Day 1 tomorrow!!: Hi! This is my first time... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 1 tomorrow!!

nsd_user663_24642 profile image
20 Replies


This is my first time here but not my first time quitting!

I'm 43 and a 20 a day smoker. I started smoking at 14 and stopped at 28 (with the help of patches), just in time for my wedding. I had 8 smoke free years and felt wonderful, then my husband left, leaving me with 2 children aged 1 & 5, and what was the first thing i did? yep, start smoking again!!!

Its now been 8 years as a smoker again and i've had a few failed attempts, but tomorrow is quit day!!

I've got my patches, told the kids (they're chuffed!). Now all i need is a bit of support from somone who REALLY understands.

Hope you can help! :)

Looby xxxx

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nsd_user663_24642 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Hi Looby

Well you're certainly at the right place for help and understanding. Everyone one of us understands and will do our best to help! Welcome to the nut house!!

You sound so upbeat and positive that I'm sure you'll do brilliantly.

Best advice I've had since being here is to read, read, read. Lots of people (especially the more experienced ones, of which I am not one!) have links below their signatures. Click and read - some great, and some frightening stuff!

Keep posting and we'll all cheer you on as you go!

Good luck for tomorrow!

nsd_user663_24642 profile image


Thanks so much! I've just read the joel link!! I can see i'm spending today reading!! x:p

nsd_user663_22002 profile image

Hey Looby - congrats on your will definitely find people who understand here!:) I've had a few, well actually a lot of failed attempts recently and everyone here had been SOOOOOO great - that's actually and understatement, they've been amazing, supportive, understanding and ever friendly.

Where other people in my life (non-smokers and ex-smokers) have been saying things like "you're quitting AGAIN, that wont last", or when i've been on a quit and a bit moody telling me to "get over it", everyone here has sympathised, empathised and cheered me on every time - if it wasnt for them i'd probably have quit quitting, but i'm determined to crack this eventually

Dale is right about the reading, i thought i knew a lot about quitting, but have learned so much, and even re-reading things you already know can help solidify in your mind why you are doing this or help you through if you're having a bad day.

Hope it goes well for you - you sound like you have the right attitude which is undoubtedly half the battle - good luck for tomorrow:D

nsd_user663_24642 profile image


THank you so much for the replies, i already feel like i have a better chance this time cos i've got your support! :) xx

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

1st lawof addiction-theres no such thing as one cig.

well done Looby for choosing to quit.i wish you luck,12 days ago like you i was advised to read,read read and it helped me loads, knowledge is power.


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi Looby!

Good move, coming on here. The combination of the reading and this forum is the magic formula for a successful quit, I reckon.

Take it one day at a time, breath deep, keep posting, you'll be fine.


nsd_user663_23520 profile image

told the kids (they're chuffed!).

Hold that thought!

It's gonna be a rocky ride in the short term, but everyone here is ready to support you. Looking forward to your day 1 post

nsd_user663_24642 profile image

Thanks so much everyone!!

I'm really going through a range of emotions tonight, scared:( excited:) sad :( positive:p !! Feel like i'm saying goodbye to an old friend (Mad or what!!) but smoking has been my crutch for the last 8 years. Not only has my marriage broken up but i've lost both my parents (dad from a smoking related illness). I know in my heart of hearts it hasn't helped me, i just need my brain to catch up with my heart!!!

So i'm going to smoke my last few fags, i never smoke in the house and i have an old 'smoking jacket' that i wear, that's getting ceremoniously binned tomorrow by my delighted children!! You're right Hodges, that is the thought to hold on to!!!!

Wish me luck, i'll let you know how i get on!!!

nsd_user663_24642 profile image

thanks Karri, i think you right. I was making a bit of a ceremony of it!! Will just let it be a normal night but i WILL wake up an ex smoker!! woohoo!!!:D

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Best of luck tomorrow Looby! Do post and let us know how you get on!

