Basically...: Im a smoker...seventeen years... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_8842 profile image
38 Replies

Im a smoker...seventeen years old and i am doing research about why teenagers smoke at such a young age so if anyone has any spare time could they please reply your opinion to why you, or why you think younger people smoke thank you:)

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nsd_user663_8842 profile image
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38 Replies
nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Im a smoker...seventeen years old and i am doing research about why teenagers smoke at such a young age so if anyone has any spare time could they please reply your opinion to why you, or why you think younger people smoke thank you:)

Hi Laura

In my opinion, i would say the same reason as when i started all them years ago, I thought it was Cool, my friends all smoked, my parents, I remember my friends and i walking to the park each night sitting down lighting up thinking we were so cool all sharing the same cig one of us had nicked of our parents.... that was my reason to be cool and fit in with my friends

hope that helps

But cant let you go without saying you are 17 years old you have your whole life ahead of you quit now whilst your'e young it is not cool at all. :)

nsd_user663_8842 profile image

Hi Laura

In my opinion, i would say the same reason as when i started all them years ago, I thought it was Cool, my friends all smoked, my parents, I remember my friends and i walking to the park each night sitting down lighting up thinking we were so cool all sharing the same cig one of us had nicked of our parents.... that was my reason to be cool and fit in with my friends

hope that helps

But cant let you go without saying you are 17 years old you have your whole life ahead of you quit now whilst your'e young it is not cool at all. :)

ok, thhank you. It is more difficult for me to quit as someone close to me smokes but i am seeing moving away to university soon as a way of quitting and i am actually quite exited to have more money to spend, thank you i will use ur opinion in my research :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I would think there is also kids who smoke because of the age restriction on them.. if you are forbidden to do something, as a rebellious kid of say 11-14, you will likely try one to see what they are like.. and for some they just don't stop at one.

yes there are sensible kids out there, but as i remember of school sometimes you did things just to fit in so you didn't wind up getting picked on.

kids have alot of growing up to do sadly, and some find themself addicted to smoking (or worse) in the process.

nsd_user663_8842 profile image

I would think there is also kids who smoke because of the age restriction on them.. if you are forbidden to do something, as a rebellious kid of say 11-14, you will likely try one to see what they are like.. and for some they just don't stop at one.

yes there are sensible kids out there, but as i remember of school sometimes you did things just to fit in so you didn't wind up getting picked on.

kids have alot of growing up to do sadly, and some find themself addicted to smoking (or worse) in the process.

That's a very valid point, thank you for contributing it's greatly appreciated!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi don’t take this the wrong way but here you are at the ripe old age of 17 asking us (and most of us have to remember a long way back) why we started possibly one reason was we didn’t have the information to deter us as you have today.

No one said don’t do this, we know it causes CANCER, COPD, EMPHYSEMA etc evil diseases that give you a slow and painful death.

We smoked because at the time most people smoked and those that didn’t had tried it and decided that they either didn’t like it or were caught and chastised by parents so never tried again.

You should be on here not asking why we started but how to quit while you have the opportunity to stop and put right any damage you may already have done.

This is a NO smoking site and the emphasis lies on the NO.

Sorry if anyone reading this thinks it’s a little harsh but hey it is my Opinion.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Out of interest Laura, why did you start smoking? Reason i ask that is because by breaking down your own thought processes that may have occured while at the time when you tried your first one.. and the ones after it, you may come up with quite alot of quite relevant info to go into your research document.

