Think Ive lost my Marbles: What a day, think... - No Smoking Day

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Think Ive lost my Marbles

nsd_user663_4177 profile image
19 Replies

What a day, think Im losing it at the moment, took my Mum to see the nurse this morning but went to the drs station instead :rolleyes: Got her home and settled, then nipped back home for a cuppa and let dog out then set off to the dentist but remembered on the way I hadnt booked Mum in for her eye thing (for the diabetes) so went and did that then headed back to the car nearly forgot all about going to the dentist, luckly I was only 5 mins late. Anyway that all went well. Then set off to the supermarket to get Mums & Bros shopping and I go twice a week yet couldnt remember where the beans or the mushrooms were I was just stood there like an idiot. Got back to Mums and was putting shopping away and put the crisp & dry in the bloody fridge. Then I was doing her tablets realised she had run out of some of her tabs so went upstairs to get some more taking toilet rolls with me and came back without the tabs :rolleyes:.............and that is the slimmed down version if I was to tell you all the stupid things Ive done today I would need two pages.

Now would it be ok to blame it on stopping smoking as I really dont want to think that I am losing my marbles :o

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nsd_user663_4177 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_4177 profile image

..............and just read that back and it reads like I am a mad woman omg think I need my bed :o

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hiya Trendy,

Maybe you just had too much to do today. I am worn out just reading it all LOL.

I often do not have a clue what I am doing somedays & have to concentrate REAL hard.

It's either age or smoking so I think we should plump for the latter :D

Love G. xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Mel :D

Whewwwwwwww what a day I'm exhausted just reading the shortened version of it

It's no wonder you got all confufulated with that lot and yes blame it on the quit why not sure to be that anyway

You'll find those lost marbles in the morning I'm sure maybe they're under the sofa ????????

Seriously I reckon it was just one of those days that most of us get sometimes


Marg xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Bloody hilarious Mel lmao, normal day in our house. If you lived round here you could come to our "Day Centre" David

nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hi Mel,

Sooo do have a packed day tho so no wonder things got bit jumbled up............the only thing nuts that I've done in the last few weeks was put the sugar bowl in fridge and milk carton in cupboard where sugar bowl should have been, got myself in right pickle next time I went to make a cuppa :confused: xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Kate :D

Hope you got that cuppa in the end


Marg xxxxxx

Mel :D

You found them missing marbles yet girl ??


Marg xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Hi Marg, nope still havent found my marbles and think Ive dropped a few more on the way.

Had a nice day though Marks daughter cooked dinner for him for fathers day so it was nice to just chill for a few hours.

Hope everyone had a nice sunny smoke free day :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Mel :D

Glad you had a nice day with Marks daughter for fathers day and no cooking either for you

I don't think you're looking hard enough for those marbles if they weren't under the sofa try the bed maybe they're there OK


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Hi ya, Ive found a few of them but still missing about half a dozen sob. Mark reckons I never had them :mad:

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Mel :D

That's a bit naughty of Mark I reckon you should have a serious word with him maybe he hid them and if not him maybe the dog has them somewhere :D


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Chrissie :D

awwwwwww no not you as well :p

Why are you all loosing your marbles??


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Ah thank god im as normal as Gaynor

They lost their marbles at 6 weeks and thats where i am

Its official Your allowed

Dont smoke and go barmy lol:confused:

Chrissie, my marbles got lost way before the LOL

Seriuosly worried about yours but your lack of them gives me at least one daily laugh.

Luvs ya G. xxxx:p

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

I wonder if it is getting worse, cos I have had my mobile number for three years and learnt the number off by heart 2 years ago when we were moving house, yet the other day booking my Mum in with a dentist and she wanted a contact number so I said I would give mine and I gave her my mobile number from 4 years ago :eek:. That was Thursday and I still cant remember my mobile number and all I can remember is my old one. Mark had to tell me what it was and Ive had to put it in my phone so I can memorise it again.

Sooooooooooooo wierd :o

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Where is me marbles ????

I was putting that down to age LOL. Went to order (a very long awaited for) new car :D Andy had to give all details as I have seemedly lost all brain function :eek:

Help me please someone :confused::confused::

Gaynor xxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Hope it isnt age, hey I know what it is :) you see our brains are so tired they have been working so hard these last few months keeping us off the fags battling etc and now they are having a rest ;)

OMG I hope that is what it is. :o

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Nah, sorry. Think it is just dead brain cells :( Still maybe they will regenarate soon & our IQ will be even better than before ;)

Gaynor xxx

pS Hubby have a fag before bed & wafting in. Nice but nasty as well, cough, cough, cough

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Im glad Mark stopped with me this time, when I quit in March he was still smoking and he smoked in the house some days i felt like snatching it off him :o

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Found these, are they any good to you? David

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Found these, are they any good to you? David

TY Dave they are just what I need :D

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