About to Start Champix!: Hi All : ), Im 3... - No Smoking Day

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About to Start Champix!

nsd_user663_61518 profile image
19 Replies

Hi All : ),

Im 34 year old female, about to start Champex, i have been smoking for 15 years, anywhere from a half pack to a full pack a day. My husband used Champix about 4 years ago and quit just fine!

I'm terrified by all the nightmare stories of suicide and violent mood swings etc! and it worries me more, because i want this to be a surprise for my Hub, who is always on my back to quit. I have told a few select people in my life so they can give me support and keep an eye on me, to be safe.

i HOPE im not one of those people that react poorly, i can deal with headaches and throwing up etc, i cant deal with violent mood swings or more as i am a nanny and that wouldn't be good!

Wish me luck, i should be starting my first pill Tuesday/Wednesday Morning!

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nsd_user663_61518 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Fab you made the decision

Well done on deciding to quit, I am very early in my quit, and cannot say much about the method you choose, but really wonderful and lovely people so good luck read and post. You will get inspired to continue with your quit.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Hi there Jinx

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on deciding to quit. Your post sounds eerily like my first post, I too was nervous about the side effects and was wisely advised to take the tablets as prescribed and should there be anything at all that I was worried about to contact my cessation adviser/healthcare professional and discuss it with them. Have a read through the Champix threads and I'm sure you will find the answer to any question that you might have. I would suggest perhaps that you take on board that although this is a wonder drug, it still requires commitment and dogged determination from you as although they help, you will probably still get some withdrawl/quitting symptoms. I also always encourage everyone to embrace the quitting experience, revel in all the benefits and learn from all the negatives, this is one hell of a roller coaster but trust me, the destination is worth it ;)

nsd_user663_61518 profile image


Thanks so much for the super fast replies! im so glad i found an active forum! i have been reading a lot of others stories and journeys, and 'im SO excited to overcome and be smoke free! i was never ready before, never wanted to, but now its all i can think about doing!

nsd_user663_61518 profile image

Its just awesome that everyone is so supportive, and reading everyones words are making me feel better about possible side effects! I was very disappointed last night when i tried getting into the Dr, and wasnt able to. Now i've got to wait till Thursday, it's only another day or 2 but now that i have made my mind up and am excited to quit, 2 days feels like years! lol. will post on my first day, while i am waiting i am cutting down on my own, isnt to bad.

nsd_user663_61518 profile image

Great to see you here Jinx :D and congrats on a fabulous decision to leave this disgusting addiction behind.

I took Champix,it did the trick for me. ;) I had very few side effects,a bit nauseous at times and some technicolour dreams,but all good on the whole.My Doc said thin,anxious people tend to suffer worse side effects than more rounded,positive people-so if you are skinny and depressed,eat more and cheer up :D:D

Champix is a terrific tool to wrench the Nicdemon's tight grip from your soul,and the support of this forum and the people here,ought to rip the remains of his grasp away.:cool:

Hahahaha well im not a Thin Anxious Person, more an Average,happy,slightly sick minded person : )

nsd_user663_61527 profile image

First day champers,I hope I can kick it this time!!!!:-/

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Warm welcome Jinx and Nina. You've come to the right place, can't give you any advice on Champix but looking forward to hearing how you're getting on. We're all in it together here!

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Seconded :)

I will look forward to hearing how your respective journeys progress. This is a very supportive, very active forum with a big bunch of lovely people who will be with you every step of the way. :)

Good Fortune to you both :D

nsd_user663_61518 profile image

Started taking Champex Finally!

Got the pills Finally, and took my first one this morning! i super excited!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Excellent! Your off and running, will look forward to your posts as your quit progresses good luck! :)

nsd_user663_61518 profile image

Day 4 on champex

I havent posted past the Day one thread, cause im still smoking on the Champex until friday, so i haven't actually quit yet lol. Just wanted to say i started a little blog to help pass the time and maybe distract me as well as possible help someone else out. i have a comments sections as well : ) if anyone is interested to hear me ramble about here it is...


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I havent posted past the Day one thread, cause im still smoking on the Champex until friday, so i haven't actually quit yet lol. Just wanted to say i started a little blog to help pass the time and maybe distract me as well as possible help someone else out. i have a comments sections as well : ) if anyone is interested to hear me ramble about here it is...


That sounds like a good idea, distraction is the key in the early days :)

nsd_user663_61555 profile image

Hi and welcome great news on your quit!! There seems to be more and more of us newbies every day. Best of luck.

nsd_user663_61518 profile image

Getting closer...

Getting closer to my quit date, on Champex..last day to smoke is Friday and when i wake up Saturday im officially not smoking! (i hope) been reading the Book by Allen Carr its freaking amazing! the way he words everything, love it. I have been so excited to quit and anticipating it and now that the day is soon approaching im scared, and worried it wont happen, and ill let people down as well as myself! im sure these feelings are common, but non the less they still scare me. Bonus tho, the champex is making me sleep like a baby! i struggle during the day to stay awake, but at night im out cold! which is awesome for me, i never fall asleep fast, or for long. and the dreams have been Vivid but very pleasant! (no details needed hahaha)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Hi, JINX (:D), I see you've been taking Champix for a good few days now.......have you noticed a reduction in your cravings for fags yet? I used Champix and after just a few days I was craving less. It is brilliant stuff. Keep an eye on how you feel with it though.....I had some side effects when I'd gone up to the maximum dose, but reducing the dose sorted them out. Always take professional advice about it though..........your stop smoking advisor or nurse would be the person to talk to. :)

If you haven't already done so, read, read and re-read this forum....it'll give you the best insight into quitting that you could ever have and the support is absolutely brilliant!


nsd_user663_61518 profile image

I quit!

Well i was so anxious waiting for Friday Night to be my last night of smoking, i said forget it, and Last night (wednesday) before bed was my last smoke. I have been awake for about 3 hours this morning and yes i am thinking about smoking, yes i do have some pangs telling me to have one, that its okay cause its not my quit date yet anyhow..and i just keep telling myself, why? its super cold outside, i know it wont taste very good, and it will accomplish nothing, so don't do it!

Im actually super excited like a kid lol...hopefully that doesnt soon turn into snarky bitching and moaning lol.

I havent even started my Max dose yet tommorow is my first Day at 1mg morning then evening, ive already been told if the side effects are to much on the max dose i can cut the pill in half..( Canada doesnt have the option of .5 mg past the original first week) not sure why.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Oh brilliant Jinx!! :D I think starting a bit earlier than you originally intended is a great plan. Good for you for making such a positive start!

I wish you well for the days to come. If you keep that positive mind-set I reckon you're going to storm this thing. :)

nsd_user663_61518 profile image

Oh brilliant Jinx!! :D I think starting a bit earlier than you originally intended is a great plan. Good for you for making such a positive start!

I wish you well for the days to come. If you keep that positive mind-set I reckon you're going to storm this thing. :)

Thank you so much : ) Your words are encouraging, i appreciate them, and everyone who supports people on here.

nsd_user663_61518 profile image

That is great news. How has your first day been :)

Well i got up at 6am and its 130pm, so almost 8 hours, and im honestly not to bad, the champex is obviously helping, i tried to go cold turkey years ago when i found out i was preggo with my son, by the end of the day i was in the fetal position crying haha, so this seems to be going good, i feel good, and just have to keep ignoring my cravings! :D

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