Does anyone smoke cannabis?: Hi there. I... - No Smoking Day

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Does anyone smoke cannabis?

nsd_user663_4352 profile image
28 Replies

Hi there.

I started smoking after I stopped smoking cannabis 10 years ago!

I didn't realise that the little bit of cigarette I was using in a joint had got me addicted to cigarettes! d'oh

I then started smoking cannabis again and didn't stop with the cigarettes.

Now I have kicked the nicotine and just smoke cannabis, well use a vaporiser so it's healthier than smoking.

Did anyone else get addicted to cigarettes this way?

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nsd_user663_4352 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi David

Nope never used it at all


Marg xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

I got addicted to cigarettesat 16 because i wanted to know how to smoke, for purposes of smoking something other than a cigarette......;)

Shows you how darn addictive the stuff is (nicotine) I don't remeber how long it took but not very long.

I don't now, and haven't for a very long time, as it really doesn't agree with me.But in terms of addictiveness compared to nicotine.....not addictive, nicotine=-very addictive.

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Probably yeah

But having said that i know a lot of hardcore weed smokers and for some it does seem to become their whole lifestyle, Perhaps addictive for some?But nowhere near as addictive as nicotine. I don't agree with people who say it's harmless either. It's caused me serious panic attacks, and i had a really bad time when smoking quite a lot ,where i felt as if i was unreal and didn't really exist, even affter i stopped.

It actually falls into the hallucinogenic drug category. I also have a friend who is a psych nurse, and he says that so many of the schizophrenia cases are reported by the patient as being brought on by smoking weed, sometimes just the once. Not for everyone i'm sure, but personally i will never mess with the balance of my brain chemicals yet again....:)

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Hey all,

I started smoking "blow" before I started smoking fags. I probably smoked dope on and off from 14 - 17, mainly getting into it when I was 16, and never ever fancied or had a fag.

One day, when I was 17 and we had no gear, a mate said to me "try a fag instead", and that was that!

20 years on, I've just given up.

The ironic thing is though, I gave up smoking gear at 18!!!

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

It actually falls into the hallucinogenic drug category. I also have a friend who is a psych nurse, and he says that so many of the schizophrenia cases are reported by the patient as being brought on by smoking weed, sometimes just the once. Not for everyone i'm sure, but personally i will never mess with the balance of my brain chemicals yet again....:)

Spot on Jude. I have seen the proof of this while doing house visits with a CPN. David

nsd_user663_3949 profile image

Same here, unlike my mates I managed to get through my teens without smoking but then it was dope that got me hooked on tobacco.

Pretty soon it was the tobacco I was really craving and when there was no dope I carried on with cigarettes.

nsd_user663_5243 profile image

Did anyone else get addicted to cigarettes this way?


YES. I started out smoking marijuana. Marijuana was great, if I didn't have any it was ok! I would get some when I could and that was that. Older people around me, kids I looked up to smoked cigarettes. I remember being told to take a few puffs of a cigarette and you'll feel higher. So I took a few puffs, usually no more than 3 and I would feel a little higher or lightheaded.

After an entire summer of puffing here and there after smoking marijuana down at the local park I got my first pack of cigarettes. I figured I'd grab a pack so I could do my few puffs after smoking marijuana. This was the first time I ever smoked a full cigarette. I only made it half way through my first one and I was so lightheaded and stuck that I could not figure out for the life of me why people enjoyed smoking.

From that point on I smoked for 8 years. I am now 16 days without cigarettes and I will never go back.


Marijuana is not "Blow". Please refer to it as cannabis or marijuana. In the USA "Blow" is cocaine.... you should know that because they made a movie called "Blow".

Cigarettes are not "fags". Cigarettes cannot be 'fags' because they're not people. In USA a 'fag' is defined as:


1: A stupid person. Of average IQ and intelligence yet blatantly retarded. A fcuking moron.

2: slang A gay person.

3: A pile of sticks.

