new to the site: hi just found your site,i... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3738 profile image
180 Replies


just found your site,i been smoking since i was about 7 or 8,stoped smoking in july for 4 weeks,but i said ill have just one,and the rest is history.i have started again i stoped smoking 14/11/08 at11.30am and just on my second day.forgot to say i smok 40/50 a day,so its very hard for me,but you lot seem to give great support to each other,any of you lot smok the same as me and stoped ,let my know,great site

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nsd_user663_3738 profile image
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180 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done on the decision, Tony.

Giving up smoking is tough on anyone, but it is very doable.

Most of it is in the mind, although the withdrawals are very tough during the first couple of weeks.

A little inspiration will get a long way though, so have a read! and are my favourites, but a google search will take you to mountains of information.

All the best with it.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hello and welcome,

Almost all of us have had a few failed attempts in the past, the important thing is to learn from them.

Stay strong and focused and I'm sure you will succeed this time.

As Stuart says staying quit is a bit of a mind game. If you can change the way you think of smoking then you will find it a lot easier. Quitting smoking is not a sacrifice, it is actually gaining something - a healthier way of life. My previous quits failed because I continued to look on cigarettes as some kind of forbidden fruit, and eventually I gave into the "Just one" trap, and we all know that it is never just one.

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Tony! 7 or 8????? OMG!:eek:

I am so glad you have seen the light - stick around and you will gets loads of support right here! :)

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thang you lot for your support,sorry i did not answer your replyes right away,as i was shopping,got my self lots of fruit and squash.into my sceond day and i feel real good.done a lot of reading on no smoking,and if you read between the lines all the answers are looking at you why you should not smok,got lots more reading to do,if i have a week moment i will come back to you lot for

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Welcome Tony and Good luck with your quit.

Hope48 profile image


Good luck with your quit

nsd_user663_3697 profile image

Fruit is great

well done for getting so far. Fruit is great. I went down tonight and bought so many different exotic fruits and was actually looking forward to going home and trying them. some i had never tasted before. My 3 youngest children are 4, 2 and 1 and we all sat down tasting these fruits and it made a great early Friday night.. Its funny because a few weeks ago we would never have done that because daddy would have been in the garden smoking in between a few pints or glasses of wine. Whilst the smoking door is closing there are so many new doors opening... Next time you get a crave go sek out some Physalis or Cherimoya and try them instead ...

P.S. there was a time when i bought 3 packs a day so i do know what 50+ a day is all about.. Zero a day feels so much better... Keep it up

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank you stevehw for your support,im going through a bad patch right now,just drank a full pint of water,and sucking some hard sweets.the crave is slowing down.the crave lasted just over 4/and a half mins,the book im reading says put a time on how long the crave last,as im righting this the crave has gone.soooooooo pleased.well in to my 2nd day,hope my week end goes ok,let you all know how i get you all soon

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hang in there, the 1st few days can be a bit of an endurance, but it gets a lot easier sooner than you expect.

All the best


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

on my 3rd day,and i feel soooooooo good.iv had no craveing today::D:D:D,so far so trying to get my wife to give up as well,but she wants to see how i get on,i said thats just an excuse still doing lots of reading.saw a lot of body parts before and after from smoking,made me sit up and it makes me more determent to stop.will never take a puff again,keep you lot informed

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

on my 3rd day,and i feel soooooooo good.iv had no craveing today::D:D:D,so far so trying to get my wife to give up as well,but she wants to see how i get on,i said thats just an excuse still doing lots of reading.saw a lot of body parts before and after from smoking,made me sit up and it makes me more determent to stop.will never take a puff again,keep you lot informed

On your 3rd day and no cravings? Congratulations Tony!!

By the end of today, you will have no nicotine in your body. How great does that feel?

Keep the reading going - I'm a huge beleiver in education before hard work!

I sincerely hope you feel as good as you deserve to. Well done.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done, that's fantastic.

Keep up the great work.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

big test to night ,off to my club for a few pints,i will over come the temtation to smok,i will let you lot know how i got on :D

nsd_user663_3740 profile image

Good luck mate! My girlfriend is trying to quit and whenever we go to a pub there's always people outside smoking. It doesn't really help lol!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Good luck mate! My girlfriend is trying to quit and whenever we go to a pub there's always people outside smoking. It doesn't really help lol!

But at this time of the year, when it's cold and wet outside... much better to sit in front of an open fire with a beer :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

just came back from the pub,got to much for me,could smell the smok on the lads..its only been just 3days,is hard to have a pint and have no fag,but i keep saying to myself NO MORE PUFFS thanks again for the suppert,had 1 big crave but rememberd the pictures before and after smoking,brrrrrrr i said no thank you.any one like me out there ,we can do it togeter,you lot have helped me so much,just been there.let you know how i get on tomorrow,have a nice one

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done mate,

You might have come back early but at least you didn't smoke. That is a major trigger faced and beaten, feel proud of yourself!

All the best


nsd_user663_3675 profile image

Well done for getting through day 3 of your quit and managing to walk away from the club early instead of giving in to your temptation!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Nic's right, even though you left early - you won!

There will be many more nights out, and I would never have dreamed of a night out so early - so you're a stronger man than me!

You didn't smoke, and at this stage that's all that matters!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, congratulations on making the decision to quit, it will be the best decision you have ever made. I see that you are from my neck of the woods, so l had better keep an extra special eye on you Tee Hee. :)

Take heart, l also smoked over 50 a day, and for about 47 years too. :eek: so you see, it can be done if you are really determined.

Are you using any kind of nicotine replacement, or are you going ct? I used Champix 'cos l didn't feel brave or confident enough to go ct.

On the 31st November, it will be 11 months for me, and l must say, considering the length of time and how many l smoked, it has been far easier than l ever imagined it would be.

Keep coming back on here whenever you feel a crave coming on, and you will get fantastic support, and remember, l shall be watching you. :D

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi kapper thanks for your support.last time i stoped i used champix,this time i am going c/t,up to now it has not been to bad ,a few bad craves got over them,i am finding it better the more i read the more i am more determent to stop.i normely go to the club on sunday being irish its the norm,went last night came home earley.this site is great for surpport its helps to know when you fell a very very bad crave coming on,you lot are there to give your support,just gone past the 72hours,im going to threat my self to a dvd of Brendan o carroll,will let you lot know tommow how things are,keep up the good work

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, l found this site a few weeks before l started taking Champix, and found that by reading about the experiences of other quitters on here, put me in the right frame of mind for when l quit.

