Unexpected good things you've noticed since... - No Smoking Day

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Unexpected good things you've noticed since quitting

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
28 Replies

Just thought this might be a good thread to put in some of the more unusual positive changes you've noticed since you quit!!

For me:

I used to get cramp in my legs a lot when I smoked, but (this is what inspired me) I hardly get it at all now!!

Don't need to wear my glasses as often, don't know why!!

I don't get pain in my leg from heavier smoking - used to ache like hell :eek:

I hardly get hangovers - am not a massive drinker but often used to feel fuzzy and headachey the morning after but have hardly had that since!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

If my feet got cold they wouldn't warm up without outside heat, now they get too warm all the time :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yay for warm feet!! :cool:

Ooh yes, I hadn't thought about that but don't get as cold as I used to!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

One strange thing i have noticed, is i don't have to cut my toe nails as often, whats that all about:confused:

Ooh how odd.

Now you mention it I don't think i have had to either :confused:

What has shocked me is that if you'd asked me just over 4 months ago, I'd have sworn my smoking hadn't done me and harm at all, but it obviously did :eek:

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

What has shocked me is that if you'd asked me just over 4 months ago, I'd have sworn my smoking hadn't done me and harm at all, but it obviously did :eek:

that is so true, I was speaking to someone that smokes 40 a day, who coughs like he is dying and he said to me "when it starts to affect my health I will cut down or give up." I wasnt lecturing, he just asked me if i had still quit. ( me thinks he is jealous:D:D)

Always worth re-reading these posts when feeling weak as these are the signs we didnt notice as smokers xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I have IBS and smoking used to trigger it a lot (I guess because I used to smoke on an empty stomach as well, which isn't good!).

I don't think I paid much attention to it, but I've noticed in the last few weeks that my tummy doesn't feel anywhere near as bad! :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

that is so true, I was speaking to someone that smokes 40 a day, who coughs like he is dying and he said to me "when it starts to affect my health I will cut down or give up." I wasnt lecturing, he just asked me if i had still quit. ( me thinks he is jealous:D:D)

Always worth re-reading these posts when feeling weak as these are the signs we didnt notice as smokers xx

Always said the same - did have a bit of a cough but was drowning in denial about the cause. Was blaming the weather and the bit of damp in the office not 20-odd fags a day :S

And yes, he's jealous - every smoker wants ot quit but they're too scared!!

Ok, I know that smoking doesn't do our teeth any favours but I always thought mine hadn't discoloured all that badly but now that I've quit - boy are they looking whiter!:eek: And my skin looks soooo much healthier - wouldn't have said my complexion was particularly grey tinged or unhealthy looking but having quit? Heck yes!:eek:

Am thinking of having mine professionally cleaned or whitened - they're not bad but you can tell I used to smoke :/

Isn't it fab that you're looking better for it though - a real positive thing for packing in the nasty sticks!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I have IBS and smoking used to trigger it a lot (I guess because I used to smoke on an empty stomach as well, which isn't good!).

I don't think I paid much attention to it, but I've noticed in the last few weeks that my tummy doesn't feel anywhere near as bad! :)

Hold onto that if you question your quit hun :)

It's got to have helped 'cos smoking upsets all kinds of things in your body that you wouldn't expect!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

ok, gonna be very 'too much information here' but did anyone notice that they got their first cuppa and fag done and then had to go to the loo as movements were being felt? Nicotine must be some sort of laxative, I havent had that since stopping. (my bowels seem to be acting normally just not as urgently immediately after 1st smoke)

Sorry if anyone is eating their lunch :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

ok, gonna be very 'too much information here' but did anyone notice that they got their first cuppa and fag done and then had to go to the loo as movements were being felt? Nicotine must be some sort of laxative, I havent had that since stopping. (my bowels seem to be acting normally just not as urgently immediately after 1st smoke)

Sorry if anyone is eating their lunch :p

Lol, I have heard something about that before!!

Quitting upset my tummy, although that might have been down to the extreme amount of gum I was chewing rather than not smoking?

When i started smoking heavier I'd have my first fag around 5-10 mins after waking up and it didn't affect me :)

Did find that stopping made me burp a lot though!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

ok, gonna be very 'too much information here' but did anyone notice that they got their first cuppa and fag done and then had to go to the loo as movements were being felt? Nicotine must be some sort of laxative, I havent had that since stopping. (my bowels seem to be acting normally just not as urgently immediately after 1st smoke)

Sorry if anyone is eating their lunch :p

Not sure if nicotine is the laxative, but something in a cigarette certainly helps you along. Lol. I've been having some minor problems in that area since I stopped, but you're just advised to add more fibre to your diet. Helps a lot :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Not sure if nicotine is the laxative, but something in a cigarette certainly helps you along. Lol. I've been having some minor problems in that area since I stopped, but you're just advised to add more fibre to your diet. Helps a lot :)

Looks like overdosing on chewing gum saved me that problem lol 'cos that's got a warning on it. Think one of those cardboard packs of Extra a day was enough *eek*

Remember if I really hit the fags it gave me a tummyache etc - must have been that.

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

All of the above^^^^^. The feet thing has been great and I have noticed a huge difference to my skin especially round my neck. Big inprovement there.

Gemma Lou it's blooming marvelous having your teeth whitened. I'd advise you to go to your dentist though. There are lots of people doing this tooth whitening who are not qualified to do it. In fact unless they are a dental professional they are breaking the law, whatever claims they make. Of all the things you can do, whitening your teeth takes years off you. In fact I might give myself a top up this week end. I can never think of tooth whitening without thinking of Ross on that episode of Friends Hahahah xxx

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I have IBS and smoking used to trigger it a lot (I guess because I used to smoke on an empty stomach as well, which isn't good!).

