Day 15: ... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 15

nsd_user663_2859 profile image
23 Replies


Breaking news, breking news - Team 428 crashes into week three smoke free.

Well, a new week, and new section in the forum, little bit too much for me to take all at once :rolleyes:- congrats all I'm sure you made it as you were all around last night you fantastic 428's.

Repeat all day until your partner / work mates are sick of you "damn I'm good"!!

See you later.



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nsd_user663_2859 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Ha ha ha im still here and breezing through but im ready incase something jumps up and smacks me in the face LOL :D

Well done everyone :D

nsd_user663_2867 profile image

Me too......week 3, breezing through as well! But as you say prepared for the nic monster to bite.

Team 428... have a good un and see yas in a bit.

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Am I thick because i dont understand the team 428:o

Well Done all of you. Week 3 woo hoooo:p

Sara i am very proud of you xxxx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

I All your doing fab congrats on your week 3. Sara your well past your two week now you must be proud. (so you should) FLippy they mean you all stopped on the 4/2/08

Well done again Linda xxxxxx

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Am I thick because i dont understand the team 428:o

Well Done all of you. Week 3 woo hoooo:p

Sara i am very proud of you xxxx

Flippy - you all quit on the 4th day of the 2nd month 2008

so you are officially TEAM 428! ;)

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I see:D Thank for letting me know.

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighty then!! Into week 3 we go!!! :D Must say I prefer it in here - smells even cleaner than week 2! :D

I'm prepared for the smacks in the face too but I'm hoping I got my worst ones outta the way - I found week 2 very hard emotionally! :confused:

But into week 3.. and I really don't want a cigarette at all, which is a weird feeling - but I like it!!! Anyone else feel like they've been cleansed of the "nag" a bit??

Have a great day everyone! Team 428 - you're all ACE!!

How good are we doing!?!!! He he!! :D

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

I All your doing fab congrats on your week 3. Sara your well past your two week now you must be proud. (so you should) FLippy they mean you all stopped on the 4/2/08

Well done again Linda xxxxxx

Thank you Linda - and thank you for your constant support! It's very much appreciated! :D

You're a star and doing absolutley brilliantly too! I hope I continue to follow your lead!! xx :D

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

He he!!

Sue.. you might be behind a couple of days in practice but mentally you're right up there with us!! Stay with us! Everyone's doing so brilliantly - super well done to everyone!! :D

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

My partner and I have both got a bit worse as the quit's gone on weirdly.. we have both got really tight chests (like someone has tied a belt round the top of our rib cage's really tightly, and are finding it hard to catch our breath.. has anyone else experienced this???

I find it quite a stressful feeling. :(

Still.. hoefully this week will be the last we see of that!

I'm ever so excited about feeling really good..!!

Just hope it hurry's up!!

nsd_user663_2859 profile image

Same here, getting a bit of gunk coming up, went to the docs last week and mentioned it, she said it was perfectly normal unless it's red.....for obvious reasons I think. :eek:

The hairs in our lungs that are normaly there for pushing out the mucus and inhaled debris which were supressed by the bombardent of carcenogens and tar are now coming back to life and therefore the nastly matter that is in there will start to come out.

This is the start of getting our bodies back to normal after abusing them for so long. (I'm normaly up for a bit of abuse :p, but this type for this length of time was not good!!!)

Plenty of fluid (non-alcoholic!) and excersise should assist the process.


Edit: Sa, if you are getiing chest pains, please get in touch with your GP if you have any concerns - I don't have the symptom you have described.)

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Yeah Hunter I am thinkin of going to the docs end of this week if it hasn't got any better..although I do despise going! Thank you! :D

I'm not coughing either, never have done, and they say it's good to cough - worse if you don't, so all in all I am a little worried about it but I will carry on with the exercise this week and see how I feel on Thurs/Fri!

Ran for 45 minutes on the treadmill yesterday & 40 minutes this morning! Very pleased! :D

nsd_user663_2859 profile image

Ran for 45 minutes on the treadmill yesterday & 40 minutes this morning! Very pleased! :D

:eek: damn, not only a non-smoker but getting fitter, damn we are good :)

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Pretty sure if you can do that there's nothing wrong with you. That shows a very high level of fitness inspite of being a recent smoker. I run a bit myself and 40 & 45 minutes runs are impressive.

Strange but I also got that tightness in my chest after stopping. Pretty sure now I was bracing myself against withdrawal...assuming the defensive posture as it were. Might be the same for you guys. Sounds a bit limp but breathing exercises help.

BTW well done huntergatherer. The whole 428 thing really gives the quit impetus. wish you all well.


Hi Robert! How are you today?

