I start Champix tomorrow: Hi I googled this... - No Smoking Day

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I start Champix tomorrow

nsd_user663_2232 profile image
19 Replies


I googled this site a few weeks back before making the decision to try Champix (everything else having failed) and was wondering what other users experiences were like. To be honest they seemed so positive so I finally got my prescription today and start taking the tablets in the morning.

Feeling very positive but also reckon I should boost my chances by getting as much support as possible. So maybe a few of the kind non smokers out there can help me along the way?

Here's a bit about me. Had first cigarette at 6 (stolen from mum's packet), was a regular smoker by 16 and now at the age of 40 am a proper chimney. Tried to quit many times with limited success, both cold turkey and patches, Zyban and even tried hypnosis - expensive mistake and realised this as soon as I met the hypnotherapist, an American called Wayne!

Still starting smoking was another expensive mistake so was just throwing more money down the drain I suppose.

My parents both smoked and even though they quit a few years back (you'll find out why in a second) I very sadly lost my dad to emphysemia last year. Watching him slowly deteriorate and move on to 24 hour oxygen and never be able to play with his beloved grandsons broke my heart and just before he died he said he had had a wonderful life with no regrets apart from one - ever smoking in the first place.

I have two young boys who beg me to quit (husband smokes too but they don't give him as much grief) and I am ashamed to admit I smoked through both pregnancies - just lucky they both came out big bouncing bruisers.

All summer I have been promising them I would quit when they went back to school so here I am about to embark on a journey which I am bizarrely excited about (although nervous too - my oldest kid said tonight he didn't think I'd manage it but I damn well will this time!).

The past year has been very difficult for me what with losing dad but also lots of financial troubles (another good reason to quit) which led to lots of anxiety and far too much wine consumption but have been seeing a wonderful counsellor and totally sorted myself out and now feel in better shape emotionally than for years and have managed to cut the drinking habit back massively. Also managed to knock a far too regular other smoking habit on the head which will of course help with quitting the fags - the herbals were always my downfall in the past.

I feel strong, I am ready to be a non smoker and start my journey tomorrow but would love a few friends to help me along the way.

Am hoping Champix is as good as everyone says but also appreciate that this is also down to me and no miracle cure.

Friends and family say they know I am nearby before they see me because they always recognise my cough - how sad is that. Am looking forward to being able to creep up on them and catch them unawares!

Would be nice to hear some positive vibes from other quitters, Champix users or not, and share our thoughts and experiences as we gain control once and for all.

Told my kids tonight about how evil cigarette companies are going into third world countries dishing out free cigs to get the very poor hooked - now how can I carry on paying money to these pigs to support that?

Join me if you want to and help me on my way.

Here's to tomorrow - I can't wait!

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nsd_user663_2232 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_2231 profile image


I googled this site a few weeks back before making the decision to try Champix (everything else having failed) and was wondering what other users experiences were like. To be honest they seemed so positive so I finally got my prescription today and start taking the tablets in the morning.

Feeling very positive but also reckon I should boost my chances by getting as much support as possible. So maybe a few of the kind non smokers out there can help me along the way?

Here's a bit about me. Had first cigarette at 6 (stolen from mum's packet), was a regular smoker by 16 and now at the age of 40 am a proper chimney. Tried to quit many times with limited success, both cold turkey and patches, Zyban and even tried hypnosis - expensive mistake and realised this as soon as I met the hypnotherapist, an American called Wayne!

Still starting smoking was another expensive mistake so was just throwing more money down the drain I suppose.

My parents both smoked and even though they quit a few years back (you'll find out why in a second) I very sadly lost my dad to emphysemia last year. Watching him slowly deteriorate and move on to 24 hour oxygen and never be able to play with his beloved grandsons broke my heart and just before he died he said he had had a wonderful life with no regrets apart from one - ever smoking in the first place.

I have two young boys who beg me to quit (husband smokes too but they don't give him as much grief) and I am ashamed to admit I smoked through both pregnancies - just lucky they both came out big bouncing bruisers.

All summer I have been promising them I would quit when they went back to school so here I am about to embark on a journey which I am bizarrely excited about (although nervous too - my oldest kid said tonight he didn't think I'd manage it but I damn well will this time!).

The past year has been very difficult for me what with losing dad but also lots of financial troubles (another good reason to quit) which led to lots of anxiety and far too much wine consumption but have been seeing a wonderful counsellor and totally sorted myself out and now feel in better shape emotionally than for years and have managed to cut the drinking habit back massively. Also managed to knock a far too regular other smoking habit on the head which will of course help with quitting the fags - the herbals were always my downfall in the past.

