Starting Champix tomorrow - My Reasons. - No Smoking Day

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Starting Champix tomorrow - My Reasons.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image
24 Replies

Hi, not sure if I'm to start a new thread or add on to someone elses, so sorry if I've not followed the forum etiquette, but I wanted to have my reasons down - somewhere I can see them again and again to remind myself of what and why I'm doing this. I think a lot of you (if not all) can empathise with the majority of my reasons so here goes:

My health (which is the big one!) - I don't recover from ailments like I used to, especially respiratory ailments like coughs and colds. I get down too because I take so long to recover, almost everything at the moment requires antibiotics and I don't like it. I have a permanent cough and at the moment seem to be permanently struggling to breath. I'm in my early 30's, I feel much, much older.

I watch my Mum who is now in her 70's and has smoked for over 50 years do this long drawn out, eye watering, face reddening, eye bulging long cough that seems to last forever - that's not going to be me! She has high blood pressure and now vascular dementia - that's not going to be me!! I want to be fit and healthy for my kids and my grandkids.

My Lifestyle - I want to exercise, cycle, have fun with the kids, run around and feel full of life. I want to be able to be social without wondering when I can run out of the door to have a fag. I want to be able to go out and not start getting pee'd off because I've left my fags at home. I want to be able to push myself physically without feeling like I'm having a heart attack.

People say having a fag is relaxing, I find being a smoker is anxiety inducing!! Going to the Cinema, out for a meal, round a friends house, out with the kids, it's all anxiety about when I can have the next ciggie.

My children - I don't want them to think it's ok. I don't want them to feel it's normal and I want them to develop their own strategies for life rather than reaching for a fag. When I do it, no matter what I'm saying to them, I'm condoning it. I hate that.

Money - I could really do with that extra £100+ a month!!!

Bottom line - there's just not one good thing about smoking - not one!

I've got asthma, I get regular chest infections, I know what it's like not to be able to breath. Unless I do this for myself now - that will be a permanent fixture in my future - no thanks.

So here I come Champix! Will take first one tomorrow, expecting to have last fag somewhere in second week of treatment.

Day one of not smoking thread here I come!!

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nsd_user663_17388 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Looper, what can i say but get yourself quit before it’s too late, you are I’m sure aware that if you leave it much longer it may be too late to pull your heath back on track, so we are all here for you all day and every day, the support from this forum is amazing and I’m sure it will help you to quit and more importantly to stay quit, keep yourself well hydrated and make sure that your diet stays as healthy as is possible for you.

It want be long I’m sure before you will be able to say no thanks I don’t smoke.

Live long and healthily.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Looper

Just wanted to say those are some pretty good reasons to want to stop that horrid habit that has consumed us all. You need to make sure that you do it for you at the end of the day and everything else will slot into place.

I went on to the Champix and on Day 5 stopped smoking so they are good but they are not a miracle cure and you need willpower and determination too. Also make sure that YOU EAT WHEN YOU TAKE THE CHAMPIX otherwise they can cause sickness etc so always take with food. I dont think you will be smoking this time next week as they can change how you see smoking quite quickly but everyone is different.

Make sure that when we see you on that First day of stopping that you keep on posting and letting us know how things are going, get all the support from us that you need and most of all dont give in. You have decided you want to stop and that is a really positive move so good luck to you.

I am no longer on the Champix, i stopped taking them after day 12 but i am now 2 weeks quit and have not looked back.

Good luck my friend

nsd_user663_1793 profile image

hi Looper;

Am I correct in thinking that Champix in the UK is the same as Chantix in the US?

I'm on my last pack of the second month package and though I will admit to having had a few, this has been my easiest quit ever. It's going to be my forever quit too, because I had it in my head that Chantix was my last ditch option, so if I can't quit now, how will I ever quit? I've tried just about everything else!

I haven't had any horrific cravings, it has been more that when I'm in a situation where I'd usually smoke, I'll just be thinking that a cigarette would be nice right now; nothing I can't get through fairly easily.

I do have one word of important advice: call the Doc who prescribed the Zchampix and ask for a script for an anti-nausea drug to take along with it. Everyone I know who has quit taking Chantix stopped due to nausea. I take a Zofran with my morning dose, as Zofran doesn't make you sleepy. With my nightly dose I take Phenergan, which helps me sleep. I haven't been bothered by weird dreams either, but I don't know if that has anything to do with the Phenergan.