Just keep in mind, it is extremely easy to get addicted to nicotine, it goes beyond the cool.. it goes beyond looking grown up.. there is a drug involved in all this, but our government still does not do enough to reduce the number of kids who get hooked... or teenage pregnancy.. or many other things..

ultimately the kids do things to rebel, whether its smoking, swearing, drinking or s3x.. either way.. they are in a big rush to grow up.. and its not all about puberty either.

nsd_user663_7435 profile image

Hi Laura

Jamangie said that we started smoking because we weren't aware of the risks - I don't think that was true for me. I started smoking at 13, in order to "fit in" with the hard kids at a new school. Seems pathetic now. But I was an intelligent child who did really well in class, and was quite a goody two shoes in pretty much every other regard. That was my one "thing" that I did that made me a bit less likely to get picked on. I got hooked frighteningly fast. And to be honest - I did "know" smoking gave you cancer, and I saw my Gran (then in her 50's) struggling for breath. But I think, at that age, you think it'll never happen to you because you do feel pretty immortal - and the other thing is you never think you'll get "addicted" - you're just smoking when you hang out with your mates.... There is no point turning back the clock, but Laura I wish I had known just how hard stopping would be later on, and, the damage it has done to me does really scare me and some of it will now be irreversible. I think this might have made me try to stop sooner.

nsd_user663_8842 profile image


Hi Jamangie,thankyou for your post however i do feel that you have taken this the wrong way and i have been offended with your comment.I am on here to do research on why people smoke not to get judged and have people like you restricing my research. Others on here have given me perfectly good resaons why they smoke and have helped my research and i respect their honesty. This is a no-smoking website however i am not promoting smoking just finding out why people smoke. So in the future if you cannot participate and help me with my research then keep your opinions to yourself as you are not helping at all, but delaying me in my research, thank you, Laura.

nsd_user663_4293 profile image


I can't remember why I started smoking but I think it was just "because everyone else did". I do, however, remember when my daughter was about 12 letting her try a cigarette. I did this because I knew it was highly likely that her friends would try and I wanted her to be able to say no I have tried it and it's horrible. It worked, thank goodness. She did ask when she was 15 to try one again and again hated it. I know she would have given into "peer pressure" so wanted to nip it in the bud.

nsd_user663_8277 profile image

Hi Jamangie,thankyou for your post however i do feel that you have taken this the wrong way and i have been offended with your comment.I am on here to do research on why people smoke not to get judged and have people like you restricing my research. Others on here have given me perfectly good resaons why they smoke and have helped my research and i respect their honesty. This is a no-smoking website however i am not promoting smoking just finding out why people smoke. So in the future if you cannot participate and help me with my research then keep your opinions to yourself as you are not helping at all, but delaying me in my research, thank you, Laura.

Thats being a bit harsh right,,, and pray what research may that be?

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Thats being a bit harsh right,,, and pray what research may that be?

Well said. I don't recall anyone volounteering to be lab rats. Just some were nice enough to respond in the first place.........Basically.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Jamangie said that we started smoking because we weren't aware of the risks - I don't think that was true for me. I started smoking at 13, in order to "fit in" with the hard kids at a new school. Seems pathetic now. But I was an intelligent child who did really well in class, and was quite a goody two shoes in pretty much every other regard. That was my one "thing" that I did that made me a bit less likely to get picked on. I got hooked frighteningly fast. And to be honest - I did "know" smoking gave you cancer, and I saw my Gran (then in her 50's) struggling for breath. But I think, at that age, you think it'll never happen to you because you do feel pretty immortal - and the other thing is you never think you'll get "addicted" - you're just smoking when you hang out with your mates.... There is no point turning back the clock, but Laura I wish I had known just how hard stopping would be later on, and, the damage it has done to me does really scare me and some of it will now be irreversible. I think this might have made me try to stop sooner.

Hi Vix, first to answer your post I actually didn’t say that we all started smoking for the same reasons. I stated only that it was my opinion that during the times I refer to 1940/50/60 this was often the case, so Vix as I didn’t realise you were from the same era as I am I apologise and hope you except it in good the good grace it is given.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Jamangie,thankyou for your post however i do feel that you have taken this the wrong way and i have been offended with your comment.I am on here to do research on why people smoke not to get judged and have people like you restricing my research. Others on here have given me perfectly good resaons why they smoke and have helped my research and i respect their honesty. This is a no-smoking website however i am not promoting smoking just finding out why people smoke. So in the future if you cannot participate and help me with my research then keep your opinions to yourself as you are not helping at all, but delaying me in my research, thank you, Laura.