In fact, l found this site to be as useful as Champix really. Initially, l spent hours at a time on here, as l found that while l was reading and posting, l wasn't thinking about cigarettes. :D I warn you though, it can become nearly as addictive as smoking. TEE HEE

Keep up the good work, you are doing just GREAT :D:D:D

Love Josie XXX

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I warn you though, it can become nearly as addictive as smoking. TEE HEE

Surely not if that was the case I'd have a post count in the hundreds............Oh.....oh dear :o

Does anyone know of a forum to help with "Smoking Cessation Forum" overuse?? :D:D:D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi josie its true what you say,iv been on this site for the last 4 hours just reading all the posts,there are lots doing there best to stop,nice to know we are all in the same boat.we will all get there in the end:D:D have saved a few pounds by not smoking,:D speak to you soon tony lol

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Surely not if that was the case I'd have a post count in the hundreds............Oh.....oh dear :o

Does anyone know of a forum to help with "Smoking Cessation Forum" overuse??

Er.......what was that you were saying Nic?:confused::confused::confused:

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

me again,come 11 30am this morning iwill be in to my 5th day,feel good still drinking lots of pop and a good feeling about stoping for good,i have cut back on my of luck to all you lot why have just started to stop,just keep reading all you can it helped me quite a lot,but the best help you can get is on this site,they were trere for me,and still are,keep the faith you lot

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

'Tis true.

There ain't no substitute for education and support.

We are all here because we recognise the support bit, education is down to you... you seem to have that under control though.

Well done, Tony - you're doing great :D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Er.......what was that you were saying Nic?:confused::confused:

Love Josie XXX

I'm saying that quite clearly I must be addicted to forum use and need to find another forum to help with my addiction to this forum. :D:D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

me again,come 11 30am this morning iwill be in to my 5th day,feel good still drinking lots of pop and a good feeling about stoping for good,i have cut back on my of luck to all you lot why have just started to stop,just keep reading all you can it helped me quite a lot,but the best help you can get is on this site,they were trere for me,and still are,keep the faith you lot

Well done Tony you are doing great,

Hang on in there and keep posting.

Whenever you feel that things are getting on top of you, browse throug and post and before you know it you'll have forgotten that you were feeling rotten.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

I'm saying that quite clearly I must be addicted to forum use and need to find another forum to help with my addiction to this forum.TEE HEE.:D You said it mate.:D In fact, if you wanted to smoke, you wouldn't have time to, the way your little fingers must be flying over the keyboard.:D

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, l have just found out that not only do we live in the same neck of the woods, but we are the same age too.:)

You are doing great with your quit, day 5 already eh? You will soon have your first week over and done with, and marching into week 2.:D

I'm glad that you are finding this site so useful, it has certainly been a godsend to very many people in their quits.

I wish that l could be as sensible as you regarding the eating thingy.:eek: It is the only downside of my quit - the weight issue. Still, it's better to be fatter and alive, rather than thin and dead.:( Speak soon.

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all,went shoping with the wife,i waited out side the shop.trere were 6or7 people smoking outside,i could smell the smok,it was so bad:eek::eek: i had to move,i supose i used to smell like that. so glad i have sence of smell is getting so strong its unbeliveable,and im only on my 5ty day,so there is a light at the end of the tunnel,so you lot giveing up for the first time,dont give up,your stroung,your will power will get you through:D:D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all, still going strong had no craving all day,drinking lots pop etc etc,lots of comments about going c/t,i did and i am doing ok at the mo,i think i wanted to stop thats why im doing ok.:D josie its just like a women to say shes fat,i bet your only a pound over weigh,we have a few things incommen the best one is we are NON SMOKERS.there are lot of good tips of how to stop,there is something here for every body,mine is c/t,o by the way josie i bet you are older than me:p:D:Dspeak to soon tonyx lol

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, Day are doing really well, you will soon have your first week done and dusted.

As to my weight issue, only about a 1lb over weight eh? :o IF ONLY. More like a stone, and that is being economical with the truth. TEE HEE. :D

It's great that you are interacting with other newbies on here, you'll find that by doing so, you will all help one another, and of course, us "older" ( as you like to call me ) :D , members, are always here if needed. :p

Speak soon.

Love JosieXXX

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Glad to hear that you're doing so well, Tony.

Also glad to hear you so upbeat.

Just keep going :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all,well in to my 6th day,and feel good,no craveing to day or yesterday,is that normel for such a short time not smoking,i think all the reading i have done has helped me to understand the dos and donts of all you newbies take note,get all the info you can,and you will be so suprised how ease it is to stop. o by the way josie you are NOT over weight,its all in the mind;):D can some one tell me why when i post a submit reply it goes missing,not all the time,but the one before this one did,thats the 2nd one thats gone missing, im sure the old one will tell me whats wrong,ops sorry josie;):D: speak to you soon tonyx lol

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Don't know what happened to the postings, but I can tell you that you are absoluteley right.

In my opinion quitting is at least 90% in the mind.

I think you're going to make it!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I totally agree that if you can get the mental attitude right then cravings are much fewer and more easily dismissed.

Beware though I have found that whenever I start feeling like I've got it under control that's when something happens and I start "suffering" otherwise known as sods law!!

All the best,


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi nic,good point you made about sods law,i will take care not to fall in to the trap,at this moment i feel ok ,like they say take one day at a time,all the best tonyx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi ,me again,into my 7 day and still feel good very very good,no craveing, like nic said ,you need the mental attitude to win the battle,im getting there.i have saved over 60pounds money wise in the six days plus a few hours, would haved smoked over 200 hundred cigs,looking back i could not belive i smoked that much,but like you lot i have seen the light.i am still reading all i can, josie you ok have noy heard from you,hope you are ok speak to you soon tonyx PS whats your hobbies mine is fishing,just beening noseie:D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi arien,looks ok but i think going c/t is about the best,it worked for me,have you tried ,if so how did you get on,let us know,it seems a bit expensive £22.99, what do you lot think of it tonyx

nsd_user663_3356 profile image


Arien is a SPAMMER!!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi tkd i was a bit slow grrrrrrrrr:mad:

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, Well....... what about you eh? A week gone already :), start of week 2 tomorrow. You are doing absolutely fab. :D

It just goes to show, if you are really determined, it is an achievable thing for anyone.

