Day 11 - And Struggling!: Well, here we are... - No Smoking Day

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Day 11 - And Struggling!

nsd_user663_1882 profile image
10 Replies

Well, here we are at day 11. What a pants day it's been.

I can't believe it...up to a couple of days ago, I was feeling energetic and lively. Was getting by on minimum sleep. Wakening two or three times during the night, and generally feeling quite good. But....the past couple of days have been a nightmare. Particularly today. Can't seem to get enough sleep! Lethargic, tired and generally can't be a****d! I'm doing a great impersonation of Rip Van Bloody Winkle! I think thats made me want to smoke even more. Really struggling today, but sheer bloody mindedness is hopefully going to see me through!

Sorry about the rant, but I really believe I feel a wee bit better! Bizarre!

Anyway...what about team 17? Are we all still smoke free? Hope so. Look forward to reading all about it later on.

Well done to everyone. Keep up the great work.

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nsd_user663_1882 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Allen

Things will improve I remember days 9/10 Were hell. was ill also asked my oh to go to the shop for me so pleased he said no. Keep going 2morow will be brighter im sure. linda xxxx

nsd_user663_1882 profile image

Had some dinner, and lo and behold...feel much better now. Early night tonight, and hope tomorow is a better day. Can't be much worse!

Thanks for the encouragement.

Well done everyone. Keep up the great work.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Had some dinner, and lo and behold...feel much better now. Early night tonight, and hope tomorow is a better day. Can't be much worse!

Thanks for the encouragement.

Well done everyone. Keep up the great work.

Poor Allan, know how you feel. It was day 8 and 9 that sucked s**t for me, you're maybe just behind me.

I'm still tired all the time (so much for all the energy) but just slept through the night two nights in a row (like having baby isn't it)

Hope you all feel better soon, keep it up team :)

nsd_user663_3029 profile image

From reading about other people's experiences and my own, it seems that different people have different problems at different points in their quit.

I've heard nigthmare stories in particular about day 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11, and indeed on one or two of those, I had trouble.

Over the last few days, I've noticed that sleep patterns have gone completely haywire. It's not that I have trouble sleeping but it's happening at odd (for me) times. I'm getting REALLY lethargic in the mid-evening, around 8 or 9 pm and my concentration is completely shot - until recently, that's when my concentration has always been BEST! Over the last week, my bedtime has been between 12.30 and 1am, a good two hours earlier than it has been for the last 20 years at least. I'm sleeping just a bit less than I used to, waking up at around 7.30-8am instead of around 10-10.30 as has been "normal" for me; 7 hours' sleep should be perfectly fine, but it's not!

I've been fairly careful with caffeine intake, and generally stick to my routine of fruit juice or herbal tea after about 9pm (I'm not a big boozer and estimate my intake averages around 10 units a month, including binges!).

I really am at a loss to explain my lack of energy. I've been eating a BIT more junk than I am used to (mainly chocolate) but I woul;dn't expect it to have this effect.

And I've been craving today more than at any time since Day 2. I came SO close to buying smokes!

I smoked my last cigarette 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 7 hours and 38 minutes ago. I have saved £124.16 by not smoking 536 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 20 hours and 40 minutes of my life.

nsd_user663_1882 profile image

Same here Plumski. I'm, relating to your symptoms. Lack of concentration, lethargic and non stop sleeping! Like you I'm not a drinker, so can't even blame that, and I only drink coffee, so can't blame that either!

Not to worry...I will not succumb, I will not succumb, I will not succumb etc....!

Hope everyone has a fantastic smoke free day.

Dellabella profile image

Really bad stuggling today

I have thought of nothing else since I work up and the cravings to have one are getting worse by the minute....On day 11 today and will be very surprised if I make it to day 12. I feel angry and sad and feel like walking up a mountain and screaming.... does this make sense to anyone else??

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Della

Sorry your having a bad day try screaming into a pillow it worked for me you be supprised how better you feel. hope you feel better soon. Linda xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3093 profile image

Hi Team 17

Allan and Dee hope you are ok, been reading your posts. Weired but I feel ok, getting scared now that I'm gunna feel like s*** tomoz or day after!!! Anyway, just a short post as early night tonight. Take care all.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Hi Dunny

You'll feel as good as you do, although we all quit at the same time, we each have different methods and attitudes so it'll be different for us all.

You seem to be doing well. Not so much the craves with me as the exhaustion.


Goodnight team x

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

I feel angry and sad and feel like walking up a mountain and screaming.... does this make sense to anyone else??

Makes perfect sense....don't bottle it up. Go for a jog, run, get out of breath so you wouldn't be able to scream....or plan (b) - walk up a mountain!

On day 11 today and will be very surprised if I make it to day 12.

Don't give in now! The worst is almost over - you really don't want to go back to day 1 do you? Hang in there - you CAN do this!

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