Day 5 yeahhhhhh ! (god: Good Evening Everyone... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5 yeahhhhhh ! (god

nsd_user663_25225 profile image
7 Replies

Good Evening Everyone,

I am saying Yeahhhhh but today has been a struggle, :rolleyes: I was so good yesterday, I am thinking maybe it is because it is the weekend and right now I am sitting with a vodka and redbull with no ciggie. Nightmare.

God does this get any better I dont know if I can handle one good day and one bad day, etc ! Surely to god it cant be this hard ?

How can it be this hard when they nicotine has left the body within 48-72 hours ?

Anyway I am still not smoking which is a mirracle, was at the supermarket today and I was buying a paper and the cigerettes were screaming at me

to buy them (I didnt but they were almost jumping off the shelf) !

A wee stick cannot possibly have you going this mad can it ???????????????

Hope you are all doing ok today

Maybe I should just have a cuppa instead of vodka !

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nsd_user663_25225 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Good for you Linda,

As with anything you will get good days & bad days I think. Treasure the good ones & get through the bad ones. Tomorrow may just be a good one :eek:

Well done for not buying any ciggies. I remeber feeling immensely proud when I walked out of the supermarket without having to visit the fag counter. Not only had I not bought fags but saved myself another £6 as a bonus. Always made me feel slightly smug, well a lot actually :p

If the vodka & redbull is just too much withought a ciggie go and make that cuppa. It won't be forever and you will soon be able to enjoy that drink without.

Keep strong and keep going ;)

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Hi Linda. the thing about smoking is we have a cigarette with everything, well i did , cofffee ,alcohol, the phone after dinner waking up waiting for a train ,getting off it ,thinking ,worrying ,celebrating...etc so all of these associations now have to be done without a cigarette ,see it as one of many challenges, like the one in the shop where you DIDNT buy any, that was a biggie for me ,one of my default settings. each time you get over one of these challenges give yourself a pat on the back it makes it easier to get past the next challenge, they do get easier to get past, they still happen but you take them in you stride.

I was absolutly chuffed just getting past my first day, now im on my 24th.WayYYYYYHHHHHHHHayyyy.have a look on the we quit website, full of usefull stuff, get yourself wellarmed..

all the best Mash:)

nsd_user663_25225 profile image

Hi Mash,

Thanks for this, I know your right, its one step at a time. You are doing brilliant well done,24th day is good are you using anything ie patches, Champix etc ??? I really dont think I could do it cold turkey.

The thing is I know if I were to smoke it would be vile because of Champix so I keep telling myself that I would not even enjoy it anyway.

I really do have to try hard and conquer this, I have just turned 46 and I look quite young for my age so far and if I keep smoking I will look ancient before I know it lol.

You know what made me want to in the first place, I was so sick of looking for lighters, having an ashtray in one hand and ciggie in the other, they were ruling my life. So I keep telling myself that. Plus the fact it cost £6 a packet of 20 and I am refusing to pay that.

Really appreciate your comments thanks and keep going your doing brill !


Hi Linda. the thing about smoking is we have a cigarette with everything, well i did , cofffee ,alcohol, the phone after dinner waking up waiting for a train ,getting off it ,thinking ,worrying ,celebrating...etc so all of these associations now have to be done without a cigarette ,see it as one of many challenges, like the one in the shop where you DIDNT buy any, that was a biggie for me ,one of my default settings. each time you get over one of these challenges give yourself a pat on the back it makes it easier to get past the next challenge, they do get easier to get past, they still happen but you take them in you stride.

I was absolutly chuffed just getting past my first day, now im on my 24th.WayYYYYYHHHHHHHHayyyy.have a look on the we quit website, full of usefull stuff, get yourself wellarmed..

all the best Mash:)

nsd_user663_25225 profile image

Thanks for your support Gaynor,

I did feel quite smug in the supermarket, watching people pay £6 per packet is like OMG, I am feeling ok now and I went onto tea so that really helped. lol

Think I will have to stay off the vodka for a while lol

We will succeed.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

IM using patches and an inhalator which is great for me ,i like the morning ritual of putting my patch on with my coffee and the occasional puff on the inhalator, its mostly psychological but everylittle helps as they say.

I know what u mean about lighters and ashtrays, I wrote 4 pages on what smoking was like at its worst which included the nuisance of looking for lighters ,ashtrays, smoke in my eyes.........etc etc. i read thru it sometimes just to remind me how much of a pain it all was, cos its so easy to forget and i dont want to see them thru rose tinted glasses cos its a lie. one of my main motivations is the freedom, i wake up and think 'thank god i dont have to smoke today'.

cheerio for now Mashx:)

nsd_user663_25398 profile image

Well done for sticking with it Linda.

I'm also using Champix, and it does seem to help (although it's only day 2 for me!!) - an added bonus is that it's also put me off alcohol!

When I attended the Allen Carr clinic, they suggested that you write a list of how it felt to be a smoker - mine included things like trapped, smelly, weakwilled, out of breath etc). Although the clinic didn't work for me, I've still got my list, and it is a good reminder of your motives for stopping.

Keep at it - you absolutely know that you've made the right decision!

nsd_user663_25225 profile image

Good luck with day 3, I am now on day 5 , never thought i would even get this far so I am really chuffed.

I am actually feeling not bad at all, I cant say I dont think about smoking but the cravings are defo not so bad, I have only had a few bad ones so far. (still not smoking so that is brill really)!

I have been nagged at for years about smoking and everytime Its been brought up I just lit up, the more people went on at me to stop the more I smoked. I really do believe that you cant do it for anyone else you have to do it for yourself and when the time is also right for you and thats where I am at, I was smoking 25 a day for 25 years and I changed my car in October and decided not to smoke in it (that was quite big for me) and gradually since then I decided that having a cigerette, lighter and ashtray as accessories was not such a good look but to cling to them like grim death was even worse.

I am staying focussed, Im scared of putting weight on though , why are things never simple.


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