Day 9 on Champix...........: Hi all, new to... - No Smoking Day

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Day 9 on Champix...........

nsd_user663_4943 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all, new to this forum so please bare with me.....

I am on day 9 although my quit date is tomorrow. I felt that champix wasn't working for me at all untill late last night (day8) i had a cig and got nothing from it at all, it was the strangest feeling, the following 4 -5 cigs felt the same, nothing.

Today however, my morning started in the same vain, it seemed pointless smoking as i was getting nothing from it but the downfall is Im craving like mad!!!

I now feel trapped between a rock and a hard place cos i wanna smoke but know if i do its worthless yet i know if i quit quitting it'll be a few days before i can feel anything anyway!!!!!

I have also had different side effects everyday, nothing thats stayed and always gone the next day, i had tummy cramps, a painful eye!?!?!, painful shoulder, feeling of needing to make a quick getta away to the loo and then nothing happening when i get there!!

Symptoms that have stayed are the nausea (tho only lasts an hour), feeling REALLY spaced out(for hours at a time), hard to focus on any given task (writing this is a massive challenge) getting to sleep is hard but thankfully no massive dream stuff, apart from one!

Im finding it all really hard and i have not stopped yet, afraid of stopping big time but i really really want to stop and am determined that champix will do it for me. I just really hope the cravings die down....

Thanks for reading my rant!!! ( and thats the other thing, i just want to talk all the time!!!!):confused:

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nsd_user663_4943 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Chrisps :D

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

I also used champix to help me

Champix is very good but it is like anything anyone uses only an aid it is not a magic potion you still need that will power however at the end of the day the bad days are few and the good are many times more so well worth a little struggling now

All the things you mention are normal although we don't all get the same ones I got the nausea with the morning one but solved it by taking it later and the spaced out feeling but none of them last for long

In a day or so you'll find that you really don't want a fag at all not just that they do nothing for you you really won't want to even light them and if you do just a couple of puffs and you'll find you're putting them out again

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4943 profile image

Ahh thank you Marg,

Its nice to know there's somewhere to go and share all this. It's a pretty lonely feeling when your the only one going through it in your world!!!

I so hope that what you say will be the case for me, i have used inhalators, cold turkey, hypnotherapy 6 times, Im allergic to patches and gum etc make me feel really sick (its a texture thing)

31 now, smoked since i was 14 and just know for my own good i have to stop, want to stop. Its just something i have enjoyed for so long it scares me and makes me feel like my life of pleasures is over!! I know i won't stay that way but its tuff as im sure you know...

Thanks again. Mr Chrisps x x

nsd_user663_4910 profile image

Stick with it...

Hi Chrisps,

I really sympathise with you on your feeling of fear. I must admit, I go through feeling like it will be the end of a great pleasure in life... I'm going through it now. I'm doing a prep week, getting my mind in the right place, building my support network and planning my distractions for when Monday (my quit day) comes around.

Feeling like I'm giving up a great pleasure in life is probably the thing that makes me fail every single time I try but if I'm honest, when I consciously smoke I realise that it doesn't feel good, I don't enjoy it, it tastes appalling and so under that criteria is not a pleasure at all. It is strange the way we find ourselves clinging so desperately to something that is not nice at all. Of all the benefits of quitting, the one I really look forward to is freeing myself from the myth that smoking is pleasurable... my head knows it's not, now all I need is the rest of me to act like it's not!

Keep going, I'm sure you can crack it... :)

nsd_user663_4844 profile image

I completely understand the sentiment

Gillie you said it beautifully. It is so true when first quitting. There is such a fear of not having this pleasurable activity to participate it anymore. This thing that we used as a crutch,a stress reliever,boredom cure,pick me up, calm me down and most deadly...a reward; for so many years. At least these are many of the things this addiction has used as inroads to our lives and kept itself as to be such a high priority for us. Once you start getting into the quit process you begin see you don't need smoking for any of such reasons. In fact it nothing more than simply an addiction that warps our behaviors and thinking to keep it's nitch. After a little while you will start to feel the power from taking control back from this habit and it feels wonderful.

