over weight: weight my self to night when i... - No Smoking Day

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over weight

nsd_user663_3738 profile image
25 Replies

weight my self to night when i came back from the club aaaaaaaaaaa,,one stone over weight,,could not be live it,i know i put on some weight ,but not that much so soon,,,.i am normely a round 11stone 12 0r 13oz,,but wow,,13 stone 2 oz,,i need some help here fast,,gone from a 34 waist to a 36 waist,,forget about smoking more worried about putting on lots more weight..girls you got any advice for me,,my wife says im not over weight im just nice and cuddley,,keeps her warm in bed she says:(:( aaaaaa,,will still keep the faith tony

is it normel to put on so much weight in so short a time

am a bit worried about it


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nsd_user663_3738 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Tony:D

Join the club I have also put on weight but heigh ho at least we are not smoking any more

I was underweight in may when came out of hospital am now overweight at about 101/4 stone I know in my case some of this is because not as active as i was

I still have my weightwatchers lists so will go back to that will let you know how it goes

I would put them on here but don't know if moderators would approve what do you think or could put on as attachement maybe

Keep the faith

love margaretxxxx

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I've gone from my normal 10st 8 or so, to just over 12st.... and from a 32" to 34" waist.

Not good.

However, I read somewhere that after 6 months the metabolism settles down - so I shall carry on regardless and see what the situation is a bit further down the road. I'm not eating so much now, so hopefully things will settle and then return to normal.

If not, I shall get myself off down the gym!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

margareth,,cant see any problems putting your weighwatchers lists on here,,give it a go,look forwood to seeing them,,need some help and stuarth does as well :D keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

jim the wife does a lot of sowing,she has a big work room right at the bottom of the garden 15ft by 10ft,got its own heating,think i will send them down there for there smoke..,am of fishing this week end at foxhills thats at barbeacon great barr looking forward to it,,will take the dogs out later,,one is a staff, the other a little westie,,, o have cut back on the pork scratchings hope you have to jim,,.we could start a weightwatchers club on here,,have a new thread just for it,could take our minds off smoking,,what you lot think ..you all keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Tony and BB:D

I can put on here and try it who knows what will happen [i lost over 3 stone this way before}Can I just copy and paste or would it have to be attachment please tell me how to do it If moderators complain I will certainly send to Tony by private message if he wants me to didn't know we could do this thought could only use forum

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

What are you fishing for Tony, Fishing is one of the things I'm worried about without fags. I can't bring myself to go fishing this early in the year, sitting in the cold doesn't appeal to me, although it's no less comfortable than sitting in this bloody office, seems like it's about 30 degrees in here :mad:

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi john,carp tench,,were i fish there are some very big lumps,,i find if you take lots of gum,,,chew till the tastes is gone,,then repeat,,you will be ok,,give it a go,get back to nature and enjoy the fishing ,,you will have to go sometime so why not now,,it would be a big test for you ,,when i am fishing i could smoke 15 or 20 fags on the bank,,dont think about them now,, so john take what ever you take and go for it,,

jim, you like to fish dont you, have you been lateley,you should you know,,.

you lot keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


tried copy and paste didn't work so will try attachment the is no link so hopefully be ok with moderator i copied from w w book for my own use

Tried attachment seems it is to big but only 2 pages of a Word document any other suggestions please

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

jim,,this is me last year, nice carp 9lb 12oz,had a good day,,love your pound [well i mean your pool ] ,,you will get some nice carp in there..tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

