aaaargh!: was too snug yesterday, everything... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_8400 profile image
18 Replies

was too snug yesterday, everything went ok until my OH came back from work with fags , i managed to rip me patch off and had a crafty smoke..

sorry all, was expecting being in day 2 section but here I am again on day 1 and patched up once more...

let's cross fingers:o

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nsd_user663_8400 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_8400 profile image

2 1/2 hours as a non smoker

managing ok but why is it everyone @ work wants a piece of me?

help!!! temper is flaring!:(

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi Ben, trust me, everyone doesn't want a piece of you, it just feels like that. Your probably feeling a bit miffed cos of yesterday, but remember, not many of us were successful on our first quit! It takes time, preparation, determination, and most of all you have to want to do it really, really badly. Take some deep breaths, the world isn't against you, and it's your own demons that are taking a pop at you.

Find a distraction and better still if you can use the internet, find something to make you laugh, cos all those niggles fly out of the window as soon as you do. So go on, find something that puts a smile on your face.

Good luck, keep at it,

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

i would probably feel good still if it was my first attempt. to my despair, i cannot count anymore everytime i said "right this is the last one."

i have patches, lozenges, tried CT (whoa! that was lively). I am not even a big smoker (5 a day). but hey, lorraine, i will follow your advice.

I am deep breathing so much i feel like a hoover and even as i am typing this post i am chucklin' to meself... it does feel good.

of course i ahve got to deal still with the demons (they are taking many shapes this morning and are on top form!)

thanks lorraine...;)

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Just slap those demons round their ugly little faces :eek: Keep with the deep breathing, talk to yourself, eat - just do whatever it takes to get through those craves. As Lozza said - find something to keep you amused. Mucking about on here helps me :D

Have you thought about how you'll cope tonight if your OH has got ciggies??

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Had to laugh at the Hoover impersonation and I was imagining you going round the floor head down cleaning up the dog ends, and as for OH bringing temptation through the door, well you will have to Hoover her up as well and only let her out at bed time.

Ask her nicely not to smoke around you till you are in control, you could also ask her nicely not to smoke inside for a while as well.

I am sure you will get to grips with it eventually and when you do you want regret it, the benefits are 10 fold as you probably know.

Try also to get plenty of fluids as in fruit juice and water to help the detox and if you are able try some exercise to get the old heart pumping that will also help the detox process.

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

100 miles an hour...

thanks chaps (and chapesses).

good fun getting replies and top tips...

OH at home at the moment (her day off) but so far so good...I tried to blame her for last night but really, really it is up to me innit?

tonight i am going to my twice weekly Taekwondo training.. I have been studying TKD for 7 years now and i am so near the black belt (another year)... good for the nerves and will help with slapping those demons, ha ha ha...

gosh i am so wired....

PS you guys must be on this site 24/7?? Am i gonna get addicted to this as well???:D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

OH YES most definately :D but how good is that you have us all to chat to, your very own support site.

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

it is well cool indeed......:D

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

councelling without the shrink and the bills...

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

All donations thankfully recieved, smokeaday cards excepted LOL you will wake in the morning and think ah must check see how everyone is and thats it you are hooked worse than cigs but the difference is this want kill you, ok so OH might :D

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hi ben

well done on yout day 1 ..u will love it here ...its more fun then smoking haha

keep going & keep posting ..ure doing good hooverman :D

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

i would probably feel good still if it was my first attempt. to my despair, i cannot count anymore everytime i said "right this is the last one."

i have patches, lozenges, tried CT (whoa! that was lively). I am not even a big smoker (5 a day). but hey, lorraine, i will follow your advice.

I am deep breathing so much i feel like a hoover and even as i am typing this post i am chucklin' to meself... it does feel good.

of course i ahve got to deal still with the demons (they are taking many shapes this morning and are on top form!)

thanks lorraine...;)

haha your a funny man! This made me laugh out loud. hehe and cheered me up to. Not at your struggle of course!!

Keep it up, and well done on starting with your quit again straight afterwards!

nsd_user663_8123 profile image

Keep it up benjahman... hour at a time to start with - makes it less scary!

Talking of scared, most people on here are completely bonkers, but you'll get used to 'em!!

JOKING People!!! I love them all really, and i wouldn't be celebrating my 4 month milestone today if it wasn't for this lot!!


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

She means it to Ben and you will get the same way, I promise heee heee

check this out he used to be on here and look what happened to him!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

look me up in day 2

;) ........................................

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Ben glad to see you are still smiling, or is that a grimace :D so hows it going ??

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

next day...

cheers jamangie, check me post on day 2...(oh yes!)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Ben Glad you are in there on day 2 and feeling good !!!! it takes time to be able to wake up and not think the thoughts but you will do it Im sure, every day passes and then it will turn to weeks and then months and you will look back and think OMG were did the time go and you will be a non smoker before you know it, take care and look forward to day 3, not to look back is the way forward, uh does that make sense :D

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