Sure I have my times when I think about smoking...but the idea of having to have it run my life again keeps from doing it. I just can't bring myself to do it. Right now I am home alone kids or husband all night. I could have bought smokes and smoked here with my wine...and the thought did enter my mind. But in the end I knew it would be the start of going back to a place I had desperately had wanted to escape!! So I am on here instead...drinking wine and chewing nic gum! And so glad I didn't smoke!

You can do will do it. You will find it isn't anything to fear and that in the end you can once again enjoy the real pleasure of life without the nuisance of being contolled by the habit!

nsd_user663_4943 profile image

Thanks Guys...

Well here i am day 10 on champix and its also my quit day:eek:

Thanks for the support everyone, I agree with both, in the respect that as much as i feel this fear i also know i just no more wanted to be controlled by this demon that is smoking!!!

Mornings are always the worst for me, but so today its not been too bad! Im off to work now and the one other person i work with on a sat also smokes! Thankfully im only doing a half day!!!

Well thanks again all, good luck also.

We can all do it together yea???? lol!!!! (go team not smoking!!!)

Chrisps x x x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Chrisps :D

You've reached your quit day I hope it goes well for you

Mornings were always my worst time as well

Keep us posted as to how you get on remeber we're all here for you


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4943 profile image

at the end of my quit day!!

Hi all,

Well i made to the end of my quit day, no cigg!! Now im not smoking its hard to know if the champix is doing its thing or not. I'm still craving like mad, all i can think about is smoking but i know that if i did i would get nothing from it so where's the point!!

I can't shake this feeling of now being in this position that I want to smoke but know there's no use if i do, I just wish the craving would go away


what im feeling is not cravings and is actually anxiety! This scares me a little as i hope that the champix just hasn't fully kicked in yet because my cravings are as bad as going cold turkey, If they are not cravings and im just anxious then its something deeper i need to start thinking about and thinking on champix for me is proving to be quite hard!! I said in before even this is a challenge! Day 3 of no cigs is scary unless the champix kicks in more before then!!

Still im out of my normal routine, im in Somerset for the weekend with my mum, awaiting the arrival of my twin sister who is visiting from oz. I have not seen her for a year and a half so im very excited.. So at least there's lots going on around me to keep me going... This forum really helps,

So far so good, well kind of!!!! Thanks for the rant and reading:D

Big love Chrisps x x x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Chrisps :D

Well done getting through the first day

Sorry to here you're craving but it is normal to think almost constantly about fags this early on but it will go

Also feeling anxious is normal as well

You may have started a day os early but you have a good and exciting weekend ahead and that will really help keep them demons at bay just hang in there the champix is definitely working as you didn't want those last fags you had


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4943 profile image

Day 11 on champix

Hi all,

Thanks marg for your kind and supportive post. Its day 11 on champix and day 2 not smoking, i have been keeping really busy today, Cleaned my mum's house to inch of its life!! If i could be cleaned it was, to the detriment of the face of the cooker which it now no longer has!!!!! ooops!!

Every time i stopped cleaning tho i wanted a cig as Im so used to rewarding myself every time i finish a task with one. BUT never the less, i am at the end of day 2/11 and i have not smoked and im still alive!!! lol!!!!

Day 3 looming, i just hope its ok:(

untill tomorrow.

Much love all

Chrisps x x x x x x x x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Chrisps :D

So 2 days done and by tomorrow all the nicotine will be gone from your system

Your Mothers house is clean and sparkling I just hope she can find things after that blitz

But keeping busy is a good way of fighting the Demons

Drinking water daft as it sounds also helps with the craves as does fruit juice

Just hang in there it can and does only get better as you go along


Marg xxxxxxxxx

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