New and Just Quit with Champix: Hello all... - No Smoking Day

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New and Just Quit with Champix

nsd_user663_55843 profile image
22 Replies

Hello all,

Thought i'd share and maintain a little diary on here for myself and others on my journey of quitting smoking.

I went to the doctor nearly 2 weeks ago asking to be prescribed Champix because I had heard good things about it. I'm currently on Day 13 of the starter pack and finally stopped smoking today.

It's remarkable at how good it is for stopping cravings... I have no desire whatsoever but like i've read often on here is more of a case of breaking habits. I woudn't say it made me feel repulsed at the smell of cigarettes yet... but we'll see...

So right now i'm 55 mins away from being 24 hours free of cigarettes for the first time in 10 years and hopefully i'll carry on quitting.

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nsd_user663_55843 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on making it through the first 24 hours :) you should be really proud of yourself! The first day is the hardest I think, it seems strange to not smoke but you soon get the hang of it and it won't be long before you start to feel the benefits. Keep telling yourself that you're not giving anything up - you're freeing yourself and gaining control of your life :-)

I've been quit for just about 2 months now and it seems it was forever since I had my last one.

Keep going, you'll soon be through your first week and it starts to fly by after that!

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Best thing you will ever do for yourself! Good for you mate, well done.

I think everyone will probably agree that the first few days/week is probably the hardest. Like you say, it's more just the actual physical habit that's quite hard. But your all ready and prepared, and have nearly completed your first day!! Excellent! Now, KEEP YOURSELF BUSY! I think it's half the battle, well for me anyway!!

Keep it up and keep chatting on here, this is a great place for support and encouragement.... And for a few laughs along the way too!

Welcome to NoSmoke world!! Xxx

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

Hello all, just a wee update.

Still not smoking nor been even close to wanting to smoke. The bit I was most worried about was my time at work and resisting temptation. Thankfully its been rather easy apart from my fellow worker who smokes and doesn't really care that i'm in the process of quitting and still smokes standing at the door, so close that i can smell the smoke wafting it.

Ah well, just makes me stronger knowing someone can be such an idiot.

Anyone else ever had to deal with such an unhelpful and thoughtless person?

Feels great going to the shops and not finishing with the line "and 20 Mayfair please" :D :D

nsd_user663_54849 profile image

Hi just to say I absolutely was surrounded by selfish smokers when I first quit I am sure they made a point of always making me stop and wait whilst they smoked on the way to get lunch and blowing smoke at me whenever possible

Strangely it actually helped me in the end, I realised they were quite threatened because I had taken control and they hadn't or couldn't. They were trying to assert theirs back. For the first couple of weeks I didn't mind the smell and actually craved their smoke but after a while it began to get to me

Day 54 and I borrowed someone's laptop today and it made my whole room reek of fags - how weird is that!? A laptop!! Not even two months in and I am firmly on the 'other side' and no plans to go back

So in summary if people are irritating or difficult or get in your way then just feel good about yourself inside that you can rise above it, realise that they are threatened, stay strong and I promise you come about where I am now you literally don't even think about smoking, I actually can't remember my life when I did!? How weird! But ruddy fab!! :) good luck!!

nsd_user663_55542 profile image

LOL you smoked my brand then andy (mayfair) aye love it that i dont have to run to shop every day/night to spend money that would eventually kill me and have a bad effect on others around me ie: family , so yep you made a good choice/decision to give up, i wish you luck and hope you can stay off them, yes it aint that hard if you really put your mind to it.

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

Well still off the fags... Quite strange that before fags smelt like they weren't so bad but now they actually smell quite posinous and toxic... Can feel them catch in your throat as you walk past the poor souls smoking near doorways to shops and places.

Don't think i'll smoke again hopefully...

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Good luck andyarran, as you can see there is plenty of support from this forum from those experienced (and like me, not so!) at this game that changes life. God speed and stay strong sir!

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

Well i'd like to report i'm still smoke free! Day 50 tomorrow!

