80 Days - Goooo meeee!!: Wow, it's been 8... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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80 Days - Goooo meeee!!

nsd_user663_2142 profile image
23 Replies

Wow, it's been 80 days since my last ciggie and i am feeling good about it. Things are much easier and my mind thinks about things other than ciggies most of the time. I am normally only reminded about ciggies when someone speaks of it or i see someone smoking. This foum reminds me about smoking but in a positive way so i like this reminder :D

How is everyone else doing on their smoke free journay?

Doesn't it feel good to be a non-smoker?!! :D

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nsd_user663_2142 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Wow~ 80 days!

That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great NS4ME!!!:D

I bet your body is really thanking u at this point! You will be ready to run a marathon before u know it!:eek: Well maybe??? Anyway u should be so proud of yourself!

Day 32 for me!!!!!


nsd_user663_2362 profile image

80 days that is 1 big mountain you have beaten keep it up.

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Thanks guys! I feel great!

As for running a marathon :eek: - mmmmm nah, i don't think so hehe!

32 DAYS!! Amazing Mary - super!! You are right behind me! Keep going :D

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

congratulations and jubilations..................

You are such an inspirstion. Tell me does it feel more natural 'not to smoke' now?

or do you still crave a ciggie. I'm on day 30 now and I must admit I've woken up these last few days wanting a bacon sarnie NOT a cig. A minor miracle after 25yrs!:eek::D

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Go you indeed!! :D 80 days omg :eek: That sounds soooo right hun and you have been doing so great since the start :)

Keep shining you star!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Wow!! Ns4m!! 80 days around the smokefree world :D


~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Hi Ns4m,

80 days is a fantastic achievement. The ties are broken and now the choice to be a non smoker is entirely in your hands.

Isn't it encouraging how many people on this forum are now long termers.

Roll on 3 months


nsd_user663_2367 profile image

cheers to you. 80 days is huge.

It is great to see people making it through:)

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

congratulations and jubilations..................

You are such an inspirstion. Tell me does it feel more natural 'not to smoke' now?

or do you still crave a ciggie. I'm on day 30 now and I must admit I've woken up these last few days wanting a bacon sarnie NOT a cig. A minor miracle after 25yrs!:eek::D

Thanks everyone! You all make me feel soooo special! 525

It does feel much more natural to not smoke, but i do still have the odd craving. My hubby smokes in the house so sometimes the temptation gets a bit much, but when he is out of the house the cravings are almost never. Much easier now then it was at the beginning that's forsure! :D

Thanks again everyone - I couldn't have done it without all of you on this forum, i am sure of it! :)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Well done Ns4m!

80 days is quite an achievement:D

Keep up the good work and stay strong!;)

nsd_user663_2133 profile image




You are a total inspiration to me lovely and one day I will get to where you are I knows it - I just have to follow your lead.

chrlen.ch/gl/images/smilies... happy for you my little band the Smiley Stranglers (minus Dave on Keyboards cos he is in the bar AGAIN) are singing yous some special songsxxxx

youtube.com/watch?v=e7HPqi5... (kareoke version so's you can sing along - I will too)

Always here for you NS4Mxxx Just so's you know that lovely.

So so so so so so so so proud of yous.

Big Massive Hugs


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

How nice to have people who really care rooting me on! It's amazing how wonderul people are on this forum. Thanks everyone ~ it means so much to me and you guys really are the ones that make things easier ;)

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

I'm a bit late here (story of my life!) but want to add my congrats and support in any case! Well done NS4M and see you at the magic 100!

nsd_user663_2195 profile image

Not been posting for a while, but...

Hi everyone that may remember me and has given me encouragement in the past! The names that spring to mind are Nosmoke4me, Buffy, Boudee and poppyfairy. How are you guys all doing? Forgive me, I have lost touch! I still have not had a single puff since 31st Aug, the day I gave up but still find my thoughts are dominated by cigarettes, although I don't always crave one in a physical sense. Do others here feel the same? I recently was speaking so someone that is one of those "occasional smokers" who said she cannot understand how anyone could ever get addicted to them!! Was she telling me "porkies" or does anyone think that the addiction to nicotine could be a genetic thing?

On a good note I feel a thousand times better for having stopped the habit, for a start my cough has disappeared, I smoked for 24 years and was beginning to experience mild chest pains/discomfort, being asthmatic when I lived in England did'nt help either!

