Here I am at day 4: Well I'm at day... - No Smoking Day

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Here I am at day 4

nsd_user663_3881 profile image
20 Replies

Well I'm at day 4 - feeling good! My nicotine patch accidently came off yesterday. I didn't notice until I went to the gym last night so although I've brought one into work with me I'm going to see if I can do without it today. I've downloaded Joel Spitzer's Never Take Another Puff - every time I think of cigarettes I take a peek into it to remind myself just why I am giving up the weed. Thanks for the support on this forum - really keeps you focused.

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nsd_user663_3881 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Biddy

Well done on day four you sound like your doing great. congrats.xxxx

nsd_user663_3897 profile image

Well I'm at day 4 - feeling good! My nicotine patch accidently came off yesterday. I didn't notice until I went to the gym last night so although I've brought one into work with me I'm going to see if I can do without it today. I've downloaded Joel Spitzer's Never Take Another Puff - every time I think of cigarettes I take a peek into it to remind myself just why I am giving up the weed. Thanks for the support on this forum - really keeps you focused.

Hi Biddy

I'm on day 4 too. I forgot to put my patch on this morning when I got out of the shower. I realised when I was dropping my daughter to school so I went and got it on the way to work. Didn't put it on till I got here though but I didn't feel any worse without it. Perhaps it's all in the mind!


nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Well done gals, you're doing well! There may be trouble ahead, but remember why you're doing this and take the rough with the smooth. It's the best thing you can do for body, and in time, you can reap the rewards and feel extremely proud of yourselves!

It is all in the mind, we all know that smoking isn't a necessity. It's that damn monkey...

Stay strong!

Biddy, where did you download Joel Spitzer's Never Take Another Puff? I'd still like to get in some more education!

nsd_user663_3881 profile image

Hi Chuddy,

Downloaded it somewhere on this site - heaven knows where though but if you Google Joel Spitzer his web site will come up and you can download from there for free. Alternatively I can e mail it to you if you have any problem. Really interesting and it definitely helps to keep going back to it.

Early days for me yet and I've no doubt some days will be more difficult than others but if the temptation arises I shall just log onto this site and work through it!

nsd_user663_3899 profile image


Well done on your fourth day, im also at this level having been patched up since Monday, apart from the hourly need to have a smoke im feeling quite good at the moment. Ive decided after numerous attempts with patches, hypnotherapy x 2 and gums in the past this is the time im going to finally quit. No more cheating by having a sly one in the car, no more convincing myself i need a pack at home for a (just in case) moment they are all too tempting.

I also decided to stop drinking as one goes with the other, so if im stopping drinking at the same time im going to be less likely to want to smoke, well thats my theory anyway. Plus if my appetite is going to increase coupled with a load of lager in the evening im going to end up like a tele tubby.

Ive been having a bit of trouble sleeping with the patches on so ive decided to remove it just before i go to bed and see how i get on.

Good luck


nsd_user663_3881 profile image

The patches gave me nightmares (apparently that can be a side effect). I've not missed having a patch on today and really going to carry on trying without. I suppose I am lucky that I have never associated a cigarette with a drink - in fact I couldn't smoke and drink at the same time. I think you are incredibly strong if you can do the two together. I don't want to do without my wine. If I am absolutely honest with myself and others on this forum there were times (contrary to what all the books say) that I really did enjoy a cigarette particularly when on holiday but I'm afraid I had got to the stage where I was just lighting a fag for the sake of it, only smoking half of it, making cups of coffee so I could "treat" myself to a fag and feeling raddled with guilt doing it so it has to go! After only 3.5 days I don't have a nasty taste in my mouth, I'm told my skin looks brighter and I feeling better than I thought I would now the decision has been made to quit.

We'll all get through this together.

nsd_user663_3899 profile image

You are right theres lots of actions/places etc associated with having a smoke. I use to purposely light a smoke just after a certain motorway junction and i did this for nearly 9 years, why ?? well i dont know it was just the thing to do, i didnt enjoy it anymore than i would if it was the first one in the morning or the last one in the evening, it was just something i did.

