Well it was not totally unexpected.... - No Smoking Day

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Well it was not totally unexpected....

nsd_user663_1930 profile image
22 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Look where I am (not even sure if Day 1 is the right place to be as I don't know when I am going to try quitting again)...

Where do I start... Well last night my heavily pregnant wife was violently sick (vomitting) approximately every hour. Now although this disrupted my sleep I kept awake with her for moral support and all that... At 7am my 5 year old son, wakes me up to show me a trophy that he just won on Mario Karts on the DS...

So noticing that the missus was fast asleep I got my self showered along with me boy, and we proceeded at high velocity to McDonalds for breakfast...

I then had a marvellous idea, leave my wife to sleep and go do some christmas shopping... What could possibly go wrong... :)

While I was walking to the local computer shop in the middle of Norwich City I started to form a picture of what I would buy everyone for Christmas. Plus I thought of a cool present to give my son when my daughter is born, so he doesn't feel left out and all that mumbo jumbo.

My boy uses my Hi-Gloss Black Nintendo DS, now I stress the Hi-Gloss Black, as I have to clean it daily, finger prints and all that. After scrapping a boggie of the touch screen last week I figured I should buy him his own.

Now while in the shop I noticed the pink DS's, and thought thats cool for the missus, as she loves Tetris and all that (Finally a perfect plan for getting my DS back) :D

Now I did buy myself Mario Galaxy for the Wii as a Christmas present to my self (I was feeling a bit left out... You know how it is...).

So everything was going well, I hadn't killed my son we were shopping in the busy city centre and all was good...


I stood in Jarrold's and said to my son, let's get a bar of chocolate to eat on the way back to the car. While heading to the chocolate deptartment I noticed the Radley handbag display and spotted this handbag for £35.00... Now all you ladies will know about Radley as a brand and I quickly thought "Oh that's a good price for a Radley handbag"... I then collared the "Hot" sales assistant (and when I say "Hot" she was "Hot") and casually said "Could I have that handbag please?" (The perfect stocking filler for the missus from the Kids)...

I dragged out the credit card and she turned around and said "That'll be £125.00 please...". Now I was in a situation (And I didn't want to look like a plum... She was "Hot"). I casually glanced over my shoulder at the display and noticed the £35.00 price tag still on the display, but it was clearly hanging down on a long piece of string from the shelf above which had little purses on.... :eek: I then casually handed over my credit card without breaking into a sweat, and completed the purchase (I didn't want her to think I was a skin flint... She was "Hot").

Now that didn't even come close to making me want to smoke... However the missus seeing the credit card bill probably will...

So I get home mid afternoon and my wife is just getting out of bed and informs me that we need to go the the Hospital (She'd phoned the maternity unit and they requested her presence).

So off we go a 16:00 hrs, now 6 hours later I left the hospital, she is staying in over night on a drip to rehydrate her system, little baby seems okay.

But during those 6 hours I cracked and bought some smokes... Which I had a feeling would have happened at some point during my hospital encounters that are coming up...

Now it isn't being at hospital thats the problem, its the slowness of the NHS that winds me up

(Now don't get me wrong the staff are wonderful), but 6 hours for 3 temperature tests and 20 minutes on a baby monitor machine, you must be joking (That's just ineffecient use of resources). That it what pissed me off where I cracked...

Ironic isn't it, the NHS advertise on telly to stop smoking yet the NHS just caused me to start again.

And I don't mind but they decided to keep her in overnight on a drip, but when I left she still wasn't on one. And what really done it for me was the first temperature reading was high (which caused them to want her in over night), but they decided to do another temperature reading which was slightly less, so to be sure they done a 3rd (As I quote "They didn't want to put my wife through any unnecessary pulling about"). Now correct me if I am wrong, but with an unborn baby at potential risk if there is any reasonable doubt then they should be admitted straight away, why did we have to wait literally for another 3 hours for 2 temperature tests (that take 1 minute max) before they acted.

I hate incompetence and bad management...

Now don't get me wrong the staff on the ground are probably excellent at their jobs, but they should be left to do what they do well, its the wasted management, paperwork and targets that are screwing it all up.

Did I mention I don't like Labour :D

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nsd_user663_1930 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_1931 profile image

sorry to hear all that.