ops the photo did not send,,sorry

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi BB and TONY trying again

Meat Weight Points Weight Points

Chicken Kiev 6 Bacon 1oz 1 ½

Braising Steak 3 ½ oz 2 ½ Beef Mince 5oz 5

Roast Beef 1 ¼ oz 1 ½ Sirloin Steak 8oz 5 ½

Chicken Breast 5 ¾ oz 2 ½ Corned Beef 1 ½ oz 2

Cod 3 ¼ oz 1 Gammon Steak 5 ¾ oz 6

Haddock 4 ¼ oz 1 ½ Ham 1 ¼ oz 1

Lamb Chop 4 ¾ oz 3 Lamb Cutlet 3oz 5

Lamb Mince 5oz 6 Roast Lamb 1 ¼ oz 1 ½

Lambs Liver 1 ¾ oz 2 Pork Crackling 1 ¼ oz 3

Pork Chop 8 ½ oz 5 Pork Loin Steak 5 ½ oz 3

Pork Sausages ¾ oz 1 ½ Pork Sausages 1 ½ oz 3 ½

Roast Leg Pork 1 ¼ oz 1 Salmon{Fresh} 3 ½ oz 3

Salmon{Smoked} 2oz 1 ½ Salmon {Red} 3 ¾ oz 3

Tuna in Brine 2 ½ oz 1 Scampi 3 ½ oz 3

Turkey 4 ½ oz 2 Fish ShopChips ½ portion 4

Cod Tail 3

Vegetables Weight Points Weight Points

Baked beans 14 ½ oz 4 ¼ Baked Beans 7oz 2

Oven Chips L/F 3 ½ oz 2 Peas 1 ½ oz ½

Broad Beans 2 ½ oz 1 Parsnip 3 ½ oz 1

Potato Boiled 3 ½ oz 1 Jacket Potato L 13oz 4

Jacket Potato S 8oz 2 ½ Roast Potato 1 ¾ oz 1 ½

Free Vegetables

Green Beans Brocolli

Brussel Sprouts Cabbage

Carrots Cauliflower

Leeks Mange Tout

Marrow Mushrooms

Onions Radish

Lettuce Cucumber

Beetroot Tomato

Swede Turnip

Sweet Corn

Sauces Weight Points Weight Points

Homepride S&S ½ tin 3 Soya Sauce 0

Homepride Curry ½ tin 3 Betabuy Pasta ½ tin 3

BetabuyIrishStew ½ tin 3 Spagheti Bol ½ tin 3

Ready Meals Weight Points Weight Points

Beef Curry&Rice 375gr 7 ½ Stew Dumpling 400gr 7 ½

Cauli Cheese 300gr 7 Chick C & Rice 300gr 5

Chick Korma 340gr 12 Macorini C 300gr 8 ½

C Tikka Masala 400gr 11

Soups Weight Points Weight Points

Thick Veg ½ tin 1 ½ Chicken ½ tin 3

Oxtail ½ tin 1 ½ Lentil & Carrot ½ tin 1 ½

Mushroom ½ tin 2 Scotch Broth ½ tin 2

Fruit Weight Points Weight Points

Apple 5 ½ oz ½ Banana 3 ½ oz 1 ½

Banana 3 oz 1 Blackberry 3 ½ oz ½

Cherries 3 ½ oz ½ Clementines 2 5oz ½

Fruit Salad 9oz 1 ½ Galia Melon 9oz 1

Grapefruit 5 ½ oz ½ Grapes 3 ½ oz 1

Honeydew Melon 7oz 1 Manderine 3 6 ¼ oz 1

Nectarine 5 oz ½ Orange 5 ½ oz ½

Peach 4 oz ½ Pear 5 ½ oz ½

Pineapple 2 slices 3oz ½ Plums 3 3 ¼ oz ½

Raspberry 3 ½ oz ½ Strawberry 5 ½ oz ½

Miscellanious Weight Points Weight Points

Yorkshire Pud ¾ oz 1 Bread 1 ¼ oz 1 ½

Cheddar Cheese 1 ½ oz 4 ½ Cerial 1 ¼ oz 1 ½

Cottage Cheese 4oz 2 Cream Cracker ¼ oz ½

Mueller Light 1 ½ WholewheatCB ½ oz 1

Egg Med 1 ½ oz 1 ½ Pasta 3 ½ oz 4

Halloumi 1 ½ 0z 3 ½ Hot Cross Bun 1 ¾ oz 2 ½

Ice Cream 2 oz 2 ½ Milk 10 fl oz 2

Naan Bread 2 ½ oz 4 Rice 2oz 3

Rye Crisp Bread3 1 ¼ oz ½ Salad cream ½ fl oz ½

Greek Yoghurt 1 ½ oz 1 ½ Greek Yoghurt L F 5 ½ oz 2

Tropical Mix 1 ½ oz 2 Fruit Juice 9 fl oz 1 ½

Orange Juice 3 ½ fl oz ½ Wine 6 fl oz 2

Wine 8 floz 4 5almonds 1

1 ½ Walnuts 1

Hope you can understand this if not will try again tomorrow

love margaret

nsd_user663_3922 profile image

Thanks for pointing in the direction of this thread BB. Will lay off the pork scratchings! but figured i would not care about the weight for the first month and am now walking more. Do like the look of your pond/pool! My son loves fishing in the Thames.

