aaaargh: well i have made it to day 2 but i... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2274 profile image
34 Replies

well i have made it to day 2 but i so want a fag first thing i thought about this mornin was havin a fag then the kids got up an kept me busy so i soon forgot about it now they r both at school an i have finnished the housework the craving is back so i thought i would post on here to keep my mind of it an my hands busy an hopefully it will soon pass. gav an barb hope u r still with me an doin well.

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nsd_user663_2274 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_2245 profile image


Hi redkelly,

You are doing well.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well done kelly x x x x

Listen, I have been so lack with my housework routine lately :(

I have it done before I go to school usually!!

I just can't get motivated this past week or so *sigh* fancy taking your mind of things by keeping yourself busy doing my housework?? :D

nsd_user663_2274 profile image

Well done kelly x x x x

Listen, I have been so lack with my housework routine lately :(

I have it done before I go to school usually!!

I just can't get motivated this past week or so *sigh* fancy taking your mind of things by keeping yourself busy doing my housework?? :D

sorry bit of a long way to go to do urs an i hate housework so its bad enough doin my own. wonder if we could get someone from here to do it for us.:D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Good call!! lol

Anyone ?? :D

*sigh* just stuffed 4 crumpets n marmite down my neck, trying to resist the last two by eating haribos :D

I really should get motivated :o

nsd_user663_2274 profile image

mmmmmmmmmm crumpets sound good not sure about marmite though.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

It's been a chain reaction lol Barb had crumpets this morning and i went ooooooo and got myself some, louise is sulking cos she already has her ham sandwiches and now you too may well go for it :D hehehe (bar the marmite either you love it or you hate it ;) hehe )

nsd_user663_2274 profile image

i love marmite but never had it on crumpets might just have to get some an try it.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ahhh lol yeah!! you should ;) tis very nice.

nsd_user663_2274 profile image

not sure hubby would love me for it he hates the taste of marmite. :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ahhh lollol your like the couple out of the advert hehehe

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Kelly

I`m right here with you. I know how your feeling. My last quit was a real struggle for first 3 weeks.Next 8 weeks were much better.I had to have alot of will power in first 3 weeks.

This time its different. Feeling fine 2day.Maybe its because i have only smoked for weeks inbetween rather than years.

Hope Gav is still with us.

PS Might have to have more crumpets.HEHEHEHE

Barb x

nsd_user663_2274 profile image

hi barb glad ur here. i am going to get some crumpets from the shop after i pick the children up and have some for my tea i dont exspect i will get to have them all to my self though as kids love them to. :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

We should mark this day as 'National Crumpet Day' :D hehehe

nsd_user663_2274 profile image


changing the subject a bit but has anyone took up the offer of doing our housework for us buffy.?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

talking of which, I really must do some :( since theres nobody knocking at my door to offer there services >_<

going to set my alarm for 3 lots of 15 mins and do three rooms @ 15mins each,

put on some sounds and get on with it :rolleyes:

Right signing off x x

ttfn all x x

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hi Everyone,

Glad everyone is doing so well with the no smoking campaign... Now for the bad news, I ain't doing so well...

Some of you may have noticed a post yesterday by myself saying that I was bored... Well things certainly changed after that... :(

Maybe some background information is needed. Although I don't really discuss my work much I think its time to bring it up.

In a nutshell I run a company that develops / creates computer video games for Sony PS2, PC's, Nintendo Wii and DS etc... Although I run the company I am one of the computer programmers who creates these games from scratch.

Now to put in into perspective last year we were asked to create a game in 2.5 months, which I done, however this meant working 7 days a week for the 2.5 months and on average 16 hours a day which is along time to spend infront of a computer (Especially a Sony PS2 :mad: ).

Now we have just completed 5 games and all of them have to be approved by either Sony or Nintendo so that they can be released, and to hit the shops for Christmas they need to be done by Monday next week at the latest.

Shortly after my bored comment, the S**T hit the fan with one of them and at 2am yesterday I finally caved :( Sorry Barb and Redkelly.

So albeit a poor excuse its the best one i've got and if anyone can tell me whats wrong with this that would help:



MADDAz ACC,VF20,VF03z ILWR.w VI01,(VI14)w ; Grabs weight flags

MADDw VF08,VF22,VF03w VF01,SRC_XYZ(VI14)





Anyhow, its now 15:00 hrs nearly 24 hrs later and I am still none the wiser to my work related problem. However (for what its worth) I am planning on getting back on the no smoking campaign ASAP (I just need to fix this stupid game... Arrrrgggggghhhhhh).