I did post you yesterday morning, - l don't want you to think that l have abandoned you already TEE HEE, but in the afternoon, me and my OH had a dental appointment, and l felt a bit rough around the edges when l got back, not to say a bit annoyed. For the 3rd appointment running, they have said to go back in 3 months time for our next appointment. 3 MONTHS. :eek: Does anyone else have 3 monthly dental checks? I think that every 6 months is enough for anyone. I told the receptionist that we are both pensioners, and that we can't afford every 3 months TEE HEE. Mind you, if your clients will stand for it, it's an excellent way of instantly doubling your turnover. Sorry to have carried on a bit. :o

Speak soon,

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi josie....i am very proud at the mo,7 days and still going strong,o forgot to say i eat a lot of PORK SCRATCHINGS ,well i meen i suck them. i thought you had abandoned me in my hour of need;).. feel sorry for you going to the dentish grrrrrrr...having been for some time my self....i think the support i got on here was a great help ,its good that we keep in touch its a great help to me ..what i learn on here i can help some one else..o by the way how is the weight coming on,dont knock your self,i bet you are just nice:D....keep the faith....speak to you soon tony lol

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Yeah, you're right Tony.........the weights still coming on TEE HEE :eek:, and as for pork scratchings..... well, they are probably the reason why l need the dentist so often. :rolleyes:

Some of my favourite things are :- chocolate, gin & tonic, crisps, gin and tonic, biscuits and oh, and did l mention gin and tonic? :D:D

Speak soon,

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi say you like a little tot....gin and tonic was it:D just getting away from smoking...whats you hobbies..ops i think you said gin and tonic;) do you lot have any hobbies.. mine is fishing...josies is gin and tonic:D it will give us an in site to what we do .....chocolate...bad girl, what with gin and tonis and chocolate..need i say more.....speak soon tony lol

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Currently I have 2 hobbies martial arts although that's on hold as my back is still iffy, and wood turning (or maybe 3 - forum abuse ;))

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, up until last year, my hobby was dog showing, but then my lungs started giving out, and l couldn't " move " my dog around the ring anymore, so unfortunately, after 35 years, l had to give up. :(

I must admit that, for quite some time it was very depressing, after such a long time, being in " dogs ". :(

Mind you Tony, maybe it's a good thing that l have given up showing.........l probably wouldn't be able to wobble round the ring now. TEE HEE :eek::eek:

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3741 profile image

Huge congratulations on reaching day 7 Tony!! Be sure to buy yourself something with all the money you have deserve it!!:)

Day 4 for me and still hanging on..... :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi..josie...never took you for a dog lover..gin and tonic lover:)...what sought of dogs did you show..big , small ....i bet you miss showing your dogs...35 years is a long time...still look on the bright side you still have your g/t ,i have stoped thinking about smoking since the last two posting,if you had a few ..quite a few gin and tonics,you would fly round the ring not wobble...keep the

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi must be very fit..what with you not smoking..sorry about your back..silly thing to ask..but what is wood turning..let me know..keep up the good work on the site..its done me good...all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi trace...thank you trace..glad to see you are on day 4,just keep the faith...i was 30plus a day if i can you can..i been asking other postes on the forum what there hobbies were..mine is fishing, nicfirth is martial or was dog showing,plus a few gin and tonics,whats yours..all the best tonyx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

silly thing to ask..but what is wood turning..let me know.

Making wooden bowls and other "round" stuff on a lathe.

nsd_user663_3741 profile image

Unfortunately I dont get too much free time for hobbies these days...looking/cleaning up after my two boys takes up most of my day!!

I do enjoy playing QuizCall on Channel 5 though (and it pays well sometimes too ;)) I also love to watch football and, of course, EastEnders and Emmerdale amongst other things!! :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi its me to my 8th day and i still feel good..know craveing,nothing not even a blip..should have done it years ago...was on an other site and reading about young people dieing from smoking...some as young as 38..40plus,...just reading there storys was heart breaking.:(..i supose like all smokers they say it wont happen to me,..thank god i found this site ..its a life saver,and i meen a life saver..well done to why ever founded this site..all why reads this...keep the faith..all the best tonyx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Yep Tony this site has proven to be very important for many of us.

I'm glad you are finding things good, and hope it carries on that way. You seem to be on the right tracks to make this quit stick!

some as young as 38..40

I know in the context it wasn't nice but out of context and having had my 39th B'day yesterday, it's made my day! :D

All the best


nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, into your 2nd week now, WELL DONE :). You seem to have really taken the bull by the horns with your quit, you are doing so well.

Still keep on your guard though, the dreaded nic can still rear it's ugly head when you least expect it. :eek: Although having said that, with your positive attitude, l am sure that it will not be able to get through your defences. :D

Speak soon,

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi jo..thank you again for your support.i just can not belive how ease it is this time round..2ND week yesssss...still eating my pork scratchings,i think i am eating to maney.dont want to put to much weight know the feeling:D:D..tomorrow will be another to my club for a few 100"cent sure i wiil win thanks to you lot..we old ones must stick togeter:) speak to you soon.....tony lol

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all...just sitting watching tv..when i got this big big crave..i drank a full glass of water..for some reason it did not i done all the washing up..moped the kitchen..and last took some very very big deep breding excises..that done the trick..i think all the info i got from you lot help me get over would have been so ease to have lit a would only have taken one cig..then back to square still keeping the faith,,all the best tonyx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all,..its day 9 for me,feel ok,..going for a pint later ..big test..i will keep yhe faith..all the best tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

hi all,..its day 9 for me,feel ok,..going for a pint later ..big test..i will keep yhe faith..all the best tony

I'm sure you'll be fine you seem to be coping really well.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all ..its day 10 still going are you lot doing..hope you are keeping the faith..there does not seem to be many on the site at present...have they all deserted us,hope not...all the best tonyx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Judging by your post, Tonyx, you managed to survive yesterday's drinking session without caving - fantastic :D

Certainly when I went through all the 'new' experiences for the first time after quitting I felt stronger and stronger and realised that I would be able to become a successful non smoker. In excess of 10 months later it's fantastic and I'm sure you will be feeling good about yourself too :cool:

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi.cavalier..thanks for your support..i had a bad moment a few nights ago.i think i got a bit complacant ,..over coventent,,i take it a day at a time..still feel good..have asked the wife to stop ,but she says she is not ready to quit just yet,,will not forch her to stop ,she says i only smoke 10to15 a day,,and i reply in a nice way ,,10to15 is to much,ops she goes off on one,,i think we have all been there..but keep the faith all the best..tonyx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all .on day 12..still going strong,no craving.its like i have never had a fag,my wife and 3daughters smoke..and i can smell the smoke of them,that s how i used to smell to none smokers..but no more,feeling so gooooooood,this all newbies,,keep strong,,and keep the faith......all the best ..tonyx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

hi all .on day 12..still going strong,no craving.its like i have never had a fag,my wife and 3daughters smoke..and i can smell the smoke of them,that s how i used to smell to none smokers..but no more,feeling so gooooooood,this all newbies,,keep strong,,and keep the faith......all the best ..tonyx

You are doing great Tony,

Glad to see the faith is being kept ;)

All the best


nsd_user663_3741 profile image

Well done Tony! It must have been especially hard for you at the beginning what with being surrounded by smokers, you are doing great!

Keep it up :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank you nic / i said it gets better and better each time...i did get a bit complacant..and over coventent..but its ok the days go on ,im finding my way of life is changeing..i can go places,and not think about smoking...feels good to say im a non smoker../you just have to keep the faith...all the best...tonyx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all ..on day 13..went to the hospital for a blood test this morning...stoped at some lights, there was a car beside me and the man was smoking in it ..just for that moment i could have done with a fag..lasted about 30secs.. got over it very quick, i am still keeping the faith,..all the best tonyx

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Tony, crikey, you are nearly on week 2, how good does that feel. :)You should feel very proud of yourself.

There will be times when something sparks off a craving, but you will find that the longer you are quit, the shorter time will be the crave. :cool:

I found that my craves came, when l had actually, completely forgot, that I DIDN'T SMOKE ANYMORE :confused:, and a situation would occur, when normally, l would have had a cigarette. In fact. throughout the year, there have been times when, l would be doing something for the 1st time THIS year, such as gardening, eating an ice cream, anything really, when l would feel like there was something missing, and realise that lt was a cigarette. As each new thing arises, you have to realise that it is a case of action/reaction, and retrain yourself not to feel like a cigarette. :eek:

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi josie..nice to hear from you :).time has gone so quick..just take it one day at a time..thought something had happened to you,,glad to see your ok:p so pleased i am in to 2 weeks.,my sence of smell is getting a lot better ..and i hate the smell of smoke,,is that normel, do you all feel the same as me about smoke,..i class my self as a non smoker,,or am i beening over still keeping the faith speak to you soon tony lol

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all 14.and i am soooooooo pleased..gave my self a pat on the back,...still eating lots of pork scratchings /lots of water,.. pop ,they do it for me,..trouble is i am getting addicvtive to the pork scratching..worry about that later,..still keeping the faith all the best tonyx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Haha, I love pork scratchings too, gonna have to go and get some now.

Ah well, keep on doing what you're doing its working a treat.

All the best


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Tony

Day 14 is fab soon be starting week three go tony go xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all 15, having a crave at the moment,stuffing my mouth with pork scratchings..will get over it ,,.wount give in to the little devil...i will, i will, i will, keep the day at a time ,..all the best tony..P/S need your surport right now.grrrrrrrrrrrr

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Tony

Congrats on day 15 your doing so well. Sorry your having a bit of a crave but it will soon go im sure and you will be proud you beat it. Keep reading and posting or if you are able go for a walk. linda xxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Tony, I know how troubling it is when a craving hits.

You can handle it 2 ways, and it will pass. You can choose to distract yourself some how, going for a walk, reading and posting here, eating pork scratching or you can, embrace the craving and tell yourself this is a part of the healing process and you can feel it happening!!!

Whatever you do, they pass, and no matter how awkward they feel cravings are not life threatening, whereas continuing to smoke could be!

Every time you face and beat a craving you strengthen the quit. You have already shown the resolve, you know you are stronger than the craving and you will beat it.

Hang on in there and ........ Keep the faith ;)

All the best


nsd_user663_3758 profile image

help !

hi im new to this site so hope i get this posted ok

decided to give up smoking tue night i went 36 hours ,was so misrable , stressed,and moody with family ,found some tobaca in car today and had a rollie ! oh i smoked it then burst out crying , i feel a faliure !

my husband has stopped as well and is doing great but im finding it so hard

i so want to do it ,but i feel that knowing i have some tobbaco ,that im incontrol ,that i know its there and im being so clever not smokin it

now how ever i have put it in bin determined to try again , but i feel lost , down tearfull and so angry with my self that i can let this stupid drug control my life

i feel when im going to exploded i need cuddles , ( i sound so sad !) and a fag !

please can any one help !!!!!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

wellcome to the site kelmar''.we have all been on day 15,,i went ..c/t,,had a bad day today..but hay i got over it with the help of the all you can and get all the info you will get all the cuddles you went here..BUT no fags..just you remember a crave will go weather you smoke or living with 5 smokers so most days its not so bad,,just the odd need to get red of all fags in the house..your post is a cry for help, well you come to the right place, we are a nice lot here:D:D,so as i always say keep the faith all the best tonyx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi kelmar,

Welcome to the forum.

Take some deep breaths and look at the situation.

OK, right well you have already done a major thing in understanding the it is an addiction and it is controlling you, now its time to take back that control.

Educating yourself about the addiction and what to expect while coming off it are going to be important so have a look at these sites,

Basically the key for me at least has been to change the way I regard smoking and quitting. It is not a sacrifice to quit, and smoking is not some great benefit that I am missing out on. In fact by quitting I am gaining so much, health wealth etc....

No matter how tough a craving is it will pass, and it isn't life threatening while we all know smoking is. Try to keep busy and distract yourself, posing and reading on here can help as can exercise, taking walks, sipping water etc

Stay strong it gets much easier, sooner than you would think.