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Bless you Tony, maybe just cutting out the food that is full of fat and high in calories will help.

I have strangely found the opposite and have lost half a stone so far but i think that is because i only drink water now.

Good luck Tony with the diet as well now.

Wow BB what a huge pond you have. Have you got any photos of it full of fish?



nsd_user663_3712 profile image

Mmmmmmm Food

I have a bag of boiled sweets wherever I go as substitute fags still.

That alone cannot be responsible for the 2.5 stone in 3 months.:o

I am back on the food wagon last week. We should post weight stats along with smoking stats.....

nsd_user663_2216 profile image


yep 2 months no smoking and about 2 stone overweight.

in truth i feel its nothing to worry about

i think i will start the gym but not for at least another month to get easy with the idea of not smoking.

smoking ciggies does curb your munchies so there is a small weight gain i think when giving up the ciggies.

again personally i feel giving up smoking is my prime concern without the added stress of a diet plan at the moment.

and yes 11 stone when i smoked and 13 stone from today.


nsd_user663_3816 profile image

I know from my parents having a pond that they can be hard work to keep clean etc, well done you :)

I would love to be able to come home and sit out in the garden on one of our warm evenings we get in the summer drifting off to the sound of running water, there is something very tranquil about a garden with a pond, i would love one but cant atm, maybe when the kids have grown up a bit.



nsd_user663_3816 profile image

yep 2 months no smoking and about 2 stone overweight.

in truth i feel its nothing to worry about

i think i will start the gym but not for at least another month to get easy with the idea of not smoking.

smoking ciggies does curb your munchies so there is a small weight gain i think when giving up the ciggies.

again personally i feel giving up smoking is my prime concern without the added stress of a diet plan at the moment.

and yes 11 stone when i smoked and 13 stone from today.


I agree tim, get the quit well and truly under your belt before you start thinking about diet plans.

Well done on 2 months not smoking :)



nsd_user663_3925 profile image

I feel sorry for my kids, since I quit the sweets in their sweet tin have somehow mysteriously disappeared ;) .

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi BB Tony and anyone interested

The points are to do with your weight

The chart gives the weight you can have for that day fot instance 51/2 oz mince beef = 5points

The amount of points you can have daily depends on your weight

IE you weigh

12st you need 21 points daily

11 st 20 points daily

10st 19 points daily and so on

but if you are say 10st 8lb you would round up to 11st and so on but if say 10st 4lb round down to 9st and so on

any one over 12 st just add 1 point daily

under 10st take off 1 point daily

you will notice that there is a FREE VEG SECTION

this simply means that you can eat as many of these as you want per dayhgope this makes things clearer for you.

MY copy at home is done in a table which helps but for some reason won't copy and paste over

love margaretxxx:D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Jim

How you feeling this fine morning. Good i hope.xxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thanks for that margeret,,will give it a go,and let you know how i get on,,

jim keep looking at your pond,wow,so back to nature,,off fishing on saturday with my son in law,cant wait keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Guys:p

Glad to have been of help if someone could figure out how to get a table on here it would maybe look a bit clearer I am going back on WW myself don't forget you can eat as much free stuff as you like

When i was on this before I used to sit down and do a weeks menu's at a time and found this helped to start with

I also printed of a copy of the list and pinned it to the food cupboard made it easy to consult and also served as a reminder


Love Margaret

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Tony, I would go fishing but the only spot to fish nearby is a small lake and the only thing I've ever had from it in the winter is Pike. Some good tench, roach and rudd from spring onwards though. Used to do a lot of bream fishing with my son on the River Bann but it's been cleaned out by 'migrant workers' over the last few years, shame as it is/was one of the best rivers for Bream in Europe.

Nice pond BB, puts mine to shame its about 6ft by 3ft, my son has about 9 fish in it, would love the space to have something bigger.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

john,i am going fishing over the week end,,let you know how i get on,,nice to just relaxe,,all the best tony

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


thanks for link had a quick look but will have longer look later today

love margaretxxxxxxxxxx

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