Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew: Hurrah, both... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

nsd_user663_42220 profile image
81 Replies

Hurrah, both Rochelle and I have officially, as of 11.30pm, moved into Month 3! :D

Si and Gina will be joining us soon :D

I'm still going to put a shout out for Dolly as I know she is popping in from time to time. Come on Dolly, say hello! :D

2 calendar months / 60 days! I'm stoked! :D

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nsd_user663_42220 profile image
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81 Replies
nsd_user663_26699 profile image


You're awesome! Well done!


nsd_user663_10532 profile image

Well done Capitan and Rochelle. 2 whole months, you should be really proud;). I am now in month 2 and I have to say the welcome pack was lovely gesture Capitan, place smells great and it's so much cleaner that the other room I was in. Roll on month 3 /2, we ARE doing this.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

:) feels good to move up a room!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

9 weeks down for Rochelle and I yesterday and I just want to extend the warmest of welcomes to Si and Gina who are about to enter Month 3 today/tomorrow. :D

Si22 profile image

Hi guys I'm here in room number 3. How you all doing? I'm fine and dandy doing good on my quit. Still have cravings. Still. But they are so few and far between there hardly worth bothering with. Don't get me wrong there's many a time I take a deep breath as if I was intaking a massive drag on a cig. But instead of coughing my head off after I feel fresh and my lungs feel great. Like there free of crap and gunge.

Why do they make something so enjoyable so damn right terrible. And do bloody addictive. I love my freedom more and more.everytime I have a thought about smoking a take a look at the calendar either on the wall or on my phone and think to my self how well I've done to get this far.

We've done well guys. Never thought I'd move in to month 3. Gee's bring it on. I can do anything now.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Nice one Si :D

We are well on our way now but need to keep on our guard.

The balmy summer days and nights are on their way, along with all the associated trigger points that will inevitably accompany them.

I'm expecting some strong craves to appear as I get through new trigger points throughout the summer. All I have to remember is NOPE and all will be well.

Nicotine, tobacco, cigarettes or cigars etc can't defeat me now, as long as I don't reintroduce myself to them. I can only defeat myself and that ain't happening.

Just Gina to ring the bell or knock the door of our Month 3 house and we have the set of Dolly's Mixtures.

I strongly believe all 4 of us are going to make it and make it stick for good :D

I've changed my signature below now as Dolly or Becs don't appear to be coming back :(

I've added Gina as she wasn't in the original one but do you want to complete the details where there is a "?" Gina?

Si22 profile image

Mate I know exactly what you mean as long by as I don't reintroduce myself to them. That's the thing isn't it. We've all read on here that the overall feeling of stopping gets boring around this stage. I must admit I'm having a few thoughts about smoking again. Only now and again but they are still there. Just goes to show I'm not clear yet. I really don't know though what would have to happen for me to have a smoke. But I definetly at the stage where I'm bored of not smoking. I can't see myself smoking but I know I have smoked and could have one with much ease.

I'm past the nicotine stage of my quit. But I'm still finding new hurdles I need to get over in the form of bteaking the habit,before I come a fully fledged non smoker.

Weekends are still a little tough for me. Probably as I used to smoke loads and I'm not busy like I am at work.

Oh well plod on.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Yep, going to have to go through a full year to get all the trigger points done and dusted.

It's just a case of being vigilant and not being stupid enough to believe that I can handle one and walk away.

No, for me one would lead to a total relapse within 24 hours, I just know it would.

If I say no to the first one, I am effectively saying no to the thousands that would follow it.

It's getting easier though :D

Si22 profile image

I'm the same mate. If I had one I'd be back in twenty a day by tuesday. I've always had that. Very addictive nature. In for a penny in for a pound. All or nothing. Like your good self I just have to steer away from that first one. I've just realised the hardest time for me is when I'm on my own. Like this evening for instance. My eldest daughter is in paris on a school trip, my son is out with his mates and the wife is on a girlie night out. So sat here thinking I'm sure I could have a fag.I could get away with it no ones here to nag at me. It'd be my secret.

But that would be it one just would be one would it? Oh no. The whole sneaking around slyly sneaking a crafty drag when ever I can.

Why would I want to go back to that? Its like having a split personality. One part of your brain saying yeah go on. You know one will be ok, you can control it. And the other half saying no dont be so sodding stupid. Why are you thinking like that. You've done 2 clear months.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Ditto to that Si!

Just keep remembering those first couple of weeks, especially those lamposts :p

Never want to have to go through that again!

