Hi Newbie here needs help to quit....... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi Newbie here needs help to quit.......

nsd_user663_2869 profile image
61 Replies

Hi Everyone :)

Not really sure where to start so I suppose I will just tell you my story. I have smoked since the age of 13 (well everyone did those days) so 42 years (do the math !) and have been telling myself (and everybody else) for about 15 years that I was going to quit but never have.

I tried patches (OK) inhalater (OK), gum (didn't like it), microtabs (gave me hiccups!) etc etc no success but if I am honest I don't think I had the 110% commitment needed.

I was hospitalized 4 years ago, intensive care for 3 days, with chronic bronchitis and pneumonia which left me with asthma, my dad died age 54 with chronic bronchitis and even this hasn't been enough to stop me !!

I am married to a non smoker (never smoked) I have 2 grown up children who (thank god) have never smoked. The only serious attempt I made was about 6 years ago. I joined one of the Government programs. I attended on the Thursday and set my quit day for the Saturday and stuck to it. I had patches and inhalater and they did seem to help.

I went to work on the Monday and found out a close collegue and friend of mine had died very suddenly on holiday (not smoking related) my first thought was 'I need a cig' but I didn't. I held it together through the funeral on the Thursday but when I got home I gave in and had one, only one honestly, and yes I admit it could have just been an excuse.

I went to my quit class on the Friday am and put my hands up, told them what had happened and that I had had one cig. They kicked me off the program.......! I was so upset and annoyed, the only thought I had was 'well what was the point' they were supposed to be helping me. So of course I just started again. I tried several pathetic attempts myself since then.

I want to stop, I know what it does to me, I am not in good health to start with (Arthritis, kidney probs) and I never have any energy. But I use this as an excuse as in I am not strong enough to do it. Every night when I go to bed and I mean EVERY night, I tell myself I can do it, I will stop tomorrow, but I dont. I havn't sleept well for years and even smoke during the night every time I wake up, I light up.

How do I take that first step? Has anyone had the same feelings as this? I just don't know where to start, this is how I found this forum, I was scouring the internet for inspiration. I hope I've found it.

Sorry for such a long post but I thought I might as well tell the whole story right from the start. Thanks in advance.


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nsd_user663_2869 profile image
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61 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome Jayne x x x x

I am ashamed of that so called support group!! :mad: thats was a dreadful thing for them to do and is about as supportive as a chocolate tea pot!!!

It is hard x x

Give yourself a good week or so to prepare, allow yourself to smoke until that day and get ready for it!!

Can you do other things to use your time?? walking, gym, painting, drawing, writing, puzzles? etc etc

Get an assortment of things to do, chew gum, sip water, put on lip gloss, eat nuts, play with a blob of blu tac or such like

Plan to save the money you don't spend anymore and project the savings and plan rewards for yourself using the money, at first this should be daily, Cd's, magazines, special meals, bubble baths etc then plan with time maybe a spa trip, new dress, a small break away etc etc

Write down all your reasons for quitting so you can read over them when times are hard!!

Keep posting here and let everyone know your plans, it is easier when you know everyone is watching you ;)

Best of luck Jayne x x x x

nsd_user663_2869 profile image


Wow I didn't expect such a quick response from people, thankyou sooo much.

Can I ask were you still a smoker when you joined then build up to it from there?


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Jayne

Lovely to meet you. You have come to the right place the support here is just great. I myself have been smoking for the last 33/34 years 40 + a day and getting up about every two hour for a fag so it can be done. pick a date plan for that day and stick to it just take it day by day. Dont worry about 2moro or next week just the day your in. Keep posting we are all doing the same thing so know what your going through. Hope to speak again soon Linda xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I found the site after I quit, like you , though not as severe!!

I was in hospital for a while with pleurisy and pneumonia and was poorly for sometime after, so then I just carried on not smoking!!

Unfortunatley I fell just before xmas and had to quit again :o this time I have been here from day1 and that has helped me so very much!!

It isn't easy but it is so very worthwhile!!

The support here has been a very big thing to me, I don't know if I would still be here without it :)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

I agree Buffy I know I would not be here.