Hi Laura firstly I think you are very rude and will say a thank you to Ryan and youarehere for acknowledging that fact also.

I unlike you started smoking 40+ years ago before they had evidence to say that smoking caused cancer, emphysema, copd etc which was not acknowledged un till the late 70s early 80s as you will no doubt already know to be true as it would be a basis of you research.

And at no point during my post did I say you had to give up smoking only that it would be wise at your age to consider it.

I am not sorry I posted only sorry that other members of the site who are genuinely attempting to do something positive i.e. stop smoking were upset.

However I do not retract my statement that the emphasis on this site is NO smoking and if anyone else finds my post offensive then they are at liberty to report me to the mods.

nsd_user663_7435 profile image

Hi Jamangie

Hi Jamangie

I'm too new here to PM you or I would in more detail to say absolutely no offence was taken by me ....hope that cuts both ways :) Your post did get me thinking about why i started smoking, even though i knew it was dumb. Thinking is a good thing, though!

Thanks for your post

Vix x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanxs for that Vixs and hope your quit is going ok and pm me if you want to chat x

nsd_user663_8277 profile image

Hi Laura firstly I think you are very rude and will say a thank you to Ryan and youarehere for acknowledging that fact also.

I unlike you started smoking 40+ years ago before they had evidence to say that smoking caused cancer, emphysema, copd etc which was not acknowledged un till the late 70s early 80s as you will no doubt already know to be true as it would be a basis of you research.

And at no point during my post did I say you had to give up smoking only that it would be wise at your age to consider it.

I am not sorry I posted only sorry that other members of the site who are genuinely attempting to do something positive i.e. stop smoking were upset.

However I do not retract my statement that the emphasis on this site is NO smoking and if anyone else finds my post offensive then they are at liberty to report me to the mods.

Hi Jamangie, I completely support what you are saying, there is nothing funny about smoking, this forum i am assuming exists to support people who quit smoking. This forum has helped me a lot, and members like yourself and others have helped me immensely, as for Laura,, well if you are still on the forum, take a piece of advice, dont think about reasons as to why you or others smoke, focus on reasons as to why you should quit.. i am sure there are plenty of information on the internet regarding general information about why people take up smoking,..thanks ryan

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Ry your a star, thank you for your support and like you I really appreciate this site and all it stands for. My quit is not only stronger because people helped me but because I in a small way can help others, Keep up the quit xx

nsd_user663_8842 profile image

it is research into why young people smoke, why they start and what i can do to help them. It for a college study in health and social care, i just wanted to find out people's opinions, im not asking for judjements on myself, though i know people are in their right minds and want to help. Thank you for asking


nsd_user663_8842 profile image


Look, i was asked by my teacher who thought it would be a nice idea to find out other people's reasons for begining to smoke which i know would be true and first hand data. Don't judge me, im seventeen years old i smoke socially as do must young people-lets be honest, i will not smoke forever so please stop this judjement it is college research for goodness sake this site i thought would contain people who werent going to judge whether your an ex-smoker or not (congratulation and well done if you are) but it really is not nice reading all these things- in fact its actually quite nasty. i just would a bit of primary research for my work if you dont want to contribute im not making you. Thank you

nsd_user663_8842 profile image

can i am I begin rude here-you are old enough to know better and stop being nasty to a young person i am 17! stop acting so immature! Rudeness-its awful.

nsd_user663_8842 profile image

EXACTLY dont comment on my post if you dont want to be a 'lab rat' as you put it.... i'd really rather you didnt! The others were not nice people, ust normal and willing to help-you should learn from them!

nsd_user663_8277 profile image

EXACTLY dont comment on my post if you dont want to be a 'lab rat' as you put it.... i'd really rather you didnt! The others were not nice people, ust normal and willing to help-you should learn from them!