As Dirty Harry said, "A man's got to know his limitations"

My limitation is no smoke at all, any more than that and I'm hooked again.

Si22 profile image

Thats right, why would we wont to go through the tough times like we did at the beginning, but my brain tells me that if i have one, I'm never going to try stopping again. That would be it hooked and hooked for good. but then after a few months i'd be back thinking, "im going to try stop again, ive done it before i can do it again"

Total 360 degrees.

Im going to have to pull myself together now because im letting myself think too much about smoking, its not good to let the cravings dwell, i have to go and do something.ha ha.

Are you ok Gary? Or am i reading between the lines, ive just reread yours and my posts, are we having a slight wobble here????

Or is it just me???? maybe it is just me????

Come on Simon What the hell are you doing Man!!!! Get a GRIP...

First of all I'd like to say congratulations to all of you who have reached 3 months. That's a huge achievement! Keep going, you are well on the way to beating this addiction once and for all.

And Si, don't even think about it! You don't smoke , NOPE remember - we ALL know where that will get you. Do you really want to be checking in onDay 1 as a Newbie .. I think not! Do something else that is just for you .. put the footie on for goodness sake whilst you have the chance! Stay strong .. I don't even know you but I want you and everyone else who has had the good fortune to encounter this forum to beat the bad habit once and for all. x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Not so much a wobble, more like what you said originally.

The thrill of the quit has worn off now so it's moved into the next stage - adjusting to looking at not smoking as a normal part of life.

I don't crave a smoke like I did at the start, I've just got to shake off a 31 year habit and something I did every 30-40 minutes or so.

That takes time and I understand that, so it's just a case of keep saying NOPE until my new habit is not smoking.

My Mrs is in your neck of the woods today in Holmfirth. She says it's stunning.

Si22 profile image

Im fine Suze14, thanks. im not going to go back no way, Nope is the only way to go.

Im fine honestly, i was just rereading my posts Gary and i was having and i could feel a thread running through it as if i was trying to talk myself in to smoking.

Really strange because i didnt know it was happening. i just logged on and bang, lets talk about smoking, the demon poped up and tried breaking me through the power of words.

Its never happened before, ill have to watch out for that new approach.

Sorry Garry if i offended you there, asking if we were wobberling? I think i was??

Ive good now thanks Suze14 you brought me back to life there.

Si22 profile image

Mate Holmfirth is just over the hill from me about 30 40 mins drive. We have some wonderfull country side up here, some times we forget, its been really nice these last few days what with the lovely weather. A few moor fires though because of the dry heather, we had to ring the fire brigade on tuesday this week as the moor on the hillside opposite was alight, luckily they got there quick and managed to sort it.

Im off work this week, and its going to snow i think Tuesday. Great eh.


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Not sure if you caught my reply just above your last post Si.

Like I said, it's just adjusting to a new lifestyle.

I know you won't smoke because that means I'd win the little bet we made at the start and you wouldn't make it that easy for me would you! :p

Si22 profile image

Oh a little Reverse psychology there my friend. nice touch.

Did we make a deal mate? please rimind me if we did? You know and i know theres no way in hell im going back on them things, im clear now. done and dusted with all the crap that comes with them.

Im just so unaware that i hadnt thought about smoking this afternoon, i thought id check in for a bit on here and for some strange reason unbeknown to me i went a bit mad for a bit. i cant think why.

Anyway im good mate, the only thing i can say is if it was a wobble i managed it pretty damn quick i realised what was happening soon.

The habit grrr wish there was a tablet for that.

Do you know mate i spoke with a collegue at work the other day who if i remember rightly stopped smoking a few years ago, so someone i should look up to, i was telling him that the worse bit now of stopping is the reward factor, i mean if you doa job, like for instance mow the lawn trim some bushes what ever. theres nothing to sit down with as a reward to doing a good job. do you find that?

I suppose i could always cut the grass again. ha ha

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Not so much a deal, more of a challenge. Read this sequence of posts from back then...

I know what you mean about a smoke being used as a "reward".

Now I just take a deep breath which I find I am able to take deeper and deeper the longer I stop smoking.

I'm also eating loads and loads of fresh fruit and really enjoying it. I never thought I would say that!

Si22 profile image

Good god mate, that post from day 6 is so bloody scary. doesnt it seem so long ago. id so forgotten about that, of course im still in, as you knew i was was, just as much as i know you are.