I feel strong, I am ready to be a non smoker and start my journey tomorrow but would love a few friends to help me along the way.

Am hoping Champix is as good as everyone says but also appreciate that this is also down to me and no miracle cure.

Friends and family say they know I am nearby before they see me because they always recognise my cough - how sad is that. Am looking forward to being able to creep up on them and catch them unawares!

Would be nice to hear some positive vibes from other quitters, Champix users or not, and share our thoughts and experiences as we gain control once and for all.

Told my kids tonight about how evil cigarette companies are going into third world countries dishing out free cigs to get the very poor hooked - now how can I carry on paying money to these pigs to support that?

Join me if you want to and help me on my way.

Here's to tomorrow - I can't wait!

Good luck hun - I'm with you all the way - I also liked too much wine! Still do if i'm honest. I'm sure having found this forum it will be a life saver!!


nsd_user663_2232 profile image

Thanks Ana - not totally off the wine myself either but have cut right back from a bottle night to a couple of glasses or a can of cider. Let's keep each other going.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ah leave the wine for now (as in worrying about the quantity lol) x x

One step at a time x x x x

Good for you for taking the decision to quit.

As long as your willing to quit for yourself thats the main thing,

Excited is good :D

People forget quickly that you quit,


Reward yourself frequently,

rant and put on us all you need to.

Quitting smoking is often the first point of a real life laundry just be sure to take one step at a time and do not swamp yourself with too much at once.

Rest assured you are on the right road and doing a fantastic job x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2232 profile image

Thanks buffy - am an expert at ranting so brace yourself!

nsd_user663_2225 profile image

Hi Michele

A little wine is good for you, the same cannot be said for cigarrettes. I had realy bad neck spasm about 6 months ago and my works doctor suggested having a glass or too instead of painkillers! Probably the best advice I have ever had! :p

Pat yourself on the back for each day you get through without a cigarette - there are only benefits to be had - better health, skin, teeth etc & more money in your pocket to pamper yourself / family with!

Hope it all goes well on the Champix!

Take care


Day 11 on Champix, day 2 No smoking,

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ah consider myself fully braced ;)

Arghh necks :(

I suffer neck wise grrrrrrr

Pain, my doc gave me valium so can't be all bad :D

Lol I only actually ever took two~ish :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Welcome Michele!!! And congrats on making such a great decision.

You sound like you've made some really positive changes in your life recently, which is all good preparation for this!!! As it really does changes your life in more ways than one!!!

This forum is an excellent support tool for the quit and i'm sure you'll soon come to love visiting here and sharing the good times and the bad!!

nsd_user663_2232 profile image

Morning all and thanks for your messages of support. Took first Champix this mornng with lots of water - advice I had read on this forum a while back when making the decision to try it. No side effects so far and of course still puffing away today but already looking forward to my quit date.

Good luck to everyone else on this journey - we CAN and WILL succeed.

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

Morning Michele,

your first post sounded so determined and strong - you can do this! Well done on making this fantastic decision, you'll get so much support and help here. :) Everyone is welcoming, supportive and soooo understanding.

I haven't tried champix but I'm sure you'll be getting lots of helpful advice from some of the others on that one. My top tip for the day is write down the reasons why you're stopping. Keep a list with you. If you want to maybe post it here (there's a board for it). It's a really positive thing to have it all in writing, and very useful when your brain decides to forget all the reasons you stopped.

Hope it's going ok. Just remember how proud your boys are going to be of you, and how proud you can be of yourself.

H xx

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Welcome to the forum Michele,

I am really sorry to hear about your dad. I am currently going through the same. My dad is dying of lung and liver cancer brought on by drinking and smoking. He is still drinking and smoking and his health is deterioting more and more by the second. He has now been admitted to hospital because he is unable to look after himself. At least he's not smoking and drinking while he's in there.

Good luck with your quit! We're all behind you!


nsd_user663_1988 profile image

oh Barney when did that happen?

My dear uncle died of throat cancer and he used to neck whisky and smoked right to the end

god love him

I found out last night. He fell asleep on his sofa on Sunday night and woke up in the early hours of Monday morning and foud he couldn't get up. He has one of the pull alarm things in his flat incase anything happens. He gave the hospital the wrong number for me and so thats why I only found out last night. He called his local pub who called one of their staff who called my neighbour who told my last night.

