Champix - Frist smoking free day: Hi All, I'm... - No Smoking Day

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Champix - Frist smoking free day

nsd_user663_14816 profile image
23 Replies

Hi All,

I'm on day 11 of champix and I originally picked this day as my quit date.

I have been doing really well for most of the morning and now it just past lunch time and the craving are really bad.

I have been reading several posts on here and a few people were mentioning that you should be able to tell when you are ready to stop because you'll start hating the taste and the smell of cigarettes.

Thing is, I still enjoy my cigarettes and seriously think this isn't working for me.

I popped to the shop and bought a packet, lit 1 hoping to feel really sick. That unfortunately didn't happen. Smoked half of it then threw it away as I was too annoyed with myself…

Reading these posts today made me think if I should keep smoking and wait until I feel sick or if I should just stop and get on with it!!

Have been smoking 20 a day for the past 14 years and I really want to stop this time!! :(:(:(


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nsd_user663_14816 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_4291 profile image


both me and my son started to take champix on same day i stopped on day 11 my son thought same as you but he stopped exactly 1week later he like you was getting worried but everyone is different i am sure you will do it x

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I quit on day 8 because that was the day I chose when I started my course, however I could of happily still smoked and in hindsight it may have been too early to stop, but I did.

Unfortunately though Champix is not a miracle cure, it's an aid and realistically (and I do not want to put you off) you are going to crave and it is going to be hard BUT I promise you that it will get easier.

If you have smoked today then I would set tomorrow or Wednesday as your quit day and stick to it. Remember when you quit there is -No going to the shop, no convincing yourself it's the Champix not kicking it and there is no 'I will try again tomorrow'.

My advice would be stock up on chewing gum and lollies then take a deep breath and get into ‘I’m never smoking again’ mindset.

Good luck xx

nsd_user663_4291 profile image

hi christine see you have been quit for a while do you still get cravings

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi All,

I'm on day 11 of champix and I originally picked this day as my quit date.

I have been doing really well for most of the morning and now it just past lunch time and the craving are really bad.

I have been reading several posts on here and a few people were mentioning that you should be able to tell when you are ready to stop because you'll start hating the taste and the smell of cigarettes.

Thing is, I still enjoy my cigarettes and seriously think this isn't working for me.

I popped to the shop and bought a packet, lit 1 hoping to feel really sick. That unfortunately didn't happen. Smoked half of it then threw it away as I was too annoyed with myself…

Reading these posts today made me think if I should keep smoking and wait until I feel sick or if I should just stop and get on with it!!

Have been smoking 20 a day for the past 14 years and I really want to stop this time!! :(:(:(



i dont know much about Champix, as i am going CT, but i can tell you 1 thing: why wait until you are sick of it?

How long have you wanted to quit, but 'waited for the right time'?

The only 'right time' is NOW!

Can i ask you something- if you ENJOY your fags, why do you want to quit? I am thinking that you dont enjoy them as much as you think you do...the only reason that you THINK you enjoy the fags is because Nicodemon wants you to smoke.

Take control and Quit IMMEDIATELY!

PS- sorry if thats harsh, but tough love can work!!

nsd_user663_14816 profile image

Thanks everyone for your comments.

I've actually been sitting at my desk for the past 3 hours thinking how stupid I was to light that one up

I shouldn't have used the word "enjoy" in my previous post, but I'm sure you know what it is I meant and the reason why I was hoping for this drug to make me sick is just because it would be easier to give them up. I know it is going to be really hard to quit and that I have many difficult days ahead.

Don’t worry about being too harsh, that’s probably what I needed to hear..


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

hi christine see you have been quit for a while do you still get cravings

Hello my lovely

To answer your question I still get cravings but not those 'I'm going to die if I can't have a fag' sort of cravings!! It's more of a brief passing fancy.

I personally found the quit most difficult in months 6 till 8. It seemed to right itself month 9 and I felt back in control and good. Now in month 11, I have been thinking about smoking more lately but I think that is because I am approaching the 1 year mark.

This was my first attempt after smoking 30 a day for 20+ years and in all honesty, the reason I have not started again is I NEVER want to go through the last 11 months again. I will never forget day 2, because that was the worst day of my life!

Some people will say stopping smoking it's all in the mind, and it's easier than you think and they might be absolutely correct. I however think it was the hardest thing I have ever done, but I will admit I am very proud of myself to still be standing and not smoking at 11 months.

Smoking controlled my life, and now I control it.


nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi again,

i REALLY hop ei didnt offend you in my post. After i posted it, i thought "oh no, i shouldnt have been so harsh, i shouldnt have posted that". I just know that i thrived on tough love when i started my quit.

I am so sorry if i came accross as a bit of a bully, i honestly didnt mean to.

i think i have just kearnt to HATE nicotine and the Nicodemon so much that i HATE the thought if it trying to trick anyone back into addiction.