We are doing good mate, we really are, many have walked this path before us, they too felt as we do, lost,deluded, Scared. but not alone. We will help others as we would wish to be helped our self.

Do you think you would have stopped Gary without this forum? Be honest. Because i dont think i would have. Its been a god send.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I think I would have, it's just my personality to hate losing once I've set myself a goal.

Having said that, it's great to have back up and that's why I registered on here.

On top of that, challenging people to stay quit also gives me another incentive, as it's one more thing I don't want to lose.

We'll make it and part of the reason for that is the support from people on here.

Our little crew is 4 now (Gina where are you?) and by supporting each other we are going all the way to the penthouse and staying there for good.

Si22 profile image

Indeed we are mate indeed we are, Im not good at keeping focused, well i say that i am on somethings, especially at work. but because ive tried before to stop smoking that is, i always knew that it was going to be tough. like ive said before on here this forum is like a angel sat on my shoulder steering me.

We will clear 12 months mate because we want too, thats all there is too it. nothing else to it is there?

Bring it on mate, we have it in our sights.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Exactly! :D

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:D CONGRATULATIONS Capitan & Si. All the best for Month 3.



nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I'm still here!!! Lol not been on here as regularly cos I joined slimming world on wednesday and I've been preoccupied!! But obviously still smoke free and life is good :) pleased everyone else is doing good. Xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Great stuff Rochelle! :)

Quitting smoking, slimmers world, is quitting drinking next? :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Great stuff Rochelle! :)

Quitting smoking, slimmers world, is quitting drinking next? :D

Lol I don't drink anyway! Only really drink occasionly, and even then only a couple. If I drink too much it makes me sick and I don't enjoy the taste enough to have it regularly as treats. I'd much rather have chocolate!!! Lol

Seriously though, quitting smoking is an absolute doddle compared to dieting. But I could quit smoking, I can lose the extra stones. Bring it on!!

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Hi Si and Capitain (Gary)

I just wanted to post and say well done to you both, please keep it up it is so easy to slip back into the habit. I have just read the early posts that gary put on to remind you of your challenge and it has struck a cord with me, I am so cross with myself for not being where you are now but I am coming round to the fact that I have got to do this at some point so why wait. I will be back as soon as I feel ready (keep checking the new posts). Congratulations to you both you should be proud of yourselves.


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Dolly! Hurrah! :D

Rochelle is with us too Dolly, all 3 of us are still drug free :D

I've been posting asking you to come back for ages now but thought we had lost you for good. :(

Great to hear from you again and rest assured, when you come back to try again you'll have all our support.

Don't leave it too long though! :D

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Thanks Gary I know I can count on your support.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

You can stay in Dolly's Mixtures, it was named after you as you know!

We are only 2 months and a bit ahead of you, by the time we get to 6 months plus we'll be in the same section after a while :D

I'll be looking out for you, keep posting now as it may give you the incentive to try sooner :D

Just remember, this time get rid of ALL your smoking props before you start! :cool:

Si22 profile image

Wahoo Dolly, So nice to hear from you. We were wondering if we would hear from you again?

I'm look forward to helping you when your ready to kick the weed again, were all here waiting for you.

Come on join us, the feeling is great.


nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hiiii there

Sorry was out of town so missed u guys but i ve reached 9 weeks and had crossed 60 days a couple of days back .. still going strong .. am yet to read all the posts by this brand new thread of month 3 but just wanted to quickly say hi to all of you :)

Si22 profile image

Hi Gina, its a good feeling isnt it crossing a month milestone. its day 63 for us today.Wahoo


nsd_user663_43351 profile image

9 weeks down for Rochelle and I yesterday and I just want to extend the warmest of welcomes to Si and Gina who are about to enter Month 3 today/tomorrow. :D

Gary, I saw the ? mark on how old i m and how long i have smoked :) i m 39 years old and smoked for 22+ years, about 20 a day !!

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hi Gina, its a good feeling isnt it crossing a month milestone. its day 63 for us today.Wahoo


Yes feels great, 60+ days, 9+ weeks we are on a roll !!!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Glad to see you checking in Gina :cool:

Looks like the 4 of us are going to make it :D

To the penthouse and beyond!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

At 11.30pm last night, Rochelle and I completed 10 weeks smoke free.

70 days clean! :D

Last night I also knocked down a really big trigger point which I'd been waiting for.

I'm captain of a sports team and our first league match of the new season was last night. I don't play in the team and usually spend the games smoking for England with nerves for them.