Looks like I'm working through the night again... :(

Keep going Barb and Redkelly you are both doing great, just wish I was with you.

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Sorry to hear your problems Gav.

We will be here when you need us.

Can`t help on game front. All we do is play them.

We have halo 3 on alot at the moment.

I like my pink ds.

Also have ps2 but dont play very much.

Good luck

Barb x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

i love marmite but never had it on crumpets might just have to get some an try it.

Marmite on crumpets is just heaven.;)

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Way to go Flippy.

Another crumpet and marmite lover.

Barb x

nsd_user663_2317 profile image

Goodmorning all. I snuck in here to read your words of wisdom as I am also on day 2, but after reading, well I have a question. Now I am seeing most of you are way far away from me, but what the heck is a I am from Illinois and can honestly say I have never had, nor seen a crumpet.

nsd_user663_2317 profile image

Ok, now I feel like a real idiot. This is a UK forum and I am in the US. And I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy liked it here and you all seemed so nice and now I am just all frustrated.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

*hugs* becca x x x x there are many US friends here too ;) worry not but here is a crumpet :D

Serve hot with butter and we like a bit of marmite too ;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Gav so sorry about the game :(

The only thing I can offer with reference to the program is that it appears to be written in jibberish :confused: lol the extent of my programing is

10 print text 'Guess a number'

20 if 10 = <30 goto 40

30 if 10 = >30 goto 50

40 print text 'correct'

50 print text 'wrong!'

:D impressive huh? >_<

My kids would love a job stuck infront of the PS all day! I only allow them a couple of hours at the weekend!

they got the ps3 at their dads I play on the pc and guild wars (well not at mo cos my graphs card is rubbish but will get back when i get a new pc)

Any way way tooo much rubbish info from me ;)

Good luck with getting the game finished intime for xmas, have you tried programing forums??

Soz about the slip up

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2317 profile image

Hmmm, so a crumpet is like a miniature pie...? Is there anything in the middle of it?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

no its like a really thick bubbly pancake but a bit more bread like, i suppose we have those in place of pancakes we don't really eat pancakes as much as you do in the US

nsd_user663_2317 profile image

Well if I ever get the opportunity I will have to try a crumpet, maybe they are better then pancakes, cause I don't much like pancakes.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:) Let us know what you think if you do get to try one :D

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hello all,

I am Canadian, but Mmmmmm Crumpets are amazing. They don't taste anything like pancakes Becca so you are safe to try it. Living here in Canada...I eat my crumpets with Peanut Butter on them lol. My hubby thinks that is really gross because he puts plain butter on his, but peanut butter tastes soooo good on them. :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ah the canadians are lucky!!

They get the best of both worlds :D

nsd_user663_2274 profile image

Hi gav sorry about the computer game im afraid i cant help u with that as i only play them we have a ps2 a ds and a nintendo wii that i love playin.:D. Any way as barb said we will be here when u need us just let us know.:)

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

aaaaaaw cruuuumpets!!! i luuuuuuuv them!! with lurpak butter(low fat though!!:D you don't get a figure like mine from eating crap!!!;) )

(it's ok....not posted my piccy yet:D don't think your'e all ready for that just yet lol.

cruuuuuumpets though//////////////////////////////////////////luuuuuvly!!:D

soz.....its okay.....been out for my birthday!!(bit of a wobble on now) but had a great night!!

bye for now....poskit...xx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hehehe x x x x x x hope you had a great night x x x x x x

I posted you a birthday card in General, hope you see it!?

Hope the heads Ok this morning :D


~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Hehehe x x x x x x hope you had a great night x x x x x x

I posted you a birthday card in General, hope you see it!?

Hope the heads Ok this morning :D


~Buffy x x

thanx Buffy!!:D yeh the head was fine this morning(still had a wobble on though:o ) but ready to do it all again 2 moro!!! (don't know when ive had enough me !! thats my problem)

have a great weekend yourself though!

love poskit.x

ps done my 2 months smoke free 2moro!!! well chuffed!:D

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hope you had a super birthday!! :D

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