Best wishes


nsd_user663_3758 profile image

thanks for support nice to know im not alone, just picked kids up so feel better now got company , just need to keep busy and keep calm i guess , think perhaps i need a treat to look forward to ! new handbag !i keep telling my self i want to do this and i can do this ,i just got to believe it

well done you and alot of others on here have done so well x

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

All of us were in your position initially,

You can do this, really you can, if I can anyone can!!

nsd_user663_3758 profile image

i feel better just being on here ! giving me a focus

thanks so much xx:)

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

just keep the faith kelmar, nic says you can do it, go girl go tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all

just reading a book i found on the net,,called [ NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF BY JOEL SPITZER] ,,,, only half way throught it at the mo,,gives you all the info you need,,.its a great read for any newbies ..going to spend the rest of the night reading it,,please tell me how,without hurting any of my family ,,.that there smoking gets up my nose,,,any tips.. nice ones please ..all the best tonyx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hi Tony,

Everytime I read your posts I get such a sense that you are an incredibly solid, reliable and positive minded person. You are doing really well with your quit.

It must be really difficult with the rest of the family smoking whilst you aren't...and yes tobacco smell is terrible. You could ask that the family smoke in one room, for instance the kitchen until you become stronger in your don't want to turf them out into the cold over Winter. If they love and care for you and have your best interests at heart they won't mind that too much.

Failing that use BLACKMAIL :eek:

Afterall, Christmas is coming and rightly or wrongly some folk become a little more biddable when there is a threat of presents...or not ;)

Hope it works out for you :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

i feel better just being on here ! giving me a focus

thanks so much xx:)

Welcome to the forum kelmar. Hope tomorrow is a bit better for you.

You've probably learnt a pretty good lesson when you smoked the rollie - it didn't solve anything and actually made you feel cr@p. Read, read, read the websites that both Nic and Tony have suggested and get an insight what is actually happening to you whilst you give up the weed.

Keep busy, sip water, exercise, come on the forum, write out shopping lists, get the house cleaned up for Xmas - the list is endless but the main thing is keep yourself busy and distract yourself.

You WILL get through this and be a lot happier soon. Oh yeah, and rant on this forum if that's what gets you through :)

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi cavalier,..thank you for a very nice post,,.16 days tomorrow,,my goal is to get to 6 months, never went that far before, but stranger things have happened..dont get much support from the family,maybe because they smoke,and dont think i will make it again,..but this time seems a lot better ,info for me is the key,still reading the book by JOEL SPITZER, nice raed,..o by the way that black mail thing is looking very very good,,.good thinking bat man as they say,;);)..all the best tony.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all on day 16,still going stroung..feel ok today,,still keeping the faith.. all the best tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done, your determination is standing you in good stead.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

and the pork scratchings,,thery my best friends:D:D,,tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Haha went out and bought a packet of Mr Porky's myself today.

I "craved" salty spice and sharp flavours in the early stage of my quit, strange. Nobby's Sweet Chilli peanuts were my vice!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all...a weird thing happend to me,.. as i was reading some posts this after noon,..from out of the blue my mom poped in to my head,..her presents was very very strong,,you see my mom died from lung canser,17years ago,.when i stoped smoking before ,i never thouhgt about how my mom died..even then my sister and two brothers smoked, thinking about her last few days before she died,i dont went to go throught that,..i dont no why i am sending this post,,.i think it has helped me a lot, and to understand more clearley about the dangers of smokeing, mom was 40a day some times more,,.so now i am more determent to stop,,.sorry i went on a bit ,dont normely get morbed ,,[SORRY]as i say keep the faith,. all the best,,,,tony

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


know how you feel my mum also died of lung cancer age 59. Ten years ago know think they would be pleased we seen the light. Keep stong. linda xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank you linda for your on day 17..still feeling gooddddddddd..i think smoking makes you think of all sorts of just have to get your mind foucused..SORRY ABOUT THE SPELLING..LINDA I HOPE YOU ARE KEEPING THE FAITH..all the best tony

nsd_user663_3758 profile image

hi all...a weird thing happend to me,.. as i was reading some posts this after noon,..from out of the blue my mom poped in to my head,..her presents was very very strong,,you see my mom died from lung canser,17years ago,.when i stoped smoking before ,i never thouhgt about how my mom died..even then my sister and two brothers smoked, thinking about her last few days before she died,i dont went to go throught that,..i dont no why i am sending this post,,.i think it has helped me a lot, and to understand more clearley about the dangers of smokeing, mom was 40a day some times more,,.so now i am more determent to stop,,.sorry i went on a bit ,dont normely get morbed ,,[SORRY]as i say keep the faith,. all the best,,,,tony

you are doing so well so sorry to hear about your mum , she would be proud of you for stopping im sure . you doing so well keep strong

p.s will join you when i am strong x

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi..kelmar..thanks for your on day18..still feeling so goodddddd..kelmar there is never a good time to stop smoking ..just take the bull by the horns and go for it, you can do it,you no you can..say after me ..i can do it ..again i can do it..we are all here for you .we all had to start some were,remember just keep the faith all the best tony


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

hi..kelmar..thanks for your on day18..still feeling so goodddddd..kelmar there is never a good time to stop smoking ..just take the bull by the horns and go for it, you can do it,you no you can..say after me ..i can do it ..again i can do it..we are all here for you .we all had to start some were,remember just keep the faith all the best tony


You're doing really well Tony, and it lifts my spirits to see people who started wondering if they could do this coaching others.

The truth is, ANYONE can quit smoking.

You on 18 days. Me on 11 weeks. Nic on 5 months+. Dubbs on 1year. SV on 16 months. My Mrs on more than 3 Years. And all the others in between - none of us are superhuman, none of us are particularly special.

We just chose to do something special - and we believed in that choice to the point that we will not let anything stop us. Whatever our reasons, it's all very simple at the end of the day.

We choose not to smoke. today.

At the start, we all wondered if we could do it - we all wondered what would happen, how we would feel, how we would cope with those feelings.

We were all terrified (at least I was - I don't believe that anyone else wasn't at least apprehensive!) - but we chose to do it anyway, for no other reason than we didn't want to smoke anymore.

Making the choice, and truly believing in that choice is the hardest part - once you do that and get the required knowledge... sticking to that choice is honestly not the hardest thing in the world. Don't get me wrong, there are times when you will believe with all your soul that you are doing the wrong thing. Thats the parts that you need to look back and remember why you are doing it... the bad times pass, and the good times win out.