I didnt get the nightmares this time with patches, but the last time i was putting a fresh one on just before going to bed, it had become part of the ritual brush teeth, toilet, wash and put patch on. From now on patch off at night and see how i get on over the next couple of weeks, I havent dared try a day without patch yet :), I have two weeks of 21mg patches, so im going to get through these then possibly drop down to 14mg and try those and see how i get on.

Just looking back at previous attempts at packing in. LOL the excuses i use to come out with for having the odd smoke.

Well they are in the drawer just in case i get a mad urge to smoke in the middle of the night.

One wont harm anyone and theres only me that knows - DOH !!

I'll keep some (only a 10 pack, because they are better for you right :D) in the car door pocket for just for a few weeks, this would last a few days at the most then id buy another 10 pack.

Im determined this time:p


nsd_user663_3853 profile image

CatWoman - Thanks a bunch, I'll get stuck into that tonight. WITHOUT having a cigarette, hopefully (which I usually do when reading something on the computer).

Kev - Welcome to the forum, you've come to the right place for help kicking the habit. These guys and gals are full of wisdom and advice, ex-smokers and current quitters alike. You're doing a very brave thing trying to give up the drink as well as smoking. Are you going the whole hog with the alcohol, or just trying to cut down to a reasonable/social/special occasions sort of level? Whichever it is, I wish you all the best with both and good luck!

Just thinking about what you said about associating having a cigarette with a certain time; that's a big part of the problem I think, trying to break the habit of smoking after every meal, or on the way to work. I'm currently cutting down by slowly eliminating these times of smoking. Managed to get rid of the after meal and on-the-way-home smokes, working on the morning and evening smokes now!

And Kev: no more excuses!

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hi well done Biddy 4 days wooot!!!

And AnnieD and Kevso - its really good going , most people never get to the end of day 1 so pat yoursleves on the back.

And i like that you are seeking out information on whats involved , this will help cement your quit and make it last . Have you seen the Allen Carr dvd also?

Keep posting as its nice to see so many of you doing great :)

nsd_user663_3899 profile image


Personally ive not watched the Allan carr dvd i read the book about 3 or 4 quit attempts back but it didnt help. Ive been smoking about 23 years now. For the last 10 years about 30 a day.

Each time ive quit ive let myself down, ive had patches, gum, read the books, had hynotherapy twice each time i let myself down. The longest i have gone without smoking has been 2 weeks, then foolishly i decided to see what it was like (as if i dont remember) and started again.

Day 4 for me started of ok, but the last hour has been hell. nothing worse than boredom:p


nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hi kevin

yes boredom is one of those times when we would have lit up - Your addiction will try and remind you that. The addcition likes to attack the emotions , they say to look out for HALT which stands for H - Happy A- angry L - lazy T - Tired ........all moments when it seems harder to stay smoke free and moments when our addiction will try its upmost to be fed. I would include boredom in this , i used to feel boredom early on in my quit...i dont anymore. Looking back the boredom was more a fidgety feeling that i felt .....a craving really ! this will pass and will get less and less as your quit gets stronger and stronger .

My advice would be to stay active in some area, that might include excercise or cleaning the car or even putting up shelves.....just anything that would occupy your body and your thoughts.

Today might be a particulary tough day and we all experience them at some point in our quit , im afraid your just going to have ride the storm and see out today if that is the case.....tomorrow you will find that having got through today will feel proud ( as you should everyday ) and you will possibly be even more determined to continue with yor quit than you have ever been .

Good luck with today , be strong and stay focused on what you are achieving .

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Hi Annie Kev and Biddy

Well done on reaching day 4 :) you have all been given some great advice so not much left for me to say.

Dont forget to treat your selves to something at the end of the week with all the money you have saved from not smoking.