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi Jayne, like you I was smoking for many years and tried everything and anything to stop, with no success.. As you can see from my sig below, I went down the Champix route and it's the only thing which has worked for me. Obviously, it's not magic but it gave me the extra 'x' factor I needed. You have made a great decision to quit and another great decision to use the good folk on here who have huge corporate experience and knowledge and give of it freely and willingly! The 'quit' group who threw you out sound like a bunch of elitists who have lost sight of reality.

Good luck, keep strong and keep talking!:)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


I quit this time using nothing but last year quit for 6 months using patches. Did try doctor for champix but he said no but only heard good things and what ever helps is great. Linda xxxxx

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi Guys

So good to feel the support from everyone. I think it just helps to know there are other people in the same boat. I feel sooooooo pathetic giving in to this thing all the time.

I used to have will power, I lost 4 stones 17 years ago by changing my eating habits and never put it back on so I think this is what I have to do with smoking.

I keep 'on the go' all the time because if I sit down I stiffen up and most of the time in the house especially I find myself with a cig in my hand without even realising it, cleaning up, washing, etc etc the cig is permanantly there, so it's not because I NEED a cig it's just the HABIT of picking a one up. How do I get out of that :(

I smoke 30+ so am heavily dependant (according to the test). A friend of mine who smoked roll ups (around 30 a day) gave up 2 years ago by useing the patches but still smoking if she felt 'desperate' within 2 weeks she was completely off the cigs and has never smoked since !! I was soooo proud of her but bitterly disappointed in myself because I couldn't do it.

I have read some great stories on here so am going to stay with you all and keep reading the posts and hopefully the day will come when I can tell you all 'I've took the first step'. Thanks again to you all.


nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hi there welcome to the forum. xx

nsd_user663_1927 profile image

Welcome Jayne

I don't seem to greet many newbies anymore, don't seem to have the time post.

But the way they treated you in the group therapy was appalling. But this forum is so much better. There's always someone about, when all you can think about is having just 1 lil ciggie, cause it won't hurt. But on the other hand if you do have 1, your not judged. You encouraged to keep on the track to nic freedom.

Myself and probably lots of other people, wouldn't have done it without the people on here.

So come on set a date to quit and we'll all be here for you. If you don't hear from me very much I'll be popping on to read your progess. Can't wait to see you moving through the rooms.

pip x

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi again

I had a good read through the forum and read some great threads and success stories that's why I decided to join.

It's just good to be able to be honest about the way you feel/are feeling to like minded people. I love the idea of the 'rooms' and the errrmmm thingy that you can download once you have stopped to keep a tally on your progress.

Being the only non smoker in my house I have been plagued for years to stop smoking and I did the usual, well I smoked when you met me etc etc so tuff!

I defiantly carried on, sheer bloody mindedness, but now I want to stop for me, it's not even about the money any more, I'm not bothered about putting on weight because I know I can lose that again if I have to. So really the only thing stopping me is me. Is it because I am frightened to 'make the comitment' I don't know. But I am sure if I stick with you all I will get round to setting that day. Wish me luck

Jayne x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

You will do and you'll get through x x

Your train of thought is changing so you will find that inner strength to bite the bullet and quit x x x x

Change can be hard but thats just antisipation of what the changes bring.

Grasp the change and it'll definatley the best thing you have done in years!!

Keep on with it, keep it in your mind and start taking those steps x x

~Buffy xx

nsd_user663_2737 profile image

Hi, welcome and good luck

I am on a quit programme and I had a slip, I had one cig after a month. I confessed, she put me back to day 1.

She gave me all the encouragment to carry on that i needed and couldnt have been anymore supportive.

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi Yoyoyo

I could have accepted that, at least they would have been supporting me. I was just kicked off the program and told to go back after 6 months if I wanted to try again.

What annoyed me the most was, I could have gone on that Friday morning lied through my teeth and still been left on the program, he would never have known because I had the cig at 3 oclock the day before so any nicotine would have been out of my system.

