Smoking fan behind me!: Hello day 3 room! :D... - No Smoking Day

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Smoking fan behind me!

nsd_user663_10024 profile image
19 Replies

Hello day 3 room! :D I am glad to be here!

Just thought I would share this.....I am irritated by our new temp at work, as lovely as she is, she is all pro-smoking, loves it, smokes 20 a day and has no health problems although her husband smokes 40 a day and has circulation problems in his legs and a constant cough. this is what I will have to endure for the next 7 weeks :eek: She is like a fan of smoking you should hear her lol....saying how because we dont allow smoke breaks here at my work, she will have 3 or 4 at lunch instead of just one. The first thing she does in the morning is light up, yep the very first thing, before shower, cleaning teeth, brew or says she has never tried to quit. But I suppose if she doesn't want to there is no point. Funny thing is, she is always telling her husband to stop! :D

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nsd_user663_10024 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_10813 profile image

I really feel for you -on top of your determined quit you have a deluded smoker who is shouting utter s**** all day. I think the lady protesteth too much:mad:

feel sorry for her -I do and I am no way out of the woods yet. if heaven help me -I smoked again- I would be hiding in shame.:(

tell her from me . one day if she carries on puffing she will, find herself wheezing so bad she cant sleep at night , smell revolting ,and unable to enjoy all the things that she likes to do now. either out of breath -or a total pariah that has to sneak off to some corner to have a cig that is totally unsocial now.

whew I feel better for that. that was me -but it sure aint now.

good luck with your quit -and tell her to shut up!!! xx

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hello day 3 room! :D I am glad to be here!

Just thought I would share this.....I am irritated by our new temp at work, as lovely as she is, she is all pro-smoking, loves it, smokes 20 a day and has no health problems although her husband smokes 40 a day and has circulation problems in his legs and a constant cough. this is what I will have to endure for the next 7 weeks :eek: She is like a fan of smoking you should hear her lol....saying how because we dont allow smoke breaks here at my work, she will have 3 or 4 at lunch instead of just one. The first thing she does in the morning is light up, yep the very first thing, before shower, cleaning teeth, brew or says she has never tried to quit. But I suppose if she doesn't want to there is no point. Funny thing is, she is always telling her husband to stop! :D


Sorry your having to go through all that rubbish, she is clearly deluded, just ignore her and leave her to her smoking fantasies, take heart in the fact that you are getting away from all that nasty crap........ Ask your boss to move her :)

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Deluded, thats what she is. There was many a time when I smoked that I would spout that rubbish about enjoying it etc. Ask her how enjoyable is it to stand outside the pub in the rain, to stink of stale smoke 24/7, to know that you are at risk of lung cancer, to set fire to £6 (a packet) every day? etc etc...

If I were you I would feel so smug in the knowledge that you no longer have any of her problems.

Oh and well done on day 3!

nsd_user663_11445 profile image

Use her weakness to make you stronger! We all know that smoking is nothing but bad for us... so whos a clever girl and whos not. Talking about it is just making her look silly :)

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hello TMB ,

Well done on day 3 are now OVER THE WORST part of the quit , it will start to get easier from now on and 10 out of 10 for determination as I know you have been struggling and getting a bit stressed out over it .

Soooooooooo , you have a dirty smelly smoker working with you huh ? :eek:

Thats how I now regard people that smoke, I realise that ii is harsh BUT it helps me to remain an ex smoker :p.....even if they are really nice people :)

Bet if I came to Manchester and kissed you both I would prefer you and your nice clean breath.......rather than old ashtray features . lol

Perhaps you can print this off and hand it to her in the hope that she stops promoting such a terrible addiction.

Well done to you again!

Trev x.


20 a day for 30 years

Quit 28th April 09

3 months patches

10 months C.T

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi TMB. Temps! don't you just love them, perhaps she's a temp cos no-one can bare to work with her long term!? Take comfort in the fact that she is delusional, as we all were at some time at the peak of our smoking career, and take pity on her cos she is really living that lie and hasn't grown up yet. Her poor OH, he's got the health problems but imagine him trying to quit with her spouting off!!

