Week 3, the scales are lying; But Thank You... - No Smoking Day

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Week 3, the scales are lying; But Thank You...

nsd_user663_5066 profile image
9 Replies

HA! Week 3... GET IN!! :p

Still missing it, still wanting it, still getting grumpy over it... but its no way near as bad as it was and thats a damn good thing! We had some mates over at the weekend, and half of which are pretty heavy smokers... At first it was so hard not to give in to it... but they were decent about it and went outside to smoke... and the smell of the smoke on their clothes - i nearly gagged! Very odd reaction from me but it made me not one haha! See... things do change...

Total weight gain - 5 lbs! IN A MATTER OF WEEKS!! :( not good... so today i'm kick startin a diet to end all diets... RAH! I wont get grumpy about this! At first i was terrified of puttin on the weight... And it stopped me from quitting the fags if i'm honest. But i feel great... a bit chubbier round the edges but seriously feel good! Now all i gotta do is shed them extra pounds and i'm good to go! WOO! Not really the best time to diet eh? The weeks leading up to christmas!!! But... I've managed to not smoke... anything is possible! :p

Thanks to everyone in here by the way. This forum has made my quit so much easier to handle, and quitting smoking can make you feel isolated and scared, worried and angry to have even started in the first place. Its alot to take on. You have to face your big mistake head on and not back down. Its far too easy to come in here with a cynical mind and a pessimistic attitude. But what people say here is true... It is bloody hard, but you will feel the benefits. It is possible, and you dont need to be a genious to figure it out. You just have to want it! (urgh how soppy was that?! :p ) Seriously though, thank you! Its amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it, and you got some awesome people watching your back. xx

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nsd_user663_5066 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_4149 profile image

You will still miss it, early days yet, if it gets so bad that you have to struggle, keep struggling, it does get better. I know, we all want it better now, but it's worth waiting for. Besides scales lying when we stop smoking, all our clothes seem to shrink for some strange reason, don't let it get to you, you'll have the rest of your life (longer I hope) to get rid of that. Well done on your three weeks anyway Nac. David

nsd_user663_5110 profile image

Well done Need a cuppa - keep up the great work!!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

NeedAcuppa :) A really nice post to be reading there, and great to see that you are taking the approach of dealing with the symptoms of quitting rather than worrying about them.

Always stay positive, and stubborn too.. right in the face of the addiction will prove that you can do this and are doing this every single day.

Its good to see you are finding the forums handy for support too, when you just realise that everyone on here is just straight up normal folk from many walks of life, and all after the same goal, you can settle in here and make this whole quitting lark far more bearable.

Soon enough it will be new year too.. and you already have your new years resolution in place already i expect.. stay off the smokes, and carry on being positive about quitting that addiction.

Carry on as you are, and keep that positivity.. but do rely on us on here for support if things do get a tad rocky on some days, quits can be unpredictable.

nsd_user663_5066 profile image

lost it... i belong back at day 1

Too right they can be unpredictable. A family argument left me with a fag in my mouth. had 3 puffs of the stupid thing... yep.. i lost it. all that possitivity out the window. oiver 2 weeks of hard work gone. all because i couldnt stand hurting people with the crap that came out my mouth. yep... 3 puffs and i gagged. that was it. Literally almost threw up. It made me feel ill... it was nasty...

It was so hard getting to where i was, i cant start again. I cant count the days again. I dont even want another one.

jackieinv profile image

Well done you, you are doing great.

In the stop smoking websites they seem to say don't try to diet and fix the weight too early in your quit, rather get the quit really going well then the weight. You need all your positive thoughts to be on not smoking, then you can trim yourself down, will you post the way to do it on here so the rest of us can get it off too.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Needacuppa

A few puffs on one smoke doesn't mean you have to loose everything you've struggled for the last few days/weeks. There are some here who firmly beleive in being completely smoke free and others who are a little more forgiving and will alow for a slip up.

Do what feels right for you...... e.g., carry on with count if that what keeps you going right now and if you don't slip/repaplse again, then great.

If you do, then start from 1 again.

If you can stop right now and now fall off completely then great... don't know that I could do it..... go for it, show the nicodemon whose boss.... he's thrown tempation right at you............. throw it back

Go for it and keep it going.............. all the best


nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Hi Needacuppa

A few puffs on one smoke doesn't mean you have to loose everything you've struggled for the last few days/weeks. There are some here who firmly beleive in being completely smoke free and others who are a little more forgiving and will alow for a slip up.

Of course you don't have to lose all your days, keep smoking every couple of weeks if that's what you want, I thought that was the idea of stopping smoking, to be smoke (and nicotine) free. It's not up to others to say if you can smoke or not, you can say you're five years smoke free if you want, just stop kidding yourself and start taking this more serious, after all it can be a killer. get back in the wagon (not on it, you may fall off again) and don't light up. David

nsd_user663_5066 profile image

i am taking it seriously. i know it can kill me. but noone is perfect.

I'll start from day 1 again. or even better, i'll stop counting. and just not smoke.

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Good for you, as far as I'm concerned too much importance is attached to how many days we are, don't bother about how long, just how good it feels. Do as others do on here, one day at a time and baby steps. You will get there eventually. Just don't put pressure on yourself with the counting. David

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