I even said to him so if \I had come in a lied I would still be on the program, he said basically yes !!

Surely trying to kick this habit is all about being honest with yourself, if your not honest whats the point.:confused:

Jayne x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

So the long and short of it is that probably half the people there are lying and some higher managment somewhere is ticking boxes and getting paid too much money :rolleyes:

My nurse is leaving and she offered me a group support glad I said no now :mad:

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Jayne

I have just read your post and would just like to say welcome. I am sorry to hear you have had a hard time of it with your so-called "support group":rolleyes:. I went to see the nurse at my surgery to get started following a blood test showing my cholestrol was up slightly and I had a slight reaction to the tablets they put me on and I have monthly check-ups to see how I'm getting on. It is getting easier now, although I still have mini-cravings on a night when I'm at home. I'm using the patches and occasionally the inhalator but was wondering what happens when Step 3 is finished, do the cravings come back with a force or is that it (I know I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here as I am still on Step 1 but it would be nice to know - forewarned is forearmed as they say!). Sorry, I'm rambling

Anyway, welcome aboard Jayne and good luck.

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi Jan

I can't help you there because I never got past the first week :eek: But stick it out, you have taken the first step, so stay with it. I havnt even done that yet :confused:

Buffy, Don't let my experience put you off. That happened to me when all this 'stopping smoking' thing first came out properly about 6/7 years ago so things hopefully have changed for the better since then. My friend who gave up 2 years ago lives in the same area as me (Tyne & Wear) but went to a different place, they were fabulous with her. Put her on the program and told her if she absolutly had to have a cig light one have what she needed then put it out. She did that and was completely off them in 2 weeks, she never looked back and says to this day has never missed them and she was a heavy smoker 30+ roll up per day.

Maybe they have realised that it is a lot harder then they first thought. I havnt got my head round my first day yet, but I will, I will.............:o

Jayne x

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Welcome to the mad house Jane, be prepared to get addicted to us mind, ha ha! But honestly i know i would have caved many times without my wonderful cyber mates. Just let us know what and how your feeling. We will NEVER kick you out. xxx ;)

nsd_user663_2764 profile image

Hi Jayne - do stick with us thought I'd never get to where I am - on week 3 now and can't believe how good I feel you can see from my sig slipped a few times but the gang here gave me nothing but support;)


nsd_user663_2873 profile image

Boo hoo ... rest of my life to go.

My first day today and already I have the urge to roll one up. I think I may the support of other people as my fella has given up today as well!! I shall try my hardest not to hurt him in any way. (Well not yet, anyway!!)

Well hello all. Any ex rollies here to support me through this awful time?

Sam ;)


nsd_user663_2737 profile image

I used to smoke roll ups

I never seemed to like cigs (filters etc)

You will be fine, just take one day at a time, drink water when you feel an urge to smoke. It helped me during the early days.

nsd_user663_2873 profile image

At last, someone on my own level. I've smoked rollies for about 15 years now, or should I say I did, not to mention smoking the 'other': all without filters. (Seems to be a taboo subject, which really needs addressing) Thanks for the advise about water, i'll give that a go. I know it's only the first day but I can't help but panic as I had been smoking longer than without cigarettes. Worry about piling on the weight as well

... god I moan a lot!

Sam xxx:)

nsd_user663_2873 profile image

how rude of me ... I should congratulate yourself on quitting for so long! Well done!!!:D


nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Thanks everybody, I'm still reading and posting but not got a quit day yet :(

Hi Sam

Good for you, it's tough but stick with it, I wish I had your strength to'go for it'.

The tip about water is a good one, also you might like to try keeping some fresh orange juice handy, apparantly when you get a craving your blood sugar levels drop so if you sip fresh orange juice it brings the sugar levels back up so might make you feel better. Let me know if it works for when I take the plunge :eek:

Jayne x

nsd_user663_2873 profile image

Hi Jayne ... sorry to hear your having trouble with a start date. I recomend you did what i did. Smoke yourself to the point where you feel sick and then before you go to bed stick a patch on!!! I know it sounds daft and maybe not the best advise but it gave me the kick up the backside I needed. Plus my daughters at that age where she's going on at me all the time!! (Kids eh, who'd av 'em?) At the end of the day it's down to you to make that dreaded decision, and I have tremendous hope and faith in you as you're on this forum! You must have some need to want to give up if you're on here!


xxxx :eek:

nsd_user663_2737 profile image

Ive got a little tip about weight probs ... Ive been doing this since the 2nd week ....