I spent all of last night chewing a pen, but I got through it and the team won! :)

Happy days all round. :cool:

Si22 profile image

well done mate in passing a major trigger point in your quest. Another one crossed of your hurdle list.

70 days eh, Im going to catch you, Day 67 today for me. keep running mate im on your heels. I wont stop until we reach the ultimate goal, and we all know where that is.


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Well done for getting through that trigger. Its all getting so easy now.

I have my very last prescription of patches now. Also lost 12 pounds / 5 and half kg in 4 weeks acording to my nurse. I am doing really well and keep reminding myself how far I've come. Count down to my holidays now, 20 weeks from today. Seems ages off but bring it on!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Brilliant Rochelle :D

Getting easier, but don't get complacent :cool:

You are going to have to share your slimming tips with everyone!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Oh god no, would never get complacent, there could always be that one moment!! Always be on your guard.

Slimming tip, just plain old healthy eating, limiting the bad foods and excersising more. The old fashioned way :) slimming world is good I lost 3.5 at my class this week lol

Have a nice weekend gang x

Si22 profile image

Well done Rochelle, your doing well, weve come so far to turn back. the crossroads will always be there, we just have to keep focused on the road ahead. Never look left, never look right, a momentary glance yeah, take in the view, but keep focused on the straight and narrow.

It may not seem rosy it may seem gloomy, but we must stay on it.

Well done to us, if anyone was to say to me three months ago you'll be smoke free i would have said " i hope so mate". but here we are.

Well done us. We're doing great.

Group hugs everyone.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Well done Rochelle, your doing well, weve come so far to turn back. the crossroads will always be there, we just have to keep focused on the road ahead. Never look left, never look right, a momentary glance yeah, take in the view, but keep focused on the straight and narrow.

It may not seem rosy it may seem gloomy, but we must stay on it.

Well done to us, if anyone was to say to me three months ago you'll be smoke free i would have said " i hope so mate". but here we are.

Well done us. We're doing great.

Group hugs everyone.

Haha I know, my god Si, I was so frightened of quitting smoking before as I feared I'd turn into a monster and bite everyones heads off!! Well I did bite everyones heads off and cried my eyes out but it only lasted for 2 days!!! What were we so scared of? Life is so much better without stinking fags in it. My food tasted better, I am excersising going for long brisk walks without feeling out of puff after 10 mins!!feeling so much healthier and smelling sweet lol

I hope I can inspire a few people around me to give it a go. My cousin who was my quit buddy at the start has started again. A break up with her boyfriend set her back. Which makes me feel so lucky that my boyfriend is supportive and I could have shouted at him every day and he wouldn't have ran. Bless him.

I havnt been going on at my cousin to try again though. I've just said to her, 1 thing at a time. She is doing slimming world and walking with me and I told her don't worry, you quit when YOU feel ready. She has cut right down though which I am pleased about she's only on about 5 a day compared to her previous 20 :) she will get there.

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hope everyone had a great easter w.e

Hello peeps, well done rochelle on losing weight. Gary, that was awesome re your biggest trigger point during the match too, I have also started exercising 5 times a week, need to, as i have started eating for an army !!! i have so much energy its amazing, in fact when i m doing cardio i have to actually check myself after 45 mins to an hour as i dont feel tired at all.. next thing on the line is eating healthy but that i will start after my 12th week.. one thing at a time.. right now i m simply enjoying the taste and smell of food... so simon and i are also 10 weeks and 70+ days !!! have a wonderful smoke free week !!!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Great stuff Gina. :)

As soon as the college year finishes I am hitting the exercise regime throughout the summer :D

It will take me back 32 years but I'm determined to get back into decent shape again.

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

yoo hoo Rochelle(waving frantically)....I think I have found your 3.5.......its fastened itself to my butt:D:eek::rolleyes:

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

yoo hoo Rochelle(waving frantically)....I think I have found your 3.5.......its fastened itself to my butt:D:eek::rolleyes:

Haha!! Lost another 4.5 last night so 8 pound lost at slimming world but about 1 stone 2 pounds all together cos I was dietting before I joined slimming world x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

The weeks are beginning to get knocked down like 9 Pins now :D

As of now, Rochelle and I have reached Sunset Strip!

77 days clean, 11 weeks! :D

Si and Gina will be driving up the strip in 4 days too.

