Roll Call for 09/03/2011 quitters - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Roll Call for 09/03/2011 quitters

nsd_user663_2524 profile image
38 Replies

Can we have a Roll Call please, for all those who are quitting today. :D Who are you? :D

Sign up, Sign up, Sign up, Sign up :confused::confused:

Josie XXX

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nsd_user663_2524 profile image
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38 Replies
nsd_user663_24039 profile image

Hi I'm Christina and I have been quit on and off since 1st January 2011 after smoking 20 a day for approx 10 years.

I am aiming to stop for good today CT! :D

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Christina,

WELL DONE :D This is one of the best decisions you will ever make. :D

To give you a bit of encouragement..........l smoked between 55 to 60 cigarettes a day, for over 47 years, and l have been smoke free for over 3 years now :o So YOU CAN, and WILL do it.

Try to keep your mind and hands busy, and every hour that you remain smoke free, mark it off on a piece of paper.

Coming on here is great way of taking your mind off the Naughty NIC :eek:

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_24054 profile image

roll call

My name is Pricey, day 1 and hopefully the last xxxxx Good luck all, I am right beside you xx:D

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Leev and Pricey1971,

WELL DONE both of you :D

You have both made a great decision :cool:

At the mo' there are 3 of you, and if you all stick together in your quit, supporting one another, you will find that it helps enormously. :) Of course, there are loads of people on here, to give you all the help and support you may need.

Try to keep yourselves busy, then you will be less inclined to think about smoking. I used to spend nearly all day on here at the start of my quit LOL. If l wasn't on here, l would be doing either online jigsaws/games.

Keep reporting in, all of you, just to let us know how you are doing. :D

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

First day quitter today. Finding it quite difficult at the moment but hopefully it will get better. Day off work so maybe it's making it worse the fact that I'm home alone trying not to think about fags!!!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Juliee,


That makes 4 of you now, before you know it, you will have a little army of "No Smoking Day" quitters LOL.

The more of you there are, the easier it becomes. :) You can moan at one another, commiserate with one another and cheer each other up. :D I found that ticking each hour off that passed (smoke free), helped, you can sort of see the progress that you are making. :cool:

Josie XXX

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Well done to all of you quitting today. There are another couple who are due to stop today so there is a fair few of you.

It is tough but it is so worth it

Stay strong, keep busy.


nsd_user663_23972 profile image

First day quitter today. Finding it quite difficult at the moment but hopefully it will get better. Day off work so maybe it's making it worse the fact that I'm home alone trying not to think about fags!!!

Hi Julie keep going it will get better, try and keep busy

Jane x

nsd_user663_19503 profile image

Hi I am Jean this is day 5 of my quit, very determined to see this through however tough it gets, and I know its tough. I am already richer by over £25.00 I am putting my ciggie money away each day, I have not had a holiday for many years, this year I will use my ciggie money for that longed for break. That is my incentive to keep from smoking.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi jeannie,

You are doing just GREAT. My goodness, with all the money you will be saving, you will be going on an Around the World cruise at this rate LOL :D

Seriously tho', when l started smoking 50 years ago, cigarettes were cheap, but these days, they cost a small fortune, and the money saved by not smoking, mounts up very quickly to a tidy sum. In fact, by smoking, you might as well set fire to your money. :eek:

Well done again jeannie :)

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_23410 profile image

Hi Jeannie, That,s great I to am saving my money with not smoking, I have put away £110 in just under three weeks. chuffed to bits with that.

Stay positive and keep saving.

Joan xxx

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Crikey Joanie,

We'll know where to come if we need a "borrow" LOL :D:D:D

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

I'm Mash and I'm quitting today. I still have some tobacco left feel like im on death row or maybe waiting for a train have been stopping and starting for 3 mths now. .I quit last year for 6 mths and started again thinking just one would be ok. it was the best cigarette iv ever had the next 5 million have been vile and turned me into a mindless factory. I dont want to be that anymore .i'm hoping this forum will give me the support i need and deserve.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I'm hoping this forum will give me the support I need and deserve.


Two way support is a great thing :)

Read the links, read ahead and read it all again ... get to know what your up against. Often the unknown can be far worse than it need be. Get to know what is ahead by reading those that are quit ahead in time.

Know your 'quit', own it, most of all don't fear it.

Support others and you'll, hopefully, learn from what your giving. It'll help reinforce your own quit.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

.i'm hoping this forum will give me the support i need and deserve.