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Haha, yes a friend of mine was in the states, and asked where he could buy some fags, and got sent to a very dodgy part of town.....:D

BostonSteve, you shall also never talk of someones fan ny, (here a very personal part of a ladies anatomy...For you the rather less offensive rear end ) and also you talk of wearing pants ( they are undergarments, not trousers...):D

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

I was also once telling an american girl i met in glastonbury about having a crystal above my cooker (oven) and i think she thought i was running some sort of meth lab.??!

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Please don't try to tell us how to talk, we don't want arrogant people like you telling us what we can and can't call things. Davofgy

nsd_user663_3633 profile image


Marijuana is not "Blow". Please refer to it as cannabis or marijuana. In the USA "Blow" is cocaine.... you should know that because they made a movie called "Blow".

Cigarettes are not "fags". Cigarettes cannot be 'fags' because they're not people. In USA a 'fag' is defined as:


1: A stupid person. Of average IQ and intelligence yet blatantly retarded. A fcuking moron.

2: slang A gay person.

3: A pile of sticks.

This is a UK site.

We speak English here.

We also use English slang terms, not American ones.

Please do not tell people what they can or cannot say, or what slang they can or cannot use.

Here in the UK "blow" is cannabis and a "fag" is a cigarette. Always has been and always will be.


nsd_user663_4754 profile image

Marijuana is not "Blow". Please refer to it as cannabis or marijuana. In the USA "Blow" is cocaine.... you should know that because they made a movie called "Blow".

Cigarettes are not "fags". Cigarettes cannot be 'fags' because they're not people. In USA a 'fag' is defined as:


1: A stupid person. Of average IQ and intelligence yet blatantly retarded. A fcuking moron.

2: slang A gay person.

3: A pile of sticks.

haha - yeah i never forget the look on the americans faces when i stood up after a meeting when i was in Seattle and asked if anyone knew where i could go and smoke a fag..

priceless :D

to be fair, i dont know anyone who actually smokes cannabis call it blow..

but yeah this is an english site so you cant really criticise it for peoples terminology, also different generations have a different name for everything to disguise it from teachers parents police etc. we just used to all it "gear".

i smoked a stupid amount of skunk and hash when i was younger. i used to live with a drug dealer at one point. its a big problem with the giving up smoking. i learned to smoke and roll spliffs around the same time of life - about 14 1.2 - 15. they definitely influence each other.

i was faced with temptation like you wouldnt believe last weekend when my best mate and i went to the shop to get some beers and he bought some smokes//

i nearly lost it. this is my quitting partner btw....

aparently, hed not finished the weed that we'd bought in the nottinghill carnival the weekend before (which we also had a massive row about) and needed some smokes to smoke it with.

i very nearly left there and then when i realised that he was gonna sit in his flat infront of me and smoke it.

i sat though watching him and the temptation was massive. Not cos i wanted to get stoned but cos it was seriously testing my commitment to this quit.

i knew that i could half lie to myself and say that it didnt count cos it had dope in it.

But it would count cos it had cigarettes in it.

in the end, i rolled a pure weed spliff smoked it, felt terrible, got kicked out of my mates house for getting crazy, went home, woke up felt terrible.

but knew i hadnt smoked any nicotine. and knew that next time id just leave.

just dont do it.

thats the last time i let someone put me in that situation for a long time.

its not good.

it almost saddens me to know how much of my life i spent sat in a shed or round a mates house or in a field or wherever getting high.

its achieved me nothing. most of the mates i had from those times are gone. sad really.

maybe one day ill wake up and say the same about spending all my time in the pub.

maybe its just phases you gotta get through to see the light at the other side and realise you dont need / want to do it any more.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

this reality is more important to me now -

nsd_user663_4975 profile image

Smokin weed whilst giving up

Interesting thread (and good Anglo-American terminology jokes he he).

I've always enjoyed smoking spliffs and wondered what would happen when I stopped smoking cigs. I decided I had three choices 1)Smoke spliffs (ie joints with tobacco and weed in them) 2) smoke it pure 3)stop both...

Well, I didn't want to give up having the occasional bit of weed with my friends so option 3 was out - that was one of the things that stopped me quitting cigs for years (and stopped the Alan Carr book working). I thought "But I'll sometimes want a joint!".