Rock & Roll Dolly's Mixtures :cool:

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

a huge big fat well done to you all, brilliant:D:D:D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Shojam, the rest of Dolly's Mixtures have been quiet lately but that's ok, I've got 100% faith in them :cool:

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

still quit Haze56

Hi Everyone, just to let you know I have still quit. I had to check my first post to check the date I quit and it was 6 th Feb. I am a little behind dolly mixtures crew but you were all great when I fierst joined and a great support. I still come on and read your posts and I am so pleased that we all seem to be doing great. I am still having the odd cravings too and also a little bored with not smoking, it feels a little flat righjt now the initial buzz isnt there anymore but I am really proud of myself and I want to join dolly mixtures crew if I can.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Glad to see you're still quit Haze :)

Don't worry too much about losing the buzz or being bored of not smoking, you're just adjusting to life as a non smoker and that will take time.

By all means join us if you want to :D

Click this link, go to the bottom of that page and click join group :)

Si22 profile image

Hey folks just thought i'd check in on my 76th day as a non smoker.

Im a bit low at the moment with my quit, like many others im bored of not smoking, missing smoking more than i think i have before.

Not the nicotine i dont think, but just the phsyical side of not smoking. ive been a quiet a lately as ive been trying to sort myself out when a craving starts, they dont happen often, but when they do they seem quite strong, im in a sort of lull within my quit, not really knowing what i want. whether to keep going or enjoy a fag and think sod it i like smoking , ive always liked/enjoyed smoking. Why the hell did i try and stop.

Then i think how the hell can i go back?, how do i go and buy 20 fags? i really want to, i dont want to, i do want to. GRRRR.

I know what the replys to this post will be as ive advised people before when there so obviously at the stage im at now.


Im fed up of the constant drain on myself, the constant wishing i hadnt stopped, seeing people every where i look stood outside pubs, shops, offices enjoying smoking.

But then i think come on Simon, what the hell are you going on about. You know why you stopped, the constant drain on your cash, constantly standing outside in the rain, constantly coughing in a morning, constantly trying to work out whether i had enough fags for the day.Etc Etc Etc

Its just boredom, im fed up of being bored, i want to smoke i always have i always will i think, its just a day at a a time, but bloody hell its so rubbish.

The reward factor has gone, people no longer ask, theres no moral boast, i even think that the supermarkets idea to hide them behind blinds is so bloody stupid, we all know whats behind them, it seems to make me worse.

I can see myself smoking again, i want to get rid of the constant thinking in my head thats always there, where ever i go i see people doing what i want to do.

Im at the stage where im looking at the time when i might start again.

76 days and i think im at my worst all time low.

Is it me or is it part of the addiction thats making me so crappy. Rochelle do you feel like this?, after all we are at the same stage.

Gary your four days in front do you feel the same?

If so what do we do eh? Boredom, its an evil.

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Aww Si, I understand where you're coming from. I feel like you do as well sometimes. I mentioned the boredom factor to my OH (who has never really smoked - only a couple of times when we first met to look macho (he didn't take down the smoke LOL!)). He said he sometimes felt like taking up smoking as he was so bored at times...well if that's coming from someone who has never smoked it's no surprise that quitters find it hard.

We just have to find out what we enjoy to keep us occupied like everyone else. I've started a "bucket list" myself to combat the boredom. I realise you can't fulfill all the things on a bucket list every single day but at least I've written down goals on what I want to do. Hope you feel better soon.

Lisa xxxx

Si22 profile image

Thanks Lisa, I know what i want and thats to carry on being smoke free, but the temptations are so very big, The last time i stopped was about 3 years ago, a work collegue and i managed 6 months. I remember this stage from last time, that every day we would go through the motions of saying to each other "have we to go for a fag and be done with it".

We eventually did hence why im here again. The early days are hard, but the cravings are every minute of every day, but the stage were at now, the smoking thoughts come every so often, but the praises and the reasons why we chose to stop seem to subside.

Like i say, its not the fact that i am physically bored, because im not.i have a very rewarding job that keeps me totally satisfied, im lucky that way i suppose, i have a happy home life, 2 lovely kids who dont cause me any problems.

Its just the total loss of not smoking thats driving me insain. i tell you i can honestly see myself turning back. I dont want to. but one day i will its coming.

The reward factor is what i miss too, when ive been doing something, like cutting the grass, painting the fence whatever, the fact that i dont have anything to look forward too when ive finished.

I can feel Gary writing as we speak saying that he's won our bet. Hope your doing well mate.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Si , that's one bet I DON'T want to win!