Best wishes for your quit!!

nsd_user663_17797 profile image

Newbie here

Hi Looper,

I've just joined the forum today in preparation for my appointment on Wednesday to get Champix. As you will be a day ahead of me, I'll watch your progress with huge interest.

I can relate to all the reasons you've described, except I'm well on the way to coughing like your mum. 36 years a smoker and getting breast cancer this year has made me think about giving up for the first time. Seriously giving up, that is, I've made half-hearted attempts in the past, all of which have failed. I've heard great things about Champix and work with a couple of people who are currently on it. They've been able to stay in the warm office today instead of huddling outside in the rain in small, sad groups, puffing away. Another good reason for quitting!

Best of luck for tomorrow, I'll be rooting for you :)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Hi guys and thanks for contributing.

jamangie - Thanks for the advice and support I seem to have no problem keeping hydrated as after my first tablet yesterday I'va had a bit of a thirst going on. I shall pop in regularly for support from now untill my last fag and then probably live here thereafter!! :D

nuttynursee - Thanks for the 'taking it with food' advice. I did yesterday and today and not one little smidgen of sickness was felt. However by about 3pm yesterday I had a bit of a headache. Not bad enough for pain killers but enough that I knew it was there. By the evening it had worn off. I'm pretty sure that was the Champix as I'm not normally a headache sufferer.

jules2dl - it is the same, the name of the medication is Varenicline. Champix/Chantix it's the same. I've made an appointment with the health care assistant for next Thursaday (18th) as that is about the time I'm expecting to quit and to get a repeat prescription. Regarding the sickness - nuttynursee's advice of taking it with food seems to work for now, although I'm still only on the one a day so we'll see how it goes. Sounds good for you so far. So long as all I do is think about a fag without going mental (have done in the past) then that would be an amazing improvement for me! Fingers crossed for us all eh?

Hey Vonny - welcome, two newbies together eh? So far so good - take it with food as I've said above and hopefully you (we) will be o.k. As I said earlier, I did have a bit of a headache in the afternoon but it wasn't much to speak of, just there if you know what I mean. I've had a bit of a thirst going on since yesterday morning, but staying hydrated anyway probably isn't a bad idea. Roll on next week is all I can say - bring it on.

(Actually that last sentence is a little bit of a lie because in truth I feel a bit scared, not sure what of yet......)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Oh yeah - another reason to quit....HAVE YOU SEEN THE WEATHER OUT THERE?!!

Going out the backdoor to smoke with a blanket wrapped round me and umberella. I must be mental!!!!

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Oh yeah - another reason to quit....HAVE YOU SEEN THE WEATHER OUT THERE?!!

Going out the backdoor to smoke with a blanket wrapped round me and umberella. I must be mental!!!!

Exactly ;)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Hi, Just thought I would pop back to update. There may be TMI's spattered all through this - be warned :p

Am now on day three of half a mg twice a day and I'm losing the urge to smoke. I've already been up half an hour and I've not run out of the back door yet. I don't know if I'm naturally cutting down or something but my chest is a little better today, less bubbly and full.

Had a bit of a motivator yesterday - took my Mum to the Orthodontic Outpatients at The Royal London. They need to take all her teeth out. Some of them are just black rotted stumps. I worked it out exactly yesterday and my Mum has been a smoker for 59 years! I was sitting there thinking about how smoking reduces the blood flow to your gums and teeth and about how I don't want to be left with a mouth full of black rotted stumps!! As I said - a bit of a motivator.

As for side effects - since I've gone onto 1/2 a mg twice a day I have had a bit of a dicky tummy. Not like serious diarrhoea but I'm passing loose motions with a bit of urgency to go. In all honesty this is not enough to make me quit the tablets. I feel personaly that the potential benefits out-weigh the 'dicky tummy' and will continue to persevere. Historically speaking quitting tends to make me constipated so I'm hopeful that it will all balance out in the end anyway.

So there you go - sorry for the TMI's but I thought I would be honest about everything so I can keep track of myself and also for anyone considering taking Champix.


