champix user, day 10: Hello, new here. Am... - No Smoking Day

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champix user, day 10

nsd_user663_6669 profile image
14 Replies

Hello, new here. Am finding the cravings easier, and definately don't want to have a cig. I'm craving one, but know I don't want one.

The problem is I feel like I'm looking for something all the time, to replace the smoking I guess.

And patience, I'm quite ratty this week, and this morning I shouted...really shouted at my little boy for dawlding whilst trying to leave the house (as he always does), scared my poor little boy to bits, he's only three, poor baby...:( this has got me really worried as I don't want it to affect him in any way. Anyone had any experience of this? I will moniter my mood for the next week or so and if it's happened again I'm going to have to think about stopping the champix.

Hi to everyone by the way, reading this forum this afternoon has been a great help.

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nsd_user663_6669 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello and well done on your quit.

Champix DOES have that affect on moods, especially (IMO) on women and hormones. I'm coming up to 2 months and I cut my dose down about 3 weeks ago because my mood swings were awful so I am on 1/2 a blue in the morning and 1/2 a blue of a night.

My warning shot is DO NOT come straight off Champix, cut down slowly. Unfortunately the mood swings are also the fact you have quit too, and in fairness it may be a rough couple of months BUT you will come through it.

nsd_user663_6562 profile image


I am also day 10 today with champix today and my first day without a cigarette.

I have thought about them a lot today and I have managed so very easily to not have one.

Since I started 10 days ago, I have steadily smoked less and less.

I was a reasonably heavy smoker for 17 years and am feeling better already for these 10 days of champix.

You can do this too, obviously we are in the same boat.

I have found that sugar free lollies are brilliant to pop in the mouth when you feel like a smoke also!

Even though I'm new here also, welcome and I have to say, these people are just brilliant to talk to and give support and links to reading!

All the best,


nsd_user663_6562 profile image

Also yes, don't beat yourself up too harshly for your moods but remember, it's

psychosomatic in that it seems, with me anyway, to be my mind and will weakening and challenging for an excuse to have a smoke.

I have kept my moods in check and they pass, but I went out today and damn just seeing people in different situations made me want to scream..just breathe and it will pass or pull yourself up before you do yell at anyone and remind yourself why you're angry and deny nicotine the power to corrupt your moods.

I know like me, your moods will brighten.!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Lousca :)

Well done on your quit so far you're doing fine that feeling of looking for something is normal OK

The moods are also normal early in a quit for most of us not just champix users others on patches CT whatever have the same thing but it passes Promise

You may have frightened your little one momentarily but I'll bet he forgot it far quicker than you did you'll find you have these ups and downs for a little while

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here

are 2 I found very good to start you off and

Read,read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_3728 profile image


I have thought about them a lot today and I have managed so very easily to not have one.

Since I started 10 days ago, I have steadily smoked less and less.

I was a reasonably heavy smoker for 17 years and am feeling better already for these 10 days of champix.


Hi Al :D

Well done you day one of no fags that's great and thinking about them is normal OK

I'm so glad that already you're feeling better that's the way champix works it gets you ready to stop first if that makes sense and as you have found makes it easy to resist temptation

Keep it going


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6562 profile image

Hi Al :D

Well done you day one of no fags that's great and thinking about them is normal OK

I'm so glad that already you're feeling better that's the way champix works it gets you ready to stop first if that makes sense and as you have found makes it easy to resist temptation

Keep it going


Marg xx

Thanks again Marg, you're brilliant!

Day two is ending and I have been to the pub to play pool WITH NO SMOKES!

Got a bad craving today but like all it passed. At the pub, I saw a pack of cis because everyone I play with smoke, and I thought for one second, I should have one in my hand but no!

I kept on truckin!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Al :D

You're doing just fine day 2 almost over for you by the end of tomorrow you'll also be Nicotine as well as smoke free

WOW that was brave already been to the pub and played pool smoke free especially as those you play with smoke it doesn't matter that you had the thought there what matters is you stayed smoke free and Kept a truckin

Craves will come and go but they don't last for long each time Promise when they hit post or read on here or both, drinking water helps as does a few deep breaths and keeping busy OK

Already you have the huge trigger of going to the pub out of the way with each trigger you get through the easier it becomes as well


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6562 profile image

Hi Al :D

You're doing just fine day 2 almost over for you by the end of tomorrow you'll also be Nicotine as well as smoke free

WOW that was brave already been to the pub and played pool smoke free especially as those you play with smoke it doesn't matter that you had the thought there what matters is you stayed smoke free and Kept a truckin

Craves will come and go but they don't last for long each time Promise when they hit post or read on here or both, drinking water helps as does a few deep breaths and keeping busy OK

Already you have the huge trigger of going to the pub out of the way with each trigger you get through the easier it becomes as well


Marg xx


The encouragement is great and helps no end!

12.30pm day 3 right now, few small cravings, no smokes!

Wonder how Lousca's doing now?

nsd_user663_6562 profile image


Had my first coffee in years without a smoke today!

Thinking back to it now, I'm really proud of myself!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Al :D

By now it must be day 4 for you well done and pleased to hear the craves are small

Nicotine gone from your system as well keep going and that first coffee minus the fag good I always drank loads of coffee always with a fag of course but I find I don't drink as much of it now

You have every right to be proud of yourself celebrate every achievement no matter how small every one takes you that little bit further along the road to freedom that we all travel

Also treat yourself from the money you're saving that gives a huge boost to the moral especially if you feel a little bit low it doesn't have to be anything big or expensive just little things like a bar of chocolate a magazine whatever but not FAGS :D

I haven't seen Lousca on yet today but it's still early yet


Marg xx

nsd_user663_5666 profile image

You were at a bar playing pool which is a social game and had a pack of smokes in your face and did not smoke!! Way to go. Keep it up.

nsd_user663_6669 profile image

Hi guys, sorry I've not been on, I don't have a pc at hime, so don't get online that much.

Thanks for all your support, still not smoking, it's all fine to be honest, and I'm prepared for the mood swings etc.....but it's the bloody snapping at my boy, it happened again yesterday, and it shocks me as much as him, we were both in tears yesterday, because I'm not normally like this, he's confused why mama is shouting, and it' the only thing that's really getting to me about this, everything else I can handle.

I'm seeing the cessation lady tomorrow, and was going to mention it to her, but, this morning I decided to take half a blue tablet, and I feel fine, so hopefully this will help.

Christine,Champix DOES have that affect on moods, especially (IMO) on women and hormones.

I can't take the contraceptive pill as it messes with my emotions, and this feels very simular to me. Hopefully the half dose will help me, has it helped you?

Aussmoker, well done you! You're doing great.

In the title I said day 10, I meant since I stopped the cigs, two weeks today! :D

Hi Marareth, and thanks for the welcome.

nsd_user663_6669 profile image

So really, I'm in weekthree now right!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_6562 profile image

So really, I'm in weekthree now right!:rolleyes:

That's cool. Week six tomorrow for me. On Boxing day after bartending all day, I ended up having Christmas beers and had about ten smokes.

That was three days ago!

Haven't felt like one since an am kind of glad I did, showed me what I really aren't missing! So one slip in 6 weeks! I'm going to be much more diligent from now on!

And still feel like I don't smoke!

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