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Good luck Looby, will look out for you tomorrow. I know having my children proud of me has made a huge difference! :D

nsd_user663_24663 profile image

My First Day starts 2moz :( 21/03/11

Hi Guys,

Was just doing some research about the patches I have just brought and came across this site. So nice to read so many great storys - gives me the power to try and achive.

Just brought the 21mg Nicotinell - got two weeks worth to start, then going to take it from there, just not looking forward to the weird dreams and sickness, but I guess its a way of my body fixing its self.

Would love any tips and advice - I know its going to be hard and its so nice to find a forum like this with people going through the same thing.

I look forward to speaking with you all soon

wish me luck

Always best wishes


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Welcome Aaron, today is exactly 5 weeks since I stopped smoking using patches. The dreams are strange to begin with but after a while you kind of get used to them. I have had no sickness at all. The patch does irritate my skin though so make sure you chnage position of it everyday. I find they only really stick to the tops of my legs or the tops of my arms.

Are you starting tomorrow? Stick around and we will all support you the best we can :D

nsd_user663_23520 profile image

Aaron. Its probably worth making your own thread. That way we can give you the attention you need.

Personally speaking, I havent got the foggiest when it comes to NRT, but there are plenty of folks here who do

nsd_user663_24642 profile image

good luck!! we'll be doing it together. I know from when i stopped before, if you just use the 16 hour patches (not the 24) the nightmares aren't so bad! I just seem to have wierd random dreams, but hey, at least we'll wake up with pillows smelling of fabric conditioner, not smoke!!

Good tip, changed your bedding tomorrow, and you'll really be able to tell the difference!

Keep posting! xx

nsd_user663_24663 profile image

thanks x

Aaron. Its probably worth making your own thread. That way we can give you the attention you need.

Personally speaking, I havent got the foggiest when it comes to NRT, but there are plenty of folks here who do

Hi Guys,

so nice to hear from you - Good idea Hodges about my own thread - will start that tomorrow.

Going to have my last fag tonight, then once up around 6am going to pop on the patch and take it from there.

Great idea about bedding and clothes - was reading somewhere else that its a great idea.

The dreams do worry me - go a Gran atm going through dementia and she has some rather awful dreams - just don't want mine to turn out like hers hehe - she keeps dreaming of people in her house and men coming to take her away :(

Will start my thread tomorrow - will update everyday on how I get on, just hope I don't come back tomorrow moaning lol.

Thanks again everyone and nice to meet you all

Best wishes


nsd_user663_19503 profile image

well done on deciding to quit. Everyone on here knows how difficult this is, and will offer all the support you need. I know being on here has helped my quit, I am now on day 17 and like others have quit many times in the past, this time though I am determined this will be the last time I quit.

smoked 30 cigs a day for over 30 years

quit 4 March 2011

willpower and chewing gum

nsd_user663_24642 profile image


Hi again

Well, i woke up this morning, stuck on my patch, got my delighted kids to throw away my old smoking jacket and last 4 fags, and then had a panic attack!!

My chest got tight, it was hard to breathe, it was awful!!

took loads of deep breaths (in through the nose, out through the mouth - god bless yoga!) and calmed down.

It's been a really tough day so far but my kitchen is immaculate and i do feel more energised, so that's something!!

Hope everyone elso is doing ok.

Just a quick question, should i start a new thread every day, or continue writing on this one??

Thanks xx

Hi again

Well, i woke up this morning, stuck on my patch, got my delighted kids to throw away my old smoking jacket and last 4 fags, and then had a panic attack!!

My chest got tight, it was hard to breathe, it was awful!!

took loads of deep breaths (in through the nose, out through the mouth - god bless yoga!) and calmed down.

It's been a really tough day so far but my kitchen is immaculate and i do feel more energised, so that's something!!

Hope everyone elso is doing ok.

Just a quick question, should i start a new thread every day, or continue writing on this one??

Thanks xx

Hi Looby

Glad you didn't cave in, keep going it gets easier as the days go by I promise!!

As for the posting do what ever feels best, personally I would start a new one every day that way it is easier to follow.

As another member would say keep on keeping on....or something like that :D

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done Looby :)

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