5months today and fancy a fag: It's my... - No Smoking Day

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5months today and fancy a fag

nsd_user663_4964 profile image
9 Replies

It's my 5 month today, and i get a letter from the bully bosses finally inviting me to a disciplinary hearing .....for not following correct reception procedures. New boss had been there less than a week when it was sent. Can't believe it.The thing it refers to is me making a false booking for a room because the district manager refuses to take them offline whem they have serious maintenance issues, so in order to stop them selling you can make a booking-mine clearly said o/o room water coming thru ceiling or summat......otherwise you have to put guests in rooms with no lights or send them somewhwer else at cost to the company.

can't actually believe it still....

It's because i threatened to put in another grievance because my hours reduced again, and because i've already put in a grievance and also complained about the way the dm dealt with the grievance.....Its total victimisation . the lengths theunethical bstards will go to.

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nsd_user663_4964 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Thanks Chrissie, Yeah at least before th idiot boss just threatened me with disciplinaries for rididculous reasons. This one has actually sent me a proper disciplinary letter. No warning-no nothing....really is time to go now i reckon. He's evidently been told to find evidence of something wrong...:mad:

This is soo not justified at all. I spent a whole day once texting several people to try and get it put out of order, but they refuse to do it. It's not like the company haslost anything by my action which was intended to stop a guest from having to use a dangerous room....

Ah well, writing finally on the wall bye bye job.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Thanks Chrissie, Yeah at least before th idiot boss just threatened me with disciplinaries for rididculous reasons. This one has actually sent me a proper disciplinary letter. No warning-no nothing....really is time to go now i reckon. He's evidently been told to find evidence of something wrong...:mad:

This is soo not justified at all. I spent a whole day once texting several people to try and get it put out of order, but they refuse to do it. It's not like the company haslost anything by my action which was intended to stop a guest from having to use a dangerous room....

Ah well, writing finally on the wall bye bye job.

Jude my lovely...I am so sorry about your job but get out now. They have obviously made a decision that you are to go so go before they fire you. At least that way you can walk into another job.

Then see a lawyer, get a hold of everything you can as evidence...keep your texts etc.

Things have a way of working themselves out...I once walked out of a job I loved because of serious bullying...made me go into a completely new direction and I have never looked back.

Big hug hun... head up and smile!!!


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Congrats, Jude girl! 5 months!!! I'm very, very proud :)

I agree with Lorna, leave this crap job, and look for something better..... don't waste your time fighting the system and spending your days frustrated.... get a job that makes you happy! There most certainly is one out there for you!!

All this plus you feeling ill will get you down and that's perfect opportunity for nicodemo to come knockin..... ignore it, read some positive how good is it to be a non smoker stuff and the crave will fade quickly. Go look and find me some funny kitty pics ;)

Cheers little quit mate, big hugs xxxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Honestly this job is not worth the torment the bosses are giving you. What you have to decide though is how much you need the job due to it paying bills? or can you manage if you had to look for another job while not-employed..

another thing to consider is do you quit, or do you let them dismiss you, if you want to claim benefits its worth seeing how each of those 2 scenario's will affect the claim you make.

Either way you do it though, you have to consider the effect of their actions are having on you.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

You dont want a fag ..you just think you do...uve been here before & so have I ..U know its not real... be good x

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

To leave to possibly no pay or wait to be sacked...? That is the question. I don't even have any savings. Have the idea to check out what Jobcentre say mon, but am due back in today and he's there!!! Wait for disciplinary hearing (joy) and then if not sacked, go off sick with stress and wait til they fire me for sick leave.

Colleague reckons he's a hatchet man, and thats how he's known in the company.I didn't know what a hatchet man was , but i do now. Ain't good.

It is a bit of record, at least first boss waited a few months before just threaening disciplinary action for ridiculous things. This one waits five days.....

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Meant to say thanks everyone for the advice....It's difficult esp. as he is there today. Every bone is telling me not to go in, esp as i have potential swine flu, but that'll look bad and i think they can decide in your absence in disciplinary hearings. No point in fighting an unwinnable fight though.

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

At least one thing, I'm proud i've kept my ethics. I've fought against lies/abuse and stood up for the workforce. Think i was amarked woman from then ,and may lose my job, but at least i've exposed their lies and corruption

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

OOps, sorry Chrissie. See other post...:(

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