*sigh*: I'm having that thing. You know, that... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_20558 profile image
25 Replies

I'm having that thing. You know, that thing where you suddenly realise you can't ever smoke again, not ever, and I'm feeling really depressed and bereft.

Not craving exactly. Just really, really want to smoke.

Agh, I feel so pathetic. I know rationally what I should be thinking/doing/how I should be getting past this, but I just feel too fed up to try.

How can something so utterly revolting have such appeal?

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nsd_user663_20558 profile image
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25 Replies
CamperPete profile image

I've had that empty/grieving feeling too and i hate it when it comes on.

As if irritability, sleepless nights, emotionally instability, the mad cravings and weight gain wasn't enough we also have to contend with the feeling of bereavment for a cigarette....... and all because we don't want to smoke :(

nsd_user663_20558 profile image



nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Guys

Just wanted to say, stick with it. Those feelings will pass and soon too.

Good luck to the pair of you. Dont let your guard down as Mr Nic is out there lurking so if you see him kick his BUTT.


nsd_user663_18145 profile image

just remember its the nicorette demon trying a different approach also remember you did have a serious long time relationship with smoking so you are going to have periods where you miss them so much you could cry :(

it will pass the pain will lessen and get duller hugs x

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Thanks guys. I won't crack. It's so hard when you feel like this though!

Chin up!!

Hi Helsbelles

It gets easier, not so long ago I was feeling pretty similar and having cravings worse than day 1 and after a couple of tough days I must say you were right it does pass.

So time for you to take some of your own medicine and take your mind off this feeling by reading, going for a run or eating a cheese cake!! Whatever it takes eh?

I tell you what helps me......going back through davofgy's daily gags!!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Thankyou, everyone.

I am just about to leave work for the day. And I tell you something. If it wasn't for the thought of you guys and imagining how bad I'd feel to admit I'd caved after all my posts... I'd be straight in the newsagents for a packet of tobacco. Had I not been stuck at my desk I could probably have sorted this before but now it's built up into a huge, all-consuming crave.

I hate myself for it! Wish I knew what triggered me feeling like this, so I could avoid it.

Think I may have to walk the three miles home today, rain notwithstanding, see if I can get it out of my system.

I will report back post-exercise!

Thanks again :o

nsd_user663_20937 profile image

HI, I'm on day 3 and it really isn't fun! I would just love to go and have a cigarette, but I know that would make me feel so much worse than the wanting a cigarette now. So, I thought I would read through posts here instead. We'll get there....hopefully!

Keep strong


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Hels

It's the nicomonster - he's starting to get frightened now really worried that you're not going to feed him again so he is starting to play up and rear his ugly head. I really wouldn't give him the satisfaction - he is such a muppet and numpty :D he really is a pathetic little creature :)

Keep strong hunny and don't let the ba**ard grind you down :)

Luv & hugs

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Stay Strong Hels!

You will feel way way way worse if you had one, I already mentioned to someone today that you are not just craving one cig but a whole lifetime full of them and that is not what you worked so hard for!

Don't be disapointed in yourself for feeling like this, we all have our wee down days.


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Thanks :)

I walked the three plus miles home - thought it would take my mind off things to go by the c**** towpath. It did, but only because it was one big mud puddle and I was wearing my good boots :rolleyes:

Did consider at one point jumping in the c**** just to take my mind off the cravings - thought that might be a bit OTT :D

Did feel better by the time I got home though. Thank goodness. That was baaaaaad.

But I didn't give in. Ha. Up yours, nicodemon.

Curry tonight, I think!!!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

mwah hah hah....

that should be c-a-n-a-l ... I wasn't being perverted!! :D:eek:

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Good for you Hels & a lovely bit of exercise as well. Hope your boots survive. I keep meaning to take some walking shoes to work as my office is right next to the c**** & would be better to go for a walk for half an hour than sit in the office.

A lot of us seem to be suffering today so lets hope we ALL have a better one tomorrow :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Apparently today is known as 'blue monday' - or so my friends on facebook have been saying. Maybe that's why we're all having such a nightmare.

Roll on tomorrow, say I!!

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

its a terrible feeling i know..all of us on here know exactly what you are talking about..it happens but we know that you are stong and have worked to hard to give into this...keep up the good work and believe in yourself:)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Apparently today is known as 'blue monday' - or so my friends on facebook have been saying. Maybe that's why we're all having such a nightmare.

Roll on tomorrow, say I!!

Just had a 'Google'. Thank god, that means we will all be as bright as a button & as happy as Larry tomorrow then :D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_21635 profile image

Well done hellesbelles for getting past the craving :)

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

is definately blue monday have had a real low depressive day contemplated going to the doctors for some happy pills much better this evening went for a swim think if i had a swimming pool at my house i would be fine felt normal the whole time i was there

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

19 weeks in now and i still feel like that now and then, must just be the way i'm meant to be as i must be beyond the reach of nicodemon by now :confused: but at least i'm feeling like 'me' rather than feeling like a nicotine addict. glad the walk seems to have done the job for you,

nsd_user663_21078 profile image


Just a word of warning, having been a smoker you are never out of reach of the nicodemon. I had quit for almost 4 years, thought I was in control - just one cigarette, within 6 months I was back to a packet a day.

Honestly, don't ever let that guard down....

nsd_user663_18695 profile image

I have a c**** by my office too. Full of birds but patrolled by muggers and pervs. Sometimes its the only place to be.

3 miles home is a good old walk - was it punishment or distraction?

Any way well done. We will all eventually get to a place where the thought that we will never smoke again is a comfort rather than a loss or an impossibility.

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

Honestly, don't ever let that guard down....

sheilds up again then :eek: it sure is tiring keeping that guard up though..! last night I dreamt I made a roll-up as big as a cigar, I didn't 'dream-smoke' it, or even light it, but I can tell you I did enjoy that dream :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

One day up, one day down.

I seem to be having one day of feeling OK, followed by a day of being irritable and feeling shitty and craving like a maniac, then a day of thinking 'yes, I can do this', then back to yearning for a cigarette again the next day.

My own personal rollercoaster. I don't like the ride much.

Thank god there's no tobacco in the house.

Am beginning to think I'm just one of those people who have a horribly addictive personality and will always feel like this. It worries me, that it might make me more susceptible to failing. Am trying to think positively, and there are, as I say, good days. But I wish it would stop being so hard.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Honey...it does get better-(ish).

The good days lengthen in number.....

I would consider myself to have a horrifically addictive personality type, I swear it's taught behaviour...and I grew up with a load of addicts....and not just fags. Quite a few friends and rellies died by their addiction.

I learned that to be happy, to be 'normal', I must rely on a chemical to do that.

Well I don't and neither do you, coz we are better than that.

Keep reading Hels, keep going, every crave that goes unanswered kills your addiction that little bit more. Don't grieve, CELEBRATE! You've just given yourself the nicest, most valuable gift ever.

Do something nice for yourself, you deserve it - your going through something very difficult at the moment, recognise that and treat yourself :)

And remember, we are all here xx

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

I seem to be having one day of feeling OK, followed by a day of being irritable and feeling shitty and craving like a maniac, then a day of thinking 'yes, I can do this', then back to yearning for a cigarette again the next day.

My own personal rollercoaster. I don't like the ride much.

Thank god there's no tobacco in the house.

Am beginning to think I'm just one of those people who have a horribly addictive personality and will always feel like this. It worries me, that it might make me more susceptible to failing. Am trying to think positively, and there are, as I say, good days. But I wish it would stop being so hard.

Wow Helsbelles, that's exactly how I feel and I'm only on day 15! I'm counting on it getting easier day by day

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