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Good morning Looper

I dont think there was too much info in that post, infact im glad you did post all that because those who come along and just read will get an idea of other things that can happen to us when we smoke and for very long periods of time. Sorry to hear about your mum though, lets hope that they can remove the nasty stumps etc and replace with some nice white falsies. :)

Glad to hear all ok with the Champix and also that your cutting down without realising, thats what i liked about them i all of a sudden did not need to go out so much and then when i did i truely did not want it when i did light up, hence i had my last ciggy on day 5 of starting the tablets and i was not even on the 2nd week dosage when i stopped. As for side effects, everyone is different and so what i experienced you may never but then you may get something others have not, the main things here is that those Champix do work and get you to stop smoking but you also have to get your willpower working and stick with it. I came off the tablets a week after i stopped smoking but remember your not me :). Anyhow, good luck, soon be Smoke Free and just dont be scared cos its not a scary thing.


nsd_user663_17388 profile image

I've lost my post - twice. And the second one was so emotive I was crying. Can't do it again - but I guess I got it out of me either way, even if it didn't post. :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image


R U OK Hun????

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Thanks nuttynursee - and yeah, I'm ok.

I just got really emotional and wrote this massive post about how I saw my Uncle out of the world New Years Day because of fags. He drowned in his own cigarette induced viscous liquid and a collapsed lung, infected heart. It was horrible. How my own mother won't remember my name soon - or my sisters.....due to fags.

How, today - she's telling me how much she loves a fag. And how much I'll miss it. How can she even say that!!!!!

And I just thought....No, I'm angry at you, I'm even angrier at myself and I'm I'm furious at Cigarettes.

I've lost so much. I'm young.....I have a toddler.....and my Mum can't remember his name due to furring up all the arteries in her head - so her brain is dying - slowly.

Yeah - right. Tell me how much you love a fag Mum. You can't do your finances, medications, shopping. You can't remember conversations, what you agreed to, what was said. You have sacrificed your independence all for a fag.

So - yeah, last day and I'm pleased to see the back of them. They've broken my heart and I can't wait to see them go - forever.

They've taken so much and given nothing but an illusion.

I hate them.

That was a condensed version.

I hate them.

I want to live - and live well.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

And just knowing there is someone there -'s fab. Thanks


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hey Loop

Thats pretty tough what u have had to go through and i dont blame you for your attitude towards those god damn smokes. I hate them too, bliming things, we dont need them do we, you and i are going to do this together. Your gonna be strong esp for that little one of yours.

I will be here for you. U know its not going to be easy, OMG today the thoughts have come thick and fast almost like Mr Nicodemon is trying to get me to give in but i wont, im stronger than that and TBH hun we dont want to go back.

You will be fine just take it slowly and dont try rushing yourself. Keep yourself occupied and focused and you will get through this.

lol hun

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Nutty - be free.

Free of those energy zapping, health killing, money pinching, people stealing *beeps*

They'll try to lure you back, they want it...they've planted receptors in your head....which you weren't born make you want them.

It's sick.

You ARE stronger and so am I.

Remember, it's no friend. It hasn't helped you or me or anyone else. It's not comforted us, or supported us, we've just had to feed the craving.

You've done fab - really, you have. It's their death throws your feeling. Rejoice in them, celebrate them...the more you feel it, the harder they die.

I'm absolutely done with them. Good riddance. We'll ride this out together.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

More reasons - and this ones a long one and has only dawned on me like - last night - during a bout of insomnia.....I'm writing this here as I NEVER want to forget how I feel right now.

Nicotina - she was never my friend.

I first personally met Nicotina when I was 11 years old although she had been a close family friend for as long as I could remember. The minute she approached me personally I welcomed her with open arms. My whole family felt she was very important, a source of comfort and support and to top it all off I always thought she was a rather cool friend to have. You know - she upped my status a bit which is all important when you're 11.

For many years Nic and I rubbed along together, as close as close can be. She was my friend, she helped me through the hard times, she laughed with me during the good. I felt we were inseperable and that anyone who thought Nic and I weren't good for each other was a threat, a bore - jealous.

