1 month today: I've now made it my first... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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1 month today

nsd_user663_49045 profile image
15 Replies

I've now made it my first month smoke free.

I'm proud of what I've done but the last week seemed toughest since my quit.

I'm not throwing in the towel no matter what. I just keep telling myself this is part of the process and it will get better.

Feels good to be this far!

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nsd_user663_49045 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Well done sb13 on your first month :D

I am one month one week now and today is just awfull. Like you I just have to go with it as no way am I caving in again. I may feel awfull but it's not gonna kill me and tomorrow is another day.

Keep strong and keep smiling.

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_49045 profile image

Thanks for your support and mine goes out to you as well. Gotta hang in there no matter what.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done to both of you! When the going gets tough you have to dig deep and that is what you are both doing so hats off to you both! And it does get better!:)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Thanks Haze,

Not had a good day at all mentally but it's not anything to do with smoking (or not smoking lol).

I just feel totally joyless and nothing I do makes it better.

Must be my age!!

What matters is that I am still a non-smoker and I don't think I am going to be subjected to football tonight ;)

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_49462 profile image

Hi :)

<<very junior member. Just joined this forum today. Congrats on your first month. Would you share with me how you managed the cravings and those irritable moments? I would love to hear from you and others on how you all managed them. I've been on Champix for a week only and now realize it's the cause for some of the side effects that I am experiencing. I won't be taking the drug. I feel too awful and need to be more alert and joyful to carry on my days with work and other stuff in my life. Oh and thx-a-bunch for sharing your ideas!!

nsd_user663_48073 profile image

Congratulations on clearing the one month hurdle, welcome to month two!!

I've been on Champix for a week only and now realize it's the cause for some of the side effects that I am experiencing. I won't be taking the drug.

Hi Savvy,

Could you describe your side effects? I too am taking Champix and have been experiencing some of the side effects but I feel that the end result is worth putting up with the side effects for a couple of months. My list (maybe not complete) of side effects suffered so far:

Nausea - a few days

Heartburn - one or two days

Headaches - a few days

flatulence - on and off

Lack of energy - ongoing

Weird Dreams - ongoing

Not smoking - ongoing:D

All of the above, especially the last one, I can deal with (providing all but the last end when the Champix is gone).

This forum really helps by giving advice, encouragement and reassurance.

nsd_user663_49045 profile image

My quit has been a little different than most I've read.

I started on the 21 mg patch but wore it for 12 days instead of 4 weeks.

I switched to the 14 mg on day number 13 and wore it for 12 or 13 days, almost the full 2 weeks they say to use it.

I then switched to the 7 mg patch which I've been on for a few days now.

Last week seemed to be my worst week. I ate a ton of food the first 2 weeks but seem to be doing better now which might explain last week but who knows?.

The cravings for me are bad when I wake up, after eating, drinking coffee and drinking beer but I have not stopped doing any of the above.

BTW- I smoked for 30 years and 2 packs a day for the last several years.

I chew sugarless gum like mad. After eating I'm to the point that I crave my gum so that's a nice change.

Friends that smoke try to keep it away from me but I ask them not to. I'd rather be around my real life situations at all times and get through them without smoking because that's how it's going to be from now on so why run from it is the way I see it.

The smokers, coffee, beer and so on are things I do and am around so either I do them without smoking or I stop doing them. Same with people, do I get new friends because I don't smoke and they do? The answer of course is no.

I put myself in these situations on purpose a lot of times just as a challenge to get through and I've done it every time. If your mind isnt right you won't quit. You really have to want this to do this.

The biggest no no that I do although not as much any longer is I carry an unlit cigg! The habit of having one in my hand and mouth is my worst battle so I simply carry one. People say not to because you might lite it which is true but for me it's just another challenge and it helps me with that part of the addiction. Like I said I am hardly carrying it anymore now. The urge to carry it has slowly been going away I guess.

It's all hard to explain, the feelings you have and so on but the bottom line is you just have to stop if that's what you want I suppose.

I read a lot and started posting in here. The more I read the better off I am.

I do save the money I would have spent on smokes in a seperate envelope in my safe. I'm going to treat myself to something nice with it. It's amazing how fast it adds up and it makes you want to keep going as well.

Hang in there, we are all here if needed. You can do this!!

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Lol SB,

The cravings for me are bad when I wake up, after eating, drinking coffee and drinking beer but I have not stopped doing any of the above.

So glad you have not stopped waking up???? :eek: (No dead quitters on ere puleez :eek:)

Its tough for all of us in the first few weeks, and easy to become obsessed with the quit, which does not help, and easy to overthink things. All of this is tiring and draining, at least that is what I found, so better to find a distraction, like knitting eg., and try and relax a bit. Easier said than done don't I know :rolleyes:

But so glad you hit Month 1, way to go woot woot :D

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_49045 profile image

I laughed pretty hard when I read that reply, that was great!

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Hi sb13

Nice post. The bad days do get less, I promise. But always keep in mind that we need to get some decent time under our belts before we stop thinking/feeling something related to smoking on a daily basis. I'm having a bit of a rough day today (day 72) but at least I can ride it out now! :eek:

I also deliberately decided not to avoid all the possible triggers. I carried on certain parts of my normal routine where I would have smoked, deliberately. But despite the intense cravings that caused, in some strange way, it also helped. I think it was a control thing for me!

Also, now that you have completed a month (assuming that's a calendar month) you are, in fact, in Month 2. So go and get your room upgrade! :D


nsd_user663_49045 profile image

It's been since May 20th so yesterday was my 4th week. Do I go by that or wait until I hit June 20th?

Dumb question I would imagine...

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Hi - months are calendar months, so you would be in month 2 from 20 June.

nsd_user663_49045 profile image

Awesome, that sounds good to me. I assumed that after you said it but figured I'd go ahead with the question.


nsd_user663_49415 profile image

Hi sb13

I also deliberately decided not to avoid all the possible triggers. I carried on certain parts of my normal routine where I would have smoked, deliberately. But despite the intense cravings that caused, in some strange way, it also helped

Really agree with this. Only day 6 for me but whilst not seeking out 'stress' situations, I'm not avoiding them either. Was out with friends drinking all Saturday afternoon - a situation when I would normally have caned 8 - 10 fags in about 3 hours. The fact I smoked none, and did n't particularly miss it (and got massive pats on the back from non-smoking friends), meant so much, I got a real high and sufficient motivation to continue for at least the next 48 hours.

I'm off for a 'lads' (Heh! we're all in out 50's now) weekend this weekend coming. No point in hiding. I will be in the pub a lot over the weekend, but I wont be smoking outside. I know that.

nsd_user663_49462 profile image

Hi Keith ... sorry having some difficulty in finding where I posted so that I can reply or read the newer posts. But found ya!! Anyways ... the side effects I experienced are very similiar to the ones you posted. What got me was that these were visible after only one week and decided that I felt way too aweful to think this Champix was worth the pains and distress I was feeling. I just could not imagine them subsiding or could not wrap my head around the fact that these were OK and acceptable.

Aside from feeling like crying ... I felt depressed and low. I experienced flatulence, constipation, heavy in the lower stomach and sides, my upper abdomen was very sensitive and achy, very sleepy, no interest, dizzy and had started with some dreams. (Although they weren't bad the norm for me is I don't recall my dreams) All this after only one week? Hmm ...

Not what you're looking for?