Head Count (Day 2) 09/03/2011 Quitters - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Head Count (Day 2) 09/03/2011 Quitters

nsd_user663_2524 profile image
21 Replies

Right, here we go then. :cool:

I am now marking the register. :p Will all those who have made it to DAY 2, please sign in.

I don't want to see any slackers, :rolleyes:

I want all of you to gird your loins (whatever that is, but it sounds good), and set about kicking that Nasty Nic into touch. :D


SIGN IN, SIGN IN, SIGN IN, SIGN IN, SIGN IN.......................








Kitkat (pending) LOL


Josie XXX

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nsd_user663_2524 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_23972 profile image

I've got to just over 2days does that count :D

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

Day 2 for me. Feel ill actually but think I'm getting a cold/flu. Think my body could be in shock seen as I've given up both alcohol and fags. Don't think it's used to getting 'cleaned'!!!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

=lennie;218365]I've got to just over 2days does that count



Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Day 2 for me. Feel ill actually but think I'm getting a cold/flu. Think my body could be in shock seen as I've given up both alcohol and fags. Don't think it's used to getting 'cleaned'!!!

Hi Juliee,

WELL DONE for Day 1 :)

When l gave up, l remember feeling odd - l felt disorientated and a bit dizzy. I felt like you do now, almost as if l had flue, not the "bad cold" type of flue, but the one where you have a high temperature. I think that it is maybe the nicotine leaving your body. The feeling lasted for me, several weeks, but that could have been because l smoked a LOT - an awful LOT, for over 47 years, so, l suppose, there was a whole bucketful to shift. LOL :D


You CAN and WILL do it :D

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_23877 profile image

The ticking off hours tip really helps me too. Good luck all!!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Still on the high I was on yesterday so all good.

:D You little star you :D

I have the utmost confidence in this fantastic team. You are all STARS :D

It does help crossing the hours off doesn't it ? The day seems to pass more quickly. :cool: WELL DONE again.

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

Good luck everyone. Very special mention to Karri, I really hope this is the one that clicks for you - stay positive xx

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Well done everyone - brilliant stuff! (Karri - xxxx):D

nsd_user663_13466 profile image

Good luck all. Keep going and before you know it it will be a week!!!!!!

Just keep busy and keep on this forum and you will do it.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

WHERE IS EVERYBODY? :confused::confused::confused:

I hope you are all still keeping strong, and kicking any smoking thoughts out of the window. :D

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_23972 profile image

helllo i'm here keeping busy after a hour of on and off wobbles, just keep telling myself that these feelings will pass.......not going to go backwards, onwards from now on:D

not going to let these feelings beat me!

Jane x

nsd_user663_24176 profile image

Day 2

Hi All

It's day 2 for me too. I honestly didn't know until tonight it was no smoking day yesterday, it must be fate that made my cigarette at 9am yesterday my last :)

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

helllo i'm here keeping busy after a hour of on and off wobbles, just keep telling myself that these feelings will pass.......not going to go backwards, onwards from now on:D

not going to let these feelings beat me!Jane x

Hi Jane,

That's the spirit Jane..........onwards and upwards eh? :D

I've only just noticed that you live in my neck of the woods too. :D:D

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done to you all, keep going! And Karri we are all very proud of you (did worry when you went missing yesterday though, lol):D

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

i quit yesterday then stated again and quit again, how could i leave such a long standing friend, oh the guilt is killing me even though they gave me two strokes and has threatened to kill me slowly and rob me im sure they can find some other mug someone more suited, like someone who just pretends to smoke to look like a numpty


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Hi Mash

Click on the 2nd of the 2 links below my signature. They are so not your friends!

You CAN do this. :D

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

not sure if this is day2 for me had a dilly dally start should i stay or should i go now, im staying with sticking to quitting.


ps wots te quote button for please?

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

not sure if this is day2 for me had a dilly dally start should i stay or should i go now, im staying with sticking to quitting.


ps wots te quote button for please?

Day 3 for me so you're round about there too - even with your shakey start!! Keep up the good work.

WE will be fine !!!

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Hi Mash

Click on the 2nd of the 2 links below my signature. They are so not your friends!

You CAN do this. :D

Thanks Divingdale for guiding me to the link, its brilliant

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Thanks Karri for showing me what the quote button does , hey i'm getting really good at this typing mularky, normally I'd be having a break every few mins for one of those whatdoyoumacallits, weird things ya put in yer gob and set fire too, must be getting alzzheimers.


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done Mash:D

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