Day 27~ First Night Out as a Non~Smoker - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 27~ First Night Out as a Non~Smoker

nsd_user663_16968 profile image
23 Replies

Afternoon all,

Well here i am day 27, i know tomorrow will be a month by the 4 week mark and the cravings have not been too bad since the other day dont know why they got so bad that day but never mind, anyhow we are off out tonight for a meal with some friends (smokers mind u) and this is the first time i have been out since i stopped and part of me is looking forward to it and yet the other part is poop scared to wonder how i am going to get on. I am lucky that i dont associate meals or alchohol with smoking either but its going to be kind of strange tonight as i normally go out with them and they have ciggies too so this will be a little odd.

At least if they do go out i can do one of 2 things thats either sit with my OH while they go out and get cold and wet or i can go out with them and use my Ecig and join in and know im not getting any nasties not even nicotine.

I am so looking forward to this meal, its a treat that my OH & i def need as we dont go out very often. Anyhow, im sat here listening to Heaven 17~ Crushed by the wheels of industry and reliving the 80's my youth.

Take care all, have a great smoke free weekend. :)

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nsd_user663_16968 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Having to go outside while they go for cigs is not going to be a choice you will have to make, as you will then come back smelling of cigs, better to stay in the restaurant cuddled up to OH for a change, imagine how he will feel, this will maybe be a first for him as well I would think, I bet you always leave him sitting there on his tod.

So now be proud to be a non smoker and smelling sweet.

If you cant manage it then stay down wind of the smokers as the passive is just as bad and also as you are still in a vulnerable state dont want you getting dragged in LOL

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Jam

I agree with you. I think i will just stay inside with my OH and wait till they come back in. As u have pointed out im in the early stages and i dont want to end up going back or even smelling, oh no thats not for me.

I will let ya all know later how it went.

lol & thank you :)

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Have a lovely time tonight Jo :). Fully embrace and enjoy your new non-smoking status. I agree with Jammie, let the lepers go outside in the cold and wet while you cuddle up to the OH :p.

You'll be absolutely fine and we'll be expecting a full report tomorrow :).

Ed xx

nsd_user663_4743 profile image

Enjoy Yourself!

Hi Nuttee,

I hope you are doing well and that you have a lovely time tonight. The smoking ban really helps us quitters, as I have noticed when I have been out that at least I don't have the fag right in my face to tempt me. Annoyingly, where I am, the ban is not adhered too much at times and people are allowed to smoke if the place is owned by the council, if you know what I mean. Basically , they bend the rules , which was great when i was smoking, not so great now tho! I noticed that you had a ropy time recently, and were thinking of using the ecig. Don't know if you did tho'? I too thought of getting one as the chemist recommended it, but I am too worried about the whole habit creeping back in, but I like the idea of it in times of severe temptation. So you are wise to take it tonight in case the going gets tough. As you say, it does no harm, and it stops you smoking the real thing. I might ask for one for xmas as the festive season is a nightmare for me as smoking is everywhere (or so it seems).

Anyway, you are doing so well, you will be fine. The fact that you don't drink is fantastic as your will power should not waver as it does for us drinkers who are recently quit. You are going to have to find a new vice though as I don't think knitting counts!!!

Have a lovely evening - eat , knit and be merry for tomorrow we die!!

Lots of love


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Day 28~ The Mornin after!

Good Morning All

Well here i am day 28 and the morning after the night before. The evening went well, in all respects. The food, well for what we paid for it was, ummmmm, ok ish, i did not eat mine as it was so dry, under cooked, looked like it had been thrown on the plate without much thought and the seasonal veg was mixed peppers, YUK!

Anyhow, i had about 3 chips, i did try to eat the meat but i was not right and i am so finiky that i just left it.

As for the smoking bit, i did go outside with my friend who admitted she wants to stop and showed her my Ecig, they are both interested now and are looking at getting one of those, trying to stop and also getting Allen Carrs book too. And no it was not my influence they both said about it. So you never know 2 more maybe joining the exsmokers rank soon and No i never preached or anything i said its just also getting harder for us to go anywhere now without feeling penialised thats why i have the Ecig and said if they do decide to stop the Ecig could help and if they dont at least the ecig is not a normal cig in which we burn how many chemicals and then not get an awful lot. I do think my friend will be looking soon to stop as she tried back in August, she said she went to a Hypnotherapist but instead of helping her stop she said she ended up smoking more

Oh and it did not bother me, i never wanted to have one with them, and the smell was quite bad too esp when my mates OH just put one out, how strong was that. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh horrid. :(

Anyhow, today is WEEK 4, yup 28 days, OMGosh where has the time gone. Soon be joining the month 2 lot. Stats for this amazing day are................................................