Only my view, but I honestly believe that making the choice (and truly believing in that choice) is the hardest part.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi..forgot to say to day is my..45th wedding aniversary:D,thats a long time.i have 5 daughters,.15grand kids and 1 great gran daugther,,going for a meal to night,and a few pints,..this will be one more test for me..but i have faith in my self not to give in to the little devil'..i try to incourge other newbies to read a lot and have faith in them selfs. i know its a few weeks away yet ,but what would you like mos off all for christmas..i would like some new fishing tackel..and be smoke free, all the best tony

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Have a great meal Tony and CONGRATS to you and Mrs Tony. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi linda, had a nice meal,.few pints:D,had no craves,thing are looking goodddd ,,speak to you to morrow ,keep the faith,.tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

im on day 19,,having a few craving at the mo,am staying strong,went this far, not to give in ,am keeping the faith,all the best tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Tony

Rapidly approaching your 4th week!!!


All the best


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Tony

Almost into week 4 soon be posting in months. xxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3029 profile image

I visited this forum "accidentally" today (nowadays I only visit on the 12th of the month to gloat about reaching another month). :p

Somehow this thread caught my eye and I just read it all (I don't think I ever saw it before).

It's really quite astonishing to see a succinct almost-daily record of someone going from day zero to three weeks into their quit. I think all newbies should be encouraged to read this thread in its entirety - it shows just what can be done with a bit of goodwill and help from this forum.

Congrats to John on 4 weeks and to everyone else for helping him along.

(And it seems I'm from the same neck of the woods too...) ;)

I smoked my last cigarette 8 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 6 hours and 21 minutes ago. I have £2,172.12 that I haven't spent on 9,249 cigarettes and saved 1 Month, 1 Day, 2 hours and 45 minutes of my life.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank you linda nic,.once again your support is always very very wecome, its nice to know that there is always some one there when you need them,..all the craveing have gone,,i feel goodddddd,,.o by the way linda i had a very nice was nice of you to wish me well,thank you lol...and my xmas wish is to be still smoke free all over the hoildays all the best , keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi plumski wellcome,.this is the best site you will ever visit,,there is so much help and advice,,when you feel down just post,,.i went c/t ,and with out this fourm i would not have got true my19 days,,a great bunch on the fourm...i post every day,and get a reply every day,,like i say keep the faith ,tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

a smokers vow

i will smoke you for ever

from this day forward

for better or for worst

for richer or poorer

in sickness and in health

till death do us part

now you can light your cigarette

enjoy it while you can

kepp the faith tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

im on day 20,not to bad to day,just a few craves,got over them very quick,feeling goodddddd,,nearley 3 weeks now ,its bril,,keep the faith,,all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all, nearley on day23,,not maney craves, its astonishing how good i feel ,dont feel like i want a fag,but my mind is saying just have one fag,i wount give in,,its not a crave,,you lot gone throught something like this,it feels so weird .need some back up from you lot,keep the faith all the best tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Yes I hold my hands up and say that I still stop every so often and say

"I need a smoke!" - I then pause and add on the end "yeah, like I need a hole in the head" its been the same since I started. It was several times a day to begin with and now its only once in a while.

Perfectly normal, and only to be expected. Don't give in, I know and you know that you are stronger than that, and there is no such thing as just one smoke. Its all or nothing. You either smoke and take all the crap that comes with it or you don't smoke.

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thanks again nic,for your support,its given me more hope to carry on ,knowing there is help from you lot:D keep yhe faith, all the best tony

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Tony

Your doing great almost done a full month. day 12 for me and yes do get that feeling very oftern. But keeping the faith with you. HEHE xxxxxxxxxxxx

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Tony/Nic you are both doing great.

The feeling of wanting a fag will disappear on one condition.

You dont smoke;)

I can honestly say that I never crave anymore and to be honest I cant remember the last time I did. This is just round the corner for you guys.

Tony I love your saying keep the faith. Reminds me of my Northern Soul days:D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all, once again thank you guys for your support,..linda you are doing greattttt, be strong,..i am feeling so good right now,,and tomatpots this is for you keep the faith,,glad it bought back some good times for you,,.has any one done any christmas shoping or just leave it to the last few days,,just thought i would ask all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all, im on day 25,not to bad at the mo.,i feel like i am a no smoke now,,.still keeping the faith ,. all the best tony

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Perfectly normal, and only to be expected. Don't give in, I know and you know that you are stronger than that, and there is no such thing as just one smoke. Its all or nothing. You either smoke and take all the crap that comes with it or you don't smoke.

Best wishes.


I had 5 in packet, "just in case" just in case of what??????????

after reading this thread i just went and torn them up and flushed them down the loo. Now if I need a smoke, I have drive to the shop to get them. and trust me I wont do that.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Also, bit of a tip.

I have found my cravings less since they went for a swim, than when they were in the cupboard mocking me!

Mind over Matter eh

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

My wife smokes the same kind I did,so they are always close by.

I think in the long run it has helped me be stronger.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all, i am nearley on day 27 ,still feel so goodddd, wife smokes,and i have notiched the first thing she does in the morning is ,..a fag or two or three,and a cup of tea ,,i think we have all been there at some point..have ask her very nice to stop smokeing,,.she says shes not ready to stop,but when is a good time,,.nearley on day 27 and the time has gone so quick,.im still keeping the faith,,.all the best tony

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Well done mate. Your wife may see how well your doing soon and join you. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

hi all, i am nearley on day 27 ,still feel so goodddd, wife smokes,and i have notiched the first thing she does in the morning is ,..a fag or two or three,and a cup of tea ,,i think we have all been there at some point..have ask her very nice to stop smokeing,,.she says shes not ready to stop,but when is a good time,,.nearley on day 27 and the time has gone so quick,.im still keeping the faith,,.all the best tony

I must say I've been very impressed with your attitude throughout your quit, focused and determined. You are reaping the benefits and I'm confident that you are on the way to a smoke free future if you continue to "keep the faith!"

I remember that 25% of the smoking I did was before I got to work, scary! You are right there is no "good" time to quit, but being fed up with it is a good starting point and she must quit for her self if she is to succeed.



nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank u nic, linda ,on day 27 not far of a month,,god it feels so so good to be smoke free,,any newbies reading this,,just have lots of faith in your self,you can do it,one hour at a time, then one day at a time,then the weeks will follow,just watching the news about putting all cigs under the counter,.. out of site ,mostley hitting at young kids smokeing,,i think its a waist of time,if people want to smoke they will ,,weather they hide the cigs under the counter or not,,what do you think ,,,,just keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

wow a month. well done!