It will Mash, it will. :D You will all help and support one another - and l think, at the moment, that there are 6 of you quitting today - it's getting bigger and bigger. :cool:

it was the best cigarette iv ever had the next 5 million have been vile

You never said a truer word Mash. I was a heavy smoker, between 55/60 a day, and l can honestly say, in truth, l hardly enjoyed any of them - how stupid is that. :o

Anyway, we are all here to offer help and support, so Good Luck - you WILL do it this time.

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_13466 profile image

Good Luck to all of you!!!!!!

Be strong because it does get easier. It's hard but so worth it. I'm in week 9 of my quit and I can now go all day with out thinking about smoking.

Just keep on this forum. There's always someone on here to get you though the bad times.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Hi everyone just read Joel spitzs stuff on quitting smoking he says that 93% of people using nrt start smoking again within 6 mths . thats offputting ! iv'e got my patches ready to use but havnt taken the plunge yet .is anyone else quitting today? Im new to forums and am finding it a bit hard to navigate keep getting lost


nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi mash,

l think, at the moment, there are 5 or 6 of you starting your quit today.:)

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_23911 profile image

Day 1 for me too - tough day at work but have been ok so far, until I got home and I'm now sitting down... and suddenly it's a bit harder :mad:

Keep going everyone, it'll be so worth it!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Nat,

Welcome to the 09/03/2011 quitters group. I think that there are 6 or 7 who have quit today, which is great, 'cos you will all be able to help and support one another in your quits. :D

If you can keep busy, it is so much easier - your mind is on whatever it is that you are doing, and not on cigarettes - BUT, it's when you are sitting down, doing nothing, that the cravings tend to kick in. :eek:

When l first quit, l used to spend nearly all of my time on here, as when l was either reading, or writing posts, l wasn't thinking about smoking. :eek:

Only a few hours now until bedtime, THEN, that will be your first day done and dusted. :)

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hi everyone just read Joel spitzs stuff on quitting smoking he says that 93% of people using nrt start smoking again within 6 mths . thats offputting ! iv'e got my patches ready to use but havnt taken the plunge yet .is anyone else quitting today? Im new to forums and am finding it a bit hard to navigate keep getting lost


Hey Mash,

I wouldn't worry about the method that you are getting your quit started. Whatever way suits you will do. Couple your starter method with reading the information available here and then there are the various links in our sigs. Joel is a bit hardline cold turkey but there are other links.

The more important factor is to read and educate yourself what you are going through as you move from smoker to ex-smoker.

Just as days go by and turn into weeks and months you'll become familiar with not smoking and navigating around the Forum. Any questions...just post and someone should be able to answer them.


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Day 1 for me too - tough day at work but have been ok so far, until I got home and I'm now sitting down... and suddenly it's a bit harder :mad:

Keep going everyone, it'll be so worth it!

Hi Nat

You can do this honey. Grit your teeth, rush around doing stuff, relax in a bath, do you gazzilions of those sit-ups of yours. Anything, just don't give in now..It WILL get easier and you have done so well so far!


nsd_user663_23911 profile image

Thanks Josie and Dale, I'm fine now I've shaken off work and a long stressful day!

How's it going today Mash? We can do it, and having others who are going through the same thing makes me feel loads better and more hopeful (especially reading some of the longer quitters on here - I want to be one of them!)

I'm flipping knackered, so an early night is perfect for the end of my first day!

See you on day two Nxx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Thanks Josie and Dale, I'm fine now I've shaken off work and a long stressful day!

How's it going today Mash? We can do it, and having others who are going through the same thing makes me feel loads better and more hopeful (especially reading some of the longer quitters on here - I want to be one of them!)

I'm flipping knackered, so an early night is perfect for the end of my first day!

See you on day two Nxx

Whoops...hadn't noticed you Nat. Congrats on your near day one's just gonna get better, maybe a bit hard at first, but the end result is very much worth it :)

Read, read, read and get to understand what you're going through. Take ownership of your quit and cherish it :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Ok count me in, well as from Friday night.

Josie, Thanks


Sorry but I just can't resist this ;)

Here's the 'n' you've dropped from your sig....*raspberry*

You'll be counted in on Friday then :cool:

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Ok count me in, well as from Friday night.

Josie, Thanks



Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2524 profile image


Karri's in as well

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Well done to you all

I have been reading some of these posts and it takes me way back seeing all you determined quitters.

Look, no matter what you think you can all do it, there are doughts but as I keep saying many are self brainwashed into believing they can't stop. I was, I told myself on many occasions I CAN'T STOP!! Well here I am am a smoker for 52 years now a non smoker for 15 months. It's one great feeling that will last forever for as long as you don't smoke.