Apologies again, hope i didnt offend you!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Thanks everyone for your comments.

I've actually been sitting at my desk for the past 3 hours thinking how stupid I was to light that one up

I shouldn't have used the word "enjoy" in my previous post, but I'm sure you know what it is I meant and the reason why I was hoping for this drug to make me sick is just because it would be easier to give them up. I know it is going to be really hard to quit and that I have many difficult days ahead.

Don’t worry about being too harsh, that’s probably what I needed to hear..


You are doing really well and I know you probably do not think that at the moment. You know where we are if you need help.

Good luck (buy chocolate!!):)

nsd_user663_4291 profile image

hi thanks christine

every little helps been off 2 weeks past sat think sat was mt worst day up till now fingers crossed ty x

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

hi thanks christine

every little helps been off 2 weeks past sat think sat was mt worst day up till now fingers crossed ty x

2 Weeks is fantastic, well done. Keep it up and I promise it will get easier xx

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Hi All,

I'm on day 11 of champix and I originally picked this day as my quit date.

I have been doing really well for most of the morning and now it just past lunch time and the craving are really bad.

I have been reading several posts on here and a few people were mentioning that you should be able to tell when you are ready to stop because you'll start hating the taste and the smell of cigarettes.

Thing is, I still enjoy my cigarettes and seriously think this isn't working for me.

I popped to the shop and bought a packet, lit 1 hoping to feel really sick. That unfortunately didn't happen. Smoked half of it then threw it away as I was too annoyed with myself…

Reading these posts today made me think if I should keep smoking and wait until I feel sick or if I should just stop and get on with it!!

Have been smoking 20 a day for the past 14 years and I really want to stop this time!! :(


Hi Wantingtoquit

To be honest there's not much else I can add to what Christine has already said - very wise words :)

Everyone reacts differently to champix - I smoked for the whole 14 days of the starter pack then quit - I'd decided that if I quit earlier great but I wasn't going to beat myself up about it - at no point in those 2 weeks did the ciggies taste horrible or make me feel ill in fact I think I was smoking more :o Once I reached my quit date then BAM game over fags and I haven't looked back!!

As Christine said it's not a miracle cure but an aid to quitting and that's how you have to look at it - those I know who've quit with it and thought it was going to do all the work are the one's that have struggled. You can do it so stay strong and let us know how you get on :)

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi All

Wise words minime "Smoking controlled my life, and now I control it"

Wanting to quit - there is definitly no miracle cure to smoking if there was none of us would be here now so as others have said I'd set a date stock up with supplies (mints, chewing gum, chocolate, chocolate and even more chocolate :)). Also read about the addiction there are lots of links in different peeps signatures which are good.

Christine mentioned about some people think smoking is all the mind, for people who say that I can assure you that is not the case. I have paid a bit of money for bioresonance and hypnotherapy. If it was all in the mind then I'd never think about ciggies again right after the hypnotherapy? But I do, whilst I'm doing OK and finiding things easier then I did when using other methods, I still have to have willpower and nurture my quit. There is definitly no magic cure and different methods suit different people at the end of the day nicotine is a drug, therefore smoking is an addiction.

Sorry for the ramble it annoys me when people say it is mind over matter or it's all the mind, maybe it is for some people but for others its not.

Keep going 'Wanting to quit' and Nana Carol and keep us posted


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I'm not going to take a cheap shot at Tinkerbell other than to state the obvious that the "people saying things" observation works both ways.

Knowledge is the true ammunition in the battle against smoking.

Read widely and not just in the obvious places. Forget the NHS and the pharmaceutical promo stuff and don't let me point you towards my favourite pro or anti websites.

Read the good, bad and ugly of Varenicline, Chantix, Champix.

Read studies of nicotine dosage on rats.

Discover the magic of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

Learn more than your no smoking nurse knows and learn more, about smoking, than your GP knows.

Discover why CT quitters aren't brave or special.

It's all out there, reams of it, and some of it is quite scary.

The only real requirements are internet access and an open mind. :)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I'm not going to take a cheap shot at Tinkerbell other than to state the obvious that the "people saying things" observation works both ways.

Knowledge is the true ammunition in the battle against smoking.

Read widely and not just in the obvious places. Forget the NHS and the pharmaceutical promo stuff and don't let me point you towards my favourite pro or anti websites.

Read the good, bad and ugly of Varenicline, Chantix, Champix.

Read studies of nicotine dosage on rats.

Discover the magic of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

Learn more than your no smoking nurse knows and learn more, about smoking, than your GP knows.

Discover why CT quitters aren't brave or special.

It's all out there, reams of it, and some of it is quite scary.

The only real requirements are internet access and an open mind. :)


To defend Tinks, she actually quoted me. I was the one who wrote 'some people think it's all in the mind' and for them they may be correct. This was a generalisation on my part, not a direct attack. However a strong mindset will without a doubt be positive to a quit.