Keep it up!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank u opheilia,.lol,,keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all ,,i am on day 28 ,still feels goodddd,,.smoke free,,no carbon monoxide in my body,,.no nicotine all gone,.breating 100% better, coughs no wheezing,and best of all my circulation is good,,.just some info,,did you know,,if you smoked 20 fags a day and stoped,,£5 a packet a day, for 52 weeks you would save £1,825,that s a lot of cash,when you smoked you dont realise what you spend,,grrrrrr i keep looking at smokeing from all leavels,,and just can not see the pleaser we got from smokeing,,sorry i went on a bit ,just keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

You more than entitled to go a bit!!! Your at a month well done.

BIG BACK slap to ya!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank u opheilia,your support is very wellcome ,keep the faith tony

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Well done tony

Keep on keepin the faith

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank u tomatpots for your surpport keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Is it really 4 weeks already? Thats gone really quickly.... well done Tony - you've done so well so far, keep it up and keep the faith!


(Like Plumski, I hope that some newbies read this thread right through.... I just did and it's great to see someones journey all in one place! Very inspirational)

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

THANKS STUATH,,its nearley 30days,,can not belive its gone so quick,,i have to say this fourm has given me so much help and support,..its better than all the replacement therapy you get from your doctor etc, etc, newbies take note your therapy starts here,,.keep the faith you lot, all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all,..just about to start day 31,,i have come a long way since day [1],at the back of my mind i did not think i would do it..but then i found this site .and as they say the rest is history,,still feel good,,no craves,..but a few bad moments,,i think its mind games,.. just one fag wont do any harm,,just said no thank you,,that works for me,,this feeling just creeps up on you ,no warning, its just there ,as the days turn in to weeks a have got very very strong [NOT ONE MORE PUFF] i will still keep the faith,, all the best tony ;[31DAYS YESSSSSSS

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Tony

Your doing great only two more days and you will be into months.

Keep the faith. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank u linda your support is allways wellcome,..will keep the faith tony,lol:D

nsd_user663_3776 profile image

Hi Everyone

Hi I'm 22 years old and I've been smoking for three years. Over the past few months I've tried to give up a few times but I always succumbed to the urge of having a cigarette.

Today at four o'clock I thought enough is enough and I should try and find a way to give up. I bought some nicorette chewing gum a week ago (on one of my unsuccessful quitting smoking days) and I'm using that to quit. I hope I have as much success as the rest of you have.

I think it's going to be tough for the first few weeks from what I've heard from other people who have quit smoking. I hope that I succeed this time.

I've thrown away all my lighters and the last few cigarettes i had. So they're out of reach now.

Wish me luck. :)


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hello James and welcome to the forum.

Many of us here have found the key to staying quit is to understand the addiction, how it works and what to expect while quitting.

Its a bit of a mind game really!

Have a read of these websites

They have some very useful info.

Basically what you are aiming to do is see quitting smoking as a situation of gaining (a healthier way of life etc) rather than sacrificing some great pleasure.

Best wishes and keep posting


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

wellcome james..get all the info you can and read all the info nic has given you ,,learn to understand why you smoked,.you will find that its only a habit,a bad one,and you are the only one who can stop it,,we have all been there just like you ..first few days are a bit rought,its whats called mind games,,but you get over it very quick,you can do it ,. as i say just keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all ,on day 32,feels good.,not much i can say,but well done to me:D:D keeping the faith.. all the best ,,tony.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

hi all ,on day 32,feels good.,not much i can say,but well done to me:D:D keeping the faith.. all the best ,,tony.

Bloomin marvellous!

I'd say that the faith has been well and truly kept!

Good work!


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Tony

Start of month two tomorrow you are doing great. have a great smoke free christmas Bet your family are really proud of you. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all,. on day 33 not to bad,,.got that weird feeling again,its the mind playing tricks again on me,,it comes on so quick,one min you feel so good,than bang,,its you V the mind,..but iv come so far now to give in to the weed,,also got a house full at the mo ,and they all smoke,grrrrrrrrr,..i dont think it would be nice to tell them to move out side, like to :(:( im just having a rant.. so just take no notice,..i think i am hooked on this site,,any one like me hooked on lot have a nice day,.. as i say keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done tony starting month two tomorrow so you stay strong mate. My lot all smoke makes things hard at times but I bet they all wish they could pack them up really. xxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all at 11.30 this i will be on day 34,,:D had a bad day yesterday,,but im over that now,,i feel good about myself,and my senses of smell are so good.i can smell smoke a mile away..well not that far but you know what i mean,,has any one heard from josie,.its been some time since we heard from her ,,hope she is all wright, to all newbies read and read all you can,all the info you can get,and like i say keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done Tony, having a smoking housefull has to be bad news... make them go outside - seriously! I would (and do, even my mate on crutches had to stand in the garden!).

Well done, your progress has been terrific.

Keep the faith!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all just on day 35,,still going strong..feel so gooddddddd:D:D that nothing will get me down today,,looking foward to a smoke free xmas..keep the faith all the best tony.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Really great to see you doing so well Tony

Keep it up!

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Awe well done Tony. Its going to be fab for you having your first smoke free Xmas and new year.

personally I think its better to stop a few week before, but ultimately its better to stop full stop!

Keep the faith!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all not far of 36 days,but had a very bad morning,,. up stairs doing some painting,,when i had a very very strong feeling that i needed a smoke,,went down stairs to get a drink and saw the wifes fags on the table,,i took a hard look at them and said to my self,,what the f..k am i doing,,drank a full pint of water,,stufed a load of pork scratchings in my gob,, and carried on painting,,but still had that weird feeling for quite some time,,its gone now,,but it was so took some will power not to have a fag,,i can understand why so maney cave in to the crave,,but im still keeping the faith all the best tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Tony, you will get these feelings for a while although they will decrease in intensity, and become easier to ignore and dismiss.