Some of you are speaking about saving money well take a look at this;

I have been quit for 1 Year, 3 Months, 6 Days, 23 hours, 46 minutes and 19 seconds (461 days). I have saved £2,919.77 by not smoking 9,239 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 1 Day, 1 hour and 55 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 02/12/2009 22:00

I hope this will help, I think I have a post somewhere and I had worked out what I had spent on cigs during my 52 years of smoking was over £90,000.

I really hoping you guys will make it, stay strong and fight because you are now at war with nicotine.


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done to you all, you are doing great and it will get easier! Keep supporting each other :D

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Head Count

Hi everyone,

Has anyone kept a count of how many 09/03/2011 quitters have signed up. :confused:

At this time of night, l have had a few nighttime beverages - well, G & T's if i'm brutally honest :o and l seem to have lost count of numbers :o

I may have to appoint a quitter counter :D

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

I'm a bit late due to technical issues but good luck to everyone.

Before we know it we will all be writing our "we made it through a week" post.

Thanks for bringing us all together Josie :)


See you all tomorrow, on day 2, 'cos the Gin has kicked in now LOL :D:D:D

nsd_user663_24054 profile image

My name is Pricey, day 1 and hopefully the last xxxxx Good luck all, I am right beside you xx:D

I smoked all the fags and drank all the drink left in the house till I was sick as a dog, so the 10th is my day one. Had to get shot of it all!!

Get this how funny, March 9th was ASH WEDNESDAY!!!! xxx

Start of a new life for me, and because you cn't delete threads you can't start all over again when you feel like it, just admit when you may have faltered, but I have no intention of doing so xxxxxx house free of toxic substances, and me too!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

I smoked all the fags and drank all the drink left in the house till I was sick as a dog, so the 10th is my day one. Had to get shot of it all!!

Get this how funny, March 9th was ASH WEDNESDAY!!!! xxx

Start of a new life for me, and because you cn't delete threads you can't start all over again when you feel like it, just admit when you may have faltered, but I have no intention of doing so xxxxxx house free of toxic substances, and me too!

Hi Pricey,

Well i'll make an exception this time, and forgive your little lapse, BUT DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN :D

I'll mark you off on my register for the Day 2 quitters :)

I bet you felt like death this morning LOL ;) Still, todays another day, so stay strong, we are all behing you. :D

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_23911 profile image

Keep yawning???

The strangest thing - day two, and I have soooooo much more energy, BUT I keep yawning my head off :confused: I'm not at all tired and in theory have more oxygen going to my brain since quitting, so if a yawn is your body's way of getting more oxygen, why is my body wanting even more????? :confused: Or is it being greedy and wanting to catch up on 24 odd years of being deprived? Anyone else had this???

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

HI Nat

Oh yes, I yawned big time for days!

And now I find I sigh a lot! Absolutely nothing to do with being sad/miserable/bored, just sighing! Maybe I'm a wierdo, or maybe I'm just breathing in so hard (because I can!!) that I can't expel it all in one go! :confused:

Hopefully it's the latter!

Keep on yawning hon, bet you'd have coughed instead a few days ago!

And a HUGE well done for getting this far. Keep going - even if it is with your mouth open and ywaaaaar sounds coming out!:D

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

The strangest thing - day two, and I have soooooo much more energy, BUT I keep yawning my head off :confused: I'm not at all tired and in theory have more oxygen going to my brain since quitting, so if a yawn is your body's way of getting more oxygen, why is my body wanting even more????? :confused: Or is it being greedy and wanting to catch up on 24 odd years of being deprived? Anyone else had this???[/QUOTE]

Hi Nat,

Perhaps it can't believe how lucky it is, and wants to get in as much as possible in case it dries up again ROFL :D


I think that in the first few days of a quit, all sorts of weird things happen. I remember feeling completely disorientated and light headed. It passed eventually, but it took a few weeks before l felt "normal" again.

WELL DONE on getting through your first day. Onwards and upwards, eh?

I am putting your name on my Day2 register.

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Am wondering if I should flirt outrageously tonight so I get to try out my new "no faggy breath" on someone

Yessssssssssss, go on :D

Don't drink too much, you know that l don't approve. LOL ;););)

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_23911 profile image

Glad it's not just me Dale - sighing a lot rings a bell from several of my multiple previous attempts, but I haven't bothered trying to stop for a while so had forgotten that one!

I guess my body is tryng to get it while it can, thinking the O2 supply will shortly be cut off again - but no... Josie you're right - it WON'T HAPPEN THIS TIME!

End of day 2 approaching and feeling ok actually!!! :)

Thanks for being there everyone, it makes a massive difference! Natxx

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