Hello, So here I am now on day 29! I was using the ecig yesterday and I came home from work in a panic about what was wrong with me. I was falling asleep in a meeting, I could barely express any emotion at all I was just so TIRED!! I then thought to myself, lets get rid of this ecig and see if I feel any better. that was 7pm last night and I feel LOADS better!!! I feel like im physically in nicotine withdrawal but the mental symptoms are very minor, don't feel emotional or any of those symptoms. Maybe because im coming of the nicotine rather than cigarettes and its 4000 chemicals.
Im not going to lie, I still think 'wouldn't it be nice to have a fag' now and then. But I know smokers cant just have the odd one, its either smoking or not smoking and when I balance the two I would rather be a non smoker overall.
The battle continues......