Is there a place for me here?: Okay, i smoke... - No Smoking Day

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Is there a place for me here?

nsd_user663_5628 profile image
34 Replies

Okay, i smoke cigarettes and cigars. Often many more of one than the other but sometimes in equal measure.

I'd like to drop the cigarettes. They are both unhealthy i know - i don't need anybody to tell me that. They smell - i know that. The NHS won't help you swap addictions which brings me here.

I don't want ex-cigar smokers telling me how bad it is. I just want to take things in stages. Drop the cigarettes. Continue with the cigars full-time. And then take things from there.

Hope to chat with you soon :-)

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nsd_user663_5628 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Continue with the cigars full-time. And then take things from there.

Hiya MangoMan and welcome back, why continue with the cigars, after all you're still smoking and the purpose of this forum is to help each other to stop the addiction to tobacco. What happened Here?


nsd_user663_9211 profile image

I hear you man but......... i kind of agree with davofgy.

guess you just gotta ask yourself the question ... do you wanna stop smoking or not. :cool:

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

Yes i do want to stop smoking cigarettes. Not cigars. I still want to smoke as right now i enjoy it. I'm here to quit the cigarettes.

nsd_user663_9789 profile image

any treatment that stops you smoking will make you stop cigarettes and cigars. So if you wanted to give one up and not the other then its down to will power only. But whats the point of that? they're just slightly different forms of the same poison. good luck to you whatever you decide, but if you want to quit both this forum can really help you.

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

I want to quit the cigarettes like i explained. You're not going to convince me to quit the cigars until i stop enjoying them and i'm ready. So if you don't mind i would like to be here as a cigarette quitter - obviously not using NRT but using willpower (and cigars) alone. Thanks.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

I want to quit the cigarettes like i explained. You're not going to convince me to quit the cigars until i stop enjoying them and i'm ready. So if you don't mind i would like to be here as a cigarette quitter - obviously not using NRT but using willpower (and cigars) alone. Thanks.

ok get where your coming from but this may help you change your mind about cigar smoking have a read it may convince you to stop the cigars too.

nsd_user663_9065 profile image

Well i think the cigars are classed as smoking .So why pack up the cigs ?????

And as for this forum , i find it really helps me i would not be without it ,as i want to stop the evil weed .

As for your question , is this the place for me to stop smoking cigs but not cigars . I think you know the answer to the question .

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Your welcome here as far as I'm concerned but in my opinion whats the point? Used to do both myself and could leave one or the other without a prob, they are both drugs that addict and will kill ya. Source of nicotine and the addiction will still be the same ,die by mouth or lung cancer. Key to quitting is REALLY wanting too and it doesn't sound like you really want to to me. Best wish's and hope the best for you and your quit.

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

Grrrr pious ex-smokers really get my goat sometimes. Can't you just be a bit libertarian and help someone who wants to quit the cigarettes? I already explained i know all too well the cigars are bad for me. In fact, living is bad for me! So please, sweep your radical and extremist anti-smoking rants to one side and let me quit the cigarettes. Thank you.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Grrrr pious ex-smokers really get my goat sometimes. Can't you just be a bit libertarian and help someone who wants to quit the cigarettes? I already explained i know all too well the cigars are bad for me. In fact, living is bad for me! So please, sweep your radical and extremist anti-smoking rants to one side and let me quit the cigarettes. Thank you.

What do you mean Grrrrrr Pious ex-smoker ? dont put me in that bracket you asked for an opinion you got one deal with it is a non-smoking forum, cigarettes and cigars whatever, you are still smoking if you dont want to give up cigars don't up to you mate. But dont get all uppity because someone gives you an answer you dont like. You wanted to know if there is a place for you here none of us can say yes or no if you want to visit everyday fine by me can't speak for others but you got my answer.

nsd_user663_9956 profile image

Grrrr pious ex-smokers really get my goat sometimes. Can't you just be a bit libertarian and help someone who wants to quit the cigarettes ? I already explained i know all too well the cigars are bad for me. In fact, living is bad for me! So please, sweep your radical and extremist anti-smoking rants to one side and let me quit the cigarettes. Thank you.

OK mate, as irrational as it seems to a lot of people on here i do understand your logic. Some people are not ready to quit completely and it is a good thing that you are looking to decrease doing something that is proven to harm you.

I will not preach to you about cigar smoking. but you have to understand that if you give up the cigarettes you could end up smoking more cigars as you body will be craving the same amount of nicotine.

