Day 4 Team Fresh: hiya guys, Well to be... - No Smoking Day

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Day 4 Team Fresh

nsd_user663_2997 profile image
19 Replies

hiya guys,

Well to be honest yesterday was hell from when I woke up until I went to bed, today I feel so much better, I still haven't had a good nights sleep since I first quit but I'm sure that will improve soon. So glad I went Cold Turkey because I feel great today!! Woohoo :D

Keep Up The Good Work Team!!! ;)

Lozzie x

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nsd_user663_2997 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Good job Lozzie! Going CT gives you a bit of a boost doesn't it to know that you have gone so far without any quitting aids! I know it does me. I'm on Day 12 now and I am gobsmacked that I haven't used any quitting aids. My past quits I always thought I needed them, but I don't. I guess I just took it for granted mentally that unless I have my NRT products, I won't be able to quit but I have proved that mindset wrong.

Keep up the good work :)

nsd_user663_2997 profile image

Feel Like Giving In

What started off as a pretty good start to the day turned out to be a nightmare of a day, the kids family pet rabbit died on me today, she's the tamist house rabbit you could ever own and she died in my arms, so I've been in tears, then I had to tell the kids and my daughter was/is heartbroken and in tears. I couldn't take it and I went to the shop and bought 20 cigs, I haven't smoked one and this was half hour ago but I am hanging on in here for dear life now so thought I should vent on here and then see how I feel.

I know that if I have even just one I will regret it because I will have to go back to day one cold turkey all over again, and I don't think I could do that again. Why am I so weak????

lozzie :(

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Awww Sorry to hear that lozzie and you're not weak. You are really strong to not have smoked any of those cigs yet. Please don't smoke them, it won't solve anything. Just rant and rave on here. Don't care how long it is! If you don't trust yourself to not smoke any of those fags, rip 'em up and chuck 'em in the bin. You don't need them.

Hope you feel better soon :)

nsd_user663_2997 profile image

I am so stupid, I smoked and I have to start all over again tomorrow now, so I basically did 4 days of cold turkey for nothing!! tut tut tut

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Don't be too disheartened lozzie. I know its hard. Especially when things mess up. Tomorrow is another day and just try to keep your mindframe that made you want to quit in the first place. So you had a few matter! I had a few at the beginning of this quit and had to go back to day one as I succumbed! I have done 12 full days now nicotine free and already I feel better in myself.

You will get there if you really want to :)

nsd_user663_2997 profile image

I do want to do this, but today has just been the worst day ever and so upsetting. I am starting again tomorrow your see me back in day one and I will try my best thats all I can do.


nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Oh poor Lozzie, feel for you babe. Nothing is more upsetting than when your kids are hurting. Please just come and chat. You may feel up to another shot at this later babe. We will support you wich ever way it gos. Thinking of you and your children. xxx:(

nsd_user663_3005 profile image

hi guys jst been reading all above im so sorry to hear about the bad news with the bunny =( hope you and your children are ok send my love to you all. Regarding the fags lozzie dont feel like youve given up and done 4 days for nothing, how could you have given up you said you will start again so thats good positive attitude =) and now youll know what expect for the first four days we live and learn think of it as practice dont beat yourself up about it and dont worry hope your alright xxx take care

nsd_user663_3010 profile image

Well day 5 and I feel like poop!!! Not physically I'm just really really a****!!!

I could just stand and scream at everyone and everything! How's all you other day 5 er's doing?

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Hi Lambchop, sorry you feeling rough. I had a bad day yesterday. Dam it but they come, but the good thing is they go too. Feel great today...How much of that is because its Friday, end of week etc i really dont know, Hang in there mate. You can do it, Drink plenty of water. Through a straw if it gets too bad. The oral sucking helps me. Might find your waving the straw around between two fingers though, I do. LOL :D

nsd_user663_3010 profile image

Thanks. I've simmered now but for most of the day I had my collegue at work hiding under her desk! I'va had a couple of bits of bad news today too which didn't help. But determined to not give in. I know by reading other posts people are having disturbed sleep but mine seems to be same time every night, I was wondering whether it was the disturbed sleep that was making me a right grumpy bum cos still not had any cravings:mad:

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Hey we all get the grumps as first mate, Your doing really well. This isnt easy or more would be doing it eh? at least your getting your sleep mate. good luck and stay strong. xxx :)

nsd_user663_3006 profile image

Had to get on here, first day going CT. I had to leave my friends as I was going to buy fags, she gave me a straw to suck on instead, and I will just go to bed a bit earlier. I have felt on and off today quite nauseous (sp).

I have read Andy Marshall's book, look on threads he is wanting volunteers. It is really good when I can focus my mind, as the reasons I started smoking, are not why I continue to smoke. Hell I don't even like doin it now which is the whole reason of stopping, I hope I get through the weekend, I think I will, will just keep busy.

All the rest of the team - keep it up and keep going

nsd_user663_3059 profile image

hey guys, sorry to hear some of you are having a crappy time today :( *hugs*

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

hi Sian, you have been very quiet. I thought we had lost you mate. good to see you here again. xxx :)

nsd_user663_3059 profile image

oh definately not! to be honest this is the most positive ive ever been about a quit attempt. its my 5th and i hope my final. i cant afford to relapse [not in the money sense] ugly mug was all over the papers/tv on no smoking day so EVERYONE knows im quitting. so no sneaky fags for me! :) im doing grand, no major cravings!!

how u doing?? xx

EDIT: awwh just noticed u added me as a member of team fresh :D fankoo!

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Wow your a celeb then eh? we will have to watch our Ps n Qs then LOL. Im fine, had a bad or mad day yesterday though, not so much craving just couldnt think straight. Broke pots fell over, crazy day. Been load better today thanks. I think teams makes a bond and you can compare like you belong on here. best of luck for tomorrow mate. Im going out too. I find that easy. when im relaxed i dont think about fags so much. But we are all different. take care and watch out for the nic demon xxx :)

nsd_user663_3059 profile image

Haha. a celeb my bum! I wish I had their money/glamourous lifestyles!

Good to you too hon. And hey, if ya cant be grumpy and get away with it now, when can ya? make the most of it I say!!

Night all, good luck tmoro xx

nsd_user663_3006 profile image


Glad to hear I am not the only one being clumsy, CT for one day was hard, have some patches now, which has defo taken the edge off things, even if I still do have the nicotine in my system started on the middle strength ones as I only smoked about 15 a day. I also have a lot of jittery energy is the only was I can really describe it.

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