Thank you for your advice.. I agree with you, I'm sure there's nothing wrong.. I think it's anxiety at the whole "worry" of giving up and getting used to the way I've felt differently the last two weeks in every aspect. My partner has just become anxious over the last few days - I think it's just really hit him that "he's never gonna smoke again" and for all of us that's a scray thought isn't it - so I can fully see why you were tight-chested too. I'm glad someone else has felt it too (not glad that you had to go through that though - not nice); but it's helped knowing I'm not the only one.. !

Is that an impressive run then?! I never knew that!! Oooh I'm even more pleased now! Thank you! :D

The reason I can run long distances is because according to the docs "I have very big lungs"!!! This has been said at every chest x-ray I've had (and there's been a few over the years!); so I'm guessing it's the capacity of them that enables me to be able to run - I could run 1/2 hour when I was still fully smoking so it's not a huge improvment for me yet to go up by 10 minutes but one I'm grateful of all the same! If my knee would stop giving way I could get the time up quicker now I've kicked nicotine too!! :mad: One thing at a time though!!

Quit-teams are the way forward I reckon - what a massive boost and a great network of close support - very much needed and appreciated!! :D

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

HaHa said the little Runt

Who daya fink your kidding - it's all that extra food you bin eating making your clothes feel tighter thats all!!!



I have been quit for 1 Week, 4 Days, 15 hours, 47 minutes and 36 seconds (11 days). I have saved £126.47 by not smoking 582 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 06/02/2008 21:17

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!! Well funny! Dya know what Sue - you're probably right - I am eating like a mad woman!! Hence the need to run like mad!!! :D

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Hi all!

How's everyone feeling at the end of today? :D

I'm in shock.. seem to have suddenly gone from constantly thinkin about not smoking to only thinking about it 3-4 times at the most today (until I got on here of course)... weird! There seems to have been a BIG change in the space of a day - is week 3 a notorius turning point maybe?! :D

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Im feeling very tired and pretty rough today although i dont think its the fags. I can honestly say that although ive had a few cravings today, the urge to actually smoke a fag isnt there any more. Which is bloody ace because on my other quits it was the thought of lighting one that made me have one but if i think about lighting one it doesnt seem so attractive now. Thats what i was hoping would happen because when i quit with the new year team i was constantly thinking about how nice it would be to have one and even though when i did have one it tasted rank it still made me feel better and i think the "blips" made the reality stronger this time :rolleyes: sorry if im rambling but just trying to explain how im feeling :D

And thanks flippy and Linda, where would i be without you :D

nsd_user663_2325 profile image


I've been following you all in your quits, not literally, I'm not a spy or anythin:p Anyway you have all inspired me to keep trying.

Lady Sa, Glad to see you're feeling better know, sounds like you've turned a corner.:D

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Thank you Looby Lou! I do feel like I've turned a corner today! That was tough last week and I'm glad I'm out the other side of it! I'm better prepared if another "funny episode" comes now though! :eek:

Beware of the nico-rollercoaster and stay strong with it! You'll be fine this time, I feel it - you've got a close team around you all too which I think will turn out to help you all loads!! :D

Good luck and shout out whenever you need it!! :D

nsd_user663_2867 profile image

I also feel as if I've turned a corner as well. I was standing with 2 friends today, outside work, they were smoking and I honestly didn't want one.

I've tried to quit about 4 times over the last couple of years, think the longest I got was about 11 days.

The difference then was I don't think I was truely committed, but this time I am.

I know I can quit - I did it before, was off them for a whole 5 1/2 years, then thought I could be clever and just take the "odd" one when I was having a drink. How wrong was I - addicted again, hook, line and sinker!

So peeps there's a lesson to be learned there. When we've all been off them for years and years, and you get the urge, - don't do it.

And by the way - thanks to everyone -you have all helped so much.

Got to the stage now that, never mind letting myself down. I don't want to let any of you guys down either.

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I feel like i dont want to let everyone down too. Its so much easier when you have people to talk too and know what you are going through.

I think we make a pretty good team. xx

nsd_user663_2859 profile image

I feel like i dont want to let everyone down too. Its so much easier when you have people to talk too and know what you are going through.

I think we make a pretty good team. xx

Exactly what has kept me going - thanks to all for your help in getting me this far, today has been fairy ok with a couple of urges. See you all tommorow,

sleep tight


nsd_user663_2861 profile image

I feel exactly the same as that!! :D

We do make a good team and I for one would feel dreadful if I bowed out and left the team! I like to think we will only all part company when we are well & truly cured and free!!! :cool:

See you all on Day 16!! Already!! Mad!! He he!! :D

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