You have done 3 fantastic days of quitting, which makes you 100 times the person she it and don't you forget it. Enjoy your moments of superiority, you deserve to cos the grass is definitely greener on your side of the fence.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

hey guys,

Well I have just got back from my lunch and managed to have my sandwich in time, and she has just gone out for her last cig (before lunch is over). That used to be me although since my first quit, even though I failed i havent smoked at work or in my car since 6th April. I have had a busy lunch and went out to buy my next lot of patches and some B-50 from Holland and Barratt, helps to relax me and keep me calm when stress levels are bound to be high and also helps with energy levels and using engery from food etc. Those two items just cost me £ way I am picking up a cig! lol The temp is called Linda, she is really nice, but yes....also plainly nuts lol. I can smell the smoke now and she isnt even too close. I dont want to go back to that, I would be mad to!

haha I might convince her to stop, you never know....I am an influential woman :D and I do have 7 weeks of her here.... hmmmmm shalll I give it a go? Already got a solicitor downstairs who has set his quit date for Tuesday! Goooo Naomi! haha

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

TMB - Just a little word in your shell like - errr why are you paying all that money for patches:eek: If you go to your pharmacy (Boots, Lloyds etc) and register for the Quit Smoking clinic you get them every 2 weeks for the price of a prescription, £7.20, for a maximum of 12 weeks!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi babe can you not see she is jealous and cannot say to you, oh I envy you quitting so she has to say the exact opposite, oh I love smoking too much to give it up, I dont need to quit I have no health problems, I can afford it, I only smoke so many a day, OH doesnt mind cause he smokes more than me and it goes on and on untill one day she will be hit with a smoking sledge hammer and that will be her gone in a puff of smoke, you should say I know I felt like that but decided I was fed up with a couple of my no smoking friends being honest with and saying I stunk of smoke all the while, and then smile sweetly and say funny I hadnt realised just how much we stink when we smoke untill you give up and can smell it on others , so gross, smile and turn away with a sniff :D

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

TMB - Just a little word in your shell like - errr why are you paying all that money for patches:eek: If you go to your pharmacy (Boots, Lloyds etc) and register for the Quit Smoking clinic you get them every 2 weeks for the price of a prescription, £7.20, for a maximum of 12 weeks!

My patches were £12 and the rest was my vitamins....but good do I register?

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

hi Trying my best

well done on your day 3 ..good new...:)

just thank god for the smoking ban right now......:D.

almost day 4 xxx

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

I am still highly amused by our temp- the reality is, I am so very glad its not me.

She is still irritated that our firm don't allow smoking breaks. We have a lot of work on today and are working a little bit of our lunch. She just said to me "I will just have to smoke three one after the other and come back straight back". Which she indeed has just done reeking of fags I might add.

Not that I was ever a chain smoker but as god is my witness I am not going back to being dependant like that :eek: it actually freaks me out! x

nsd_user663_11016 profile image

This is really making me smile.......I have started to look forward to the chain smoking temp I can see myself in her mind set when i was smoking and it opens your eyes to how bad it was! :D How long is she meant to be temping with you??

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

This is really making me smile.......I have started to look forward to the chain smoking temp I can see myself in her mind set when i was smoking and it opens your eyes to how bad it was! :D How long is she meant to be temping with you??

:) funny though isnt it. Two wonderful months she shall be with us- i couldnt believe my luck at the beginning of my quit when she showed up. She has just this second sat down- i havent actually seen her but I can smell it...yep she is there back from her rushed cig-I feel like I have had a cig myself it tastes that strong!! God must have put her here for my benefit, nothing to do with the fact we need cover for someone on maternity leave :D Her being here helps me in a weird way as well as making me feel sick at the same time lol I dont mean to be rude at all and have nothing against her but its the truth!! x

nsd_user663_4402 profile image

Hey - Just re the patches.... I am currently on the boots programme and getting all NRT for free for 12 weeks I just asked about it at the counter - gave my name and address and they gave me a weeks supply I just call in once a week to get loaded up! Its great as I have saved enough already for a full body massage which I am gettin done tonight ... cant wait!! It is a real incentive as I am saving so much straight away and not spending the money im not buying fags with on NRT... Give it a go and let us know how you get on!!:D

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Smoking fan pulling her hair out as I type, because she can't bear to wait until 1pm for a smoke...see even when you do smoke you still "need" a cig!? :confused:

Rather you than me love :p:D:)

nsd_user663_11016 profile image

Laugh.......offer her one of your patches to tide her over!! Oh i've just noticed the should be in for your passive smoking fix any minute now!!!! :):):p

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

haha right on time....haha its so predictable! :D I honestly feel like I have smoked, crazy!x

Hey if anyone is struggling with their quit just come and breathe what I am breathing! You'll soon change your mind!

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Smoking fan has had a constant cold for nearly two weeks now and doesn't understand where it is all coming from or why its still there! Any ideas? :confused::D

I remember when I first posted about her, when she was saying she never ever gets poorly or anything related to cigs, yet in the last few days in normal conversation she has told me about migraines that she never used to get (which is only down to stress) and colds on her chest too, surely the smoking keeps the viruses there longer for her?


Oh before I forget, rumour has it we may be getting a new partner and I overheard the office manager saying "if the temp is any good we can ask her to stay on permanent to work for him!" :eek: nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

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