I had a good long think as I was in the first week of my quit. On day 4 and climbing the walls for a cig I actually found a spliff I'd rolled months ago and lost (how ironic that it should turn up 4 days after I quit smoking haha). I would have loved to have smoked it and still called myself a non smoker but I couldn't. I would have loved to have ripped it open, separated the green from the brown and had a pure smoke but, 4 days into my quit, I didn't dare so I ripped it up and flushed it!

I decided on option 2, i.e yes I can still smoke weed if I want (same as a non smoker can) but I can't mix it with tobacco, as I'm terrified of going back to my bad old 20-a-day ways. So on holiday in Amsterdam I got a small amount of weed and smoked it with a pipe. I had a weekend away with friends recently (the party kind of weekend) and there was weed about. I explained I couldn't join them in a spliff but would smoke it pure so I did that again.

I don't buy the stuff very often (maybe 3 or 4 times a year) and really enjoy the odd bit of a smoke. I miss spliffs but I know I can't smoke tobacco so at least this way it doesn't feel like I'm denying myself something that I occasionally enjoy. Smoking pure weed actually seems to make me miss smoking cigs less - I didn't use my NRT inhalator at all, it's far more tempting to smoke cigs after a few drinks than it is after some pure weed. Not that I smoke weed very much these days...

I'm sticking with option 2 then - it lets me live my life to the full and still maintain my nico-quit!

Just wrote all that in case it helps others who were wondering what life after cigs was like for someone who enjoyed getting stoned from time to time!


nsd_user663_4964 profile image

for you stoners...

you could try herbal baccy? Holland and Barratt have Honeyrose cigarettes (Foul and disgusting-need some weed to make them taste nice:))

They are also quite useful if you are really desperate to "smoke" something . I have only been this desperate a coupla times, and consequently it's the only packet of fags i've ever kept, with half left, ever....:D

nsd_user663_4975 profile image

Cool - cheers mate , I'll check those out! It'd be nice to not have to smoke pure weed and yet still be able to avoid tobacco so I'll hunt around


nsd_user663_5325 profile image

You guys mix marijuana with tobacco? First off I'm American and would like to apologize for any rude comments made by another certain American. I love the way you guys speak and write English. When I hear it it always sounds so proper. Have to admit for the first 10 minutes after I found this site I was like ,what the heck is going on here till my silly butt realized I was on a site from (as you guys say it) across the pond. Ok back to the subject.... why mix something that kills ya with something that makes ya laugh and gives ya the munchies LOL? Also not that I'd ever do it but if I did I wouldn't have a problem with stopping tobacco and continuing with marijuana;)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

you could try herbal baccy? Holland and Barratt have Honeyrose cigarettes (Foul and disgusting-need some weed to make them taste nice:))

They are also quite useful if you are really desperate to "smoke" something . I have only been this desperate a coupla times, and consequently it's the only packet of fags i've ever kept, with half left, ever....:D

Its an interesting thing this, most people who smoke joints/spliffs etc, mix their weed with tobacco not through choice, but mostly because they don't want their weed to be chinned in 1 night smoking it neat on its own. If they had a viable and not foul tasting choice, most i reckon would go for this option instead. Also, quite alot of weed smokers while wanting to 'get stoned', alot of the time like the chilled out feeling they get while getting there.. so by mixing they do so gradually and they achieve the level of stoned they want to be at.

Mind you though then there are the right wreckheads doing bongs, buckets, waterfalls, zoom-tubes, pipes, knives etc.. now they just want to be ultra-mashed.

nsd_user663_5333 profile image

Yeah I used to smoke a lot of green in my teens. I smoked cigarettes before smoking my first spliff so I cant blame green for that.

In my experience you have to smoke tobacco with green because it doesnt burn properly otherwise. I suppose you can do pure pipes but they burn your throat really bad.

I don't really smoke green anymore, havn't bought any in like 18 months or so. Waste of money for what it does to you.

Did smoke some the other night and yes it was mixed with tobacco (but didn't taste any of it)

I havn't smoked any cigarettes since, still going strong nearly to the 1 month stage.

Though I think I might turn down green in the future, I would prefer not to smoke anything.

nsd_user663_4352 profile image

Just found this thread 2 YEARS after posting it!

