Help: I've been quit now for almost 3 months... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_10279 profile image
19 Replies

I've been quit now for almost 3 months (yippeee!!).

At first I had bundles of energy and felt on top of the world. Just recently my energy has dipped quite drammatically. 3 days ago I stopped with the patches altogether and about a day ago I stopped with the gum (not sure if I was right to do that yet) and now I can't keep my eyes open, amd soooo tired and really have no energy at all and feel quite light headed....

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Is it because I have cut out the nicotine all together???

HELP!!!! Feeling really crap....

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nsd_user663_10279 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_9067 profile image

Hi Nicki,

I would say it is definitely because you have ceased with the nicotene, me and OH were on the patches about 6 days before coming off them to go cold turkey and as I've said in previous posts we have never known tiredness like it................I couldn't talk just grunted, he would nod off anywhere, it was awful.........afraid to say we felt like that for nearly 2 was touch and go with the quit.........but slowly and surely we came out the other end.

Nicotene has stimulant qualities which I suppose account for the loss of energy when its gone, but quitting itself does have many side affects I have found (as well as benefits of course) and thats why only the really strong and committed get through it........and we are Nicki approaching 3 months it's amazing, just hang in there it will all be good soon.

Look after yourself and try not to let it get you down too much.

Shelly xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Good Morning Nicki yes you are now into niccotine withdrawal so dont worry its all quite normal, maybe you should have slowed down a bit more and stayed on a bit of gum a day, what did your advisor or doctor suggest, three months is brilliant and you are more or less through the worst, terrible threes LOL, I hope you have a few days of rest to be able to get yourself back on track, how are you doing drink wise ie getting plenty of fluids as in water as that can make you feel dizzy and tired.

You will feel better very soon take care x

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks soooo much for your least I know I am still normal!!

I wonder if I dropped both the patches and gum tyoo quickly. Perhaps I should have just dropped the patches and kept with the gum a bit longer.....would it be better to go back to the gum (maybe not as much) for a few days longer...or should I persevere with it now....

Today feel teaful and angry...and just feel bloody miserable xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks soooo much for your least I know I am still normal!!

I wonder if I dropped both the patches and gum tyoo quickly. Perhaps I should have just dropped the patches and kept with the gum a bit longer.....would it be better to go back to the gum (maybe not as much) for a few days longer...or should I persevere with it now....

Today feel teaful and angry...and just feel bloody miserable xx

Cry if you feel like it and rant and rave as much as you want getting rid of the anxiety and anger is good, 2 saucepans to bang together is good and drains the excess hormones and adrenalin from your body or if you are fit than go for a brisk walk or run, drink plenty as I said though xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thankyou xx

Am presently scoffing a large chocolate cake, cup of coffee and trying to smile!! :o

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

.....would it be better to go back to the gum (maybe not as much) for a few days longer...or should I persevere with it now....

So do you think it would be ok to have some gum

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi Nicki, completely agree with the advice to cry, have a rant, scream, sing, shout, run, etc. Do anything to get some adrenaline pumping round the body. Nicotine will be out of your system soon so hang on in there.

Three months is flippin brilliant, keep focussed, put on some loud music and dance your socks off and get ready to embrace that new nicotine free lifestyle.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7503 profile image

Hey Nicki

I found myself having a tougher time again when I came off the patches after 12 weeks. I can only say listen to Jamangie and drink lots of water. I was also told to try fruit juices and I drank lots of orange juice which did seem to help lots.

I was really tired and felt generally quite miserable but it didn't last more than a few weeks. Tiredness wise anyway. Still grumpy but thats potentially just the real me ;)

Its up to you whether you want to go back on the gum. I would be tempted to say stick with it now you have done a day cold turkey but its really whether you think you will be at risk of smoking if you don't. If not I would buy in some juice, nice biccies and take it easy for a few days while you ride it out. IT DOES GET BETTER I PROMISE!!!

Good luck with whatever you decide and well done on your 3 months quit :)


nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Personally, I wouldn't have the gum, I reckon you've probably got another day max until the nicotines gone and your body can adjust, but I know it's easy for me to say cos it's not happening to me.

Do whatever you feel you need to do to make yourself comfortable, this isn't a sprint after all and only you know how much you can truly put up with in terms of how you feel. If you feel your quit might be threatened then you need to do something to get it back, cos you've done too well for that.

Sorry, this isn't very helpful I know, I don't have any experience of NRT.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_9067 profile image


When i was on the patches, albeit for 6 days, I tried to come off them on day 5, i definitely felt different, i took my little boy to one of his friends parties and I cant remember what happened now but one of the mums said something that cheesed me off and i stormed outside to the sandpit and cried like a baby, when my OH arrived I sobbed that i was going to get some fags, there were tears and snot all over my face (sorry) and i was in bits, i remember just wanting to hit someone and my head was banging. OH took me home, made me tea and put a patch on me (i was like a zombie), within 20 minutes normal service had resumed, calm and more than a bit embarrassed.

