Haven't even started yet...: Hi all, Well, I... - No Smoking Day

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Haven't even started yet...

nsd_user663_3930 profile image
22 Replies

Hi all,

Well, I have decided I want to quit. 15 (average) roll ups a day for 20 years, been two hours since there has been no baccy in the house and I'm already climbing the walls!

Really do want to stop, but really truly don't know how! Replacement stuff doesn't work, I just smoke over the top of them, and feel like I'm going spare when there is none in the house. Have cut down by half in the last week, and feel fine, but its just the idea of physically not being able to have one thats sending me round the twist!

How on earth do you guys do it?

Really want this.. but feel like I' not in control of myself when I can't have one. Scary when I come to think of it.

Sounds all a bit pathetic really I suppose, but its the truth!

Cheers for any help guys.

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nsd_user663_3930 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_3356 profile image

In a word


Read as much as you can to understand your addiction to nicotine.

This will give you the knowledge to be able to stop and stay stopped.

Start with whyquit for education and then move on to woofmang for inspiration.

Both links in my signature.

nsd_user663_3930 profile image


Thanks for that.. Alan Carr I should re-read, so thanks for the link. (In the middle of packing up the house for a move so his book is in the depths somewhere!) Woofmang looks very interesting so shall have a good read of all that.

Impulse over ruling logic is my biggest fall down, so I shall, as you say, read, read read.


nsd_user663_3930 profile image

Well.. I have a month to go before the move so the packing is somewhat slow. Also, i work from home, mostly sat in front of a computer so...


It crossed my mind to wait til its all over, but thought that I would always find another 'delay' so why not now. After the move it will be easier as it won't be quite so easy for me to nip out and have a fag but don't trust myself not to.

Hmm. NRT.. out of curiosity.. has anyone else had real probs with them? patches make my skin burn, gum and inhalators make my heart race..Ct I suppose is the only route.

I shall read and persevere.. this forum is already helping.. so feel more positive than I did an hour ago!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi gabrial and wellcome to the fourm..like most of us on here,we all smoked very heavy,,and when we stoped smoking we just went c/t..im on 74 days now,never thought i would do it,i read all i could,and read all the posts on here,whitch were a great help ,just you remember one thing,, WEATHER YOU SMOKE OR NOT THE CRAVE WILL GO,,o by the way gabrial i smoked 30 plus a day for years,,so there is lots of hope for you,,as i say you just keep the faith tony,, N.O.M.P== not one more puff

nsd_user663_3930 profile image

Thanks Tony, Good to hear..must find some will power from somewhere. One hour at a time, one day at a time.. will keep on here for support. Want to go and buy some mints or something, but don't trust myself in a newsagents!

never heard of Champix.. will have a look and see what the deal is. Big part of me wants to do this Ct.. but needs must and all that.

we shall see.

Should probably hide the kettle as well at the moment or I'll be in for caffine poisoning!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Almost right BB. I have no experience of Zyban but I did use Champix at the start of my quit.

You start taking the tablets 7-14 days before you plan to quit normally, starting at 0.5mg once a day building up to 1mg twice a day. I quit on day 10 of the tablets by which time smoking made me feel very ill and I didn't actually want one. BB is right that they are designed to stop the pleasure of smoking (or actually, exaggerate the nastiness of it) as well as stop the urges to smoke.

If you have already quit, there is no problem with using NRT at the same time as the tablets or just taking them while not taking nicotine at all.

I then weaned myself off the tablets about halfway through the recommended course of 12 weeks because I felt very secure in my quit by that time.

I can thoroughly recommend them - I doubt I would be successful without, but you will have to talk to a Doctor who will take your medical history into account before prescribing them.

Also, getting chemical help does not take away the need for education! Understanding is what has kept me quit and will continue to keep me quit. Ignore this side of it and you will find it much more difficult.

Best of luck with your quit.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi gabrial

Welcome to the forum i also quit with champix i am starting week ten tomorrow the first few days are the worst read anything you can find about smoking you will find all the help you need on here good luck


nsd_user663_3930 profile image

Great info chaps.. am reading up on them. I have to admit to being a bit wary of stuff like that.. but If it gets you off the things then all to the good. I'm going to try to keep up with CT for the time being, and reading all I can get my hands on as a constant reminder of whats happening physically and psychologically to me as a smoker

Feel a bit more at ease than I did earlier so not too bad at the minute!

nsd_user663_3930 profile image

Hmm.. Woofmang is very good. Lots to look at on there. The good bye letter to the cigs makes a good ****ogy. Have printed that one out and stuck it on the wall!

Shall keep reading!

nsd_user663_3930 profile image

This forum has some serious firewall type stuff on it doesn't it! typed a word that I chose instead of 'metaphor' and it 'bleeps' out some of it!


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

This forum has some serious firewall type stuff on it doesn't it! typed a word that I chose instead of 'metaphor' and it 'bleeps' out some of it!


It doesn't like the word @n@l in any form.... it does get annoying, but it's understandable

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

It doesn't like the word @n@l in any form.... it does get annoying, but it's understandable

Really annoying not being able to type





or anything that has the word ciαlis in it such as speciαlist.

Isn't it :p

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Really annoying not being able to type





Isn't it :p

No. But I'm lost without postpsychoαnαlytic :rolleyes:

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Ahh, Austin you remember the method.

Nice one!

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Gabriel, I felt the same way, really nervous when no cigs in the house, I think it's part of the reason it takes son long to quit, i.e. putting it off till the time is right.

I find the link below which details exactly what reaction every puff causes in our bodies very helpful, it's in my brain now that every time I think I want to smoke I reply by thinking I really don't want to put my body through that again :cool:

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Gabriel, try cutting out or cutting back (if you drink a lot of it) the caffeine. I've found it a big help. Drink plenty of fruit juice, water etc. but try to stay away from anything that might be considered a stimulant, coffee, chocolate, high sugar stuff etc. cos they can make the cravings seem much worse.

nsd_user663_3930 profile image

Thats very interesting stuff! Never thought about caffine etc making things worse. Sat at a drawing board all day gazing at a sheet of paper, I do tend to drink a truly vast amount of coffee.. and am also a bit partial to the sugary stuff! Doesn't look very good on paper does it!

Right.. am going to turn all this around!

Thanks all!

nsd_user663_3930 profile image

Have just properly read the link from John.. now that scared the poo out of me I can tell you! That is getting printed out and being carried about, re-read.. and absorbed! Nothing I have read to date, Alan Carr et al has put it quite so well!

Thanks for that John.. you might have swung the vote this end!

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Gabrial

Welcome to the forum If it helps I smoked 30 or so a day for nearly 40 years went cold turkey 29th dec a bit of a shock to the system but worth it in the end, good luck.


nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Glad it helped / scared you mate, I'm trying to get my kids to read it, just in case they ever get the urge :mad:

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Hey Hey

Welcome to the forum Gab, just gonna wade in quickly with my two pence.

Setting a date and cutting down before that date has made my quit an absolute breeze so far. I'd certainly recommend it! And it's not just the cutting down, but not smoking at certain moments of the day when you usually would i.e. lunch breaks, after meals. Basically breaking the habit and disassociating smoking with these times.

These lot are full of great advice, as you can see already :rolleyes: Whichever method you decide on, good luck!

nsd_user663_3936 profile image

Congrats on the decision to quit.

I'm new to it too!

PMA + Allen Carr (again!) + Service - oughta do the trick,

I'll let ya know,


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