I went and bought a new bag, might do the same again this you can never have to many bags.



nsd_user663_3897 profile image

Hi Annie Kev and Biddy

Well done on reaching day 4 :) you have all been given some great advice so not much left for me to say.

Dont forget to treat your selves to something at the end of the week with all the money you have saved from not smoking.

I went and bought a new bag, might do the same again this you can never have to many bags.



Hi Denise

Are you buying the bags cos it rhymes with fags???? lol


nsd_user663_3905 profile image

Hi Denise

Are you buying the bags cos it rhymes with fags???? lol


Lol funny.

Hey IM Sam, Im 20 n have been smoking for 6 years. I quit on Monday, well I had one in the morning n thats it.

Well done to everyone else

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

lol Annie i think you could be right, i now have an addiction to bags from fags...errrm it wont kill me though :)

Welcome Sam,

Well done on deciding to quit, plenty of support and encouragement on here if you need it, post often and let us know how your doing.



nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Hey, how;d you get on without the patch Biddy? Hope it all went swimmingly!

Welcome to the forum Sami, you've come to the right place. 20 is a good age to quit at I reckon, it'll give you much more of your life to enjoy smoke-free! You should check out the links in chilly101's signature up there; jam-packed with invaluable advice. And of course stick around here and let everyone know you're doing. Like it was mentioned previously, we're all in this together! Good luck!

nsd_user663_3881 profile image

Feel bl**dy awful today on day 5 - tired and irritable. Have a lot going on in my life at the moment - possible job losses for both hubbie and me - disturbed sleep - not sure whether that is nicotine withdrawal or just general stress. Whether its because I am not using the patches I don't know. Last night approximately 8.00pm was the first time I really wanted a cigarette but I didn't. My husband doesn't help - he has never smoked and can't understand what all the fuss is about stopping. His attitude is "if you want a ciggie then have one!!" Grrrr. Was going to come on the forum last night but too tired to switch computer on at home. This will pass I'm sure. Determined not to smoke.

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hi biddy!

o.k look at where you are 5 !! its superb and you should be proud !

There isnt anything we can do about the economy just now , its in a mess and its worrying times for us all. It is stressful and i believe could be adding to your disturbed sleep..... just fingers crossed for you hope it turns out o.k.

Having a bad night always makes the next day seem much harder , this is when that little nicodemon will try and lure you into smoking by feeding you lies that it will make everything seem better . We know smoking doesnt make anything better , there is nothing to be gained from it....just sometimes it seems like an attractive proposition ...why is that? .............its because you will lie to yourself in order to feed your addiction- you have done it for years ....justified your smoking , we all have !!!

Now we are breaking free from those lies and chains and starting a new fresh life...we mustnt let the truth be masked, the addiction will try its hardest to be fed when we are tired , upset or stressed .....this is when we are most vulnerable . Its in these times that you must stay strong and not listen to any excuse you might give yourself to smoke.

Getting through these times will really reinforce your quit will hurt your addiction that you arent feeding it and in turn it will get weaker and weaker until it fades into obscurity!

You had a hard night lastnight but you got through it, you might have a tough day today but the main thing is to get through it keeping your quit intact. Tomorrow will always be a totally different didnt smoke should feel proud of yourself.

With regards your Hubby not understanding , this is most normal ....he has never smoked....why should he understand? he will look at it like giving up chocolate or some hobby. Dont expect him to know . You have to do this on your own....if you need to let off steam ...go and scream into a pillow will find this helps !

Your doing excellent Biddy , you have a great attitude and i truly believe that this quit is going to stick for you.

nsd_user663_3905 profile image

You are going so well biddy keep up the awesome work - also to everyone else everyone is doing great!!

Had a bad night last night, MIss 1 year old was in hysterics crying for 2 hours and I was going to have one puff when my mate came around but my girl had gone to sleep my this time so I didnt :)

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Well done Sami, you did well not to have a ciggy.

Hang in there hun, and post often as it will help.



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