I have porridge for breakfast, sounds daft, but it fills me up, its a slow release food so it keeps me going all morning and I dont get the munchies half as much these days, in fact, when I do get the munchies, i get a bowl of porridge. I never used to eat breakfast and would always go for chocolate or sweet stuff to comfort me, even more since I quit.

Probally more to do with quitting smoking but Ive also got loads more energy than I used to have

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Sam & Jayne

How about carrot sticks if you're feeling like some chocs or something sweet like cranberries, Sam. I bought some yesterday but left them in the fridge today (succumbed to three mini choc eggs - slapped wrist!!).

Keep at it Jayne - the thing that keeps me going is wanting to see my grandkids grow up and not wanting to go back to day 1 when I slipped after the first week. I have a photo of the kids in my office and just keep looking at that.

nsd_user663_2873 profile image

Does anyone know of a calendar (from the internet) that I could mark off each day? I know I could probably go out and buy one, but I simply can't be bothered!!! Might give me a little more insentive!



nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi Jayne and Samsam!! Welcome to the forum :D

We have all been sitting right where you are and wondering how we would take the first step. Each person has their own way of getting ready, but you must believe in yourself. You CAN do it and you will feel much better about yourself and you will be very proud of yourself as well.

Save your 'no smoking' money and each day buy yourself something that you love! You deserve it after a long day of being smoke free.

Keep yourself busy. Do whatever it takes to keep your mind off of the ciggies. Sometimes doing things that make it almost impossible to smoke help - like taking a shower or having a bubble bath ;)

Sip water throughout the day. When you feel a crave - squirt some lemon juice into your mouth or have a lemon and water drink.

My doctor told me at the beginning of my quit that chewing celery very slowly until it turned to pulp in your mouth when you have a craving would cure it until the next craving. I was eating quite a bit of celery at the beginning :eek: But that's okay!

Tell your family that you need their support and to not allow you to pick up the nasties. Believe in yourself because you can do it!

Post here as often as you need because we are all going through the same thing and we all understand the horrible feelings that we get within the first few weeks.

The first three days are the worst, but really thats when all of the nicotine is leaving our bodies and making us pure again. After the nicotine has left our bodies ~ we can't put it back in again!! Stay strong!! I believe in you!

nsd_user663_2873 profile image

Thanks for your support ... I think I'm gonna need it!!

Will keep you all posted by moaning lots and lots.

Sam :p


nsd_user663_2873 profile image

Thanks boudee and well done on giving up for so long ... keep at it!!


nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi sam, just wanted to support NS4M's celery comment... I still munch celery sticks and drink loads of tomato juice - full of anti oxidents I'm told:D

Best of luck with your quit! We're with you.:)

(or is it oxidants??anyone know??)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Sam & Jayne

Well done Sam on your day one

We are all here for you both. Linda xxxxx

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

full of anti oxidents I'm told:D

Best of luck with your quit! We're with you.:)

(or is it oxidants??anyone know??)

I think it's kinda like: you say tomato, i say tomata

I say Potato, you say Potata :p

nsd_user663_2353 profile image

Hello Jayne...I gave up smoking in October 07..Was doing so well then just before Christmas had a few family problems (illnesses) also pc hard drive packed in and only just had it fixed . Anyhow one day was so stressed out thought I would have just the one cig..big mistake I am back to 20+ a day.Like you I have smoked since I was a young teenager I am now 55...Not giving up on giving up and I am planning a new quit day...Good Luck Jayne and everyone else..First on my list is to visit the forum daily without fail if only for a few mins to read the posts as it certainly helps..