I can't believe I've put such a thing in writing and I'm going to ask you to delete it after you've read it or I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you. :D

You've been smoking for 26 years and only been quit for 11 weeks! It's going to take time to adjust to being a non smoker and 11 weeks isn't long enough.

You also kept mentioning how you enjoyed smoking and how you look at others enjoying it. I haven't read Allen Carr but I believe that is one of the myths he talks about isn't it?

The only reason you enjoyed it is because it stopped the withdrawal symptoms you were experiencing. The only reason you were experiencing them is because you smoked! It was just a vicious circle.

Do I sometimes think that I'd love a cigar? Sure, after all I smoked for 31 years. It was an integral part of my routine. But that's all it was, a pointless routine of smoking, suffering withdrawal symptoms and then smoking again to relieve them. That, together with the routine of every 30 minutes or so actually going through the physical ritual of smoking.

I reckon it will take me 12 months to start truly ridding myself of all that. I think it's worth it and I wish I'd done it 31 years ago. The improvements I've noticed in my breathing etc are well worth it to me.

I think it's DGee whose signature says "I smoked for 6 years to avoid 3 weeks of discomfort". I smoked for 31 years to avoid 3 weeks of discomfort and maybe 1 year of minor irritation every now and again.

Minor irritations won't jeapordise my health and, possibly, my life.

Minor irritations won't cost me £8 - £10 per day.

Minor irritations won't force me to plan things around when I can "escape" to get my fix, and then return stinking of smoke.

I think it's worth it Si, I've signed up for the long haul. I've read the 1 year + quitters all say that it does get substantially better. I want some of what they've got and I'm going to get it.

I hope you'll be by my side and come along for the ride. :cool:

nsd_user663_40832 profile image

Si I know how you are feeling, ive had it for weeks now (feels like forever), but the Capitans words as the norm are very wise.

We need to keep it up, its not easy at times, but do we really want to go back to it all, the money, the smell, the sneaking, the stress of next fix?

Keep the faith mate

Si22 profile image

Mate, i knew you would come good, i could sense you writing.

Everything you say is 100% the truth and nothing but the truth. Stopping smoking is worth it, theres no doubt about that i feel 1000 times better as you do. the coughing has gone, the need to 'Escape' as your so rightly say has gone , the need to visit the cash machine every day has gone, but the need to light up hasnt.

I will make it i know i will but the struggle is vast, like i said every day is a struggle, with it not seem to get any easier. if im honest it might even be getting worse. i'm even talkng about having a start date as appose to a stop date.

I can see myslf having the first one again, i dont know how im going to have that first one because im not going to buy any, but i can honestly say, i can see myself doing it. it is a worry but then its not a worry. its something my brain is saying is good. I need to sort myself out dont i?

Maybe i need to re read that Allen Carr book, Gary? Maybe i need to take stock. I have made it through this far, my wife is being supportive in that she knows how hard it is although shes never smoked, she knows im struggling. she says she doesnt want me to start smoking, but understands if i do.

I tell you what i think i need, that if i have a ciggarette someone will come round a smack me so hard with a massive piece of wood. Maybe knock some sence in to me.

Every day i miss my ritual, i miss everything, but then i dont i know im doing good, i know i will not smoke tmw, or the day after, i just feel like i wish i could.

Im here for the duration Gary, were still the dolly mixtures. Always will be, im looking forward to the One year goal mate.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hey folks just thought i'd check in on my 76th day as a non smoker.

Im a bit low at the moment with my quit, like many others im bored of not smoking, missing smoking more than i think i have before.

Not the nicotine i dont think, but just the phsyical side of not smoking. ive been a quiet a lately as ive been trying to sort myself out when a craving starts, they dont happen often, but when they do they seem quite strong, im in a sort of lull within my quit, not really knowing what i want. whether to keep going or enjoy a fag and think sod it i like smoking , ive always liked/enjoyed smoking. Why the hell did i try and stop.

Then i think how the hell can i go back?, how do i go and buy 20 fags? i really want to, i dont want to, i do want to. GRRRR.

I know what the replys to this post will be as ive advised people before when there so obviously at the stage im at now.


Im fed up of the constant drain on myself, the constant wishing i hadnt stopped, seeing people every where i look stood outside pubs, shops, offices enjoying smoking.

But then i think come on Simon, what the hell are you going on about. You know why you stopped, the constant drain on your cash, constantly standing outside in the rain, constantly coughing in a morning, constantly trying to work out whether i had enough fags for the day.Etc Etc Etc

Its just boredom, im fed up of being bored, i want to smoke i always have i always will i think, its just a day at a a time, but bloody hell its so rubbish.

