Having a pretty shit day and feel like bein... - No Smoking Day

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Having a pretty shit day and feel like being totally selfish and buying some cigs

nsd_user663_54940 profile image
13 Replies

I need to have a rant before I explode and go out for some cigs.

I'm going away tomorrow for a couple of nights with the kids - a treat with the money I've saved.

My 9 year old son has been packed and ready to go for 2 days - great, no problem there.

My 12 year old daughter is another story. I'm constantly asking/nagging/telling her to keep her room tidy so she can find things. Her gran even pays her £5 a week to encourage her to keep it tidy, not that it helps and she's only had her money once. It has got to the point where you can't see the carpet, clean and dirty clothes are all over the floor/surfaces. She's now asking me where her clothes are as she can't find the ones she wants to take away and expects me to start washing the dirty clothes that I just picked up after literally crawling round on my hands and knees to find!

Disorganised isn't the word and I'm at the end of my tether. :mad::mad:

This has just been the final straw today after having shit thrown at me from every angle.

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nsd_user663_54940 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_54938 profile image

kids .

what can we do with them, what would we do with out them haha mine are grown up , boys got there own homes, but got a 19 year old girl here and believe me ,hers room a mess, her boyfriend cleans it for her when he stays over lol. sending you a hugX

So if I understand you, if you buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke some of them, your daughter will clean her room and be able to find her clothes?

Because if that's not what you're saying, and cigarettes won't solve the problem, then there's no reason to buy any more cigarettes.


nsd_user663_54958 profile image

Dont you dare... we Jan quitters need to stick together. Besides which is worse, being untidy or a smoker? Which would you choose for your daughter?

Deep breaths, count to ten, have some chocholate, it will pass!!!

We can do this!


nsd_user663_53760 profile image

18 year old twin daughters at Uni and still living at home still behave like that! But I love them dearly! And I try to encourage them to take some responsibility for the crap in their rooms. Girls;)

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

What are they like?

Juju, respect - I can't even start to tell you about parenting and never would, but can empathise for sure! I have boy-girl-boy, 11, 10 and 6.

My daughter has more useless shit in her room than the rest of the family, in the whole of the rest of our house put together. Every day we struggle to get her up and ready for school, and if she doesn't take it seriously we threaten to take her room away and make her live in the loft. It's a joke and she knows it, I think we just have to put up with it. God knows how she finds anything of value at all in her room, but can always seem to find her phone, and the charger for her laptop :confused:

Mrs H threatens to make our daughter travel to school in her knickers. (That sometimes works believe it or not!). :D

Anyhow, for everything you have to give yourself over to, all children are worth it. Smoking is worth nothing, but you know that already.


nsd_user663_54554 profile image

....and in the time it took me to write that you had six replies!!!!!! Woah, I must be sooooo slow at typing? :o

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

Juju, big hugs to you :) Kids have a knack of driving us mad but don't let anything drive you back to smoking... You've done so well & have stayed so positive throughout your quit, just keep going - we are nearly at 2 months :D

Ignore your daughters room once you get back, if it's messy leave her in her own mess - sounds harsh but she'll soon get sick of looking through stuff all over her floor & start sorting it & if she doesn't make sure she helps you do it!!

Hope you have a lovely break & breath lots of fresh air in :)

Denise x

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Thank you so much for all the sensible and silly replies :) I have now got over strop and I'm feeling much better.

I've had more spanners in the works in one day than I usually get in a week and if I can get through today with a little help from you lot (and a homemade mini strawberry pavlova) then I can get through anything!

I guess my daughter must be pretty normal as pre teen girls go then! Hawkeye, your girl sounds uncannily like mine! Oh how we'll chuckle when they have kids of their own eh? lol

Thanks again everyone.... Time for a quick one before last orders, my round :D

nsd_user663_54554 profile image


You wouldnt be a female if you were not able to throw a big strop now and then would you? :D


Oh-oh, all together now..... "Ommmmmmmmmmm" :)

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

I'm not rising to the bait either lol....just rising to the bar to get that double :D

nsd_user663_54510 profile image

Hi JuJu, OH the Joys of Motherhood!

Im so glad you got through it, what would we do without this forum eh?

Nothing better than throwing a good strop!;)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

I need to have a rant before I explode and go out for some cigs.

I'm going away tomorrow for a couple of nights with the kids - a treat with the money I've saved.

My 9 year old son has been packed and ready to go for 2 days - great, no problem there.

My 12 year old daughter is another story. I'm constantly asking/nagging/telling her to keep her room tidy so she can find things. Her gran even pays her £5 a week to encourage her to keep it tidy, not that it helps and she's only had her money once. It has got to the point where you can't see the carpet, clean and dirty clothes are all over the floor/surfaces. She's now asking me where her clothes are as she can't find the ones she wants to take away and expects me to start washing the dirty clothes that I just picked up after literally crawling round on my hands and knees to find!

Disorganised isn't the word and I'm at the end of my tether. :mad::mad:

This has just been the final straw today after having shit thrown at me from every angle.

Roll on the floor laughing my ar5e off :)

I could have written this myself... except my daughter is 20.

Giving up the tabs gets better after three weeks. Having a daughter gets better after twenty years - at least :D

nsd_user663_54696 profile image

I need to have a rant before I explode and go out for some cigs.

I'm going away tomorrow for a couple of nights with the kids - a treat with the money I've saved.

My 9 year old son has been packed and ready to go for 2 days - great, no problem there.

My 12 year old daughter is another story. I'm constantly asking/nagging/telling her to keep her room tidy so she can find things. Her gran even pays her £5 a week to encourage her to keep it tidy, not that it helps and she's only had her money once. It has got to the point where you can't see the carpet, clean and dirty clothes are all over the floor/surfaces. She's now asking me where her clothes are as she can't find the ones she wants to take away and expects me to start washing the dirty clothes that I just picked up after literally crawling round on my hands and knees to find!

Disorganised isn't the word and I'm at the end of my tether. :mad::mad:

This has just been the final straw today after having shit thrown at me from every angle.

If your not careful im going to send Max round, NOW YOU WOULDNT want that would you :D:D

Not what you're looking for?