Hope wife and baby are fine and are you going to set a new date?.

Going to have a fag now(last one i hope).

Hope to speak to you 2morrow.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hi Barb,

I'll probably have another one now and get back on the wagon tomorrow... At least I spent some time in Week 2 on the forum, didn't think I'd be there again, so its progress I suppose, just a shame about those 2 naughty ciggies.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh your poor wife!!

To be so poorly at such a late stage you must of all been so worried x x x

My 3 boys pregnancys I had a bout of being violently ill at nearly 6 months how weird?

I hope she recovers soon x x x and I bet she'll love the bag £125 well spent and more fool you for being roped in by womens beauty lol

Just carry on with your quit blips a blip and you are doing so well x x x

Hospital trips do require a heap of patience no doubt, just buy a magazine and expect the waits!!

When they finally admitted me (pneumonia episode) and got my drip set up and was on the high obs ward, my alarms kept going off, in the end a team of docs were around my bed trying to work out why I was still in a bad way, my body was not responding to the saline and continued to have a practically non existent blood pressure. Then one clever bod noticed the pool of saline on the floor, my drip was quite happily washing the floor while i was lying there with nothing going into my body :D hehehe

They do work hard but are only human x x they saved me in the end that's what counts x x lollol

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Well, back up the hospital all day today, just popped back to see my son and beat the cat up, apparently they are deciding whether to perform a Caesarean Section, should find out later tonight... :confused:

Fun fun fun in the sun sun sun... :(

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well, back up the hospital all day today, just popped back to see my son and beat the cat up, apparently they are deciding whether to perform a Caesarean Section, should find out later tonight... :confused:

Fun fun fun in the sun sun sun... :(

Big hus my darling Gav x x x x x x x x

She is that far down the road that I am sure all will be well x x x x

Girls, nothing but trouble ;)

Just take it one step at a time and be strong x x x

Good luck and all my love hugs and wishes, keep in touch honey

thinking of you x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

My 5th was a ceasarian after 4 naturals!

it was an awakee and poor other half was under the bed as the screen was slipping down rofl. It was i who had to say oi midwife pull up the screen you loon!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


You made me go all woozy then

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

hehe there is more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

but no really i will shut up :o

Good, thanks Boudee :o

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

I remember when my wife had a caesarean when my son was born. I was there with her scrubs and all.:rolleyes:

The best way they described it was 'the sensation of someone doing the washing up in your belly':D

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Hang on a minute, I think I've got a pic somewhere!!!!;)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Maybe not!:mad: file is too big to upload and can't be arsed to re-size it on photobucket.

Oh well, maybe one day!

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Aha! found it!:D


You'll hopefully see me with me scrubs on!:D

Oh and my son when he was born Jan 2006.:p

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

awwwwwwwwwwwwww iccle baby :)

they were pulling me back together and everything from the top was being pulled down to the bottom :confused:

Is that possible?:confused::D

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Aha! found it!:D


You'll hopefully see me with me scrubs on!:D

Oh and my son when he was born Jan 2006.:p

Oh! what a beautiful boy! the baby i mean he he !

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Oh thats nothing! This was a couple of months ago!:)

Butter wouldn't melt would it!:D


nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Oh! hes even more beautiful now, you must be so proud of him. [must look like his mum] ha ha!

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Oh! hes even more beautiful now, you must be so proud of him. [must look like his mum] ha ha!


nsd_user663_1988 profile image

yeah it is it was horrible :o

Not that I don't believe you,:rolleyes: I just couldn't picture it in my head:confused::D

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

you don't want to, if me boobs had not come back up where they should have done i would have ended up looking like i had knock knees :p

Ah noo!:eek: now I can imagine it!


nsd_user663_2115 profile image

My mum had a beard

I'm not saying that my Mum had a lot of facelifts - but she had a convincing "beard" by the time she'd finished........................

And she used to have a bull-dog clip on the back of her head..............


nsd_user663_1988 profile image

I'm not saying that my Mum had a lot of facelifts - but she had a convincing "beard" by the time she'd finished........................

And she used to have a bull-dog clip on the back of her head..............



nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I wonder how gav and missus are :o I do hope all is good in the hood, smoking or non smoking!

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