General ramblings of a non smoker 4wks 1 da... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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General ramblings of a non smoker 4wks 1 day quit.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image
9 Replies

Got a bit peed off today. Picked up my total banana of a mother to go to podiatrist and then shopping. Going shopping at this time of year with a 3yr old and a batty old banana who can't remember what she wants, which aisle she's been down, what she's picked up (she had three packets of cream horns :D because she forgot that she had already got them).

Anyway, got through all that and driving in snow so heavy my wipers were useless and none of that is what peed me off......

It was my husband on the phone once I had got home congratulating me on not being tempted to smoke while with her (she smokes) and I just thought.....what a twit, why congratulate me on not smoking? I'm a non smoker, why would I be tempted, why would it even be an issue? Maybe I should start congratulating him everyday for not smoking (he has never smoked)?

I think that the basis for me feeling like that is that not smoking is becoming the norm for me. I was so pleased I felt like that, I felt pleased that it felt odd for someone to recognise that I hadn't given in and smoked....I was a bit like 'well, why would I?'

I also noticed that, as I have a bit of a cold (yes another one, all thanks to my snotty kids!) that sitting with her in the breakfast room while she was smoking was....prickling my throat and chest. That is the only way I can describe was like little sensations of discomfort all down my throat and lungs. Got me thinking - I used to be sucking on one of those things with vigour during the heaviest of respiratory infections and in all honesty I now can't believe I ever did that to myself as sitting in a smokey room was unpleasant enough!

Hiya month 1 - roll on month 2.

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nsd_user663_17388 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:D well done you on reaching month 1 thats brill as to your husband congratulating you :eek:

maybe he thought with you being in a stressful situation which just shopping alone is a nightmare especially at this time of the year without the added factors of your mum and 3 year old that you might have had an urge the fact you didnt shows how far you have come along

i get lots of urges btw not always for a ciggy (the urges for them is def getting less) but a big gun or rocket launcher or even better a tank for those times when your driving in snow/fog/ice/heavyrain lol and everyone else just loses the abilty to be able to drive normally :confused: very scary :eek:

so are you humming lovely christmas songs now as all the shops keep playing the damn things hehe ive got jinglebells rocks going on in my head atm

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Hi Looper. Well done on completing your 1st month :D:D

It is geting easier isn't it. I went to my works christmas do yesterday, and even though I was falling down drunk (and I mean falling down drunk, I have a lovely black eye amongst other bruises :eek:) I didn't even contemplate going outside for a fag. And I don't have a hangover, another bonus I've found since quitting ;)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Rachel - there is a facebook group called 'Unknown Drunken Injuries' ... I'm a fan :D

Thanks Carol. Know exactly what you mean love, was out today and it started snowing a little and everybody suddenly becomes a right div behind the wheel.

That included my husband, I became little miss nightmare backseat driver and at one point he was going overly slow....and I mean to the point where I felt I could have got out and cleared the road for him before the tyres even hit the was that slow...

Him: Will you just be quiet and let me drive

Me: Well I would if you were....


nsd_user663_18145 profile image

hehe :p i now have an image of you walking in front of the car with a brush or shovel clearing the snow as he drives behind you lol i had to go out in the snow again today :eek: what a nightmare that was what would normally take me 20 mins tops took nearly an hour :rolleyes: to achieve lol thats it apart from dire emergencies im not getting in my car again till its all gone away will just put my walking boots on instead so much quicker and healther too :D hehe mind you did have fun in the snow when i got to my mums as it was all lovely virgin snow

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Struggled yesterday. Kept finding myself thinking along the lines of:

'Well I know I can do it now - so I can smoke for now and give up again at a later and more convenient date'.

'If I smoke rollies it's not really smoking'.

'I could just have the odd smoke once the kids were in bed'.

'I can control it now so I will only smoke a few a day'.

Didn't help that when I spoke to husband he expressed surprise at my thinking and said 'Oh, I thought you were over it'. (See OP above).:(

I had a tough day, I felt alone and unsupported, I felt boring, I missed the break that smoking gave me, I missed the buzz.

Here's hoping today is better.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Loop

Dont go thinking that your alone at anytime as you know in your heart your not. As for how you felt yesterday this will pass and you know full well that you would feel very angry with yourself if you had given in and just ask yourself do you really want to start your quit all over again as i doubt you do. Inevitably it is down to you but feelings will pass and quite quickly too so try and stay strong and dont let your guard down. When your feeling low again come on here and rant and rave at us, let us help you through.

Hope today is better


nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Agree with Jo here, next time you get those feelings come right online and we'll answer those nicodemon questions for you and set you straight :)

But really, it'll pass, we'll feel stronger some days more than others and eventually we'll mainly have strong days in front of us as we leave the feelings of being a slave to cigs behind.

btw, that's really funny about your husband - men can never win whatever they say, can they?? :P I'm sure he understands how you're feeling and even if he doesn't if you take the time out to explain the mixed emotions at times then he'll start to get it :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Oh and Loop you should be in the Month 2 now, so when you start there well done you. See you can do this ;)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Thanks guys, I think I've twigged what it is.....the 'high' I got from quitting has pretty much worn off now. Back to earth with a great big dose of reality.

The reality of coping with life without cigarettes. I know they weren't actually helping - but they did provide a bloomin distraction!

Struggled this week harder than any other. Thank you so much for being there... it has made all the difference.

You are right - I don't want to smoke. I don't want to smell like that and it's ridiculous that I go to great lengths to reduce the amount of chemicals in my home only to go and crave a big dose of 4000+ of them. The thought of exposing that to my kids horrifies me when I take them to relatives who smoke....and yet I never minded doing that to myself :confused:

SLB - that's the big conflict isn't it? That why I don't think my OH will ever get to grips with this one, bless him tho.

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