I don't think I paid much attention to it, but I've noticed in the last few weeks that my tummy doesn't feel anywhere near as bad! :)

Same here Sarah, my IBS has been so much better! The main thing I have noticed is my circulation it is definitely better. I know that I am sooooo much better now for not smoking and I just wish I had given up earlier but I suppose I should just be glad I eventually saw the light. Good thread though and definitely worth revisiting when you feel a like you need a reminder!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Good thread though and definitely worth revisiting when you feel a like you need a reminder!

Couldn't agree more Haze :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Oh it's fine, Kat...but that's why you need the dentist to do it.You get trays that fit your teeth exactly and whitener that is medically fit for purpose so you don't get bleached gums and other horrible outcomes that you can get when you go to any old Tom, Dick or Harry in these salons that are springing up all over.

But that episode was funny, wasn't it?:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Same here Sarah, my IBS has been so much better! The main thing I have noticed is my circulation it is definitely better. I know that I am sooooo much better now for not smoking and I just wish I had given up earlier but I suppose I should just be glad I eventually saw the light. Good thread though and definitely worth revisiting when you feel a like you need a reminder!

It's great that you've quit now though :D

Am really shocked that even though I'm young smoking had done so much to my circulation - when I quit my toes got really hot and sort of buzzy feeling which must have been down to smoking 'cos I haven't had it before or since!! Expected to taste and smell better and not get out of breath so easily but to think it was doing that is a bit scary.

I hope this thread will be helpful when people have a wobble :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

All of the above^^^^^. The feet thing has been great and I have noticed a huge difference to my skin especially round my neck. Big inprovement there.

Gemma Lou it's blooming marvelous having your teeth whitened. I'd advise you to go to your dentist though. There are lots of people doing this tooth whitening who are not qualified to do it. In fact unless they are a dental professional they are breaking the law, whatever claims they make. Of all the things you can do, whitening your teeth takes years off you. In fact I might give myself a top up this week end. I can never think of tooth whitening without thinking of Ross on that episode of Friends Hahahah xxx

Think I'm going to have it done, but yes it will be done properly!! Thanks :)

Lol I don't want ot look like that or like Shane Warne *eek*

It's lovely to see yourself looking better for quitting!! xxx

nsd_user663_56905 profile image

Really suffering today

Oh dear I'm on day 12 and can honestly say this is being the worst day of my quit, it's probably due to the fact that iv been on patches and for last two days have decided to go cold turkey!

Just decided I want all this rubbish out of my body, drinking loads of water which does help a bit and every time I go into huge kitchen I'm raiding the fridge.

This is my 4th quit attempt others don't think I was too serious but this time I'm dammed if its gonna beat me, I just want someone to help me get through these awful cravings.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh dear I'm on day 12 and can honestly say this is being the worst day of my quit, it's probably due to the fact that iv been on patches and for last two days have decided to go cold turkey!

Just decided I want all this rubbish out of my body, drinking loads of water which does help a bit and every time I go into huge kitchen I'm raiding the fridge.

This is my 4th quit attempt others don't think I was too serious but this time I'm dammed if its gonna beat me, I just want someone to help me get through these awful cravings.

Hi Karen :)

I'm sorry you're suffering, it is hard at first but it gets so much better!!

If you pop up a thread in the Week Two" section, more people will see it and you'll get lots of helpful tips and support!!

Drinking water definitely helps, and chewing gum really helped me - you keep your mouth busy (it feels odd not having a ciggie in it but the gum helps) and keep your hands busy as well - you can definitely beat this.

Ooh and keep posting on here too

Gemma xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

since I quit smoking I have noticed Cheese & Bacon McCoys, and they are awesome :D

Clever clogs :p

Know it says "man crisps" on the packet but when I eat them i feel like a proper rebel!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

ohhh got some of them in the cupboard...not usually a crisp eater but...

*goes to cupboard, oh yes, these are they ;)*

Wow, melted cheese and bacon jacket crisps, nice choice Tef

nsd_user663_57882 profile image

Obvious one , I don't cough or feel flemmy in morning now, gross I know ..

I have deeper sleep and more interesting dreams. Strange.

My cars smelling fresher.

The local shopkeepers face is becoming a blur.

My bank card spends more time in kitchen draw.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Maybe it's just a coincedence, but since the bad part of quitting passed over I've been really happy! :D

Maybe it's a combination of breaking past the addiction, exercising and generally feeling healthier in myself? Whatever, I'm loving it!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Maybe it's just a coincedence, but since the bad part of quitting passed over I've been really happy! :D

Maybe it's a combination of breaking past the addiction, exercising and generally feeling healthier in myself? Whatever, I'm loving it!

Oh that's brilliant!!

See you didn't need the nasty sticks!! :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I have deeper sleep and more interesting dreams. Strange.

Ooh that's odd, good dreams or bad ones?

nsd_user663_57882 profile image

Very surreal ones, and also a lot more of the waking up from a dream of a dream.

Nothing scary though just very bizarre and random ones.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Very surreal ones, and also a lot more of the waking up from a dream of a dream.

Nothing scary though just very bizarre and random ones.

I got them on patches when I left them on 24/7, but mine were scary too :eek:

nsd_user663_58568 profile image

Besides the expected ones (easier to breathe, decreased blood pressure and hearbeat rate, improved sense of smell and taste), I noticed the following:

1. I need less sleep (7 hours is enough), quite frequently I wake up before alarm clock rings.

2. I used to have sore eyes in the evening, especially if the air was dry... completely gone.

3. I'm less nervous (even though I expected the opposite during the withdrawal).

4. Significantly better sex experience. Besides the fact, that I have more energy, the feelings are more intense...

5. Much easier to concentrate on a task, even when distracted by noise.

Not what you're looking for?