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Hello Jayne...I gave up smoking in October 07..Was doing so well then just before Christmas had a few family problems (illnesses) also pc hard drive packed in and only just had it fixed . Anyhow one day was so stressed out thought I would have just the one cig..big mistake I am back to 20+ a day.Like you I have smoked since I was a young teenager I am now 55...Not giving up on giving up and I am planning a new quit day...Good Luck Jayne and everyone else..First on my list is to visit the forum daily without fail if only for a few mins to read the posts as it certainly helps..

WELCOME BACK BEHAPPY X X X I remember you :)

I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a hard time at home...I hope things are better now :(

Glad you're back, never give up quitting! this time can be The Time, please come back everyday, we will be at your side and help you all the way up to the penthouse ;)

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi behappy

Thanks for the welcome. Don't be too hard on yourself. You have done it once you can do it again. Families, illness mmm been there...........:(

I am definatly going to pop in here every day for inspiration, the people have been so supportive. It's hard to et any support from my family, hubby has never smoked so dosent understand as far as he's concerned you should just 'not have one'. My daughter and 2 young grand children emigrated to Australia in August last year so that was pretty hard :( and my son moved into her house the same day, so hasnt been easy.

You know, when I am writing this, yes these things have happened but if I keep useing these things as excuses I'm never gonna get started am I? So I think that's where I need to start by stop blaming everyone and everything else for my weakness, it's my problem so it's me that has to do something about it, right?


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi Jayne,

You are feeling scared about quitting I think. You are worried about losing your 'friend' and being left alone and feeling bored and lonely. Well...we have all been there feeling that. You will find every excuse to try to keep your 'friend', but we all know that the 'friend' is actually a 'killer' and it will get you on the long run and leave you breathless and lifeless. It will take everything from you. Excuses only lead to a shorter life. The faster you lose the 'friend' the faster you gain life and have more time to make real friends. I know how you are feeling though and it is such a huge step to take, but once you have taken the step you are on the path to health and freedom. Choose life over smoking please hun! You can do it! ;)

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Hi Jayne, I wish you all the happiness you deserve and quitting smoking sure can be a first step! Maybe because quitting is something we do first and foremost for ourselves - otherwise it hardly ever works, it seems - it lets us focus on something where we only have to care about ourselves for once, and it's that kind of selfishness that really does help ;) Trust me in just a couple weeks things can really start to improve and the more your mood is positive about every stage of the quit the more you're likely to be serene and enjoy each new, smoke-free moment :)

Also I think you're not weak, what you are is lonesome and that's because big changes have occurred in your life and you miss your children - but they sure love you and you can always visit them no matter how far they are, and ruining your health surely wouldn't help you anyway! So, stay strong and be confident cause you can make this too :) xx

nsd_user663_2869 profile image


Sorry I didn't mean my post to sound like a 'sob story' I still see my son and keep in touch with my daughter and grandchildren on MSN and webcam. They are coming for a visit and they land on mother's day (can't wait) then I have to get my head round a 23 hour flight to see them in October. Did I also say I was terrified of flying :eek: but I found a great forum for that as well last year and they got me on a plane to Jersey, the people are like on here, suportive and friendly, so all is not lost :)

It's great reading your replies. I want to be honest to get the help I need.

What makes a lot of sense is the 'selfish' element. I remember when I needed to loose the weight (I was 14.5 stone :eek:) I had to do just that. I told my hubby he would have to do the cooking for him and the kids because I had to concentrate on what I could eat myself. That's how I did it, I did feel guilty as well but I stuck with it and it worked.

I feel as though some things are starting to come together. Thanks guys :D


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Great - I'm glad you feel like things are coming together :D In the long run they always do ~ take care of yourself.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well come Jayne and behappy

Maybe you could choose a quit day together. Dont let it put you off that you failed or you dont think you will last a day. I failled after 6 months last year a lot of family problems my youngest son moved out the last one to leave. that made me feel redundent if you know what i mean. Then to top it all my oldest son almost died he has a drink prob. But all the things still happend with me smoking or not. Take it one day at a time girls we are year for you both. Linda xxxxxxxx ps sorry for the long post

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome back behappy x x x x

Sorry for your hard times x x glad your rising up and getting on with quitting again x x x


Well done for your positivity x x thats a giant first step x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2353 profile image

Thanks all for the welcome back..My mother who is 86 had influenza and I was having to go everyday to look after her and make sure she had her insulin for diabetes.. One day whilst at my mother's I had a phone call to say that my hubby had been rushed to hospital having collapsed at work in pain.Turned out he had a kidney stone that had got stuck..Anyhow he is fine now and so is my mother.