Keep on keeping the faith;)


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

another bad day,,whats happening to me,, i though i was over the very bad craves, but likes like there coming at me from all directions,,am trying to be strong,,as im posting this thred,,going on 37 days ,i dont went to cave in,,will power about 70%,,so need your help and surpport,,post me back quick,to reasure me tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hang in there they seem to go in waves, it will improve, honest!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thanks nic,,not to bad now,,keep the faith

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Tony hope your feeling a bit stronger Come on you must stay strong Im right behind you. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

thanks nic,,not to bad now,,keep the faith

Glad to hear it, don't despair on a bad day or even week Tony.... as Nic says they come in waves and they will ease off again.

Week 7 was worse for me than week 1... but in general it does get easier. You just have to be prepared for the occasional bad spell amongst the much longer good spells.

Stay strong and keep the faith!!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank u all for your support,,feel goodddddd now,,is it wrong for me to feel repulsive,when i smell smoke,you lot feel the same,,i want to tell my wife and daughter how i feel about the smell ofsmoke ,but dont want to hurt there feeling grrrrr just keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

thank u all for your support,,feel goodddddd now,,is it wrong for me to feel repulsive,when i smell smoke,you lot feel the same,,i want to tell my wife and daughter how i feel about the smell ofsmoke ,but dont want to hurt there feeling grrrrr just keep the faith all the best tony

I was almost sick sometimes at work when people came into my office just after smoking, or when I would have to walk through the smoke area. It has eased off a bit now - to the point where it's slightly unpleasant. I hope it will be something that doesn't bother me soon.

You could always ask them to smoke in an area you don't spend a lot of time. Say something like "if you want to smoke, thats up to you... but please, I am quitting and the smell of smoke is not nice for me - it will get better but for now it would be great if you could not smoke in the lounge (or wherever)".

Keep it going, you are doing fantastically... especially as you are around other smokers.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

As someone who stopped for 5 years, and only recently started back up - ahem - and then quit again, yes that will go away.

It just becomes a non entity. You can smell smoke on people, but you don't actually give it any more thought than that, it stops invoking any extreme reaction in you.

However, smoky rooms are different, they will still make you cough or eyes water, I used to react like that when I did smoke, hence why I never smoked in the car or indoors.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all just on day38,,and feeling very good,,no craves,no weird feelings, just on top of the world..ahem me and every body here, will be smoke free for xmas and new year,,:D doing well ,so keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all on day 38,and still smoke free..iv just started to have weird dreams,,like last night i was smokeing,all the family were there.. and they could not see me smokeing,,i enjoyed the fag,,glad it was only a dream,,how weird is that..still keeping the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all, on day 39 and feeling fine,,not long till the big day, and i will be smoke free,yip,p..going for a few pints dinner time,should be ok,,let you know how i get on:D:D just keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

hi all, on day 39 and feeling fine,,not long till the big day, and i will be smoke free,yip,p..going for a few pints dinner time,should be ok,,let you know how i get on:D:D just keep the faith all the best tony

Well done mate - you are doing so well :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

HI ALL,BACK FROM THE was not to bad..did not want a fag..or never felt like on top of the world.yes sir ,,on top of the world..i am getting a big gut..never had one before..was 11s now13st put on so much weigh,,in 39 and a half days..need help in that department..pleaseeeee..keeping the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

So Pleased you had a good pint. All the best. linda xxxx Ps dont worry to much about the weight till after christmas xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

ok linda..i will just enjoy..happy xmas to you and your family..lolxxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all.2 days of 6 good is that..when you say it in weeks it feels sooooooo good,,went out with the son in law last night ..few pints . still ok,,went out side with the lads while ther were smokeing..did not boather me..just the smell..och..smell still gets to me..of to do some shoping with the wife.speak to you all soon..keep the faith tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

You are doing really well Tony!!!

Keep it up.


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all..i am just one day off 6 weeks,,woooooooooooo..still can not belive i have come so far..still got a long way to go ,but i wiil beat this little devil.still looking forward to an non smokeing will be my 1st one..with lots more to come..i said it before .and i will say it lot have a happy xmas..smoke free xmas...and a happy new year..and may you get the present,,of father christmas you keep the FAITH TONY

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

its 6weeks to day...going to have a pint of the black stuff..wife bought me a pack of 24.hummmmmm.:D:D.going to be a great xmas lol.. keep the the faith ,,tony

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done, Tony. You are doing superbly and you deserve to celebrate.

Have one for me too ;)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Tony 6 weeks that great work. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

thank u all for your support once again..most great full..kepping the faith tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi all its 6weeks and nearley 3 days..6weeks whoooooo..and not one smoke..xmas free and hope to make it a happy non smokeing new yaer..thanks a lot for all the help from you lot during the last 6weeks 3days .i wounder how meney new quiters we will get in the new year ..looking forward to helping them..and giving them you lot keep the faith..all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

not far of 7 weeks,its so gooddddd,,.looking forward to 2009,and smoke free..we have all done good up till now..remember a relapse will happen if you dont,acknowledge..and respect your keep the faith . all the best.. tony, happy new year

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Joan

Lovely to hear from you and look forward to having you back. we will all be here to support you. i slipped again and am on week 6 again. xxxx


Maybe you should do some reading it helps a lot of people. Stuart And some of the others have very good links at the end of there post. Lots have found them very helpfull.xxxxx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


I know what you mean i dont think many do it first time but it can be done. Dubbs as just done 14 months and its his first time. Me I been quitting since march 2007 But no excuse but I have a son who is alcoholic and fine things really Hard when he gets very ill. But hopefully this time I will get it in my thick head smoking dont help. Good luck anyway to you and your other half. xxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi jim, i have smoked for over50 going on 65 ,tryed lots of times and failed,,but this time i think i have done it ,,i went c/t,,and i have to say this site has been my life saver..just 7 weeks now,.when you stop ,you must mean it,,when people fail on here, they dust them selfs down ,,and start all over again..i have lots off bad moments,as we all do..jim you will be have the choise weather you smoke or not,,it down to you ..dont knock other people for there failers,,they will get threr in the end,,so you lot keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

sorry jim got the wrong end of the stick [ post ] i mean..i dont think you will fail,.just reading your posts,you seem a very strong minded person and thats why i dont think you wiil fail..glad you tould other people about this site..looking forward to helping them..o yes it was jane fonda...keep the faith all the best tony p.s. happy new year

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

boilies it is jim

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