Twenty years of friendship was upon us, but the years were starting to take their toll. Nic wasn't good with money and was costing me a fortune in subsidising her and she never paid me back. At first this was fine, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make to have her in my life but, after a while it got to be rather grating. She became posessive and smothering, demanding my attention, dictating where I went, who I soc1alised with....if I soc1alised at all. I realised she was isolating me and it was about this time that I took a step back and re-evaluated our relationship.

I realised that actually it had never been as good as I thought it was. For example, she gave me a fragrance that I felt I had to wear, but it was not pleasant and made me feel uncomfortable and self-conscious in the presence of those who could smell it better than I. Trying to keep up with Nics lifestyle was making me ill and she really was a bit of a fair weather friend. One time, I had been awake for two nights unable to breath or function, when I eventually sought emergency care and they told me it had probably been a good thing I hadn't gone to sleep (hinting that I may not have woken), she wasn't there for me. During repeated chest infections, where some had me feeling like I was on my last legs, she wasn't there for me either. In fact, on occassions she would demand I go outside in the cold just to have some alone time with her, despite the fact I felt too unwell to even make it out of the door. I still went though.

In reality I was getting sicker and weaker and more feeble while Nic remained strong - no - stronger than I had ever known her. She was consuming me and I was letting her. I had even lied for her in the past, covered up for her, sneaked around for her, denied her existence just so we could carry on being friends in the face of adversity. She was mine and I didn't want to let her go.

Well, that was then. Now I realise that I was hers and it was she who didn't want to let go. She was the one benefitting while I slowly sunk in health, social status and finance. She has never actually supported me, or helped me and I now realise that she never helped or supported anyone else either. It was all an illusion. In truth she was destroying me, quietly. She had destroyed other members of my family and brought them an early death but by Nics very nature the rest of us had turned a blind eye.

But it's o.k now, for me at least. I took my blinkers off. I've finally seen her for exactly what she is and now unmasked I see the truth - she is very, very ugly and all I've left to say is - Get Lost Nicotina, you were never my friend.

Thanks nuttynursee - and yeah, I'm ok.

I just got really emotional and wrote this massive post about how I saw my Uncle out of the world New Years Day because of fags. He drowned in his own cigarette induced viscous liquid and a collapsed lung, infected heart. It was horrible. How my own mother won't remember my name soon - or my sisters.....due to fags.

How, today - she's telling me how much she loves a fag. And how much I'll miss it. How can she even say that!!!!!

And I just thought....No, I'm angry at you, I'm even angrier at myself and I'm I'm furious at Cigarettes.

I've lost so much. I'm young.....I have a toddler.....and my Mum can't remember his name due to furring up all the arteries in her head - so her brain is dying - slowly.

Yeah - right. Tell me how much you love a fag Mum. You can't do your finances, medications, shopping. You can't remember conversations, what you agreed to, what was said. You have sacrificed your independence all for a fag.

So - yeah, last day and I'm pleased to see the back of them. They've broken my heart and I can't wait to see them go - forever.

They've taken so much and given nothing but an illusion.

I hate them.

That was a condensed version.

I hate them.

I want to live - and live well.

Wow - this is so moving - I think I could have tried for years and not been able to put it any better.

nsd_user663_17606 profile image


Your reasons and posts are inspiring.

Hadn't seen you post for a few days. Glad to see you're still with us.

Keep up the good work xx

nsd_user663_18256 profile image

Looper - i think you're amazing .......really moving, inspiring and moitvating...

I had a friend once called Nicotina too...... What a BITCH..... trouble is she's is still someone elses friend :(

nsd_user663_17697 profile image

Looper - that was amazing - well done. So glad to see you still around, missed your uppey downey posts in NAS. Keep strong and keep posting please.:)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Can anyone see me?

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

OMG I think I'm back....I won't trust this yet though as it did this to me before and then made me disappear again....I'll leave it a while yet.....

nsd_user663_18256 profile image

yes you're back :D:D:D

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Oh....I'm here, thank god...I missed you all even though it was only a two day absence it felt much longer. (My sense of time since quitting seems way eeeeeeeeeeeelongated).

Anyway, thanks guys so much for the responses to my posts, it means so much to me that you are all here and I was so frustrated that I couldn't say anything - I felt quite touched (:o) Thank you.

You all inspire me too and I'm so pleased to be doing this with all of you <3

There's just a whole lotta lurve in this room :p:D

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