I would be interested to know how everyone else is doing, newbie or not!

nsd_user663_2367 profile image

I still have not had a single puff since 31st Aug, the day I gave up but still find my thoughts are dominated by cigarettes, although I don't always crave one in a physical sense. Do others here feel the same? I recently was speaking so someone that is one of those "occasional smokers" who said she cannot understand how anyone could ever get addicted to them!! Was she telling me "porkies" or does anyone think that the addiction to nicotine could be a genetic thing?



Hi bella newish here but congrats on doing so well its good to hear from people who are suceeding.

As far as the genetic thing I think some people are more inclined towards addiction not sure if its chemical or environmental. I have a good friend who is able to smoke occassionally and has never had a problem she will by the odd pack when she is stressed smoke a couple and give the rest away. I dont think she understands my addiction. Same friend has also been able to use other drugs and alcohol quite liiberally at times without ever developing a dependancy. It is annoying. Even morning coffee she can take or leave while I NEED it to function.

Dont know if its genetic or learned behavior or some combination. I come from a family of coffe chugging - smoker - alcoholics... I know I have to watch it with the drinking too but thats for another forum another day.

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Wow, it's been 80 days since my last ciggie and i am feeling good about it. Things are much easier and my mind thinks about things other than ciggies most of the time. I am normally only reminded about ciggies when someone speaks of it or i see someone smoking. This foum reminds me about smoking but in a positive way so i like this reminder

How is everyone else doing on their smoke free journay?

Doesn't it feel good to be a non-smoker?!!

weheyyyy!! no smoke!!!:D

goooooooo us!!!! we've done 3 months on the 13th!!!!:eek: i'm well pleased!! hope u are 2?

i know i've not been around alot lately, but just t let u know i'm your silent non-smoking partner:D and i've not forgotten about everyone!!

hope you're all doin fine!! catchya all soon!!

love poskit.xx

i hope that 3 month's room's been left nice n tidy for us!no-smoke!! cya there on tuesday13th november

wooooooowhooooooo!! 3 months!!!!! i can't believe it!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


You are a true star and you should be so proud and I know its not easy with partner smoking. First attempt too you are one clever girl Love Linda xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

hello you

well done to both of you, 3 months is a massive achievement

I will go and check the room is nice QUOTE]


when we have our party on tues, i'll tell nosmoke not to invite too many beer monsters!!:D so we leave it tidy for the next lot of 3 month'ers:) everyones invited tho!! seeya there!


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi ALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! Ohhh thank you all for the cheers 552

Hi Bella - good on you for staying quit!!!! Amazing job ~ you are special :D

My posk - WOWOWOWOWOW 551 3 whole months tomorrow - OMG!!!!!!!!! :eek: AMAZING FOR US - We are true shining stars ~ I never thought I could do this and yet here we are smooth sailing to 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!! 551

STEVEH ~ My buddy - where have you been? I hope you are well ;) You have made it TODAY TO 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! You are a 'planet' A WONDERFUL SHINING BRIGHT 'PLANET'!!! Yahhhhhooooo to you mate. Keep up the excellent work - it's so worth it. Keep you hands in your pockets and you will continue on to 100 days 552

Linda - awwww you are an inspiration. You got back on track and you just go go go...you are a super star. XxxxX 549

Too everyone - weeeeeee thank you so much for your help and encouragement - it means a lot to me!!!!!!!!!

Hiiiiii Boudee 550

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

get on !!!! we can just tidy it up after, lets have a good one

does anyone here even drink beer

Kitchy does


i might even splash out n get some sausage rolls n nibbly bits:eek:

bring on tomorrow!!!!!

OHHH N WELL DONE STEVE ON GETTING TO YOU 3 MONTHS 2DAY!! HOPE U'VE PARTY'D TOO!! well u can still join in with no smoke n me


cya at the party.

love poskit.x:cool:

nsd_user663_2136 profile image


party. :D

we deserve it we do.:D

only problem is.. if I keep my hands in my pockets, I keep dropping the glass. Solutions on a postcard please.


nsd_user663_2421 profile image

:)I know steveh, have you seen those baseball caps with pockets for a can of booze either side and a plastic straw coming down like a earpice micophone ? problem solved. Dont feel so blonde now HA HA!

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

dossydo - genius thinking mate! :D Bring it on...:p

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