Having that first ciggy did not help only made me feel sick. lightheaded and put me back to 20 a day..I have made my new date for the 13 feb (tomorrow) ..13 has always been my lucky number so fingers crossed.

Thanks once again, so good to know we have our friend's on here to support each other xxx

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi behappy

So glad your family are on the mend now. It's a worrying time.

But.............GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW :)

I don't think I'm ready to set a date just yet but I will be popping in for inspiration and to see how you are going.

Remember one day at a time...................so I'm told anyway :eek:


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ouch poor hubby!! :( glad everyones better x x

Must of been quite a bit of pressure on you :o

I am sure this time you go in better armed and will shine through x x x x

Good luck for tomorrow x x

Will be keeping an eye out for you.

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2353 profile image

Awe thanks Buffy.... Jayne we will be keeping an eye out for you when you are ready good luck xx

nsd_user663_2873 profile image


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Good luck for 2moro Behappy will look out for your first day. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi samsam

CONGRATULATIONS on getting through your first day..............FAB :D


nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi behappy

Do you mind if I ask you, what plan of action are you useing to stop tomorrow and are you useing NRT or going cold turkey?:eek:


nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Good luck Behappy for tomorrow

nsd_user663_2353 profile image

Jayne....I have tried patches and came out in lumps under my skin, was told that I was allergic to the adhesive on the patches...

Gum, lozenges and inhalers all cause stomach upsets..

Cold Turkey was fine had no problems..So I will be going Cold Turkey...

Hubby used Patches (he was a very heavy smoker for 45 yrs) it will be 2yrs this May since he had a ciggy..

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

My first day today and already I have the urge to roll one up. I think I may the support of other people as my fella has given up today as well!! I shall try my hardest not to hurt him in any way. (Well not yet, anyway!!)

Well hello all. Any ex rollies here to support me through this awful time?

Sam ;)

xxxxHi Sam, l see that you are from my neck of the woods :) I quit, with the help of Champix, on 01/01/08. Are you using anything to help with your quit? The Doctors in our area seem to be quite sympathetic to prescribing Champix if you have tried unsuccessfully in the past to stop, using other methods. :):)

love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2353 profile image

Thanks everyone...Sam well done on reaching day 2 !!!

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Best of luck behappy! I'm sure it's going to be your last quit!:)

And samsam, well done, keep it going!:D

nsd_user663_2869 profile image

Hi behappy

Just wondered how your first day was going:p

Sam...........how is your second day, as good as the first I hope :)

Jayne x

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

For Samsam74

Thanks for your support ... I think I'm gonna need it!!

Will keep you all posted by moaning lots and lots.

Sam :p

xxxHi Sam, How are you doing today? I haven't seen a post today from you, and just wondered if you are still hanging on in there. If you have had a lapse, don't worry about it, plenty of others have had, too. The idea is, DO NOT GIVE UP, GIVING UP. Keep coming back on here, especially when you have a craving, and by the time that you have read or replied to a few posts, you will find that the craving has gone.:):):)

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

I'm just blown away by the positive energy you guys are all generating!


And in England tooo!!!!



nsd_user663_2353 profile image

Hi behappy

Just wondered how your first day was going:p

Sam...........how is your second day, as good as the first I hope :)

Jayne x

Hi Jayne..First day went fine was out over the fields for most of the day with the dog...This morning must admit I was a little grumpy but it has passed.xx

nsd_user663_2869 profile image


Fantastic, you got through that first day again and cold turkey too:eek: I am in awe of you.

Dunno what I will be like when I get my first day, I'm grumpy most of the time :D


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