I can understand everything taking into account you are 17,, please read all the posts and you would understand this is a forum about people struggling to quit one of the biggest addiction in life, no one here wants to be reminded about why we picked up smoking... sorry thats my opinion,, also wouldnt you be better posting your "lab rat" questionnaire in a different thread rather than day 1 of people trying to quit smoking.. hmmm...

PS,.. If you need support or help in quiting smoking, than there are a lot of people here willing to help.. including myself..

nsd_user663_3884 profile image

Im a smoker...seventeen years old and i am doing research about why teenagers smoke at such a young age so if anyone has any spare time could they please reply your opinion to why you, or why you think younger people smoke thank you:)


I'm 33 and started smoking in my early 20s. I quit 6 months ago.

Reasons why i started:

- A close friend of mine had started so i guess there was an element of peer pressure, wanting to be like my friend.

- I was at uni and spending a lot of time writing music, at the time i felt it helped me to concentrate. I enjoyed taking breaks from working on a piece to have a smoke and think about what i was doing.

- I kind of liked the image of it.

Other reasons i think a lot of young people start would be:

- It looks cool. Sorry folks, but it just does. A lot of the folk that young people identify with are smokers, and there is a certain 'attitude' that young people see when these people are pictured smoking. It's rock n roll. Always has been. Just spend a bit of time hanging around Camden and you'll see it's everywhere.

- It's rebellious. The more the govt flags up the dangers and tries to ban smoking, the more young people will do it. It's pretty much in the nature of being a teenager.

- You believe you are invincible when you are young. So it doesn't matter how much info is out there about the dangers of smoking, young people don't care. They will either believe it won't happen to them, or they'll think that they will quit before they hit their 30s etc.

nsd_user663_8842 profile image

hi tedmaul, thanks very much for sharing your opinions they are a great help

very much appriciated! x

nsd_user663_8469 profile image

Hi Laura,

I was wondering if perhaps it would be uesful to prepare a questionnaire aimed at your age group ... it can be anonomous. This would give you qualiative and quantative data as you would addressing your target audience and would be able to get quite a lot of data if you handed it out at college and perhjaps had a post box somewhere people could put the replies if they weren't happy handing them back?

You then could include in your document similarites etc as the questions would be the same you asked everyone and this may help to understand trends etc.

Perhaps you could take some of the common themes you see on this site from the answers to your post and compose your questions from them?

In the long run it may be easier to get responses from the age group you are studying as it is still fresh in their minds.

It's just a suggestion but i sometimes use questionnaires in my job to determine trends etc and thought this may be more useful to you?

Please may I also ask that you be respectful as you are a visitor to this site ... sometimes things can just get a bit misunderstood.

Best wishes

Kind regards


nsd_user663_8842 profile image

ok, yes i think i will definatly use a questionaire in my research, so thank you very much for your advise it has helped me.

In fact i will start on my questionaire now!

Thanks again


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Laura

All of the people here were trying to help you by answering your question

You took offence at some of the answers you got but you did it rudely IMO

I myself started smoking over 50 years ago aged 15 I have now been quit for 15 + months

Jamangie and the other older members is being truthful we didn't have the knowledge you have now about the dangers of smoking OK in those days

When I started we were told even by Drs that it was good for us to smoke it was a cure all whatever you suffered from a fag would cure it and if we didn't smoke were looked at as if we were stupid

No one was putting you down hun but you need to learn to be a little less prickly and quick to take offence if you mean to quit this habit OK

Oh and it wouldn't hurt to show a little respect to the people who were trying to help you with your research

nsd_user663_8277 profile image

Hi Laura

All of the people here were trying to help you by answering your question

You took offence at some of the answers you got but you did it rudely IMO

I myself started smoking over 50 years ago aged 15 I have now been quit for 15 + months

Jamangie and the other older members is being truthful we didn't have the knowledge you have now about the dangers of smoking OK in those days

When I started we were told even by Drs that it was good for us to smoke it was a cure all whatever you suffered from a fag would cure it and if we didn't smoke were looked at as if we were stupid

No one was putting you down hun but you need to learn to be a little less prickly and quick to take offence if you mean to quit this habit OK

Oh and it wouldn't hurt to show a little respect to the people who were trying to help you with your research

Hi margareth Best reply here, very well said..we are all here to help

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I am answering this at the risk of starting yet another forum war, but never the less, here goes.

