Just found this place, new here :/ - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Just found this place, new here :/

nsd_user663_17438 profile image
15 Replies

I'm Danny and im new, just found this website because i know i will need support

so as you can all probably tell i am here because i believe that now is the most beneficial point in my life that i can kick the habit in the teeth and tell it i do NOT need it.

ive been smoking for 3 years now (18 now)

and to be honest its gotten a bit boring, doing the same old,same old

i decided to quit today.... because hey! wheres the harm in starting now ?

I am currently using the lozenge which has taken me down a notch from about 15-16 cigarettes a day to only having smoked 6!

tomorrow is the day of reckoning....

and i hope i do well but at the same time... really hope i do not give in

Wish me luck

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nsd_user663_17438 profile image
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15 Replies
Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


Good on you for choosing to quit. You will find lots of support here if you need it.

Try having a look at the links in peoples signatures and read, read and read some more. Changing the way you think about smoking is one of the biggest keys to staying quit.

Good luck for today.

Sian xx

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Hi Danny

Congratulations on your quit

You have certainly made some right decisions.

To quit

To join this forum, which is one of the best support groups around.

Remember the Nicodemon is there, lurking behind every corner, and you will need to be strong to get past those urges, and to get beyond the habit of having a smoke after certain triggers.

We are here when you need us.

Be strong!!

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi Danny, great decision to quit, and great place to come and read up on peoples experiences and help people from your own experience.

Read up on everything, the more you know, the more you're prepared. Stay positive and remember, not smoking never killed anyone.

Best wishes,

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Danny

I also wanted to add a few words. Well done on deciding that the nicodemon is no longer required to be part of your life and for making that choice to stop smoking.

As everyone has said, read, read, read and be armed with as much information as you can and be prepared for a fight cos that nasty nicodemon takes no prisoners.

Take it slowly a minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. Post on here how your day goes and when you need help let us know. We are all here to help and your not alone.

Good luck ;)

nsd_user663_17438 profile image

Well this morning was the HARDEST thing i have ever done....

i woke up as usual with the usual craving for a cigarette :(

my lungs felt like they needed something there to fill them instead of air, which was probably one of the worst feelings i have experienced, took a lozenge as a replacement and that woke me up/ took the edge off. But the lung thing persisted for about an hour which pissed me off

all in all i had 2 scenarios in which i could have smoked today (smoking other peoples cigarettes) , once in the morning and then again at lunch time

resisted both times and have had my first successful day of non smoking and its the strangest feeling ya know? its like for the first time in 3 years, today is the day i feel what its like to not have to depend on one.

Any of you guys still trying to quit, or have done so already ??

thanks guys,


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

resisted both times and have had my first successful day of non smoking and its the strangest feeling ya know? its like for the first time in 3 years, today is the day i feel what its like to not have to depend on one.

Any of you guys still trying to quit, or have done so already ??

thanks guys,


Hi Danny and welcome to the boards and well done on the quit!!

An extra well done for resisting both these times today, i know it would have been hard for you but you have shown that you are a strong person and know that smoking is something you dont want to do anymore :)

I can relate to the waking up craving for a smoke, that was me too!! the best way i found to over come this, was by changing my morning routine... so for instance if you woke up, went to kitchen and lit up within 5 mins... change about and say get up... go into bathroom splash your face, get dressed etc etc and wait 10 mins before you go downstairs.

This makes a big difference!

Im on day 13 after numerous attempts ( about 8 lol ) am using the patches to get me through and also this forum.

I wouldnt be without this place, the support is fantastic.

Snowie x

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Danny congrats on gettin through the first day.:)

Take it day by day dont try and look to far ahead. Most of us have actually quit now and we are gradually getting to the milestones in our stop smoking process. I am at day 9, so far so good others are just starting and some quit ages ago, that is what makes this site such a help because everyone is at different stages and so can help even more as they know what its like.

No one said it would be easy but with all these new friends i have made and you have made now too it will become easier. Just resist that Nicodevil as he is very naughty in just appearing and then trying to persuade you that you need him and that one puff wont hurt but as u know you must not even take that one puff.

Anyhow good luck with this, post on the day to day experiences and before you know it you will be looking at week 2 etc etc. Oh and on the main page it has a reasons one i would suggest doing your own reasons to why you want to quit then if you struggle or need to remind yourself why you are doing this then you can go back and read again.

Good luck my friend

nsd_user663_5119 profile image

Well done, welcome and MASSIVE congratulations on over-coming your first and probably worst hurdle! I am on Day 2 today cold turkey, and am feeling pretty good. Only had one crave today, having had two yesterday, so hoping for non tomorrow :D

this forum is a god-send if you want tips, support, a chat, someone to give you a bit of a boost....just ask a-way any time of day.

Good luck...and keep on going - you know you can do it :D

nsd_user663_17438 profile image

Just got the WORST craving of the day.... infact its still here now

:'( this is by far the worst :@

im resisting, im resisting..... by listening to reasonably loud music ! :D

~ Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. ~

nsd_user663_16968 profile image


Dont let the nicodemon get to you, deep breaths, keep them up, they will pass. Try going for a walk, cycle ride, find a new hobby, i have knitting but find something to take your mind off of things and keep you busy.

Dont whatever you do give in, be strong mate

Good luck

nsd_user663_17487 profile image

I'm Danny and im new, just found this website because i know i will need support

so as you can all probably tell i am here because i believe that now is the most beneficial point in my life that i can kick the habit in the teeth and tell it i do NOT need it.

ive been smoking for 3 years now (18 now)

and to be honest its gotten a bit boring, doing the same old,same old

i decided to quit today.... because hey! wheres the harm in starting now ?

I am currently using the lozenge which has taken me down a notch from about 15-16 cigarettes a day to only having smoked 6!

tomorrow is the day of reckoning....

and i hope i do well but at the same time... really hope i do not give in

Wish me luck

Hey Danny, were roughly the same age hopefully we can quit together. I'm Ayan btw. Tomorrow will be my first full day going cold turkey. I plan to smoke my last fag just before bed tonight. :)

nsd_user663_17438 profile image

Hey Ayan :) this is my second day .... im on the nicotine lozenges because cravings are far too strong for me to handle :(

but so far in these 2 days i have been cigarette free.... and i tell you its getting VERY slightly more easy.... but i know its bound to get harder.

Lets quit together :)


There is more to life than increasing its speed.

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Danny,

Glad you made it through day one.

I promise it does get easier. Find something to keep your mind off it. In th first 7-10 days for me when I started to have cravings I played Batman on the xbox. Stuck it on the hardest level so I would have a bit of a challenge. Kept my mind and my hands busy and if I got p'd off I just took it out on the baddies lol.

Whatever it takes for you to not smoke, do it.

S xx

nsd_user663_17438 profile image

And so the story goes....

Okay so the second day is over xD

thankfully, i had a few cravings today but nothing i couldn't handle thankfully.

I kept thinking back to you guys.. didn't want to let you down and myself down, and thought about what a song and dance ive already made about quitting so

onto day 3! and im feeling good about it ! xD


There is more to life than increasing its speed.

Years smoked : 3

Days quit : 2

Life expectancy : Increasing >>>

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Nothing like a little guilt to keep you on track Danny :D

Stay strong my friend

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