I have not smoked for 4 Weeks, 2 hours, 58 minutes and 6 seconds (28 days).

I have saved £121.66 by not smoking 478 cigarettes.

I have saved 1 Day, 15 hours and 50 minutes of my life.

Enjoy the rest of your smokefree day


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Good Morning

Morning Jo.

Don't keep us in suspense, how was it?

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Sorry Ed

Have replied, i changed the post. Do look back and see.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Morning Jo glad you had a good night will catch you all later off to sheffield x

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Jam

Have a great time in Sheffield hun. dont go spending too much if its christmas shopping. ;)

Anyhow, back to last night, i honestly did not feel like i wanted a cig when they lit up and they only did once where i was there and that was when i was explaining about the ecig. I did explain that the one i had did not contain anything other than water and flavour because now i was nicotine free i did not want to take a drag on my ecig and get hooked on nicotine again so by having the Zero nicotine filters meant to could feel like i was enjoying a cig like them but without the worry of being dragged in, i also explained that you have to almost count the drags if you like because when you light and burn a normal cig it gradually goes down but with an ecig it does not so you have to almost count the drags so that you know when you would have finished.

Anyhow, they are intriged by the idea and are looking at chnaging to one of those and then cutting down and stopping, i dont worry too much now because i have my ecig if i need it and yet apart from using it to show them last night i hardly take it out of the box.


nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Well done Jo you are a shining star.

So happy that you had a good time, but you should have complained about the food and sent it back.;)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

So happy that you had a good time, but you should have complained about the food and sent it back.;)

I just could not be bothered with doing that. :rolleyes:

Hi Garry

My OH & our friends did say to mention it but TBH the whole atmosphere and attitude of the Restaurant/Pub was a little weird shall we say.

My OH had the Mixed Grill and TBH that was mostly fat and did not look appealing at all. I think today we will have to treat ourselves again with a much nicer meal, even if its the restaurant down at our local Morrisions cos there food is much nicer. Oh well poop happens and we wont be going back there again in a hurry.

Oh well, at least we went out and as for 4 drinks for adults £12 thats gone up too so i think meals in pubs and nights out in pubs too are a no-more event and from now on it will be a meal in the local takeway to either eat in or takeaway, nights out are just so expensive now.

Have a great day


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Sorry Ed

Have replied, i changed the post. Do look back and see.


Heh heh!! :D

I'm so glad it went well Jo. Shame about the food though :(.

So that's another trigger test passed with flying colours!! Give yourself a huge pat on the back. I've saved you a nice place in the Month 2 Forum. It's got its own en-suite bathroom, shower and jacuzzi :).

Ed xx

nsd_user663_17077 profile image


So glad it went well for you! Sorry the meal was not good, always annoying when you are looking forward to it.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image


Congrats on ONE WHOLE MONTH 21/10/2010- 21/11/2010

Your doing brilliantly hun.


See you in the month 2 one as im looking forward to the jacuzzi now ;) , ummmmmmmmmm, i dont know when to join that one yet. Any ideas anyone?


nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Thank Jo,

Seems to be fairly easy at the moment too! Not really thinking about it and comfortable around other smokers now. Is fortunate really as quite a lot of stress and feeling under pressure, so at least not craving is no less thing to worry about!

nsd_user663_16474 profile image


See you in the month 2 one as im looking forward to the jacuzzi now ;) , ummmmmmmmmm, i dont know when to join that one yet. Any ideas anyone?


I don't think it really matters when you join Jo, but I think I'd do it on the 24th :). Looking forward to seeing you there. You've earned your place!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Well done Genes!! Another October quitter with a month down. We're doing well :):cool:.

Ed xx

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Thanks Ed,

We are getting there huh? Nice to see how many of the group are still here and actively encouraging each other, definitely makes it easier. I feel like I would be letting all you guys down if I had a ciggie, and don't want that do we now?!! :D

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Well done Jo!!

You are doing brilliantly :D

Snowie x

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thanks Snow

Cant believe 4 weeks gone by already. I will be joining u guys in the Month 2 section on Weds so make a space :)

Busy and uncomfortable day for me tomorrow. Have hospital in the afternoon. Take care all

nsd_user663_15949 profile image

well done are getting good at this no smoking lark :D

nsd_user663_4743 profile image


Well done on your month!! And for going out and not smoking as well. You seem really strong but we all have our weak moments and I know you do as well. Keep being positive and you will soon have a fag-free year tucked under your belt.

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow


nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Well done all round, I think I may have a looksee at your e fag, I am out 6 times between now and Xmas, so will have to be ever vigilant. The ciggy may be just the perfect assessory :D

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