The only way you will do it will be is WILL POWER! It is just the same from moving from 20 cigarettes a day to 10.

you will have to ration the amount of cigars you smoke in a day and stop the cigarettes completely.

There is no easy fix, it is one of the hardest things you have to do, hence the reason for this forum!

So in conclusion the only way you can quit the fags and not end up smoke loads of cigars is to set yourself goals (i.e only allowed to smoke 5 cigars a day) and keep to it!!

also you will have nicotine withdrawal to begin with so you will be angry for the first week or two until you body adjusts to the low amount of nicotine.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

ok get where your coming from but this may help you change your mind about cigar smoking have a read it may convince you to stop the cigars too.

Grrrr pious ex-smokers really get my goat sometimes. Can't you just be a bit libertarian and help someone who wants to quit the cigarettes? I already explained i know all too well the cigars are bad for me. In fact, living is bad for me! So please, sweep your radical and extremist anti-smoking rants to one side and let me quit the cigarettes. Thank you.

OK mate, as irrational as it seems to a lot of people on here i do understand your logic. Some people are not ready to quit completely and it is a good thing that you are looking to decrease doing something that is proven to harm you.

I will not preach to you about cigar smoking. but you have to understand that if you give up the cigarettes you could end up smoking more cigars as you body will be craving the same amount of nicotine.

The only way you will do it will be is WILL POWER! It is just the same from moving from 20 cigarettes a day to 10.

you will have to ration the amount of cigars you smoke in a day and stop the cigarettes completely.

There is no easy fix, it is one of the hardest things you have to do, hence the reason for this forum!

So in conclusion the only way you can quit the fags and not end up smoke loads of cigars is to set yourself goals (i.e only allowed to smoke 5 cigars a day) and keep to it!!

also you will have nicotine withdrawal to begin with so you will be angry for the first week or two until you body adjusts to the low amount of nicotine.

oroboros i too did understand his logic as you can see from my first reply and i simply added a link for informational purposes at no point did i suggest he quit cigars as he clearly does not want to do that yet, his last reply was uncalled for people on here were just offering support and advise.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Oh dear. What a grumpy person. No-one pious on here. Just ex nicotine addicts.

Not sure that the support that I give could be taylored to supporting the quit of only part of the addiction, It would truly sound condescending to you if I attempted to give advice such as educate yourself, read the links etc etc, and then you would growl at me. Therefore, I would have to declare myself 'out' of any future support. Good luck in your quest though. :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Mano no problems we will let you come on here and give you any support you think you need to stop smoking cigs and to continue to smoke cigars.

Support commences then, what would you like from us.

And as for the cigar smoking, if you didn’t want us to try and give you good advice as to how to help you live longer breathe easier and to not die in excruciating pain from lung cancer or some other smoke related disease why did you mention it.

Ah but if that doesn’t bother you at all, then I cannot see why you are giving up the cigs either because giving them up and continuing with the cigars is not rational is it, it want alter your life at all as being an intelligent and logical man you all ready know that any way.

So here goes with my first lot of support that I would give to any one giving up Nicotine oops sorry you’re not doing that so that’s my first bit wasted so want go further on that line.

Second piece of advice is, ok realised that’s not appropriate either, you see all my advice is related to the cessation of smoking nicotine based items so sorry for once I give in, tell me what you would like me to do and I will try and help not forgetting though that I like to spend my time and energy helping people who genuinely want to free themselves from nicotine addiction.

Kind regards Jamangie 3 months 1 week and so many hours completely given up nicotine and so so proud of myself and will now wait for someone to press red button and extinguish me, and if they feel I have given inappropriate advice then that is their prerogative as this is an open forum LOL

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hi mangoman

Sorry i wouldnt be able to advise because at times its a struggle not too i dont really know how i would advise on someone whos still smoking?

Cutting down however in my opinion is harder then just quitting completely coz you feel denied of the usual ammout of drug so youll end up moody.

However you say you still like your cigars.... maybe your not ready for help yet on the forum? most people have quit completely so i really dont know what kind of support your after without sounding rude...wasnt intended

good luck with what you decide to do :)

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

What do you mean Grrrrrr Pious ex-smoker ? dont put me in that bracket you asked for an opinion you got one deal with it ...

Did i quote you when i bemoaned ex-smokers? No i didn't. Does that mean i meant you in particular? No it didn't.

