

nsd_user663_27854 profile image

Hi Stanley, thank you again for your response.

Talking and reading about it makes is so much easier - my partner doesn't know about Champix (didn't want to tell him - my plan is to tell him 'listen - I'm smoke free :D , my family stay far away) So all is all I don't have anyone to speak to about this.

As I said before my quit day is tomorrow. I'm taking it easy though.

Don't be scared about this coming weekend! You've done so well so far and I'm sure it's gonna be ok :)

Take care

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