I've came off the Champix as I was starting to feel a little down and didn't know if that was the Champix or something else... But what I can vouch for is Champix really does work.. I didn't think i'd ever be able to stop smoking... I literally couldn't go more than sleeping without a cigarette and here I am day 50 tomorrow!

Thanks all for the help and advice..

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Brilliant news Andy - you've got it 'in the bag':)

Freedom tastes great doesn't it?

Stay vigilant, stay free!

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Tremendous:D That's coming up to 2 months!! Haven't you done well?:) Despite my problems with Champix, I think it's amazing for putting me off smoking. Well worth it. Here's to your next 50 days. xxx

nsd_user663_57059 profile image

Fantastic to hear a Champix success story! I sm on day three of starting Champix so have a way to go yet

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

Thanks all! :D

Just wait for the Champix to kick in and work Sophie... I always read people saying they quit on day 8 or day 9 but it took me until day 15 to finally stop... although you find yourself throwing away a lot more of a cigarette than you did beforehand... It really works ! You would not believe how much of a slave to smoking I was until i tried Champix... I'm not on either now...

Dreams can be a bit... erm weird and realistic but that fades after a wee while... The benefits out weigh the bad...

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Congrats Andy :)

nsd_user663_57059 profile image

Thanks all! :D

Just wait for the Champix to kick in and work Sophie... I always read people saying they quit on day 8 or day 9 but it took me until day 15 to finally stop... although you find yourself throwing away a lot more of a cigarette than you did beforehand... It really works ! You would not believe how much of a slave to smoking I was until i tried Champix... I'm not on either now...

Dreams can be a bit... erm weird and realistic but that fades after a wee while... The benefits out weigh the bad...

Thanks Andy, yes the dreams have already started! :-/

I am feeling pretty possitive at the moment

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

Seems a long time ago but thought i'd post an update:

Little off-topic at first.. I didn't think i'd ever give up smoking as it was such a big part of my life. My life revolved around smoking and was the most unliekly candidate to give up.

Since starting Champix on the 27th of February 2013.. I came off them earlier than one should...

I'm still off the ciggies.. 145 days!!

Honestly... if you haven't tried Champix and are serious about quitting smoking... Try it! Worked for me.. I can sit next to smokers now without any twinge! (Working as a chef atm again, Not anywhere near having a Cig)!

Rex1000 profile image

I love Good News

Congratulations on your quit I find it very encouraging at 9pm tonight I will have been smoke free for 5 days and at the moment I am feeling great I just reordered my prescription for Champix which I will pick up Thursday I can't say I have had any craving yet just the occasional empty or lost kind of feeling which soon passes especially if I come onto the forum long may it continue. :)

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

I'd just like to add a wee update.

Still off the cigarettes today which is exactly 9 months.

So for anyone who thihnks they can't quit like me.... especially during the initial day or two... Champix really works... It worked for me...

Still get a wee urge or so nowadays.. but its nothing when I see the cost of 20 cigarettes..

Keep up the fight all... its better looking back after you've quit on the prices etc... If I quit then anyone can...

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Congrats!! 9 months is a fantastic achievement!! I hope you buy yourself a nice treat to celebrate.


nsd_user663_53649 profile image

Congrats Andy, I am sure you are thrilled with yourself. I hope you have a treat lined up for your one year off. I am using champix for a second time, I find it is very helpful, it takes that edge away.

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

Hello all,

Just thought i'd leave an encouraging update.

323 days off the fags! Don't even think about them now. Can smell smokers from a mile off and feel sorry but alas a lot of them still seem to 'enjoy' it. I'm sure it's lovely standing outside work at this time of year.

Couldn't have done it without champix... It gave me the small amount of time to adjust my thinking...

Keep believing you can quit... because you can... and when you do... you'll know what i'm talking about...

Life gets better without it!

nsd_user663_55843 profile image

I just read my original post after i posted that last one.

I cannot believe that was me back then... to say i'm nearly 24 hours without a cigarette is outragous! Trust me it gets so much easier!

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Nice to hear from you again Andy and glad you've got it stop the penthouse and I'll be right behind you :D

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