Come on people - help me out here! We are all here to live, and i hope enjoy ourselves. One thing you can be certain of is that you will all die, me, you, all of us.

Now can you just let me enjoy my cigars like how you enjoyed smoking for oh so many years? I'm here to quit cigarettes as was advised this is the place to do it.

If you're that insecure about smoking or not smoking then can it really be worth quitting, you have to wonder.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Did i quote you when i bemoaned ex-smokers? No i didn't. Does that mean i meant you in particular? No it didn't.

Come on people - help me out here! We are all here to live, and i hope enjoy ourselves. One thing you can be certain of is that you will all die, me, you, all of us.

Now can you just let me enjoy my cigars like how you enjoyed smoking for oh so many years? I'm here to quit cigarettes as was advised this is the place to do it.

If you're that insecure about smoking or not smoking then can it really be worth quitting, you have to wonder.

Sorry are you a WUM, if so go and enjoy your cigars elsewhere, yes it is worth giving up smoking, everyday i smile because i have managed to quit a killer addiction and the people on here everyone one of us will agree. Hopefully when you do quit your nicotine addiction you will have answered your own question.

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

a WUM? i doubt it whatever one is. I want help quitting cigarettes, that's all. I want the same pleasure when i wake up knowing i have quit them.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Oh alright. I'll indulge you Mr Mango man. Come over here and sit by me and tell me why you must quit the smokes and why you enjoy the cigars. :)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

a WUM? i doubt it whatever one is. I want help quitting cigarettes, that's all. I want the same pleasure when i wake up knowing i have quit them.#

good luck then

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

What do you mean Grrrrrr Pious ex-smoker ? dont put me in that bracket you asked for an opinion you got one deal with it ...

by the way you have misquoted me. Go back and read my post with the 's' on the end of 'smokers'.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Oh alright. I'll indulge you Mr Mango man. Come over here and sit by me and tell me why you must quit the smokes and why you enjoy the cigars. :)

Still waiting.... I am genuinely interested.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

by the way you have misquoted me. Go back and read my post with the 's' on the end of 'smokers'.

No i didn't misquote you left the 's' out as i couldn't speak for everyone else HTH :)

nsd_user663_9065 profile image

This guy seems to me to be a wind up merchant. Know more to say to the man .

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I agree Jan and really think he is some one who has been banned and now come on to create a thread that gets him attention, so I for one am not going to post on this thread I am going to report it and possibly others will as well. so good luck with your not quit and good bye

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Ah, but is it a man? How do we know? The plot thickens........

nsd_user663_9099 profile image

This is a no smoking website - not a I will have a smoke sometimes website.

get a life and give the smokes and the cigars up - stop kidding yourself.

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

Fiona, i like the effect of cigars. I prefer it over cigarettes. Hence wanting support in quitting the cigarettes.

I had my last cigarette at a few minutes to midday. My body is just adjusting to the change to cigars full-time. Lungs feel cleaner although head could be a bit clearer.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Do you smoke big fat panama ones or little thin pencil ones? What is the effect they actually have? Just out of interest, are you a man or a woman as I currently have an image of hilda ogden in a big green pinny puffing on a cigar rolled on the thighs of a virgin.

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

i smoke neither of those fiona, i smoke the wilde style cigars. and my sex is obvious by my username isn't it?

nsd_user663_5628 profile image

oh and the effect they have or at least are having and have done is that i feel stronger minded in a way that without i do not.

nsd_user663_7719 profile image

Just read all the posts and in answer to your origional qustion of is there a place for me here I would say "possibly but drop the attitude and cigars" or perhaps the answer is simply "no not really m8".

Zolat profile image

Hey, MangoMan, my your style. So funny. I have this mental image of you as mad, bad version of one of those wee guys from the New Order video that jump up and down. Now I can't get that tune out of my head that they did. Anyone know what I mean??

nsd_user663_2 profile image

Fiona, i like the effect of cigars. I prefer it over cigarettes. Hence wanting support in quitting the cigarettes.

I had my last cigarette at a few minutes to midday. My body is just adjusting to the change to cigars full-time. Lungs feel cleaner although head could be a bit clearer.


Clearly you are not interested in stopping smoking. Cigars and cigerettes will have the same effect - they slowly kill you.

This forum is here for people who want to stop smoking (cigerettes and cigars).

Therefore please do not use this forum.



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