I could have gone 2 ways.........back on the patches or back to smoking, but i was so angry that an addiction had caused me to behave like this that i summoned up all my energies and positive thought and tried again the next day to rid the nicotene from me. it worked, although i avoided kids parties he he, its really rough but worth it!

Maybe now you have come this far you might try and go cold turkey as you are probably feeling as bad as its going to get, whatever you do just dont jeopardise your quit!

Good Luck xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Hi Nicki, completely agree with the advice to cry, have a rant, scream, sing, shout, run, etc. Do anything to get some adrenaline pumping round the body. Nicotine will be out of your system soon so hang on in there.

Three months is flippin brilliant, keep focussed, put on some loud music and dance your socks off and get ready to embrace that new nicotine free lifestyle.

Lorraine :)

Thanks Lozza, but people might stare at me if I do I am at work in the office!!!! Lol .....but it might create a stir and cheer me up!!!

Thanks veryone else for your tips, don't know where I would be without your support. Will try my hardest to keep away from the gum then xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Ditch the gum and go for the cake, thats what got me through CT choccy cake, choccy anything that was bad for me, ok so I put a bit of weight on and my cholesterol went sky high but I am now a confirmed no smoker with the odd whisper but the addiction to choccy is still there and I can deal with that and I have one square a day of dark choc, thats really sad isnt it.

You are nearly there dont give in it will get better just keep filling your face that will soon wear off I promise, easier to lose a bit of weight than quit smoking, we are alll with you and pulling you along xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Ditch the gum and go for the cake, thats what got me through CT choccy cake, choccy anything that was bad for me, ok so I put a bit of weight on and my cholesterol went sky high but I am now a confirmed no smoker with the odd whisper but the addiction to choccy is still there and I can deal with that and I have one square a day of dark choc, thats really sad isnt it.

You are nearly there dont give in it will get better just keep filling your face that will soon wear off I promise, easier to lose a bit of weight than quit smoking, we are alll with you and pulling you along xx

Thanks guys, what great support you are, almost got me to tears xxx

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

ooh Nicki I'm going to be a bit controversial and say that maybe you should have a piece of gum instead of trying to front it out all at once (even with chocolate!:))

I have just come off the patches after 11 weeks - came off a week early as I had a very bad hangover on Sunday and couldn't face putting one on! Anyway, now on day 5 being patch free, but still using 1 cartridge a day in my inhaltor for those moments where I feel I am going to explode! Coming off the patches hasn't been anywhere near as bad as I though because of this, and my pharmacist at the quit clinic has said that gradually I will dtop using the inhalator myself as I will find less and less need.....

It's up to you but maybe to come off patches AND gum at the same time was too much too soon

Whatever you decide will be best for you x

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

ooh Nicki I'm going to be a bit controversial and say that maybe you should have a piece of gum instead of trying to front it out all at once (even with chocolate!:))

I have just come off the patches after 11 weeks - came off a week early as I had a very bad hangover on Sunday and couldn't face putting one on! Anyway, now on day 5 being patch free, but still using 1 cartridge a day in my inhaltor for those moments where I feel I am going to explode! Coming off the patches hasn't been anywhere near as bad as I though because of this, and my pharmacist at the quit clinic has said that gradually I will dtop using the inhalator myself as I will find less and less need.....

It's up to you but maybe to come off patches AND gum at the same time was too much too soon

Whatever you decide will be best for you x

Thanks Vicstar, do you know what....just as I was leaving work today I broke down into floods of tears...for no reason at all, apart from the fact I feel shit!

A few people (some on here and some not) have said to go and have some gum, as it is better than reaching for a fag, and do you know I think I'm going to have body cannot cope with this and I feel so strange. Will have to wean myself off the gum at a later day, but rather that than have a fag xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Sorry guys, have given in and gone back to the least it's better than reaching for a fag :(

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

Nicki you've got that right - a bit of gum is of course better than having a fag - and you'll gradually stop it in your own time:)

You've taken a massive step by coming off the patches, if we try to run before we can walk we can end up threatening our quits, and we've come too far too stop now!!!

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

You are right, I think I did try to run before I could walk....

Feel a bit better today, but still feel a bit like a zombie...really weird feeling - like spaced out or something

Haven't had any gum yet, but think I'll stick with the gum for a while yet...there's no rush.

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Nicki, don't be sorry about anything, as you say, better to have some gum than reach for cigarettes. We all have to do what we need to in order for our quits to be long and prosperous. I hope you feel better really soon.

Lorraine :)

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