The reward factor has gone, people no longer ask, theres no moral boast, i even think that the supermarkets idea to hide them behind blinds is so bloody stupid, we all know whats behind them, it seems to make me worse.

I can see myself smoking again, i want to get rid of the constant thinking in my head thats always there, where ever i go i see people doing what i want to do.

Im at the stage where im looking at the time when i might start again.

76 days and i think im at my worst all time low.

Is it me or is it part of the addiction thats making me so crappy. Rochelle do you feel like this?, after all we are at the same stage.

Gary your four days in front do you feel the same?

If so what do we do eh? Boredom, its an evil.

I'm ahead of u si I quit the same day as gary.

Yes, I think we all do get that reminiscent feeling about smoking. But you sound like you're getting it a bit more than any of us :( don't give in, it won't be worth it and if u do give in, this time next year you will be kicking yourself thinking how long you would have been quit!!

My cousin who I live with she quit with me and then started again so I have her smoking at the back door. Sometimes it gives me the feeling you talk about but I soon shake it off and realise I'm in a much better position than her. I did smoke for 9 years so like gary says, its gonna take longer than 78 days, where I am now, to feel completely comfortable with it.

nsd_user663_44157 profile image


What a truly inspirational post.

Come on Si how can you ignore that?

Si22 profile image

Sorry Rochelle, i forgot its you and Gary thats at the same stage, its me and Gina thats the same stop day.

Can i just ask tho Rochelle, what do you think when you smell smoke/ do you think god that smells horrendous, or do you think hmm thats smells good, i remember that welcoming smell. that fullfilling smell.

nsd_user663_40437 profile image

That's a great post Gary so true.

Like you say it's a vicious circle, it's a addiction it's not a old friend and we have not to keep thinking that it is.

Joanie x

Si22 profile image

Aitch, Gary is an inspiration to us all. I wish i was as strong mentally as he, and have the wisdom and the knowledge to inspire.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I tell you what i think i need, that if i have a ciggarette someone will come round a smack me so hard with a massive piece of wood. Maybe knock some sence in to me.

The baseball bat is in my car and the satnav is set to Halifax :p

I've taken to eating lots of fruit when I get a crave, specifically grapes. In fact I've got a whole punnet of them in front of me right now.

Give it time Si, more time than the 6 months you did last time.

Work with Rochelle and I and get to a year, then tell us how you feel.

Come on big guy, you can do it :cool:

Si22 profile image

Ha Ha Ha thanks mate, my postcode is HX6 1BL, ill expect you soon.

I can do it mate, i will do it. I just cant get my head round why its taking so long to get over the physical side of stopping.

Some days i can go until early evening without even thinking aboout it,but then other days its every hour. GRRRRRRR

Time to re read past posts i think. Take stock, give my head shake.

Come on big Fella!!!!! Stop talking Shite.

(just wrote that so when i re-read next time it'll make me think, hopefully.Ha ha)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Good man!

If you're struggling, don't stay off the forum, come on it!

It's easier to get some strength back with people helping you and I've no doubt that I'm going to need help in the future.

We all need each other and that's not a bad thing. :cool:

Si22 profile image

I know mate , and thats the worst thing i think, i know we are all going through it, and i ve said it before on here if it wasnt for this forum and you guys sat on my shoulder 24/7 i would have caved weeks ago.

Im on here for ever, its as addictive as the thing we all talk about.

I do get so much strenght, in fact i said the the wife that i was going to log on to the forum because i was feeling down, to try get some straight forward thinking back in to me.

Low and behold you guys stood up for the challange. thanks

I feel strong again , always did, but it just dipped again.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Glad you feel better Si :D

You'll make it as long as you remember NOPE and come on here if you need help.

Got to log off for a while as my iPad battery is about to give up.

I'll be back on later no doubt :D

Thanks for the kind words from others but I'm just saying how I feel. Nothing inspirational really, just my take on things. :cool:

Si22 profile image

Mate, thanks, Nope is the only way, ive often thought of that, who ever thought of that saying should be knighted. its saved me loads of times.

Why did we ever start eh??????????????????????????????

