day one and struggling:(: hello,10th day on... - No Smoking Day

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day one and struggling:(

nsd_user663_4834 profile image
20 Replies

hello,10th day on champix and decided to quit today but already struggling.

had a bit of a erm dissagreement with husband so im left to myself today and really craving one.had plenty of stuff planned out but just feel upset at the mo cause none of thats gonna happen and dont know what to do with myself helpppppp

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nsd_user663_4834 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Hi Passenger79, sorry you are having such a hard time. I'm only day 2 with Champix and haven't stopped the evil weed yet so not in a very good position to talk from an accomplished point of view, only just to say hang in there, try and keep busy, whatever it takes to get you through this patch. I just spent the morning ironing and am about to do the hoovering, though I think the Champix effect is kicking in and I really want to go lay down.

Just hang in there, don't throw in the towel, you've had ten days on Champix so hopefully its having some good effects. Have a good posting rant if it helps. Rooting for you!!!

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

Justsayno I know what ur saying gotta keep busy but after taking tablets I just feel so out of it just wanna lay down.Thx chrissiev i ve seen the reply,i ll go out for a walk.otherwise im just coming up with reasons to smoke lol used to smoke 20/day just gotta keep thinking its only first few days that are the hardest it will get better xx

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

thank u guys i really appreciate it:)i do feel tired although i havent done that much today,think i ll do few bits and chill in the evening,play it by the ear.i ll pop up here when it gets tough and let u know how im getting on .

i made a list of reasons and one new came up last nite,always wanted to go to SA,so talking to husband last nite decided that with money i save from this we ll go for nice holiday to Argentina early next travelling so after health as No1 reason for me/i made my asthma alot worse by smoking/ and kicking addiction this is gonna motivate me too:p xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4785 profile image


Hope you're hanging in there.....................I got through yesterday and really struggled through this morning but I am now 40hrs clean and starting to feel better.

You helped me through yesterday and I managed it and so can you. I too have just had words with my other half but it has just made me more determined to keep going.

Clean your fridge :D Clean anything or go to bed and have a wee sleep. If your sleeping you cant be smoking.

Carol xx

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

hey passenger, How are you doing? Know what you mean by being out of it and wanting to lay down. I gave in for an hour this afternoon. Woke up after I had been dreaming of George W Bush!!!! Weird! Hope you are OK, like the idea of making a list. I just jumped into the whole thing of stopping smoking, didn't make any prep, so I think that would be something useful for me to do. You can do it!

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

thx caz morning was the worst,planning for next week to do cycling,a bit of housework ill spread over days gives me something to do.done few bits today ,gonna have dinner and relax a bit.i will clean my fridge lol probably during evening when i ll get restless and empty it completely:)wasnt even hungry yet,havent sat down all day.glad u got to 40h ,WELL DONE:D

im bit worried about tomorrow as have to go to work but i ll take one day at the time. we ll get there,post if u start to struggle ur doing really good xxxxx

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

hey justsayno, that must of been a nightmare lol.i had few weird dreams but nothing creepy yet.yeah list is good,mine has 6 main things on not too long but i ll keep it close so if i get restless i got a reminder.tonite im gonna dig out more stuff about buenos aires with money i can save i can afford to go there much better than puffing and watching tv:p i didnt prep that much,got loads of orange juice yesterday goes down well,some plain biscuits and chewing doing ok so far morning was the worst and bit worried about tomorrow at work but i ll take it hour by hour xxxxx

nsd_user663_4770 profile image


Firstly, nice one on giving your lungs the best gift you could ever give them. Secondly, give yourself a break. Sometimes you don't need to do anything but ride the waves and know that eventually it WILL pass. I think we beat ourselves up to much about the things we SHOULD or MUST be doing when all we really feel like doing is crawling in a pit and being miserable!!! I tried my best to continue as normal at first but you know what? it didn't work for me! Sometimes you just have to allow yourself to be miserable, angry, grumpy, lazy or sleepy. What you are doing is the most amazing thing and takes a lot of courage and self loyalty. So what if there is house work to do or hairy legs that rival wilderbeasts? What is the worse thing that can happen? Nothing! But if you smoke you'll be devasted! In only a short period of time you will feel like doing all those things and you'll have more energy to do them. Get your pj's on, snuggle up with a DVD and allow yourself to feel whatever it is you want to feel and at the end of the day give yourself a massive pat on the back for what you have achieved. Remember it was NEVER gone be easy but you faced it head on and sometimes all we can be is brave because f**k all else works!!

take it easy ok


nsd_user663_4482 profile image

Hello there passenger!

i hope you have made it through so far!

dont stop giving this up ok!

i promise you it is so worth it!

keep going.




nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Nice post Eileen, could have done with reading that a couple of weeks ago :)

LOve Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Good luck

Good luck passenger 79, remember never take another puff, tomorrow will be easier than today. Each day gets easier, your addiction will soon be gone and you'll be counting off the milestones.

If it gets bad do anything, sort post, shred paperwork, anything that requires no real thought that is.

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

hi guys still going strong,had few bad cravings but in general dont feel that bad.eileen u really made me laugh thx and ur so right ! thats exactly what i ve done after my last post.had dinner felt so tireeed cause i ve been running round like a maniac all day:rolleyes: so had some sleep,now in my pjs tucking into ice cream and watching tv.champix doesnt make me sick anymore when i stopped smoking so thats a bonus.gonna relax this evening and get ready for day2!im not gonna see my dream holiday go up in smoke :) thx guys for all great posts it really helps me going knowing lots of u gave been through this too.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Enjoy not having to get up and have a fag (always had to go outside myself)

Enjoy the fact that tomorrow your clothes won't smell

Enjoy the fact your hair won't smell

Enjoy the fact that the ice-cream will begin to taste better and better.

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

:)will do and i ll soon enjoy not waking up every morning and coughing my lungs out and using 3 different puffers,being able to cycle more than 20 min and not pass out lol,sleeping in the morn cause i wont be timing out to have time for coffee and smokes.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Stopping smoking is the best thing you will do in my opinion so despite all the strife, if you achieve nothing else this year you must remember that quitting is pretty fantastic in itself.

Cycling will get easier and the bonus of sleeping longer, pat yourself on the back tonight, for a job well done.

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

Made it to day 2 ! feel awful,couldnt sleep and felt really sick,worse so far all morning but i gotta get through it.wish i was in bed now gonna struggle at work:(

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

well done passenger

day 2 well done - i think the first few days are hard - you should be so proud of yourself.... im on day 7 & each day im kind of saying to myself that im not smoking for today it kind of helps takes the pressure of a bit (although at the back of my mind i want it forever)... take care, work will prob help x

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Well done Passenger. I stuggled through yesterday and today is much better.

Hang on in can do it :D

Carol x

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

thx guys dont fancy a smoke yet just feel soooo bad,keep saying to myself thats my body getting rid of nicotine its gotta get better .cant wait to finish today just gonna pack to bed xxxxx

nsd_user663_4834 profile image

and well done to both of u!:D im getting thereeee :p

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