There are some great comments which I really identify with, so thanks for posting(if anyone is still around that is!).


p.s. I rarely smoke weed now and if I do it's pure only.

nsd_user663_32559 profile image

I did smoke it before I started cigarettes but now I don't do either. I don't want to mess with my brain chemicals and after what happened with Amy Winehouse, I don't want to fall down the same route.

I don't understand people that decide to give up smoking but then continue to smoke cannabis with tobacco in it lol

CamperPete profile image

I'm glad this thread has been raised again as found it really interesting (i wasn't around on here 2 years ago so missed it).

A friend of mine was a complete non smoker started smoking cannabis once a day (mixed with a bit of tobacco) in his early thirties, it wasn't long before he was on 20 fags a day as well as the cannabis shot :eek: ...... sad thing is, he's still hooked 10 years later :(

....and then there's two of my daughters (in there thirties) who like a bit of 'waccy baccy' nightly (both been smoking it for many years), eldest now suffers panic attacks but try as i might i can't make her see how the 'weed' (never mind the tobacco) is affecting her :(

I've tried a few things i shouldn't have done in my time but luckily the only one that truly addicted me was that damn tobacco!

nsd_user663_30954 profile image

Ive had similar problems over the weed/dope tobacco thing

I don't smoke weed / hash often ... not any more

i like being straight .. and moving .. ha'

but this week i was around sum hash...

i had to roll a bifta with baccy ...

not that i was desperate to smoke it ..

im not interested in smoking cigs

just splits

i dont know ... sigh

vie smoke baccy for the first time in 82 days

im just going to keep going with my quit

see it as a hiatus :) im quite happy to wander down the road .. n see if my quit stands .. after this or if i go back to smoking

i sumhow don't think i will ... nevermind

nsd_user663_33962 profile image

I'm glad I found this thread. It's one of the things I've been having a bit of an issue with.

I love having a nice, relaxing smoke now and again (I'm clearly not a hardcore stoner and I know very few people who smoke weed who fit that ridiculous stereotype) and I've always preferred smoking joints to using buckets / bongs etc. I do it to relax and chill out (I suppose like some people like a beer or glass of wine); not to get off my face. I enjoy the process of smoking a joint. The feeling creeping up is amazing; being blasted in the face with it is not.

I haven't really found a solution here (I am not planning on never indulging in cannabis again - it's too good!) but it's good to know some others are in a similar quandry is good.

I was originally planning to use my fag money on saving up and buying a beast of a vape. Anyone done this? How was it?

I was thinking of using herbal cigs but I do think it sort of defeats the point in quitting smoking...

nsd_user663_30954 profile image

Hi Tyler

.. I Did It !!

i invested in a Vape £60 ..:)

its a portable Alivi8

Just so i have absolutley no reason to smoke Baccy

I can take it out and about

and if there is a smoke going ...:D

and ... hrumph .. :o now ive got more money

from not buying and smoking Baccy

..i mite indulge in a little more dope :cool:

nsd_user663_33962 profile image


I've just had a look for it - seems like it'd do nicely. Not bad for 60 squid.

I really want a nice, big electronic one but I think we're talking about £250 minimum! :eek: I'm (I was) a light smoker so it'd take a fair while to get that together.

nsd_user663_49819 profile image

It's caused me serious panic attacks, and i had a really bad time when smoking quite a lot ,where i felt as if i was unreal and didn't really exist, even affter i stopped.

Out of curiosity, did the panic attacks and other associated side effects ever stop completely?

nsd_user663_50410 profile image

OMG! I didn't realise there was so may people who got hooked on cigs the same way I did! As a child, I hated ciggerttes, my grandparents use to come around & chuff away so I always went outside. In my teen I got into smoking some dope /weed with friends as you do but never smoked cigs ever. It was the early 90's & the Uk clubbing / rave sence was going bonkers (love them days) & cigs became more convenient than rolling a joint every 10 minutes. I stopped smoking dope in my early 20's something I had enjoyed (& wouldn't change to this day) buts sort of grew out of although the cigs still stuck around. I remember always thinking it would be the other way around, still smoke weed but no cigs although I am really glad it's nether now! :)

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