I agree marg, how stupid were we to smoke, would we do it now knowing what we know.

No I do not think so, so it does beg the question why in this day and age when each and every one of us are all well informed and know exactly what problems smoking causes do they start to smoke,and continue to smoke.

We were ill informed and stupid, what is the excuse nowadays, what can I say???

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Laura,

I honestly can't remember why or what made me start, I think I started in my late teens but 'experimented' multiple times in my early to mid teens. If I remember correctly smoked for the first time simply because a friend had some cigarettes and offered me one.

I think I then started smoking properly in my late teens at work, possibly because I could and some colleagues smoked. That was back in the mid/late 90's where you could smoke in the office (well some offices).

I don't think I ever thought it to be cool, just sort of got in to it.

If of interest, although my parents were divorced and living apart, they both smoked. I'm sure that may have to a degree lead to me smoking (not that I blame them for a moment).

In terms of all the risks, I knew about them. It's just you're invincible until you hit your late mid 20's right? I think that's how I felt any way. Smoking wasn't the only thing I ignored the warnings of. I was your average male I guess, drove too fast, binge drank on nights out with my buddies and didn't eat particularly well.

I've had a varied and challenging at time upbringing. Maybe it was just another thing on the path to self destruction?

Hope this helps.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Laura

Good for you for coming here to, as you've said repeatedly, gain some insight for research and not, at the moment, looking to quit. Yes it is a stop smoking site but I think your fully entitled to come and ask questions for your research. This thread almost reads like the comedy film Airplane in that folk are queuing up to do some face slapping ;)

Some folk hey! just don't read and understand your point and after the berating you already got, won't let sleeping dogs lie:)

I was part of a large family and lived with a grandparent, many aunts and my mother.... 10 adults in total of which 8 smoked.

I tried the odd one with the older kids at the park pre and early teens just because I was curious. Not bulled, not to be cool but just curious.

I started to smoke more when I turned 15 and despite it slowing down to some degree my sports abilities, I continued and liked it. Like Stav, I was aware of some of the risks but tried it (and other destructive things) too. It's just the nature of some folk unfortunately.

There is a definite sense at that age of indestructibility.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Laura

Good for you for coming here to, as you've said repeatedly, gain some insight for research and not, at the moment, looking to quit. Yes it is a stop smoking site but I think your fully entitled to come and ask questions for your research. This thread almost reads like the comedy film Airplane in that folk are queuing up to do some face slapping ;).

The most sensible thing said on here all day

*waits under his desk for the slap back*

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Laura

Well done for coming to the site to hear the reality of starting from real people rather than spouting someone else's research...

I started at 13 when my cousin who was looking after my brother and I offered me a parents smoked and I thought it would be very grown up. On and off for years and like you I smoked socially at Uni, it was cool and everyone else was doing it. I knew the dangers but I ony had the occasional cig and I was so young I could not contemplate middle age :D

When I started working full time I started smoking full time...the rest as they say is history and it took 25 years to give up...

Hope this helps and like everyone else please please please rethink your social smoking now up is the hardest thing I have ever done and I wish with every breath that I had never started...

Best of luck


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi margareth Best reply here, very well said..we are all here to help

Hi Ryan :D

Thank you

jamangie I am answering this at the risk of starting yet another forum war, but never the less, here goes.

I agree marg, how stupid were we to smoke, would we do it now knowing what we know.

No I do not think so, so it does beg the question why in this day and age when each and every one of us are all well informed and know exactly what problems smoking causes do they start to smoke,and continue to smoke.

We were ill informed and stupid, what is the excuse nowadays, what can I say???