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hello Crew members

Geez.. Si... just read all the posts over the w.e ... Si , I feel your pain ... i feel the same most of the days.. the cravings seem to get worse .. my friends are visiting me from LA for 3 weeks and one of them smokes.. although she goes down and smokes but sometimes when we are all walking somewhere she smokes and i get the smell and relive my entire smoking life I have been smoking for 22 + years regularly and on and off from the age of 12 or 13 .. its hard .. i wish i had the sense like Rochelle to quit after 9 years .. no i waited for 22 years to avoid 3 weeks of pain like Gary said.. I have never tried to quit before , never had the urge.. but somehow managed to do it this time ... i know many people try many times before they can actually do it .. but i dont want to .. and the reason i dont want to is becos i dont want to go back to day 1 to day 5 to day 7 to day 10 again .. i dont want to slip again as i did on day 12 and feel like jumping off the building becos of guilt, depression .. i dont want to feel any of the feelings i ve felt in the last 77 days or 11 weeks ... i m prepared to face new depressions new weaknesses ... and i want to over come them and feel so proud of myself .. i no longer care if people are praising me or asking me about smoking .. i want to start a self fan club of just feeling good about the biggest achievement in my life ... i dont want to try and quit again .. i want this time to the only one time i have suffered and tried ... Si, we will make it to the penthouse with Gary and Rochelle .. you and i have somewhat the same cravings and feelings ... it will get better .. have faith .. i dont know when but lets wait for that day .. lets pat our backs every day and keep short term goals rather than long term ones ... like 12 weeks ... 90 days ... 120 days etc etc ...have a great week people and thank you for being there !!

i ve read Allen carr before, but i m going to read it again too !!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi Gina. :)

Good post, we'll all get there in the end, we're Dolly's Mixtures after all! :D

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Well done all. And your quite right Si it is like a split personality. Thats exactly how i am at the moment. Jacqui.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Was just sat thinking, have I been quit for 12 weeks now? Wooooo

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

It was 12 weeks at the end of Thursday Rochelle! :D

It's been totally manic at college and I haven't been on all week so missed it.

Next Thursday is a big milestone as it will be exactly 3 calendar months and on the Friday we will be moving into another new room! :D

Time is really beginning to fly by now.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Haha! Well I missed it too only gave it a second thought today!! Yes 3 months done on the 26th so that will be a good one to pass.

Thought it would be all go at college, end of the year for them soon isn't it so all rush to get everything done. How I don't miss having to do coursework lol

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Well done to all of

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Well done to all of

Thanks hun, and you too you seem to be doing really well x

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

12 weeks for me too

Simon should also be completing 12 weeks .. where is he ? cant wait for 90 days now !! still get strong cravings from time to time .. there are good days and bad days.. waiting for the bad days to change to not so good days :) happy monday all of you.. congrats Gary and Rochelle on completing 12 weeks and being closer to 90 days than i m (jealous :))

Si22 profile image

Hi Gina I'm here. Just thought I'd login in my dinner hour. I've survived another weekend. I hate them as its the worst time for me. 85 days for us Gina. Bring it on.

Mind those Monday blues folks.

nsd_user663_41893 profile image

Hi all

Just thought I'd drop a quick post on here to say I'm still a non smoker and going strong. Whilst I found the support on here amazing for the first few weeks after that I felt reading about not smoking made me think about it all the more! No offence guys :-) So I stopped coming on as much.

It's FANTASTIC to see so many of you doing so well. Keep up the good work :-)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'm really chuffed you're still quit Becs, I thought we may have lost you!

I've added you back on to my list again :)

Well, here we are. 91 days, 13 weeks, exactly 3 calendar months quit for Rochelle and I, with the rest of the crew just 4 days behind :)

As of now, Rochelle and I are bidding farewell to yet another room and are now moving into the 4-5 month room.

It's had its ups, it's had its downs, it's been rough going at times and at others has seemed almost too easy. One thing it has been is fulfilling. Fulfilling to know that it is achievable and fulfilling to know that we are achieving it.

What has definitely helped me personally is the knowledge, understanding and acceptance that for me, 1 puff is 1 puff too many. 1 puff will lead me straight back to my old habit.

I've made the above statement before, but it's one worth repeating.

This forum is absolutely littered with posts from people stating that they thought they could handle 1 puff or 1 cigarette and they'd be ok.

Posts that say they thought they were far enough into their quit to deal with it and be able to go straight back into a quit. Some of these posts are this week.

I know myself, I understand my addiction and reading those type of posts just consolidates and confirms to me that as long as I never take 1 puff EVER again I have the addiction beat. The nicodemon is going to sleep and as long as I never stimulate it again it will remain impotent.

See you Month 3 and see you soon Si, Gina and Becs :)

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