He will be staying in hospital until they have arranged a carer for him who will pop in 3 times a day.

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Welcome MichelleH

Glad you have decided to quit, i am on day 83 with champix and feeling great. I hope it helps you as much as its helping me, have just reduced doseage down to 1 tablet a day. If you remember to eat when taking tablet you shouldnt suffer from the nausea if you do still suffer somebody on here recommended breaking tablet in half so you end up taking 4 1/2 tablets spread out over the day, there are plenty to look forward to like irregular sleep patterns, dodgy dreams, wind and bloating but you will feel much better trust me.

nsd_user663_2232 profile image

This site is fantastic - I can see it becomng my new addiction but really appreciate everyone's responses and advice so far. As for dodgy dreams well I had one last night (this was before starting the champix today mind you!) about one of my friend's losing a frog - she was distraught. Also dreamt I met Alex ferguson the night before - and I'm an Arsenal fan! Help - if this is what happens without Champix lord help me!

Big hugs go to Barney - can only imagine you and your dad's suffering right now. Like all the others my thoughts are with you and I am sure your Dad would want you to kick the evil weed so do it for him as well as yourself.

My Dad was the best and it still hurts that he is no longer with us but I look at his picture every day and know he will give me the strength to do this not just for my kids but for me - I am NOT going down the emphysemia route and thoroughly plan to be an outrageous disco dancing granny! The last couple of months I have been wheezing on a regular basis and this, as much as anything else, has spurred me on to quit. Power to us all!

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Big hugs go to Barney - can only imagine you and your dad's suffering right now. Like all the others my thoughts are with you and I am sure your Dad would want you to kick the evil weed so do it for him as well as yourself.

Hi Michele, Thanks for your support. Unfortunately my dad is a very selfish person he wouldn't give 2 tosses whether I gave up or not. I'm afraid that we don't have a very close relationship as his life has always revolved around drinking, smoking and himself. He doesn't know how to do anything else hence why he's carrying on and accelerating the process. Don't get me wrong I'll always love him, it's natural as he's my dad. I'm upset as it could of been so different. I'll feel at peace when he has passed.

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

I'm an Arsenal fan!

Good another Arsenal Fan

nsd_user663_2232 profile image

Hi shellfish - its tough being an Arsenal fan in manchester (may explain Fergie dream/nightmare) and my 8 year old has recently flirted with city (just about acceptable!) but is now sticking with his footie roots. We even have a dog called Thierry - now nicknamed Barca Boy!

Well after first day of Champix I can report no nausea, bit of a headache this afternoon (but could just be too long on PC for work), very thirsty all day (been drinking lots of water) and bizarrely the fags are already starting to taste less pleasurable (if that was ever the right word for them?!) - somehow more smokey. Interesting!

Read your post as well Barney and sorry to hear your Dad is the way he is (I mean selfish as well as suffering) - I hope you find your own personal peace and remember whatever he is like he still gave you life. I think he too will be more at peace when he passes. Another big hug at this horrid time.

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Hi shellfish - its tough being an Arsenal fan in manchester QUOTE]

MichelleH i didnt think many Manc Utd fans lived anywhere near manchester, i thought most of them lived in london

nsd_user663_2232 profile image

Yeah, when we lived there the pub was full of cockney reds. Now have discovered all the utd fans live in leafy Cheshire, real mancs support city!

Day 2 of champix and no ill effects apart from very tired - but that could just be my life as a far too busy working mum who has taken on too much freelance work!

Bad news last night - my dad in law has an anuerysm and also had triple heart bypass a couple of years ago. Since then he carried on smoking and eating too many cakes against doc's advice but finally quit the cigs about 6 months ago after developing angina.

Yesterday they measured his anuerysm which is apparently now at 6, the biggest it can get before blowing. So basically it could go at any time which is damn scary. There is a chance of operating to remove it but its in his lower back which is risky - 70% chance of pulling through op. He has to make the decision once they have checked out his heart to see if it is strong enough for op. Poor husband is in bits - said he'd rather not know anuerysm has reached 6 but sadly he does so now we're all worrying. What to do though? There's not much we can apart from enjoy life with dad in law to the full I reckon. Can't imagine how he must feel although he also has early onset alzheimers so maybe hasn;t taken it all in as we have.

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

:D YAY!!! Good choice and you can do it! Keep posting :D

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