Hi Jamangie :D

Yes we were stupid to start smoking hun and I agree that most of us if not all would never have started had we known the dangers as todays youth do

I have no idea why the young people of today start I only wish I had they after all know the risks they are running and how it can and will affect their health for sure they may not get Cancer but there are many ways to ruin your health apart from that COPD, Emphysema to name but two and many others and it Doesn't always happen to some one else of course as we well now

Love to both

Marg xx

nsd_user663_7344 profile image

I think parental influence has a massive part to play. Both of mine smoked and that made me curious. I think we also look at our parents and think that when we 'grow up' we too will be like them. I remember teachers telling us at school how bad smoking was for us but as my parents smoked I dug my heels in and thought 'how dare you tell me that my parents are wrong!!!'

So by age 11 i had pinched several fags off of them and here I am now!

nsd_user663_8351 profile image

Same as that, really!

Hi Laura

I think that Jenny's answer above is probably the experience of most smokers - natural curiosity (more truthful than that old chestnut 'peer pressure') combined with the natural rebelliousness of youth. It was certainly true in my case.

My first quit attempt was at 19, but I found it too difficult at the time as I was living with a smoker. How I wish I'd seen it through before any damage was done.

I hope the comments have helped you with your research, but I also hope that you think about your smoking, too. In some ways, I think it's harder to quit when you're young, as you haven't seen any of the damage yet, but I hope you can succeed.

Lottie x

nsd_user663_6385 profile image

OoOoo Interesting thread!

Humans have a long tradition of taking various substances for various reasons, look at Shamens of certain tribes who still take poisons from certain animals, mushrooms and various weeds in order to get in contact with the spirits. We've been smoking and taking pshychadelic substances for an awfully long time!

I think there is definintely something in human nature which leads us to take these things, not sure what just some thoughts I am putting out there.

Yes education is a huge part of people understanding the dangers of what these things can do to you but who honestly at 13 etc, who thought much of them? I didn't I was invincible at that age and of course I would never get addicted!

I tried a ciggie with a couple of friends of mine, we stole them off her older sister, pretty soon we were all smokers, I was quite rebelious, ciggies weren't the only things I tried and I was drinking at an early age too, I also remember I couldn't wait to get out to the clubs and try E when I was younger and watching the news broadcasts about acid house parties! (So all the it's bad, against society was just enticing for me rather then a reason not to do it).

I gave them all up as I got older and well, became aware of my own mortality I suppose and I dont condone or suggest to anyone to do anything I did, it was dangerous.

But as for reasons people try, yes fitting in definitely I was in the so called 'cool' group at school and most of us smoked, although I dont remember having to, non smokers certainly were not shunned lol. Curiosity was a massive part for me, and rebellion my mum was pretty strickt, she completely gave up on me by the time I was 17 though when I had fought so hard against her that our relationship was at an all time low.

Once I grew up and left school and began working everything changed on that score and I apologised for being a nightmare teenager lol

The only vice I hadn't given up was smoking and it's probably the most dangerous one I ever had! So my advice to you, while doing this research, also give up so you can add in the effects of withdrawl etc.

Ummm I've gone off on a tangent so perhaps I should just shut up now :)

Good luck in your research, I did something similar at school about Cannabis, was very interesting indeed :)

nsd_user663_8842 profile image

Thank you very much for the people who have answered my post and given me information about why they began smoking and why they thought people smoke. I have noticed throughout these post people started smoking due to the curiosity, and having role models smoking. I appreciate very much that this is a website to help and support people trying to give up smoking, and this is why I thought this would be the best place to get some information from smokers themselves.

However some people have taken this the wrong way, and have obviously not read my post properly or not taken into account that this is all for college research. Throughout my posts I do not feel I have been rude, however I have been annoyed that mature people feel that they would prefer to cut me down and make me seem the bad person when all I am trying to do is gather information for my research.

Once again thank you to the people have given me genuine reasons that will really help my research, and to the people that have seen this to be negative and inappropiate, and that have also not been the nicest towards me I have not taken your posts into account as it is obvious you are touchy about this subject and feel that is appropriate to argue with me about the subject.


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