There is no right or wrong way to quit, it's bloody hard, that's all I know.

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

austinlegro - my comments were not an attack on anyone on this site. TBH I'm not interested nor do I want to get involved in any of the bickering and playground stuff that goes on on this forum. I am here as I want to try and support others with their quit i.e. share experiences and seek support from others with my quit.

My comments are from my experience friends/family some of whom have never smoked and therefore do not understand the addiction have said many time "it's all in the mind" which I do not agree with. But that is my opinion and everyone is entitled to one.

I do have an open mind :)

Wanting to quit - apologies for side tracking your post - good luck with your quit and let us know how you are doing :)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free


Sorry, mine was just a general reply, like I said, I specifically didn't want it to appear like a cheap shot and it wasn't aimed at you.

You believe whatever keeps you off the fags, that is all that really matters. :p

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi All,

I'm on day 11 of champix and I originally picked this day as my quit date.

I have been doing really well for most of the morning and now it just past lunch time and the craving are really bad.

I have been reading several posts on here and a few people were mentioning that you should be able to tell when you are ready to stop because you'll start hating the taste and the smell of cigarettes.

Thing is, I still enjoy my cigarettes and seriously think this isn't working for me.

I popped to the shop and bought a packet, lit 1 hoping to feel really sick. That unfortunately didn't happen. Smoked half of it then threw it away as I was too annoyed with myself…

Reading these posts today made me think if I should keep smoking and wait until I feel sick or if I should just stop and get on with it!!

Have been smoking 20 a day for the past 14 years and I really want to stop this time!! :(:(:(


Hello you

I just wanted to know how you were getting on?? Anyway just to let you know I was thinking about you and this thread really help me when starting out on the Champix route:

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

Until I realised that Smoking and the illussion of smoking was all in my mind I didn't stand a real chance of quitting.

I don't cope with my quit, I don't fight to stay quit, in my mind smoking no longer interests me. I'm just a non smoker.

The only way I managed that was to get rid of the 'Brainwashing'...And it's mainly due to Allen Carr and his EASYWAY book.

Thanks Allen RIP!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Until I realised that Smoking and the illussion of smoking was all in my mind I didn't stand a real chance of quitting....

Allen Carr’s book is brilliant if the pieces drop into place in your own mind. Unfortunately there are many that don’t make the connection, it doesn’t flick the switch and they need a different method.

If you truly believe in Easyway it’s bound to work even though Mr Carr has got many things slightly wrong. Let’s face it he can be completely and utterly wrong but if it stops someone smoking it’s a positive result.

The same applies for any method that gets someone off the fags. It doesn’t matter to the individual how the switch gets flicked as long as something flicks it. After all it’s all pretty much self-hypnosis.

It’s no surprise that the number one reason cited by successful quitters is, “a change in attitude”

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

The same applies for any method that gets someone off the fags. It doesn’t matter to the individual how the switch gets flicked as long as something flicks it. After all it’s all pretty much self-hypnosis.

It’s no surprise that the number one reason cited by successful quitters is, “a change in attitude”

I so agree with the 'change in attitude', very well said.

I however read Allen Carr and for me personally it did nothing. It was interesting without a doubt but just not for me.

nsd_user663_14816 profile image

Hello you

I just wanted to know how you were getting on?? Anyway just to let you know I was thinking about you and this thread really help me when starting out on the Champix route:

Hi Christine,

It is going ok(ish)

Cravings are pretty bad and I am resisting them most of the times!

My 2 weeks end today so I have been allowing myself a cigarette or 2 in the evening for the past 2 days.

I know it is wrong, but knowing that I am "allowed" to smoke for the initial 2 weeks made it really hard to just throw that last packet away!

Fresh start from tomorrow! No more cigarettes for me.

And thank you for that post. I read it all and feel better knowing that I am not the only one struggling so much!

And thanks to everyone who replied to my post.

I'll let you know how I get on as a non smoker!


nsd_user663_7727 profile image

Hi Christine

I think one thing that did make things click was the suggestion that, if I enjoy fags so much, write down as many things that you enjoy about smoking while you smoke a cigarette.

Anyone still smoking, have a go. Let us know how many things you get down..

nsd_user663_14816 profile image

Hello all

Just a quick update.

I've been smoke free for more than 24hrs for the fist time in 14 years!

Feel pretty cool about it, however the cravings are sort of driving me insane!!

All I can think of is lighting one up, which is NEVER going to happen now that I am a non smoker.

The things I look forward to are my champix pills nowadays! Hoping that each new pill will take the cravings away a bit at the time (or completely!)

Off to Paris for the weekend. It’s going to be really tricky as there’s nothing better than a glass of French wine and a cigarette.. :( but I have no intention to light one up

I'll let you know how I get on when I'm back on Monday

Hope you all have a great weekend


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